Butter Spray vs. Real Butter

kerry GoldRock Star Naomi recently posted this on the Six Week Sprint to Summer Facebook page. It was so good and so well explained and researched I wanted all of the Get Fit NH family to benefit from her work. I know you will be surprised by the conclusions she found.

“Excuse the long rant but I thought I’d share this. I was interested to know what was in this spray butter that we use (I stopped using it during the cleanse). As you know, it claims to be “0” Calorie and “0” Fat.

1.These are the ingredients in the “butter spray”: Water, Soybean Oil, Buttermilk, Salt, Soy Lecithin And Polyglycerol Esters Of Fatty Acids (Emulsifiers), Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate And Sodium Benzoate (To Preserve Freshness), Lactic Acid (Acidulant), Artificial Flavor, Colored With Beta Carotene (Source Of Vitamin A), Vitamin A Palmitate.

2. Ignore the long list of preservatives (some of which are potential carcinogens) and emulsifiers and focus on the second and third: soybean oil and buttermilk. It doesn’t take a food scientist to realize there is fat in both of those ingredients.

3. ConAgra (owner of the Parkay brand) confirmed “ There are .8 calories in 1 spray and 4.0 calories in 5 sprays. Fat content is .085grams in 1 spray, .4grams in 5 sprays” That means that in the entire bottle there are 813 total calories from 90 grams of fat.

4. Why it is they can list it as 0 calories? The FDA labeling law says that if there’s less than 1/2 gram of fat in a serving, a food can be labeled “Fat-Free.” The catch is, nobody regulates what the food companies refer to as a serving size.

5. Bottom line: A stick of butter has less calories (810) and the same amount of fat (91) than a bottle of this stuff. I’m stickin with natural oils: butter, ghee, peanut oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil. They are natural and contain no carcinogens.”

Based on the facts that Naomi dug up, what are you going to use in your kitchen?

Coach Nancy


A Work In Progress

hToday is the beginning of week 5 of our “Six Week Sprint to Summer”. It’s time to turn your second set of cards in.

Have you been perfect?


Well that’s a GOOD thing!

Because we are looking for progress, not perfection.

Coach Vince Gabriel put it this way “When you get half way up the mountain you can look at how far you have to go or you can focus on how far you have come.”

We humans can be such difficult creatures to get along with.

“I only lost 2 pounds of fat last month!!!” and frustration sets it.

I bet if you lose 24 pounds of fat this year you would be pretty happy about about it though. You will need a whole new wardrobe, and you know how much you love to shop.

Well you can’t lose the 24 without losing the 2.

So stop trying to be perfect all the time and be happy when you take that next step, when you make just a little more progress.

And if you haven’t started yet, what are you waiting for?

Progress not perfection.

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean


Secure Your Mask

hIf you’ve been on a plane, you’ve heard that famous safety announcement, preparing each passenger for potential danger.  When I was a teenager, a particular portion stood out to me:

In the event of a decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you…if you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.

I was shocked.  How selfish is that?!  My parents trained me well and taught me the value of putting others’ needs before my own.  I thought to myself, “I’d rather die trying to help everyone else than to put on my mask before them!”

It wasn’t until a few years later, when that announcement came to my attention again, that I realized the significance of that notion.  If I have a desire to help others, I must have the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength to do so.  I simply cannot sustain a 100% selfless lifestyle because eventually, I’m going to burn out.

The notion of sacrificing something to help another person is sometimes a good quality with great results, while other times, the risk is too high.  For example, let’s talk about what I like to call, “mom guilt.”  Moms are great and they work hard (as do dads, I know!), but what I’ve found in the fitness industry is the unfortunate occurrence of moms who put their children before them so much that they suffer for it.  I’m going to be blunt here.  If you really love your child and want the best for him/her, you absolutely must do what it takes to stay healthy.  The time you invest in your health is time invested in their well being.

I know it can be tough to find the time for “X,” but if you don’t make the time, you’ll lose your time.

It’s ok to care for yourself; don’t ever forget that you are worth it!

So I encourage you to secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.  It’s a win-win for both.

Make it Happen!
Coach Sarah

Thank-You for a Wonderful Morning!

bch2014044What a fantastic Saturday morning!

As usual the Get Fit NH family stepped up big time for our “Training for a Cause” this morning, and subsequently raised over $1100 dollars 🙂 for the Boston Children’s Hospital “Mighty Metabolites” in support of the Leung Family.

Howie, Colleen (and Kai) wanted to make sure you all know how thankful they were for your generosity and willingness to share both your time and money. You guys rock!

Wanted to share some photos from this morning’s event – it was a blast!

Recovery Week and July 4th Schedule Reminder

goodrecoverycurvemed-640x387“Train the athlete as much as necessary, not as much as possible” – Henk Kraaijenof

Good Morning Team!

Just wanted to give you a heads up on some goings on around here over the next couple weeks.

