Who is in the Spotlight?


This month’s student spotlight is going to Garrett Lovell. Garrett has an inspiring story and a dedicated heart to push on. I am so proud of how far he has come. Over the last three months I have had the honor to coach him and watch him change both physically and even mentally. His movement patterns have improved drastically and because of that his form has seriously improved. And because of his solid form he is now able to load a whole lot more. His results were earned, because he is dedicated to himself and committed to making a change. His wife, (almost) 5 year Get Fit veteran (Becky Lovell) keeps him on his toes and challenges him to lift something heavier each training session. This is what Garrett has to say:

“My wife, Becky, has been a member at Get Fit for over four years.  Knowing that I have struggled to find something I could stick to in order to maintain my “health” (ranging from Weight Watchers to that somewhat questionably “judgment-free zone” we all hear advertised), she had suggested and encouraged me to try Get Fit on multiple occasions.  I would regularly tell her that what I was doing was working ok for me (it wasn’t).  Sometimes I would say that I didn’t have the time or we didn’t have the extra money (I/we did).  Finally one morning I woke up and realized that I am 35 years old, I work for Under Armour, a company whose mission is to make athletes better, and here I was gaining weight, making poor eating choices, and probably in the worst shape I’ve ever been in.  By now I think Becky had given up on me ever considering trying Get Fit (which was largely validated by her reaction when I told her I wanted to try it), but I knew that she enjoyed the classes and had certainly achieved some great results and what I had been doing, or not doing, certainly wasn’t working.

It didn’t take long for me to realize how truly unhealthy I had let myself become.  My initial functional movement screening must have been somewhere between comical and soul-crushing for Coach Meagan to administer.  I quickly dubbed myself “Rainbow Bright” with the colorful collection of four limitation bands I had earned for myself.  That first week of classes was a real ego-bruiser, too.  Exercises that I had been able to do fairly easily a number of years back now seemed a lot like what I imagined were advanced CIA interrogation techniques.  When I filled out my questionnaire before starting my two week trial, I had rated my fitness level as a 2 out of 10 which in hind sight felt like I may have been giving myself a little too much credit.

Monday will mark my third month at Get Fit.  While I’m still not satisfied (and I admit that I’m one of those people that rarely is), I am pleased with the results I’ve been able to achieve with the support of my coaches, classmates, family, and friends.  I’m lifting heavier loads, have increased my flexibility, and have quite a few sweatshirts that are a lot looser fitting than I remembered them being last winter when I wore them last.

The coaching staff at Get Fit and the people in my most regularly attended 7:25am class time have been fantastic and frankly the sole reason I kept coming back at first.  They’ve been patient, supportive, and certainly not judgmental.  Now that I’ve started to see some progress and results (and friends, family, and co-workers have too), I have a whole new source of motivation.  I have a red band that I still have to test out of and I’m not fit enough to take up the mantle of Captain America yet (yes, you read that right, I’m 35 and I still want to be Captain America when I grow up), but I’m working on getting stronger and healthier and figure that I can make at least one of those two things happen in the near future.”

We look forward to the transformation. Whether that be to Get Fit NH’s very own Captain America or Garrett’s best version of himself- we’ll take either one with open arms 🙂

You too can make it happen!

Coach Meagan



High Performance Hips Is Back!

http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-pain-hips-image2506327The High Performance Hip Seminar is back by popular demand!  We had great success with the seminar
last year so you definitely don’t want to miss it.

Have you ever experienced hip, knee or low back pain?  Do you enjoy running?  Do you sit a lot during
the day?  If you answered yes to any of those questions then you can’t afford to miss the Hip Seminar.

Here is what Jennifer had to say about her experience at High Performance Hips

Hey Erin,

I just wanted  to let you know that your hip class was a success for an old lady like me!  Frank and I took our first trip on our new (used) Honda Goldwing to Augusta ME this weekend. This is the first motorcycle trip we have taken in 20 years? Anyway, my hip joints had no problems and even swinging my leg over to get on (quite an awkward sight lol!) Thank you!  That was 6+ hours on a motorcycle over the weekend.  And I even did some exercises in between just to be safe.  Wahoo!


