Happy Birthday Derek

dereksm-300x225.jpgIt’s crazy to think that 14 years ago today I held you in my arms for the first time. It was crazy you were here at all. Mom and I thought we were done having babies. After all your brothers were already 13 and 14, and we were plenty happy to think that in just a few short years we would have the house, and each other, all to ourselves again. How foolish and selfish and shortsighted that was. What a blessing we would have missed.

When I think back on it, I wonder if much really would have changed. I mean people have babies all the time; people have unexpected, surprise babies all the time. We adapted. A little less sleep, a little more chaos, a lot more joy in the house. Your brothers love you so much. To see teenage boys dote over their little brother was such a joy. The smiles you have brought into our house was amazing, and needed.

I would have never dreamed as I held you on this day 14 years ago that there would be a far different day 11 months and 7 days later. You see that was the hardest day of my life. That is the day I stood in the ER in Concord Hospital and held your lifeless body in my arms for the last time. The most difficult thing I have ever done was gently placing that same body in a hospital bed and walking away, knowing is was the last time I would ever see you on this earth.

But thankfully that was not, is not, the end of the story.

You have another brother and two sisters that you haven’t met yet – Andrew David, who we named after you. Karalynn Joy and Amy Marie. They ask about you sometimes. They want to know who you were, what you did.

What you did? Now that is a big question, with a big answer.

What you did was change my life, and in the process open doors for many other people’s lives to change.

You made a difference.

You see when you died you woke me up. To the fact that I was was alive but not really living. I was content to go to work, come home and watch TV all night, go to bed and do it again. When you died mom was 5 months pregnant with Andrew, and your death took a lot out of us. We were tired, weak and broken. But the way our friends and family and church rallied around us was incredible. They showed us a love beyond words. They made a difference to two people who needed them desperately. The change in my life had begun.

You see your death opened my eyes to how short life could be, and for some how short it actually is.

fatdad-225x300.jpgI realized that if I did not change physically my life would be much shorter. The picture to the right is how you remember me. Overweight, clinically obese if truth be told, out of shape, except round, and unable to do much of anything physically. I am holding up ribbons for placing in a dessert and pie contest at the church picnic. I remember trying to participate in some games and thinking “Man, these kids are really fast.” In reality I just couldn’t move anymore. The same body that had lettered in three sports and served in the Army had been abused by food and lacked the ability to do any much in the way of physical activity. I remember even carrying you up the stairs to your bedroom would leave me out of breath. I realized that if something didn’t change, if I didn’t change, I would not be able to run around with your soon to be born brother like I did with your older brothers when they were younger. I was going to be one of those dads who wouldn’t play catch and throw a football because they can’t.

Your death started me down a path to better health, but it goes way beyond the physical. By the grace of God I have been allowed to impact other peoples lives using the vehicle of health and fitness. I am writing this from a hotel room in Phoenix AZ at the Activeight conference, where my professional peers and I get to come into community , co-create, and discover how together we can have an impact on this world. I would have never dreamed this, never mind actually be doing it, if the path of my life had been different.

family-300x225.jpgYou may be gone, but the end of your story has not been written, my son. I miss you terribly, especially on days like this. My heart aches around the holidays, because my entire family has never celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and never will. It hurts me to see the deep pain that mom still feels when she thinks about you. But there is good. There is a verse in the Bible that I had read many times, but I am not sure I ever really believed:

Romans 8:28 ”  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,  for those who are called according to his purpose.

Love God. All things. Good.

They say that time heals all wounds. That is a lie. What time does is help give perspective. The past 14 years have grown me beyond what I would have wanted. They have stretched your entire family. But they have also made me realize that I don’t have to understand all the “why’s” to know God is sovereign and He has a purpose for our lives – He had a purpose for your life. Because you lived and died, my life and the lives of many others have been changed forever. That is good.

Some people reading this may not understand this, but I have a confidence that I will see you again. There will be a day with no more tears, no more sadness, no more death.

