Recovery Rules



Wait a second, is that Recovery Rules as in… “Yo Garth, recovery ruuuuuuulllllleeeeeessss dude!”

or as in

“Robert’s Rules of Recovery?” (If you are under 30 you may not get either reference, sorry…)

Actually it’s a little bit of both.

Recovery really does Rule, one way or the other, as in “If you don’t voluntarily take recovery time off your body will MAKE you take time off when it gets sick, tired and run down.”

But there are also Rules for Recovery, as in “What are some things  I can do to make sure my body is ready for the training cycle ahead?”

With apologies to Tyler Darden, here is the first rule of recovery.

No whining about taking recovery.

Here is the second rule of recovery.

No whining about taking recovery.

A properly managed training cycle insures you get adequate training stress and adequate recovery in order to make progress, which is why we write our training cycles the way we do.

August 25th through 29th is our next recovery week.

This is part of your training program, and is a necessary deload to keep you healthy and moving forward. Those who follow the training plan, including this part of it, are the ones who make the most progress. Those who ignore it are much more likely to get injured and not be at their best. I have seen it over and over again. Deload is a necessary part of the training cycle.  Take some time, read these articles, and remind yourself why. You’re welcome! 🙂

Recovery, Deload, and Getting Better

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

“I HATE Recovery Weeks!”

Minimum Effective Dose

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Last but not least you will want to note our schedule change for Monday September 1st, which is Labor Day. We are going to be having an “all family” training session at Get Fit NH Concord from 8:00am to 9:30am. This will be our only training time of the day, so come on in, get an incredible training session in, and then enjoy the day with your family and friends – you earned it!

That’s it for now guys.

You want it, you gotta Make It Happen!

Coach Dean


What Would You Do for $10 and a Great Cause?



On Friday Jenn Hittle started calling out the Get Fit NH family to do the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS Awareness, and you guys have responded big time. It’s been fun to see all the creative ways to dump ice and water over someone’s head!

You can read about how the Ice Bucket Challenge started here: and former BC center fielder Pete Frates story here:

While it’s a good thing to raise awareness, we wanted to use this opportunity to do some good “better”, so here’s what we decided to do.

For every  member of the Get Fit NH family who posts of video of themselves doing the ice bucket challenge on Facebook with the hashtags #GETFITNH and #BEATALS Get Fit NH will donate $10 to the ALS Association. For every tweet and retweet of those videos with those same hashtags we will donate $1, up to a total of $1000. I am thinking it might be a good time to invest in ice!

Alright team, whaddya say? Are you up for the ice bucket challenge? Nothing like having some fun and doing some good all at the same time!

I may be biased, but this is still my favorite one! Coach Nancy takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean and the Get Fit NH Team

Two More Whole9 Seminars Scheduled!

partner250We had a tremendous response for the first two, so we are putting two more on the calendar. Please take a note of the days and times and be there!

You can learn all about Whole9 by clicking here

Whole9 Nutrition Seminar 3
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2014
Time: 6:45pm to 7:45pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord

Whole9 Nutrition Seminar 4
Date: Saturday August 16, 2014
Time: 9:30am to 10:30am (then join us for Rock Climbing!)
Place: Get Fit NH Concord



Rock Climbing Day Trip Coming August 16th

rockclimb0081On Saturday August 16th at 11:00am we will be headed across the parking lot to Evolution Rock and Fitness. We reserved a time for Get Fit NH student’s to  learn how to climb and spend some time as a family.

Evolution Rock + Fitness provides the most modern and extensive climbing walls in northern New England. They have 16,000 square feet of climbing surface, there is something for everyone at all levels of ability, and they were kind enough to build the facility in our neighborhood – you’re welcome! 🙂 There is enough fun in this place for the whole family- make it a family fun day and bring your kids along!

Check out some of the pictures from our trip over there last year. We all had a great time (even Coach Dean, who kinda despises high things). If you have a fear of heights let’s conquer that fear together on August 16th.

