Powerful Words from Cara to You

The other day we got a great note from one of our Epsom superstars. Cara is a Get Fit NH celebrity. Her story is featured on our newest brochures, because she is an inspiration and a direct reflection of what happens when you put the tools we offer to work. I can’t possibly say enough good things about this woman. I can only hope that her note that I am sharing with you lights a fire under you so that you too can be as successful as she has been.

“Pre Get Fit NH I was a “modifier.”   I would be “on a diet” every Monday through Wednesday and then it was just a little of this and a little of that. By Friday all bad habits were back in full force…to start again on Monday. I tried counting points, plans online, my own plan, and no plan.  The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result….and never getting them of course.


Cara Before

My fitness was the last thing on the list. I was the last thing on the list. If I joined a gym…I did the minimum possible …then just left after a short workout.  I didn’t really try the hard things. They hurt.

When I walked into Get Fit NH July of 2013…it was my last hope.  I was not far from 300 pounds. Really.

The first few days were so so hard. I could barely walk I was so sore, but I made it through the 2 week trial.

I started at 2 days a week. Then moved to 4. The weight started coming off about 6 to 7 pounds per month to reach a 100 pound weight loss. I’ve reached so many other goals because of that first step.

I have learned it’s okay to struggle with the moves, to shake and that getting fit is not going to be pain free. You have to really want it and go past your comfort zone to create real change.

I was thinking this week about the word “modify”. If we have a fitness and a nutrition program, and we are constantly modifying (other than for medical reasons of course) the moves, or we take the easy level of the training, are we improving? If we modify our nutrition…where does that line begin and end? Eventually we modify so far it is even a program? I may not be the most popular girl in the room for that one but, it’s true.

We have our coaches and ourselves to push us along to the next levels.  I also have accountability partners both at Get Fit and at home that keep me in check.

So…What if….we just try that next level up in class even if it’s hard? What if we add 5 pounds more, or go to the next spot on the chart? What if we hold that position just another 5 seconds? Yes it does matter.

What if….we look at the food program again for the first, second or 20th time? What if we really do the shopping, planning, and packing of the food each day? What if we just ….DID it?


Cara Today

Our behaviors can take time to change but they can be changed.  We have patterns but new ones can take their place.

What if ….you couldn’t fail? – Cara”

Pretty powerful, huh? I really don’t need to say anything else about this. If you want to lose fat, build muscle, look and feel great, but you aren’t doing it then you will not get results you desire. We all struggle with something, but sometimes it’s all about getting out of your own way and putting what is important to you above the struggle.  What if you just tried and watched what happened?

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

The Heart of the Matter – The Indispensable 3

tfwshirtOne of my mentors, Coach Martin Rooney of Training for Warriors, talked about a challenge that so many of us have.

He calls it “The TFW Expendable 3”.

The Expendable 3 are the three things, that when we get “busy”, we tend to leave out, or make expendable.

Here they are:

  • Sleep
  • Diet (good food choices)
  • Exercise

I see it, I hear it all the time, and in fact if I don’t prioritize, I can even be susceptible to it.

“I’m busy, I don’t have time to exercise.”

“It’s so hard with my work schedule to eat right, I’m just too busy to prepare.”

“I can sleep when I die, I’m just too busy.”

“I’m busy, busy, busy.”

So sleep, diet and exercise become…expendable.

Facebook? That’s not expendable.

Game of Thrones? That’s not expendable.


The simple truth is that we are a product of our priorities. We just need to own that, and understand what our expendables are. I mean it’s not like you are not eating at all, right?  It’s not like you only have 160 hours in the week and the rest of us have 168. It’s not like you don’t want to go to bed because your mattress is stuffed with porcupine quills, is it? 🙂

Look, this isn’t a value judgement or a morality play.

You are not a bad person if you have donuts and coffee for breakfast every day. And you are not a good person if you eat free range eggs with organic tea.

You like to unwind in front of the television? I get it.

Don’t feel like going to the gym? Been there.

The point is not to eat bread and water, sleep on a stone tablet, and have a cot in the corner of the gym.

I just want you to think.

Do I really want to lose fat, get lean, and look and feel great?

Or would all those things be nice if they just “happened”?

