Summer Salads and Sides

gardenI love hot weather and the food associated with it. A bowl full of fresh picked veggies from the garden makes me smile. While salads are a summer food, you’ll find you bring the recipes from this workshop out all year round.

In “Six Week Sprint to Summer” we eat vegetables at every meal. The variety of veggies you can pack into a salad will delight the taste buds and keep your menu from getting boring.

Get Fit NH Epsom will host our “Summer Salads & Sides” workshop on June 4th from 6-7:30. I’m looking forward to spritzing up your menu with salads that make a meal and side dishes that make the plate tantalizing.

Summer Salads & Sides
Date: Wednesday June 4, 2014
Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Place: Get Fit NH Epsom


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