You train hard but you also need to train smart and work on areas that may be holding you back from
optimal performance.  Hips can be that area for many people.

Mark your calendar for January 21st at 6pm to come learn how the hips affect other areas of your body.

Your hips are designed to move freely in multiple directions.  If they aren’t able to move properly then
the body will compensate for it.  If the hips are locked up then the mobility will come from the joint
above (low back) or the joint below (knees).  Your low back and your knees are not designed for this
stress which can cause injury.

How do you increase hip flexibility? Just stretch, right?  It is not that simple.  There are actually 9
flexibility factors that we need to address when looking to achieve optimal hip flexibility.  During the
High Performance Hip Seminar we will review those factors and work with you on exercises to increase
hip flexibility and decrease pain that may be caused by tight hips.  Please wear training clothes and be
prepared to move.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Coach Erin


High Performance Hips
Date: January 21, 2015
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Investment: $25

Healthy Fats PLUS Vitamin D – Winner!

so3d38We have discussed the importance of healthy fats many times, and particularly the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. I personally take a teaspoon of Super-Omega 3 from SFH daily, and many of our clients also enjoy the high quality and convenience of SO3.

Here’s a recap of why we use and recommend this particular fish oil:

  • More than 3200mg EPA+DHA  and 1000 IU Vitamin D3 in 1 tsp!
  • Each teaspoon delivers over 3200mg of EPA and DHA
  • Each teaspoon delivers 1000IU of Vitamin D3 (Cholecaliciferol)
  • Soy free, gluten free and sugar free
  • Five delicious flavors: orange, peppermint, lemon, vanilla and chocolate
  • All natural concentrated omega 3 oil
  • Liquid form to optimize absorption efficiently
  • Third party tested: our SO3 oil meets or exceeds CRN, GOED, IFOS, WHO and Prop 65 Standards.
  • Our product is prepared from sardines, herring and anchovies using molecular distillation making it possible to concentrate EPA and DHA.
  • Mercury free, no heavy metals, no toxins

SFH is now combining this superior quality product with Vitamin D (1000iu) in one convenient package, as well as increasing the size of the bottle to 8oz from the previous 6oz. That is 45 servings per bottle up from the previous 35.

With a retail price of $49.99 that is an amazing value. You would have to take 11 or 12 fish oil pills to get the same amount of EPA+DHA as you get in 1 TEASPOON of S03, and it would cost you a lot more.

HOWEVER, because we at Get Fit NH have always tried to bring you the best quality at the best value, we are carrying So3+D3 at a price of only $40 per 8 ounce bottle. This is a DECREASE per serving from the previous 6oz bottle. ($0.89 per serving vs $1.00)

You’re Welcome! 🙂

As always, check with your doctor before taking supplements, particularly if you are on any medications.

Make Healthy Happen!

Coach Dean




New Years at Noon!

happynewyear.jpgI know, I know.

Christmas isn’t even here yet, and we are already talking New Years?

Well we always preach planning and preparation around here, so I want you to PLAN on joining on New Year’s Day at 12:00pm sharp for our “New Years at Noon bring in 2015 with a bang all family training bonanza!”

How’s that for a mouthful? 🙂

We figure after a big night of celebrating we will all need a few extra hours of rest, and then a way to restore that needed energy. I know – let’ train!

Don’t forget the week of December 22nd is recovery week, and we are back at it Monday December 29th.

Keep Calm and Holiday On!

Recovery Week
December 22 to 26
Back on Monday the 29th

New Years at Noon
Get Fit NH Concord
Thursday January 1, 2015
12:00pm til the party is over!


Christmas Recovery Break Is Around the Corner

Just a quick reminder that Get Fit NH will be closed the week of Christmas for our annual “I need to recover from the holidays” break. 🙂

We will be back at it on Monday December 29th ready and strong to help you have your best year ever!

Our recovery weeks are what I would call Macro-Recovery. In other words we take a planned week off every training phase in order to let the body rest up from hard training and get ready for the next phase.