I can’t wait for that day.

That will be the happiest day of all.

Happy Birthday Derek.

I love you,

John 11:25-26 “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,  and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”







Coach Adam’s Story

I told my story to a couple of classes last week, but I felt that there were others who were not able to attend that day who deserve to hear it as well. I realize there has been a large change at Get Fit and I am asking many of you to trust me in the same way you trusted Coach Erin. I realize that is a process and not something that happens overnight. So for those of you who already heard my story, this will probably be just reiteration for you.

coach adamSo, my story is this – at my largest point, I weighed close to 350lbs. I have included a picture because I am told it’s worth a thousand words. I ate awful, I didn’t exercise correctly, and I was just a mess. One day I decided to change. Now I know many of you may wonder what it was that caused that sudden lightbulb moment, and to be honest, I don’t know what it was. Just one day I woke up and everything snapped into focus. So I began my journey, no need to get into all that because I don’t need to write a book, but suffice it to say it wasn’t quick and it wasn’t easy. Now I weigh around 226lbs, I still have a ways to go, I still know there is work to be done, and I am not satisfied yet. Like I said, the picture is where you will really get the full idea of what it was like for me about 3 to 4 years ago.

Now onto the second part of that story, which happened just recently. I attended a Training for Warriors certification program in order to be able to use the TFW system. This program had as much or more to do with coaching as it did with sets and reps. During this training, I was asked to define my core values – the values that I myself live by, and what drives my passion in this field. That was very difficult for me. It’s very hard to try and peel back the layers of all those experiences and find that common denominator that ties it all together. So I didn’t write anything then, but I let it stew in the back of my mind until it hit me like a cement brick.

My passion comes from the things I missed out on growing up and in high school because of my weight. I love sports, love everything about them. I played soccer, hockey, baseball, and did Alpine racing as well in high school. However, I never really excelled, I barely made JV in soccer and baseball my sophomore year and was on the bench in both until I finally got the chance to show I was better than the others in front of me. I lost out on so many opportunities because I was so heavy. Even though I had a skill level that was better than a lot of people in front of me, I was never given the chance or couldn’t sustain it long enough to prove it. Now that I am in better shape and feel the huge difference, I can’t help but look back at what could have been if I had just had myself together. That is where my passion comes from, that is my core value, or at least my biggest one. It’s preparing myself and all of you so that you never have to look back and think “If I had just been in better shape I could have done _________ or ___________”. That is what drives me the most of all.
Now, and this is very important so please keep reading, I am not looking for a slow clap or a round of applause. The main reason I have not really said much of anything until now about this is because often I feel like it comes off as me talking about me. I don’t want that to be the way it comes off because it is about you. It’s about you the clients, not me. So please don’t take this as me patting myself on the back because that is not me at all.

However, I feel that with this new change, it is extremely important that I am transparent so that you understand where my words and writing comes from. You are the best, you deserve the best, and if you think my words are hollow, you will never follow them. So this is me showing that they are not hollow. I may only be 25 years old, but I still speak from a wealth of experience on this topic and that is important for you to know. So please put your faith in me and I will work my butt off to get you to where you want to be and never look back.

Thank you,
Coach Adam

7th Annual SkiErg World Sprints – Saturday November 7th!

skierg-worldsprintsWe’re about a week away from the 7th Annual SkiErg World Sprints!

Race 1000 meters November 6–8, 2015, and post your time to the Concept2 Online Logbook to compete for prizes.

The winners of each age group will receive custom engraved cowbells to help ring in the snow season. There will also be prizes for the top three times in each age group.

If we submit 20 or more individual results from Get Fit NH we will be entered in a raffle for a new SkiErg for your facility. A couple of years ago our own Karl Edelmann won that prize – this might be you year.

We are going to open the Concord and Epsom training gyms up from 8:00am to 9:30am on Saturday the 7th, and we want to get at least 20 of y’all into the books.