Take a few minutes to really think about the difference between those two. Here’s the thing. One of those is going to take effort, sacrifice, and growth. The other will leave you where you are at right now. Again, this is not a value judgement, just reality. I do not like seeing people drive themselves nuts chasing after the next thing (Yes, you walking into Get Fit NH might just be your “next thing”) and not being successful. I have been there. It weighs on your very soul, and just drags you down. The great news is you do not have to let it, it’s really your choice.

Instead of the “Expendable 3”, how about if you made those same three things the “Indispensable 3”?

The Get Fit NH Indispensable 3

  •  7-9 hours of sleep
  • Eating choices that support health
  • 4 to 5 hours of exercise per week

Can you do that?

I can hear the murmuring already. Look, don’t tell me all the reasons you can’t do it. Spend that same effort on finding one small thing that you can do to make those a reality. It’s not going to happen overnight. What if it takes 3 years to achieve consistency in all those areas?

So what?

The time is going to pass anyway. You can be three years closer to your goals, or not. It’s really is up to you.

There is a new saying around here.

You Can Make A Wish or
You Can Make It Happen

One is easy, one is not.

One is a result of a fixed mindset, the other requires a growth mindset.

One leads to frustration, the other leads you to become the person you are meant to be.

Choose Wisely.

Coach Dean



Schedule Change May 21, 2015 – Rock N’ Race Night

rocknrace-300x130.jpgHey guys, just want to give you a heads up that the Get Fit NH Command Center has been in full swing and we have decided to get the full force of the family behind the Rock N’ Race to benefit the Payson Center for Cancer Care.

We are moving Thursday afternoon and evening classes in both locations to Wednesday, May 20th. There will be NO evening classes on Thursday. This affects:

4:00pm and 6:00pm Epsom

4:15, 5:30 and 6:45 Concord (Including TFW)

Wednesday evening will be the same training as Thursday morning, so please don’t come to both. I WILL kick you out! 🙂

We have some very personal reasons why we are taking this step that do not need to blasted all over the internet at this time, but if you have any questions please let me know.

Now that we have removed the potential conflict, will you join us? The Rock N’ Race is a perfect race for beginners and experienced alike. It’s a Run/Walk, there is music, fun and food all along the route – It really is a blast! It takes a lot to get me out on a run, so it’s gotta be good, right?

Don’t Delay. We need your help to have the best “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team ever.

Thanks for your help. Look forward to seeing you there!

Coach Dean




Runners, Bikers and Paddlers This Race is for You!

We are very excited to gather a team for a new and exhilarating race. We have decided to replace our annual Reach the Beach relay race for a more diverse race that includes more athletes, not just our runners! So paddlers, mountain bikers, and trail runners pay close attention!

On September 12, 2015 we will gather 9 athletes to travel by foot, bike, and kayak over 60 miles in way northern NH! That’s right from Pittsburg, NH to Colebrook, NH! This race is called North Country Endurance Challenge. This will be first come first serve so please let me know if you are interested and I will get you added to the roster.  nci2

Here is what North Country Endurance has to say about their challenge,  “Multi-sport racing like this is rare in North America; a point-to-point off-road course combining several legs of paddling, biking, and running is hard to weave together given the permitting hurdles and insurance climate unique to the U.S.A. To further complicate things, this is a course through the mountains meaning big ups/downs and remote trails! We’re fortunate to have such great partners to help make this happen. The community in the North Country is showing unprecedented support for this event, so we hope you enjoy the fruits of this relationship and make the most of this special racing opportunity in North Country.”

Here is the breakdown of each relay (also known as legs)- again come talk to me today and I will get your spot secured!

Leg 1:  Lake Paddling Distance: 3.9 milesnci

Leg 2: Trail Running Distance: 3.1 miles Ascent: 78 ft Decent: 266 ft

Leg 3: Lake Paddling Distance 4.7 miles

Leg 4: Mountain Biking Distance 9.3 miles Ascent: 886 ft Decent: 489 ft

Leg 5: Trail Running Distance: 7.1 miles Ascent: 1049 ft Decent: 470 ft

Leg 6: Mountain Biking Distance: 9 miles Ascent: 1355 ft Decent: 1837 ft

Leg 7: Mountain Biking Distance: 3.4 miles Ascent: 1207 ft Decent: 1430 ftnci3

Leg 8: Mountain Biking Distance: 13.5 miles Ascent: 1699 ft Decent: 1509 ft

Leg 9: Mountain Biking Distance: 9.5 miles Ascent: 909 ft Decent: 1142 ft

Which leg will be yours? If you’re looking to train for and tackle a great race with great people we have your ticket right here!

Make it Happen,

Coach Meagan

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown – V.I.P. Edition is Coming!


Summer is coming! Yes it is! I know you woke up to some snow and ice on your car this morning and you got on the computer and started looking at houses in Florida, but have no fear! The trusty weather app is showing 60’s in our near forecast so it must be true that sunshine is coming.

Every year we like to do a some type of transformation contest to roll into summer. This year we are calling our challenge Sizzling Summer Slimdown (S3) V.I.PWe always see some incredible results. It is pretty amazing what can be done when your working towards a deadline, working on a team, and your accountability is being even more challenged!

Start date: Monday May 4, 2015

Standby for a follow-up blog with more details and sign up information!

Whose ready to shed some body fat, look, and feel great? I am! So let’s make it happen,

Coach Meagan


Your Voice Is Still Being Heard

cappies2015Thank-you all for your support (and patience) as we have asked you to be active in supporting Get Fit NH through your vote! Spring has sprung, and with it many opportunities for you to let your voice be heard in support of many fantastic local businesses.

So far this spring we have asked you to support us in the “Best of…” awards, which you did with resounding success, as both Get Fit NH and Coach Nancy were recognized as “Best of the Best”.

Voting for the New Hampshire “A-List” continues through Sunday April 5, and we are asking for your support in categories of “Best Gym” and “Best Bootcamp”. You can vote through this Sunday by clicking here.

At the risk of voter fatigue, the Concord Cappies are also open, with voting starting April 1st. Will you please support us as “Best Gym/Fitness Center”? Your vote really does count, and we count on you to help us spread all that good Get Fit NH love! 🙂

Please vote for us and your other favorites in the Concord Cappies here.

Thank-you for taking the time and for your support!

Dean and the Get Fit NH Team


Student Spotlight earned after 6 weeks!

ginaThis student spotlight is extraordinary. Whether you have been training with us for a week or training with us for 6 years, this story will open your eyes to possibilities!

Gina has been training with us for about 6 weeks. She brings her best attitude to training each day and she has implemented Whole30  to get her the results she wants. Gina is the perfect example of a student who is not only taking advantage of the tools we offer, but also putting them into action. Gina did not waste anytime. She started Whole30 right away and has had some incredible progress in just 6 weeks. Here is what she has to say:

“I was very surprised when Coach Meagan asked me to share my experience so far at Get Fit NH. You see, I am the person the coach has to modify most exercises for. I’m the one you see trying to figure out what exercise I should be doing next. I’m the one whose team is waving at her from the other side of the gym as I do the wrong exercise. I always feel as if I am one step behind everyone else. But the great thing is I really don’t mind, and I really feel as if everyone there has my back.

I joined Get Fit NH at the end of February. I had been the caretaker for my Mom for the past four years and after she passed away in January I knew I needed to do something to fill the gap in my life and get me out of the house. I also wanted to do something healthy as well. I knew I had not taken the best care of myself over the years.  Though my mom was a petite person, I watched her struggle for the last four years with chronic heart failure, COPD, and diabetes. There’s nothing like spending weeks with your mom in the cardiac unit at Concord Hospital to scare the heck out of you.

I have tried many fitness/weight loss plans… I have tried vegetarianism, veganism, weight watchers and the most drastic one where I was medically supervised as I drank only liquid meals for six months. I lost a lot of weight with the later, but ended up having to have my gall bladder removed as a side effect of the diet.

I actually stumbled upon Get Fit NH. I was googling gyms in Concord and it popped up. I saw it had the two week trial period and I figured I had nothing to lose. The first two weeks were very challenging. I would come home after working out and ice my knees and take ibuprofen. Every muscle in my body was sore. Every morning I would tell my husband “I don’t think I can do this”. But I did and I drove through some pretty bad weather to get there. And anyone who knows me will agree that I am the biggest chicken when it comes to driving in bad weather. I knew Coach Meagan, Coach Erin and Coach Adam would be there and if they were showing up for me, I was going to show up for them.