But did you know you can do even better than that? We have 15 athletes (yes that’s you!) in the Get Fit NH family who participate in our HRV monitoring program, which measures your systemic stress load on a daily basis, which allows us to fine-tune the recovery process on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You can catch up on that by clicking here

Read on why properly planned and adequate recovery is important for you!

The Recovery Curve

I saw the recovery curve for the first time during my time with Australian physical preparation coach Ian King. His principles laid the foundation for the way we program, train and especially recover here at Get Fit NH. The principles that work with professional athletes apply to us too!

The following illustrates a “good” recovery curve:

The green line represents what we are all looking for – continual, never ending progress over time. We are getting stronger, faster, thinner, better looking (ok at least that’s what I wish for).

Reality Check – ain’t gonna happen. The process of changing your body is not linear, in fact what we are looking at in an optimal training environment is more of a “One step back brings me Two steps forward”.

A closer look at the chart will help explain what I mean.

The red line represents Equilibrium. This is where your body wants to stay, no matter if your goal is losing fat, gaining lean, or both. As you have no doubt found out, forcing your body to change is hard work – really hard work. When you walk into Get Fit NH, our training is designed to elicit that change. But it’s not as simple as “working out” day after day after day. In fact as I am about to illustrate, training without proper recovery is actually hurting you, not making you better.

The blue line represents the “recovery curve”. Starting at the left hand of the chart all the lines intersect. For this illustration that point is where your first training occurred – you “worked out”.

But what’s going on?

Instead of performance going up, that line is actually heading down – this is what is called Depletion. If you think about it makes sense – you have worked hard, you are fatigued, your body is depleted of nutrients – you are spent!

Don’t worry, your body will get over it, if you treat it right! This is what we call Adaptation. Your body wants to be able to handle the increased demand that was placed on it, and starts the process of getting better.

You are in charge of if and how fast that happens. A few of the factors that influence this adaptation include Recovery Nutrition (read up!), stress levels, sleep habits, supportive nutrition, age, and training history.

The recovery curve continues with Supercompensation. Here is how Coach King describes this process:

“It is only when recovery is allowed that we see the super-compensation effect, the unique phenomenon where the bodies physical capacity is elevated in response to training, in anticipation of another exposure to the same stimulus.” – King, I, 1999/2000, Foundations of Physical Preparation

In other words your body has gotten better in response to your training, a new Equilibrium is established and this state  is when we will ideally train again. Our programming at Get Fit NH is carefully designed to give this the best chance of occurring, but as I hope you are discovering, you have a lot to do with this with how you treat your recovery!

As you can see, when things are clicking, this process when repeated over and over means you are getting better and better, the blue line is headed up – pretty cool!

The flip side to all this is what happens when the recovery process isn’t working so well.

This chart represents recovery gone “bad”:

When we continue to train in a state of “Depletion”, regardless of the reason,  the adaptation to supercompensation effect doesn’t occur, and instead of getting better, we find ourselves in a downward cycle. This can happen when we train the same muscle groups too soon, when we haven’t taken the steps described above to recover optimally (sleep and nutrition for instance) regardless of time between training, when we train too hard coming off an illness, etc. The last thing we want to happen is new equilibrium to be established in a downward pattern – not good.

The long and short of it is your body absolutely needs to recover from hard training. Consistently training in a fatigued state results in injury and illness. Your body is an amazing machine designed to put up with a lot, but it was also designed to need rest.

Which leads us to:


Recovery Weeks!

Face it – you can get beat up anywhere. Our responsibility at Get Fit NH  is to help you get better!

That includes recovery weeks. We have found that somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks of training is just about right to take a full week off and let your body recover.

That doesn’t mean that you spend your training time on the couch eating bon-bons, but if you insist on going down to PF and hitting the weights or running 10 miles every morning, your body will suffer in the long run, and perhaps even in the short term.

If you find yourself fighting this concept, ask yourself this – Is your unwillingness to take a week off a well reasoned decision based on what you know to be true, or is it that your attachment to training is so strong emotionally that makes it so hard? You will not lose all you have gained by taking the week off, I assure you! Again to quote Coach King, “…if you don’t (take time off)…most of you are going to lose it anyway!”

So now that we have established you are ready, willing and able to embrace recovery week, what do you do?

Glad you asked!

Three Steps for Successful Recovery

1.) Physical Rest and Regeneration

–        Our bodies must rest and recover to prevent over-training (or under-recovering) issues so that we can come back 100% healthy and energized for the next phase of the program

–        Focus on maintaining and/or increasing flexibility and tissue health by stretching and foam rolling daily. 15-30 minutes is fantastic!

–        Daily restorative walks are beneficial during this week. 30-60 minutes briskly walking (not jogging/running) will keep your body refreshed and active, without negating the purpose of this week. Don’t overdo it!

2.) Physiological and Psychological Rest and Regeneration

–        We must normalize key anabolic hormones, refill muscle glycogen, increase caloric intake, and prevent any diet induced catabolism (losses of lean body mass) so that we can enjoy greater fat loss for the next phase of the program

–        We have taken the road less traveled by being flexible eaters with a long-term approach to success and thus we will take a break from our aggressive fat loss nutrition plans. This is not a free for all, so stay away from your “trigger foods” (junk foods and sweets) that open the door to excessive calorie intake.

–        Instead plan (key word) and enjoy 2 or 3 controlled free meals to reward yourself for all of your hard work, but do not overdo it!

–        Caveat: If your nutrition habits have been less than optimal, more than likely none of this applies to you. Instead now is the time to plan and prepare to make the changes necessary to see the results you want. Spend some time with a coach and your Whole9 Nutrition Guide if you need help.

3.) Celebrate the Fruits of Your Labor

–        Take some time to reflect on how far you have come since you joined Get Fit NH in terms of improving your overall health, body composition, and performance

–        Enjoy your results!


We would just like to take the time to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your hard work and dedication to improving your health and fitness… keep Making It Happen!

Cara’s Christmas Gift

birthdaypresent-300x199.jpgThere is no greater gift we can receive from a student than a letter such as this one. Give yourself a gift and read it – the entire thing – and then ask yourself “What obstacles am I willing to overcome? This week, next week? Next year?”

Easy to do? That’s just not life, but you know that. I believe in you. I believe you can achieve anything that you want to, regardless of the obstacles in life, if you want it bad enough.


a little something for you and Dean:

” We think of gifts and giving this time of year. You and Dean have given me the best gift of all . The gift of health, fitness, confidence, nutrition, and tools…. and finding a new me. ( I used to think of it as finding the old me again…but now that person has changed!)  You have helped me learn to manage stress, helped me work on goals that tie into my entire life…that go way beyond the walls of the gym.

I have discovered that I enjoy helping to inspire others in their fitness quest as well and I hope I can continue to do that.

Now down just shy of 100 pounds in a year and half….down 5 clothing sizes..I feel lighter, move faster, I am one thousand percent stronger and have no pain.  This is a life changing transformation..and I am so thankful for the help and that you both do what you do daily.  How did this all happen?

There is one key….determination and consistency. I stick to it and it works. If I fall off I get back on. I visualize the next goal and see that happening. I partner with like minded people who are in charge of their fitness.

And here is the real deal….I’m just like everyone else. Nancy knows…I have an extremely high stress job that has gotten nearly intolerable in this part quarter and I work up to 80 hours a week.  I had a recent surgery and we worked with that. I have 2 girls that dance in 10 dance classes a week and a child applying for college…as well as one that moved across the country this year.  I am a legal guardian for my Dad.  This is real life and fitness still can be accomplished.

You still manage to kick my butt daily in the gym…by pushing me further and challenging me. My mind no longer has the barriers that were once there about what I am capable of. I have learned the core principles of how to shop, plan, and prepare meals that help my body rather than work against it. I understand how food can heal.

My family has a new Mom, new wife, daughter, etc. At each monthly sales  meeting my coworkers call me the incredible shrinking lady.

Some of my toughest critics have turned into my loudest cheerleaders.

This spring I ran my first 5K. I climbed a few   4000 foot mountains…things I could not have done even 1 year ago. I have more  goals for 2015.

And for anyone who is struggling…or just beginning. Take it one exercise even 10 seconds at a time. One meal. Pick a better snack. Check out the nutrition classes… All of the little things add up.  Push just that little bit more. You are worth it.

Happy Holidays to you all and to your staff….To Health , Happiness and for all you do to Make it Happen.” – Cara


Can you believe 2014 is coming to an end?

newlifeIt is hard to believe another year has come and gone.

Have you sat and reflected on your year?

  • What goals did you meet?
  • What were some of your accomplishments?
  • What goals didn’t you meet? And is it still a priority?

I am not a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I am a big fan of creating goal to stay accountable. Each year I come up with 3-5 goals that I want to accomplish that year. Here were some of mine for 2014:

  • Find a school to begin my small business management degree
  • Get my shoulder surgery and recover
  • Broaden my horizons in the kitchen

I spent some time reflecting this weekend and realized I kind of let my goals slip. I let life get in the way of some of the things that are important to being the best me I can be. Yes I got my shoulder surgery, yes I am on the mend, and thanks to this detox I have experimented much more in the kitchen than ever before. This week, after reflecting and realizing I let one of the most important goals slip, I applied to SNHU and start in January. So yes, I would say I met most of my goals, but I did procrastinate and here is why…

I had no plan. I knew that those were the three things I wanted to get done in 2014, but that was it. And now here I am half way through November and I am just “getting to my goals.” Which means for 11 months I put what I wanted for myself on that back burner…

So why am I sharing this with you? To remind you that you are in control. No one was going to apply to school for me, I needed to make that happen. Your coaches can email, call, text you until the cows come home, but if you don’t get in your car and drive here then we can’t help you take control of your goals. Stop putting your goals on the back burner. If you’re human, you have done that for long enough and it’s time to buckle down. No more excuses. Set goals, make a plan, and make moves

Make It Happen!

Coach Meagan

Coach Dean’s “Peppermint Mocha UMP-uccino”

coffee-300x225.jpgI have to admit I am sucker this time of year for the “Peppermint Mocha” and “Salted Caramel” cappuccino down at the ole’ coffee house. But even the “skinny” ones have too many calories for my liking, little to no nutritional value, and at $4 or $5 bucks a pop they are hard on the wallet too.

But all is not lost. Not only is the version below a lot less expensive, it is super-low in sugar and has about 20 grams of protein in there. Ultimate Muscle Protein makes a difference in this recipe, but you can try other proteins as well!


Peppermint Mocha UMP-uccino

1 Scoop Chocolate UMP
4 ounces of water
1 cup strong hot coffee
1 tbsp Sugar Free peppermint coffee syrup (I use Archer Farms brand)
1 tbsp heavy cream

Mix the water and scoop of chocolate UMP in your blender. This mixture should be thick. Add the hot coffee and sugar free peppermint syrup and gradually increase speed to high. After a few seconds the mixture should be creamy and frothy. Pour into your favorite (big) mug and drizzle with heavy cream. If you don’t like peppermint just leave it out, no problem. After it comes out of the blender I like to heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so until it is piping hot. Try it and I bet you don’t pay $5.00 down at the coffee shop anymore!

Coach Dean

P.S. Click Here to download Beverly International’s “12 Mugs Before Christmas”, and enjoy more great drink recipes with a protein packed punch!

Your December Calendar – Don’t Miss Out!

dec25.jpgThe Holidays can be a busy time of year, believe me I get it!

But we can’t shut down for a whole month and put our progress on hold (or even worse go in reverse) so we have some fantastic seminars, workshops and events planned to keep you moving forward and starting off the New Year right.

The fun starts this Wednesday December 3rd at 6:00pm at Get Fit NH Epsom with our monthly “Whole9” nutrition seminar. This is a great follow-up to the 21-Day Detox, and all first time attendees will receive a customized copy of the Whole9 Nutrition Guide. This is the ONLY way you can get your hands on a copy for the rest of the year, so don’t miss it.

Next Wednesday December 10th at 6:30pm we have the privilege of having Dr. Laura Jones of Whole Health Concord coming down to Get Fit NH Concord and talking about “The Missing Pieces to Weight Loss – Stress Reduction and Sleep”. We are thrilled that “Dr. Laura” is taking time out of her busy schedule this time of year to help us get better. Please invite your friends, family and co-workers and let’s tackle this important subject together.

Also this Wednesday is the DEADLINE to RSVP for our Christmas Brunch and Holiday Bash, which is Saturday December 13th at 10:00am at Get Fit NH Concord. Please Click Here for details and to RSVP.

Finally after the longest training phase of the year our next Recovery Week is December 22 to December 26, and we will be back at it on Monday the 29th.

Let’s Make It Happen all December long!

Event Calendar

Whole9 Nutrition Seminar
Get Fit NH Epsom
Wednesday December 3, 2014
6:00pm to 7:00pm

Dr. Laura Jones
The Missing Pieces to Weight Loss – Stress Reduction and Sleep
Get Fit NH Concord
Wednesday December 10, 2014
6:30pm to 8:00pm

Christmas Brunch and Holiday Bash
Get Fit NH Concord
Saturday December 13, 2014
10:00am to ????? 🙂

Recovery Week
December 22 to 26
Back on Monday the 29th

Give Thanks and Say Thanks!

thanksgiving-300x200.jpgI love Thanksgiving. From a relaxation standpoint I find it just about perfect. Now some of you think I am crazy, but I love cooking and preparing the meal for the day, so to me it IS relaxing. I used to let myself get pretty uptight about the “perfect meal”, but a little planning and prep tends to take the pressure off a bit – hint, hint!

Family, Food and Football – It doesn’t get much better than that. 🙂

I had the opportunity to meet author Jeffrey Gitomer in Charlotte back in August. Seriously cool (and funny) guy, and full of wisdom. In his Thanksgiving greeting he reminded us not to just be thankful, but to actually thank. As in thank people. Be thankful for someone, not just something, and tell them.

It got me to thinking, do we really pay attention to the people in our lives, and show and express gratitude for what they do, or we do we have more of a “they owe me” or “they get paid for it anyway” attitude?

I mean I know it’s the FedEx or UPS drivers job to deliver those packages, but I make it a habit of saying “thanks” anyway. A little decency goes a long way to a guy who gets at my house at 5:30pm after driving and delivering all day. Are we really so cynical that we don’t express gratitude just because he gets paid? You never know – you could be the best part of the cashier’s, or postal worker or even the lady at the DMV counter’s day. You can’t put a price on that.

There are so many people that we can thank, and what better time than now?

So Thank-You.

If you are reading this you are in some way, shape or form part of the Get Fit NH family. Thank-you.

To all the amazing students who train with us every day. Thank-you.

To the amazing team of coaches and staff we have at Get Fit NH; Nancy, Erin, Meagan, Stephanie, Noelani, and Adam. Thank-you.

To all our vendors who help equip and supply us. Thank-you.

To our mentors and coaches who help us get better every day. Thank-you.

For friends who have stuck by us in spite of crazy schedules and the tendency to lose touch. Thank-you.

To family, both here and extended. We put the “fun” in dysfunctional together. 🙂 Thank-you.

To the Creator, from whom all blessings truly flow, and by whose grace we exist and subsist. Thank-you.

When you gather around the table this Thanksgiving, will you join me in expressing gratefulness and gratitude for all that surround you? We don’t use the words “love” and “appreciate” enough, do we? As Jeffrey Gitomer says “Thanking other people for something makes them feel great – but it makes you feel better than great.”

Thanksgiving may be a date on the calendar, but it’s not a holiday. It’s an attitude, a discipline, a state of being. Life is just better with gratitude. When I get too into myself and think I have it bad, remembering gratitude is the best way to get me out of that funk.

So once again Thank-You for all you do and are.

I am grateful to be a part of your life.