The spotlight shines on Jennifer and Mary, a mother daughter duo from Epsom. Jennifer started training with us back in 2012 and convinced her daughter to give Get Fit NH a shot. Mary loved it and has been training with us since! We asked Jennifer and Mary to share with us what their experiences with Get Fit NH have been like.
Jennifer describes how she felt after her first two weeks with us, saying: “At the age of 67, I couldn’t run, I had no stamina, and I couldn’t do a squat or pull a band. That was an eye opener as I had been doing water aerobics for several years and thought that was at least keeping me somewhat fit. WRONG. Although the water aerobics did help in many ways, I was shocked at how little I could really do and how much I had slid backwards over time. I remember seriously asking Dean after one particularly hard training session (at least then it seemed really hard) ‘Am I too old for this?’ He laughed but said ‘Of course not!’”
After some convincing on her mother’s part, Mary hesitantly decided to give Get Fit NH a try. Mary explains why she was so hesitant, saying: “I have a degree in exercise physiology and spent many years as a personal trainer. I was nationally certified as a fitness instructor. It’s always been very important for me to see and help people get the most out of their exercise and to help them to do their exercises correctly. After years of coaching and watching people at a typical “gym” do exercise incorrectly and with no guidance, I gave up going to the gym. I found myself looking around and cringing with some of the exercises and even stretches that I saw. It was not a relaxing experience for me.”
Jennifer’s convincing worked, though, and Mary came in for a trial. Here’s what she said about her first experiences with Get Fit: “I was FLOORED. Finally. A place which practiced what they preached. A program which was exciting and different every day. Coaches that inspired and pushed others to levels they never even knew they could accomplish. I felt athletic again (and sore). I felt challenged. I have never been more comfortable and supported in such a unique environment. I learned that such a place did exist and everything my mom raved about was true. And more.”
After almost three years training with us, Jennifer is thrilled with her improvement: “I still have a long way to go, mind you, but I wouldn’t even recognize the person who started the program back then. When I think about it, I can see a woman who has lost close to 40 lbs., can move and be more agile than I can remember being since I was in my 30’s; has the stamina to complete so many exercises with the class and not be too lost (still can’t stand bear crawls, though); and is not afraid to reach for things that I still can’t quite do. I am not giving up!”
Mary explains that she is challenged at every class and loves sharing the experiences of training with her family: “It was a strange experience actually exercising with my mom. I don’t know that we had ever actually done that before. She challenges me and it’s great to feel my athletic side coming back and to see her athletic side coming forth. I don’t think she ever believed she was athletic and it has been so fun watching her discover it. She even challenges her grandkids to doing planks and pushups. My dad has joined the Concord facility as well. There are many times that we make it a family experience when we can work it into our schedule. My sister Jen even came to class with us once while she was visiting NH from NC. 4 Ruffing’s in one room? God bless the coaches there that day. :)”
Jennifer shares similar sentiment about training with her family: “My daughter and I try to train at the same times when possible and she is a great encouragement to me. When my husband saw how good we were doing, he decided to join as well. He loves the training and the harder, the better. Every once in a while all three of us are at the same class which certainly makes for a level of competition. It is good to have other family members who can talk with you and understand exactly what you are doing and compare notes. Mary inspires me to work harder and longer and to try to keep up with her.”
As for her overall experience, Jennifer says: “How much better could it get? I have taken extra classes like the ones from Erin specifically geared for those with shoulder issues, and another with hip issues. I have done the two cleanses which helped kick my weight loss really into gear. It seems someone is always watching to make sure you are doing things correctly and not hurting yourself. You also would be hard pressed to think of two duplicate training day programs. There is a plan in place to challenge you in different ways to build certain things or work on certain areas. All in all, I am very pleased with what Get Fit NH has done for me, and by extension, for my family. I stand taller, walk straighter, bend and move with a certain amount of my younger grace. What is not to like?”
Mary agrees, saying: “My overall experience has been more than I could have ever asked for. It’s been great to get connected back to my athletic roots, to see my parents be more fit and active than I have ever seen them, and to experience the top notch coaching and guidance that the whole Get Fit NH family provides. It’s one of the most positive places I have ever experienced.”
As one of the coaches who see Jennifer and Mary together, it makes me wish I was closer to my mom so I could train right along side her. What a great connection they have. They are a true inspiration to those around them.
Coach Nancy
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