Once I finished the two week trial period I sat down with Coach Meagan. She asked me what my goals were for the next year.  I stated I want to be healthier and I would be happy even if I lost only five pounds by years end. I agreed to commit to a year of training and to implement the Whole30.  I started the Whole30…no more sugar, dairy, breads, pasta, and worst of all no more diet Coke. The toughest part of the Whole30 was the first shopping trip to restock my pantry. After the initial shopping trip it got much easier. I had a few side effects as my body went through withdrawals from the sugars and caffeine. I had headaches and some stomach issues, but they resolved within two days.

In the six weeks that I have been training and implementing Whole30 I have lost about 14 pounds. My cholesterol level has dropped 30 points and I am feeling stronger. I notice little things, like I thought my dog was losing weight because he felt lighter when I would pick him up. He wasn’t losing weight, I was getting stronger. I sleep better, feel less bloated, and make better food choices.

I am so grateful I stumbled upon Get Fit NH. I look forward to coming to class not only to work out but because of the great people and support system that it provides.  If you are thinking of giving Get Fit NH a try, PLEASE do. If I can do this, anyone can!”

I never doubted that Gina could be successful. We set a goal together and she totally got after it and achieved it. There is no doubt in my mind that Gina will continue to earn great results. She is a go-getter and guess what? You can be too!

Make it Happen,

Coach Meagan



Another Field Trip to The Loft Coming Your Way

loft4Back by popular demand!

We had SO much fun at The Loft in Tilton a few weeks ago that we decided we HAD to go back for more! A few Saturday’s ago 43 of you guys came out and absolutely crushed this indoor obstacle course. It was so cool to watch some of you conquer your fears and step out of your comfort zone. The staff at The Loft is welcoming us back with open arms. They were pretty impressed with our crew!

On Saturday, April 25th we are headed back up to Tilton to give it another go. The first wave will go at 9 AM. All waves will be limited to 15 students, so don’t wait to secure your spot! We will continue to add waves as needed each hour. If you didn’t get a chance to go last time then make it a point to come hang out with us April 25th! The positive energy and encouragement will push you to try things you may have never thought possible!

Check out the pictures below from our last field trip and then sign up!

registernow.pngThe Loft Obstacle Adventure
When: Saturday April 25, 2015
Time: 1st wave begins at 9 AM
Where: The Loft 100 Autumn Drive Tilton, NH
Pay to Play: $15

loft13 loft loft2 loft3  loft5 loft6 loft7 loft8 loft10 loft11 loft12

We’ve Caught Two in the Spotlight!

The spotlight shines on Jennifer and Mary, a mother daughter duo from Epsom. Jennifer started training with us back in 2012 and convinced her daughter to give Get Fit NH a shot. Mary loved it and has been training with us since! We asked Jennifer and Mary to share with us what their experiences with Get Fit NH have been like.

Jennifer describes how she felt after her first two weeks with us, saying: “At the age of 67, I couldn’t run, I had no stamina, and I couldn’t do a squat or pull a band. That was an eye opener as I had been doing water aerobics for several years and thought that was at least keeping me somewhat fit. WRONG. Although the water aerobics did help in many ways, I was shocked at how little I could really do and how much I had slid backwards over time. I remember seriously asking Dean after one particularly hard training session (at least then it seemed really hard) ‘Am I too old for this?’ He laughed but said ‘Of course not!’”

Jennifer R 1After some convincing on her mother’s part, Mary hesitantly decided to give Get Fit NH a try. Mary explains why she was so hesitant, saying: “I have a degree in exercise physiology and spent many years as a personal trainer. I was nationally certified as a fitness instructor. It’s always been very important for me to see and help people get the most out of their exercise and to help them to do their exercises correctly. After years of coaching and watching people at a typical “gym” do exercise incorrectly and with no guidance, I gave up going to the gym. I found myself looking around and cringing with some of the exercises and even stretches that I saw. It was not a relaxing experience for me.”

Jennifer’s convincing worked, though, and Mary came in for a trial. Here’s what she said about her first experiences with Get Fit: “I was FLOORED. Finally. A place which practiced what they preached. A program which was exciting and different every day. Coaches that inspired and pushed others to levels they never even knew they could accomplish. I felt athletic again (and sore). I felt challenged. I have never been more comfortable and supported in such a unique environment. I learned that such a place did exist and everything my mom raved about was true. And more.”