This Saturday June 14th we will be having a fundraiser to benefit Boston Children’s Hospital “Might Metabolites” and the Leung Family. You can read all about it here. We would be very grateful if you would share some of your time with us this Saturday!

June 23 – 27 is our next recovery week (Stifle all the moans and groans). This is part of your training program, and is a necessary deload to keep you healthy and moving forward. Those who follow the training plan, including this part of it, are the ones who make the most progress. Those who ignore it are much more likely to get injured and not be at their best. I have seen it over and over again. Deload is a necessary part of the training cycle.  Take some time, read these articles, and remind yourself why. You’re welcome! 🙂

Recovery, Deload, and Getting Better

“I HATE Recovery Weeks!”

Minimum Effective Dose

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

Last but not least you will want to note our schedule change for Friday July 4th. We are going to be having an “all family” training session at Get Fit NH Concord from 8:00am to 9:30am. This will be our only training time of the day, so come on in, get an incredible training session in, and then enjoy the day and weekend with your family.

That’s it for now guys.

You want it, you gotta Make It Happen!

Coach Dean


What Do You Expect?

What Do You Expect?

What Do You Expect?

The other day you should have seen a post about The Get Fit NH Difference. If you missed it check it out here. I started thinking more about how we are different and thought I’d let you in on what’s been stirring up inside my head.

  • I’m sure you already knew this, but we’re more than a gym membership. We’re a training facility with a purposeful training program written for all levels of athleticism. Expect to be held accountable. We will notice if you’re not here 🙂
  • When you walk in the door you should expect to be greeted with your name not “what’s your member number?”
  • You hired coaches to help you meet your goals. Expect to get what you asked for
  • We do not have members, we have students. The training floor is our classroom. Expect to learn and do not expect to always get it on the first try.

What I am trying to say is that we expect you to have high expectations and we want to exceed them!

We want you to be all in. What do I mean by that?

  • We want you to hit your goals
  • We want you to push yourself and accept a challenge. Whether that is on the training floor or in the kitchen.
  • We want you to fuel your body with nutritious food
  • We want you to keep learning. We offer seminars and workshops monthly to help you get even better.
  • We want you to measure success.  Get your body composition monitored regularly.

There is always room to improve. Your coaches don’t have it all figured out, you know?

I go to Coach Nancy’s nutrition seminars and I learn something new every time! Something helpful that I can apply to my routine. I train in the afternoon and guess what? I get coached and often challenged! We don’t have it all figured out. Each of your coaches has room to improve and so do you. We are all in this together to lose fat, build muscle, and feel better!

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

The Get Fit NH Difference

What makes Get Fit NH different? There are a bunch of training facilities in the Concord area, so why us?

We get this question a lot and it is important to us that you know and understand how we are different. As a coach I am passionate about educating my students about fitness and health and to warn against potentially harmful exercise practice.

“The Other Guys” Get Fit NH
Specific pre-designated load – for example 100 push-ups or front squats with 135lbs. Specific exercise for YOUR best load.
Little emphasis on form and quality. Form first, load second. Work on mastery.
Path of least resistance – for example creating momentum to complete more reps. Path of MOST resistance- make it heavy. Keep momentum out of it. Body control.
Minimum coaching standards. Expert coaching – high level certifications and/or college degrees.
High Risk Exercise – for example olympic/power lifts for high repetitions and speed. Focus on risk vs. reward benefit. Our primary goals are to help our students lose weight, build muscle, and feel good – not injure them so they are unable to train.
Highly competitive. We are a personal development company disguised as fitness. Our goal is to make YOU the best YOU can be.
Injury is accepted as “part of training”. Proactively work to screen for and prevent injury through our Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and Smart Group Training.


Allow me to go a little deeper…

Train SmarterOlympic and power lifts are not meant to be done in sets of 30 or for time. They are highly skilled movement patterns and are meant to be explosive and powerful over short periods of time with plenty of rest. Subjecting your muscles to extremely high stress repetitively is not always appropriate, and  can set you up for injury.

As I am sure many of you have noticed, we are form sticklers here at Get Fit NH. We take coaching very seriously and our entire staff hold several certifications. We are required to and also take pride in constantly continuing our education. Our number one rule is to keep you safe during your hour. If you get hurt that often means you will not be able to train and while you are not able to train you are not able to effectively work toward your goals. The Functional Movement Screen is our extra preventative measure to keep you safe and training hard.

Everything we do has a purpose! As one of our mentors Martin Rooney says, “We don’t do something for nothing.” There is a reason and functional translation behind everything we do. When programming your training we take into consideration what is called risk versus reward benefit. Is the risk of injury greater than the intended benefit of the exercise? That is yet another preventative measure we consider to keep you safe and training hard.

At Get Fit NH we do appreciate competitive nature, but we are more concerned with your competition within yourself. We want you to be the best you can be, not necessarily try and  keep up with the person next to you and risk getting hurt and having poor form.

I sincerely hope you found this blog informative and helpful. If you have questions about how we are different we would be more than happy to go into more detail with you. It is important to us that you know and understand the training you have committed to.

Make it Happen,

Coach Meagan

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

hDid you ever consider the usefulness of that mirror you have hanging on the bathroom wall?

I mean it has the potential to save us from some pretty big embarrassments! That big smudge on the side of your face, or the spinach stuck between your teeth.

But what if you ignore what you see?  Yup it’s there, but it’s no big deal, right?

I am sure we would all agree that to see a problem in the mirror and ignore it would be silly. And even worse? We don’t like what we see to the extent we actually throw the mirror away! Who would actually do that?

Well I am afraid you might.

Here is what I mean.

We are just finishing up the first couple weeks of our Six Week Sprint to Summer. You have diligently recorded the habits and added up the scorecard, and oops, you only scored 70% (or 65 or 50). Not what you wanted at all.

There are two primary reactions you can have to getting less than you wanted.

The first (which I recommend) is to evaluate where you did well, where your challenge points are, and look to get just 1% better next week. If you got 50%, get 51% next week. Short term or defeatist thinking (eg – I didn’t do well this week so I probably won’t next week) does you no good at all.

The second reaction is to throw away the mirror. That is exactly what you are doing when you stop recording your habits because you don’t like what you see. If you don’t record the habits, you don’t have to face reality. But putting a hammer through the mirror doesn’t fix your messy hair, now does it?

As long as you have breath you have the opportunity to get better.

Are you going to take it?

Or are you going to toss the mirror?

You are responsible for the choice.

Let us help.

Coach Dean



Summer Salads and Sides

gardenI love hot weather and the food associated with it. A bowl full of fresh picked veggies from the garden makes me smile. While salads are a summer food, you’ll find you bring the recipes from this workshop out all year round.

In “Six Week Sprint to Summer” we eat vegetables at every meal. The variety of veggies you can pack into a salad will delight the taste buds and keep your menu from getting boring.

Get Fit NH Epsom will host our “Summer Salads & Sides” workshop on June 4th from 6-7:30. I’m looking forward to spritzing up your menu with salads that make a meal and side dishes that make the plate tantalizing.

Summer Salads & Sides
Date: Wednesday June 4, 2014
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Place: Get Fit NH Epsom


To Buy or Not To Buy – That is the Question

veggiesThere are a lot of good reasons to choose locally grown, organic produce when possible. Those fruits and vegetables that have traveled the globe to get here usually are picked early and ripened through a chemical process. Others have to be treated so they do not spoil before reaching your grocer’s shelves. The perfectly round peaches, straight as an arrow carrots, or no blemishes on apples have to be heavily treated to avoid the pests or disease that like to eat them right before being picked.

Organic food is admittedly more expensive. If you want to maximize the good you do to your body while minimizing the cost, you could choose to purchase organic produce for the fruits and vegetables which tend to have the most pesticides in the United States. It is estimated that if a consumer avoids eating non-organically grown produce in the top 12 (“Dirty Dozen”) on this list, pesticide exposure can be reduced by up to 80%. This list was compiled by the Environmental Working Group.  Bear in mind that there are many fruits and vegetables that are not on this list — these were chosen because they are most commonly eaten.

EWG analyzed pesticide residue testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to come up with the rankings for these popular produce items. All foods are listed from worst to best.   (lower number =more pesticides)

  1. Apples
  2. Strawberries
  3. Grapes
  4. Celery
  5. Peaches
  6. Spinach
  7. Sweet Bell Peppers
  8. Nectarines – imported
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Cherry tomatoes
  11. Snap Peas – imported
  12. Potatoes
  13. Hot Peppers
  14. Blueberries – domestic
  15. Lettuce
  16. Kale/ Collard Greens
  17. Plums
  18. Cherries
  19. Nectarines – domestic
  20. Pears
  21. Tangerines
  22. Carrots
  23. Blueberries – imported
  24. Green Beans
  25. Winter Squash
  26. Summer Squash
  27. Raspberries
  28. Broccoli
  29. Snap Peas – Domestic
  30. Green onions
  31. Oranges
  32. Bananas
  33. Tomatoes
  34. Watermelon
  35. Honeydew Melons
  36. Mushrooms
  37. Sweet Potatoes
  38. Cauliflower
  39. Cantaloupe
  40. Grapefruit
  41. Eggplant
  42. Kiwi
  43. Papayas
  44. Mangoes
  45. Asparagus
  46. Onions
  47. Sweet Peas – frozen
  48. Cabbage
  49. Pineapples
  50. Sweet Corn
  51. Avocados

If cost is a concern as you start your change to healthy eating and living. Use this list. If you purchase any items from the top of the list, pick these from the organic section of your store. Better yet support your local Farmer’s markets and buy fresh right from the source. You can talk to the farmer who grew your fruits and veggies for all the information about their products. Many of these farmers will gladly help you buy the best for your family’s needs.

To your best health,

Coach Nancy