I had someone ask me this morning “What is a good time?” We talked a little about it, and she said “I don’t want to be embarassed”.

Look I get it. But I’ll tell you what I told her. “The only reason to be embarrassed is if you wanted to do it and didn’t because of what someone else will think. This is about YOU!”

Do me a favor and let us know you are coming by sending in the form below.

Coach Dean


Great Spotlights shining in!

becky3As if training isn’t challenging enough? Here is another success story from the one and only Becky Lovell. Becky trained right up until the day she delivered! I am talking this woman training every single training day. This woman did not miss a day of training her entire pregnancy – 9 months! Perfect attendance in itself is impressive- perfect attendance while pregnant? Now that is something worth sharing! I am so proud of Becky. She has been an inspiration to me since long before she was expecting. Becky prides herself on “keeping up with the boys” at 6:15 AM! She can definitely hold her own and then some. Her story is so awesome and I am so excited to see what happens next!

Here is her story!

“I started training at GFNH in 2010 to help maintain my 40lb loss and have become leaner and stronger over the last 5 years.  I have set and reached goals in and out of GFNH that I never would have dreamed possible.   One goal that I achieved in October 2014 was to run and finish the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC.  Ironically, if you had asked me 10 years ago if I would ever run a marathon, I would have laughed and thought you were crazy.   Last fall my husband, Garrett, began at GFNH and gave me a little friendly competition which helped me to set some new goals for 2015.

becky2This year I started out with my new goals, one of which was to get stronger, so I joined the small group training, Training for Warriors (TFW).   About a month into TFW training, I found out that I was pregnant.  I have always wanted to be a mom, so at 36 I was thrilled, but knew that I would have to make some modifications to my goals for 2015.  With my doctor’s approval I was able to continue with both GFNH and TFW.

Not much changed with my training in the beginning other than the addition of a heart rate monitor with instructions to stay out of the red training zone.   Yes, I was a little more tired, and I did have some nausea, but I began to notice on the days I made it to GFNH I would feel better and have fewer pregnancy symptoms.  Over the past few months, I have continued to train at both 6:15 and TFW in the afternoon.  Depending on the day and how I was feeling I have not always been able to train as hard as I would have liked.  One of the big lessons I have learned with my pregnancy is to listen to my body, and not be hard on myself if I physically couldn’t do some of the more advanced work I am used to doing.  The added pregnancy weight and my changing body with baby bump have made a lot of things much harder than before.  Yes, it has been frustrating to have to do some of the regressions, or even ask for modifications, but it would be more frustrating to not be at GFNH at all.

pregobeckOver the months I have only missed a couple of classes and my plan is to train right up to birth.  There have been plenty of days that I have not wanted to go to work, let alone walk through the doors of GFNH.  Those are the days I had to dig deep and know that I have friends who would look for me and wonder where I was.  Right, Stacey Haggett?  When I needed some motivation, I just look to some of the other people in my 6:15 or TFW classes.  I watched Sarah Smith make it to training everyday of her pregnancy at 6:15, and she is now working hard post-pregnancy.  Not to mention training at TFW with a pregnant Coach Meagan who has helped to push me to get better.  Both have been a source of inspiration. 

My due date is nearing, in fact I am 39 weeks, and still trying to train as hard as I can.  One goal I had during my pregnancy was to be able to do a chirpee at 9 months, crazy I know, but when you are handed a challenge by a fellow classmate… I was able to perform one at 8 months however I am sad to report that as of last week I could not get my chin over the bar.  I have spent the last 9 months training hard for a different kind of Marathon in mid-October, with a goal to maintain my strength and deliver a happy, healthy baby. 

Now it’s time to set some new post-baby goals for 2016!”

Pregnant or not- you can make it happen too! I am so proud of Becky and all of her accomplishments. Some of the accomplishments she is too humble to share are 2 Reach the Beach events, a lot of half marathons, maximum deadlift of 225 lbs, 6 unassisted chins, and so much more. This woman is strong. She is not afraid to pick up the heaviest weight in the gym and squat with it! You too can make it happen!

