Mirror Mirror on the Wall

hDid you ever consider the usefulness of that mirror you have hanging on the bathroom wall?

I mean it has the potential to save us from some pretty big embarrassments! That big smudge on the side of your face, or the spinach stuck between your teeth.

But what if you ignore what you see?  Yup it’s there, but it’s no big deal, right?

I am sure we would all agree that to see a problem in the mirror and ignore it would be silly. And even worse? We don’t like what we see to the extent we actually throw the mirror away! Who would actually do that?

Well I am afraid you might.

Here is what I mean.

We are just finishing up the first couple weeks of our Six Week Sprint to Summer. You have diligently recorded the habits and added up the scorecard, and oops, you only scored 70% (or 65 or 50). Not what you wanted at all.

There are two primary reactions you can have to getting less than you wanted.

The first (which I recommend) is to evaluate where you did well, where your challenge points are, and look to get just 1% better next week. If you got 50%, get 51% next week. Short term or defeatist thinking (eg – I didn’t do well this week so I probably won’t next week) does you no good at all.

The second reaction is to throw away the mirror. That is exactly what you are doing when you stop recording your habits because you don’t like what you see. If you don’t record the habits, you don’t have to face reality. But putting a hammer through the mirror doesn’t fix your messy hair, now does it?

As long as you have breath you have the opportunity to get better.

Are you going to take it?

Or are you going to toss the mirror?

You are responsible for the choice.

Let us help.

Coach Dean



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