The best part is we worked out a great price for you guys- just $20 will get you a climbing class, rentals, and the rest of the day to climb if you’d like. The climbing class will also teach and certify you how to belay. That means you could go to Evolution Rock and Fitness anytime and not have to pay the staff to belay you- score!

We went even further and worked out a membership discount with them. So if rock climbing is your sport or if you want to make rock climbing your sport, then ask us about the discount Evolution has offered our clients!


Student Spotlight – Deb Rosenthal

beforedebThe student spotlight this week goes to a very special student who has been training with us for 5 years- Deb Rosenthal! She shares her journey with Get Fit NH below. I have had the pleasure of working with Deb over the past (almost) 2 years and this woman is faithful. She makes it to training without question every single day. Her big turning point was during the 21 Day Detox. Deb embraced this challenge and it completely changed her. You will read below that she has dropped weight, body fat, pants sizes, and feels great. This woman has been non-stop since January. She gets her body fat read consistently and has dropped a tremendous amount of body fat. I am so proud of Deb for setting a great example and making it happen. Don’t forget to check out her before and after picture below- pretty awesome!

“When I first came to Get Fit NH Concord in 2009 I was overweight and sluggish. I had participated in boot camps in my native Dallas, TX where everything was bigger including me! I was looking for a training facility in Concord when I noticed on the back of a Rock n Race T-Shirt that Get Fit NH was a sponsor. It was perfect timing as Get Fit was starting in Concord. My initial goal was to lose body fat and get stronger both of which I have accomplished. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have tried all the common programs available to most people. I have been at Get Fit for over 5 years and have enjoyed every minute. I always knew Dean was on the right track about the way he and his family fueled their bodies, but I did not want to wrap my arms around his prescribed diet and give up certain foods. When Dean offered the 21 Day Detox this past January 2014, I agreed to give it a try and to this day I am still following the Detox daily regime. I have never felt so good and it is so much fun when people tell me how baggy my clothes are now. I love the energy I have at the 5 am class and throughout the day. I could not think of any other way I would want to start 4 days during the week other than at Get Fit NH. The Get Fit coaches really consider every client a part of their family and are very interested in helping each client reach their goals which is heartwarming to me.

Training at Get Fit NH has helped Deb lose inches, shed body fat and look and feel greatThe Get Fit NH Coaches not only care about their clients, but Get Fit NH gives back to the community with their fundraising weekend events. They are always encouraging me to challenge myself and push myself physically which is much appreciated. Coaches, thank you for all you do for us each and every day.  I am ready to embrace the Whole 9 Nutrition which will take my nutritional levels to the new heights!!  GET FIT NH ROCKS!!!!”

Deb now supports her faithful training with a solid nutrition plan. Since January Deb has lost almost 30 pounds and a total of 6.7% body fat. She is a solid example of how a our professional training program + nutrition + action=results! Keep making it happen, Deb!

Coach Meagan

Learning (Relearning?) to Eat

partner250About 129,000,000 results.

That’s the number of sites that “The Google” spit back at me when I typed in the word “diet”.

One Hundred Twenty Nine Million.

Is is any wonder confusion reigns when it comes to what we put in the hole under our nose?

The truth is that there is “no one size fits all diet plan” whereby we all have the lean, healthy, high performing body that we think is the answer to all our problems.

BUT (there is always a but)…

But there are principles of nutrition which apply broadly that if adopted lay the foundation for health, fitness, productivity and perhaps even longevity.

And that is where Whole9 comes in.

I am a big believer that you need to know why you are making certain food choices, or you won’t keep making those choices when it gets hard.

It’s not just a matter of of putting together a bunch of great recipes for a few weeks.

It’s about learning and applying the principles of nutrition, meal after meal, day after day that is going to make the difference over the long haul.

So run, don’t walk to one of our nutrition seminars this week.

This is not just another thing to “try”.

I have personally witnessed Coach Nancy read, study, and pretty much dissect the guide we are going to put in your hands. She has put dozens of hours into recipe preparation. But none of that matters to you unless you make it matter to you. (ponder that for awhile!)

We have continually worked hard to provide our clients the best that science and real world experience has to offer through our fitness practice.

We WANT you to succeed, to reach your goals, and achieve your best health.

Make an appointment to be there this Wednesday or Saturday, or both.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 1
Get Fit NH Epsom
Wednesday July 30th
6:00pm to 7:00pm

Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 2
Get Fit NH Concord
Saturday August 2nd
9:00am to 10:00am




Get Fit Games – Rocking The Results!

winnerWhat a great morning at Get Fit NH.

Not content to sleep in in a Saturday, we had a great crew show up and participate in the “Get Fit Games”, where we come in, have some fun, and confirm we are getting better.

By my count our athletes set 23 personal bests, 3 new overall top 3 scores, and 1 gym record. Not a bad mornings work!

Here’s the results of this mornings games.

Proud of you all!

Steven Meier
Personal Best:
Long Jump
1000m SkiErg

Alice DonnaSelva
New 2nd best overall ladies score
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Pushups, Bronze Level Achieved
Vertical Jump
Chinup, Bronze Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Rachel Maccini
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Silver Level Achieved
Inverted Row, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Long Jump
Front Plank, Bronze Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Susan Moseley
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Susan Moseley
Inverted Row, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Long Jump
Front Plank, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Cristy Bresson
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Silver Level Achieved
Inverted Row
Front Plank, Silver Level Achieved

Jayne Millerick
Personal Best:
Long Jump, Ladies gym record, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Ski Erg, 3rd overall Ladies score

Terry Reed and Darlene Drew were first time participants and ROCKED IT! Can’t wait to see what you do next time around!



Lift Like A Man?

2 Years Strong at 4I am currently reading a book called, “The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess” This book was written by some of the finest coaches in the industry, Lou Schuler, Cassandra Forsythe, and Alwyn Cosgrove. As I was reading the other night I found a quote that I want to share and build on.

“Your body’s goal is to reach stasis so it can stop making adaptations to the stresses you impose on it. Your goal is to keep imposing new stresses so your body keeps making adaptations”

Now despite the name of the book, this quote applies to anyone looking to get results. We talk about weight selection often. A lot of times you’ll hear your coaches remind you to pick up something heavy! Let me explain to you why we stress this so much.

I will start telling you some of the things we take into consideration when writing a training plan for you to get effective results:

  • Safety
  • Efficient and Effective exercise selection
  • Purposeful exercise selection
  • Purposeful timing sequences
  • Mastery
  • Exercise progressions for all fitness levels

If you have been training with us for some time then you probably know that we have specific strength days and specific metabolic day. Allow me to start with explaining what is happening in your body on those days. Stay with me here, this stuff is pretty cool!

Strength Days:

I won’t get all science geek on you, but I do want you to know why we do what do when we design your program, and also why we are so adamant you keep seeking to progress.

Strength days are designed impose a load great enough to your current muscles fibers to break them down and then build them back up better than they were. Your body is smart, and it WANTS to handle the loads you place upon it, whether that be a 40 pound dumbbell or 4 bags of groceries in each hand. Wouldn’t you rather have your husband ask YOU to open the pickle jar because he can’t? J

Let me give you an example of how I approach load selection (How much I am going to lift that day) with a specific exercise that we did last week.

Dumbbell Bench Press – If these are programmed into my upper body day then I am going to start by selecting 5 pounds more than what I KNOW I can lift. You see, if in my mind I already know I can press those 35 pounds dumbbells then my body definitely knows I can already do that. If I want to see a change in my body and my performance (which I do) then I need to try something more. My muscles already know I can do that. My body has adapted to that stress already. I need to create a new stress. I need to tear into those muscle fibers and allow them the opportunity to tear, recover/rebuild and grow. So how does that muscle get stronger?


I know you’ve heard us explain the importance of recovery – it’s in this stage of the process you actually get better, if you do it right.

Here’s what I mean. Let’s say on Monday I just did my dumbbell bench press. I am not going to do the same exercise on Tuesday and Wednesday. It takes most people a couple days to properly recover from the demand of a heavy strength day. In your training program we are conscience about tearing into the same muscle fibers two days in a row.