RTB 2013

Marine Corps Marathon 2014


RTB 2014


Indoor obstacle course 2015 (yes, she was pregnant here!)


A Note and Thank-You Coach Erin

erinbio3.jpgToday is your last day with Get Fit NH as a coach, and as you embark on the next chapter of your life I just wanted once again to publicly say thank-you and express my appreciation to you. You have been amazing this week staying the course and getting a ton of work done when many people would have mailed it in. You have continued to show your care and affection for our clients, who I know have done the same to you this week.

Our relationship has been complicated at times, but you have helped me grow as both a coach and leader. I think it is fair to say we have pushed each other harder than we wanted to be pushed at times, but it has made us better, and better is what this place is all about. Once again at this time we are both being pushed out of our comfort zones – you are embarking on a new career, and I, the rest of the team, and our awesome students are getting used to new faces in new places. I am confident we will experience growth once again.

I truly hope you will not be a total stranger. Boston Children’s is gaining a kind, caring, compassionate human being who will bring joy to people’s lives. Continue to seek to make impact wherever you go, the world is a better place because you are in it.

Make It Happen!


The spotlight is shining

loriI asked Lori to do a student spotlight, because her story is so easy to relate to and so awesome! I remember when Lori came to me just before our annual summer challenge this year. Lori was ready to take the reigns back on her health and fun fact about her? She NEVER turns down a good challenge. In fact, she embraces a challenge and takes off running with it, which is one of the many reasons I love being her coach. Not only did she smoke check our Sizzling Summer Slimdown challenge, but she didn’t stop there. We set a new long term goal which she has been successfully chipping away at. Here is Lori’s wh0le story. I think we can all relate to this story…

“I came to Get Fit NH September 6,2011 in rough shape! I watched and listened to my dear friend Colleen talk about the “bootcamp” she was going to in preparation for her wedding. I watched her body change and just before her wedding thought, Wow, she looks awesome! I wanted what she had. It sounded challenging and I thought  was I really up for that but knew something had to change.
I walked in that first day 4 years ago SO anxious I really wanted to walk out. I almost did not make it through that first training session. Remember distinctly Coach Erin asking me if I was OK. I hated they way I felt both physically and mentally. I did survive that first day and the next and the next. I set a goal after my free 2 weeks to drop 50lbs. And I almost did it, I was 3 lbs shy. I got very frustrated like always and fell back into old way. Gained some back. Then did S3 and was part of a great group of ladies and we won that challenge. Then again fell into old habits. Not really sure who I was fooling and it was mainly myself! I COULD NOT out train my bad nutrition . I was right back into the vicious cycle.
Once again I found myself hating how I felt both physically and mentally . I saw so many success stories happening all around me but I could not get out of my own way.
Get Fit is a great place and full of great resources. From the wonderful ladies I train with at 8:30 and great coaches and I was wasting it all. I was truly just going through the motions.
So, when S3 came around once again I was determined to completely change my mind set because I was not fooling anybody. It was so helpful to be part of Team Meagan. The support was incredible. Not only did I not want to let myself down , no way was I disappointing my team and coach.
Not going to lie. It’s not easy. It does not happen over night. It takes work .There is no magic. It takes knowing what works or doesn’t work for me.It takes knowing that I’m not the only one that has traveled down this road. It takes knowing I can ask for help and get it from any of the coaches. I’m so very appreciative of all of Coach Meagan’s support over the last 5 months .I’ve had a lot of life changes just recently and I’m still managing to stay on track. (Even needing to switch from my comfort zone of the 830 ladies to the 5 AM class).No more excuses. I feel the best I’ve felt in about 3 years. I am no longer falling asleep mid afternoon. My sugar addiction is under control. I feel stronger. I finally feel like a better me. With the best me still yet to come!”