Mary d copyAfter almost three years training with us, Jennifer is thrilled with her improvement: “I still have a long way to go, mind you, but I wouldn’t even recognize the person who started the program back then. When I think about it, I can see a woman who has lost close to 40 lbs., can move and be more agile than I can remember being since I was in my 30’s; has the stamina to complete so many exercises with the class and not be too lost (still can’t stand bear crawls, though); and is not afraid to reach for things that I still can’t quite do. I am not giving up!”


Mary explains that she is challenged at every class and loves sharing the experiences of training with her family: “It was a strange experience actually exercising with my mom. I don’t know that we had ever actually done that before. She challenges me and it’s great to feel my athletic side coming back and to see her athletic side coming forth. I don’t think she ever believed she was athletic and it has been so fun watching her discover it. She even challenges her grandkids to doing planks and pushups. My dad has joined the Concord facility as well. There are many times that we make it a family experience when we can work it into our schedule. My sister Jen even came to class with us once while she was visiting NH from NC. 4 Ruffing’s in one room? God bless the coaches there that day. :)”

Jennifer shares similar sentiment about training with her family: “My daughter and I try to train at the same times when possible and she is a great encouragement to me. When my husband saw how good we were doing, he decided to join as well. He loves the training and the harder, the better. Every once in a while all three of us are at the same class which certainly makes for a level of competition. It is good to have other family members who can talk with you and understand exactly what you are doing and compare notes. Mary inspires me to work harder and longer and to try to keep up with her.”

As for her overall experience, Jennifer says: “How much better could it get? I have taken extra classes like the ones from Erin specifically geared for those with shoulder issues, and another with hip issues. I have done the two cleanses which helped kick my weight loss really into gear. It seems someone is always watching to make sure you are doing things correctly and not hurting yourself. You also would be hard pressed to think of two duplicate training day programs. There is a plan in place to challenge you in different ways to build certain things or work on certain areas. All in all, I am very pleased with what Get Fit NH has done for me, and by extension, for my family. I stand taller, walk straighter, bend and move with a certain amount of my younger grace. What is not to like?”

Mary agrees, saying: “My overall experience has been more than I could have ever asked for. It’s been great to get connected back to my athletic roots, to see my parents be more fit and active than I have ever seen them, and to experience the top notch coaching and guidance that the whole Get Fit NH family provides. It’s one of the most positive places I have ever experienced.”

As one of the coaches who see Jennifer and Mary together, it makes me wish I was closer to my mom so I could train right along side her. What a great connection they have. They are a true inspiration to those around them.

Coach Nancy

Refuel.Recover.Repeat (Recovery Week Reminder)

poorrecoverycurvemed-640x387.pngJust a quick reminder that the week of March 30, 2015 is our next scheduled recovery week. This is part of your training plan at Get Fit NH, and is a critical factor in helping you get better, which is what it’s all about.

Take a few minutes to read about why we take recovery weeks by clicking here. No really, do it, I’ll wait.

So which one are you after, super-compensation or depletion? (You did read the article, right?)

Let’s get real here. We earn recovery weeks by putting forth maximum effort every time we walk through the doors for a set period of time, usually eight to twelve weeks. The evidence is in as shown in those students using BioForce HRV monitoring. Over the last 2 to 3 weeks we are seeing the effects of this phase of training, as indicated by lower HRV scores across the board. It’s time to get some rest from really hard training.

We are also doing a little experiment during this recovery week. We will have both training facilities open for a limited schedule next week.


Two purposes.

1) Recovery activities like foam rolling, mobility and flexibility work, breathing practice.

2) To allow those participating in the SkiErg world challenge to get some meters in. This comes with a huge caveat. It’s still recovery week, and you are not from Krypton, so you (yes you) need to recover. So here’s the deal. You can come in and ski, but only to a MAX HR of 80% or under. Your coach will be keeping an eye on you to make sure you are keeping this to a recovery activity, not all out effort. You got enough of that over this training phase.

Don’t like the rules? Then please don’t come in and ski. You hired me to coach you, so let me coach you. (Yes, I am a big meanie)

Ok, so now that we have that settled, here’s the schedule for next week. Feel free to use either gym, just remember it’s first come, first serve on the equipment, so play nice. 🙂

Epsom Recovery Week Hours

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Concord Recovery Week Hours

Monday and Wednesday: 3:00pm to 6:00pm

Thursday and Friday: 6:00am to 10:00am