The recovery and repair process from strength training (and High Intensity Intervals) takes a lot of energy. After you kill it on the training floor you will continue to burn calories as your body tries to recover and rebuild those muscle fibers. Which means you’re still burning on Tuesday from your training session on Monday!

BUT- if you select a weight that your body already KNOWS it can perform then you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Quick side not for the Ladies – Believe me picking up heavy load WILL NOT make you bulky. That is a whole other blog in itself – but just know you do not have the testosterone in your body to create such results. Leaner, faster, stronger, healthier means kill it on your strength days – pick up something heavy!

Stay tuned for Part II – Making the Most of Metabolic Madness!

Until then keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

Rock Climbing Day Trip Coming August 16th

On Saturday August 16th at 11:00am we will be headed across the parking lot to Evolution Rock and Fitness. We reserved a time for Get Fit NH student’s to  learn how to climb and spend some time as a family.

Evolution Rock + Fitness provides the most modern and extensive climbing walls in northern New England. They have 16,000 square feet of climbing surface, there is something for everyone at all levels of ability, and they were kind enough to build the facility in our neighborhood – you’re welcome! 🙂 There is enough fun in this place for the whole family- make it a family fun day and bring your kids along!

Check out some of the pictures from our trip over there last year. We all had a great time (even Coach Dean, who kinda despises high things). If you have a fear of heights let’s conquer that fear together on August 16th.

The best part is we worked out a great price for you guys- just $20 will get you a climbing class, rentals, and the rest of the day to climb if you’d like. The climbing class will also teach and certify you how to belay. That means you could go to Evolution Rock and Fitness anytime and not have to pay the staff to belay you- score!

We went even further and worked out a membership discount with them. So if rock climbing is your sport or if you want to make rock climbing your sport, then ask us about the discount Evolution has offered our clients!




And the Student Spotlight Goes to…..

Patti Johnson!

Patti has been training with us for about a year and half and has made some incredible progress. One of the great things I love about Patti is her drive and motivation to achieve her goals. Here are some of the fantastic goals she has met since training with us:


  • Tested out of her red functional movement screen band
  • She absolutely rocks solid push-ups all the way to a tennis ball
  • Conquers the chin bar with her jumping OVERHAND chins- let me go further and give her extra props for staying after almost every single day to work on her chin ups. Now she absolutely destroys the chin bar and she STILL stays after to work on getting even better!
  • Tested out of her white functional movement screen band

These are only a handful of her achievements. Patti is dedicated to her goals and she is dedicated to herself.  I am so proud to be Patti’s coach. Here is what she has to say about her Get Fit NH experience so far.

When I first came to Get Fit NH I was simply pursuing a healthier lifestyle, but honestly I had no “fitness goals.” As I trained I became aware of my deficits through FMS then I decided to work towards getting out of my bands. As I became stronger I realized that I was in the best shape of my life. I think it was hard to have goals at first because I was unaware how “fit” I could be. Somewhere along the line I nixed my life long sugar addiction and during detox I said goodbye to coffee … I am still astounded when I peer into my fridge and see so many veggies staring at me … Nutritionally my diet is the complete opposite of what it was when I came to Get Fit … Now I eat like a weirdo 🙂
I stay at Get Fit because I cannot imagine training anywhere else. I feel like it is a big extended family whose support surrounds you and encourages you to be your best self on more than a physical level. The Get Fit family is a friendly, caring, encouraging, positive group that exemplifies excellence and integrity from the coaches to the clients. I cannot say enough about the coaches; challenging, encouraging and gently (mostly) pushing me to do things that only I doubt I can do. Their belief in me has really allowed me to see my potential and then train to reach it I have ditched both bands, can hold my own during chin variation training and am working on increasing the amount of push-ups I can complete. I am definitely in the best shape of my life and living the healthiest lifestyle all thanks to Get Fit NH.

Thank you


Patti has earned her results. She has been faithful to training and has made the necessary changes in her nutrition to meet her goals. I am so proud to be her coach!

Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

P.S.: If you have a win to celebrate please share it with us!