We have been there, right? We have fallen off the wagon and tried to tell ourselves we would just train really really hard to burn off our sugar addiction, but it doesn’t work that way. Your coaches will tell you that and here is another awesome student telling you her experience. It’s true. You can take control. Lori did it and because of that she is reaping the benefits. It isn’t too late to take the reigns back. The results Lori has achieved in 5 months are do-able for you too! You just gotta make it happen!

Thank you, Lori for sharing your story and thank you for choosing to train with us!

Coach Meagan

Ski Erg World Sprints!

The 2015 Ski Erg World Sprints are just around the corner! Find out how you stack up against the World’s Best in a 1000 meter all out sprint – it’s gonna be awesome, so make your plans to join us at Get Fit NH Epsom or Get Fit NH Concord starting at 8:00am sharp! skierg-worldsprints

SkiErg World Sprints
Where: Get Fit NH Epsom or Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday Nov. 7, 2015
Time: 8:00 until we are done!

Training for Warriors Small Group Openings

TFW LOGO VECTOROur large group (Smart Group Training) is as popular as ever, and is arguably the best program of it’s type that can be found anywhere. We continue to work hard to bring you the most effective fat-loss training through this format, and are looking forward to continuing to do so for a long time to come. And while Smart Group helps you lose fat, get lean, and look and feel great, we can only load you up so far.

One of the great benefits of Training for Warriors (TFW) Small Group is the ability to get under the bar and up your horsepower. TFW is a more advanced training option for those students who are interested in tracking load, progressions, and results!

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]After taking an earlier Get Fit NH’s barbell training course, I found I wanted to do more of that type of training and to learn how to pickup bigger loads. So when ‘TFW Small Group’ training was offered I signed up. Now I enjoy two nights of training with my regular 5:30 group and two nights in one of the two TFW groups. The small group training is helping me focus on how to work up to heavier loads with more confident than I had before. As we come to our first TFW recovery week, I know I am stronger and look forward to see how I much more I can do in the next session. – Ronald Weilnau[/mk_blockquote]

Another advantage of Small Group is that it is, well, small! We keep the group to no more than 6 students at 4:15 and 5:30.  Keeping it small allows more personal attention from your coach and a laser focused environment.

TFW Small Group meets at Get Fit NH Concord on Monday and Thursdays at 4:15pm and 5:30pm, mirroring the times of our Smart Group Training. For training Tuesdays and Fridays you get to join back in with Smart Group – giving you the best of both worlds!

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]I am enjoying the TFW program! I started it a few months ago. I wasn’t sure at first but I wanted to try something outside of the regular training classes to “up my game” . I was looking to build more muscle and strength. I also wanted to challenge myself in a new way. What’s great is we are all still working at our levels but challenging ourselves to work with more weight each session. The class has also helped me gain better form overall which I see paying off in my regular trainings. My ability to hold squats properly, and longer and with weights has improved. I have broken my personal deadlifting weight …my top so far was 300 pounds. I am noticing that my clothes are bigger too and more inches have been lost. I am a hiker and this class is also improving my indivual leg strength which is needed to climb over the big rocks, etc. For anyone with big weight loss goals I would also recommend really working on building that muscle. I’ve lost about 100 pounds in 2 years and working with the weights has helped me get that definition back. I also love the information I learn about nutrition, the tidbits, the understanding and knowledge that Coach Dean has is amazing. Each time I go I pick up another nugget. And ladies don’t be afraid to lift heavy, it really helps the metabolism. And last but not least….it’s another boost in confidence. Just seeing how much you can do and improving on that each time is amazing. Try it! You have nothing to lose. – Cara Wiley[/mk_blockquote]

For current students the investment is only +$60 over your current contract, which is incredible for this specialized training.

We currently have 2-3 spots available, and there is no doubt that these spots will fill up FAST so if you want in – do not wait to apply! And if you on edge and cannot decide whether this is the right move for you then talk to your coach now!

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan