Thank-You Esther, Welcome Tiffany

photoThere is a lot to making Get Fit NH run smoothly and make sure we give our Get Fit Family the service and experience you deserve.

One of the people who has made the world go round for us is Esther Phillips, our office admin. She has helped us work through our systems and continue to improve, and she has taken a big load in that regard off Nancy and my plate.

Esther has decided to pursue another course with her life, as one of her burdens has always been helping foster and at-risk families and children. We wish her well, and are grateful for the time and work she has put in.

We are pleased to announce that we have hired Tiffany Hebert as our new admin. When you receive correspondence from the office, that will be Tiffany. She will be taking care of billing, contracts, receipts that you may need – all that kind of “stuff”. 🙂 Esther was kind enough to spend a couple weeks helping us get Tiffany on board with our systems, for which we are also grateful.

So please join me in welcoming Tiffany to the team. You may not see her as much, but I assure you her work is crucial to what you do see going on at Get Fit NH!

You can reach Tiffany at this email: office(at)

As always, thank-you for choosing to train with us, it is never taken for granted!

Coach Dean

Better Body Workshop: High Performance Hips

hI have a few questions for you:

  • Do you enjoy running?
  • Do you sit a lot during the day?
  • Have you ever had knee issues?
  • Have you ever had low back pain?
  • Have you ever had hip issues?
  • Do you know someone who does?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you (and that someone) need to make an appointment to be at our Healthy Hips Clinic on Wednesday, March 19th.

Your hip is an amazing joint. It (they) is designed to move freely and in just about every direction.

But what if they aren’t all that mobile and “loose”?

The human body is great at compensating, and it going to find a way to move. If the hips are locked up, your body will get the mobility from the joint above (low back) or below (knees) the hips.  This can lead to injury, and that could be the reason your back and knees are aching.

How do you increase hip flexibility?  Just stretch, right?  It is not that simple!  There are actually 9 flexibility factors that we need to address when looking to achieve optimal hip flexibility.  In our Healthy Hips Clinic we will review those factors and work with you on exercises to increase hip flexibility and decrease pain that may have resulted from tight hips. You will want to wear training clothes and be prepared to move.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Coach Erin

Take Action Bonus: Register and submit payment by Wed. March 12th and take $10 off..

High Performance Hips
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Wednesday March 19th
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Investment: $25 ($35 after March 12th)

This workshop is open to the public.

Get Fit Games Are Coming

plankGet Fit Games are back again!

It’s time to set some new records and see what we can do!

We promised that we would do this once a quarter and we are staying true to our word so come out on March 15th and let’s see what you can do.

This is a fabulous way to track your progress.

  • If you participated in previous Get Fit Games we highly encourage you to come back and break your personal record.
  • If you have never participated, we encourage you to get in on the fun and set your personal record.

Make sure you check out the record boards in both gyms and see what you are shooting for – we hope to see your name up there soon.

Don’t worry if you aren’t currently able to compete in the overall, just come do the events you can.

We do ask that you please do not sign up if you aren’t 100% sure you can be there, as space is limited to 25 (and it only costs 2 hours of your time!)

Looking forward to it!

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday March 15th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!

Do you want to be 21 again?

31_Again-3D_Cover“The healthy life:  It’s not just about losing the weight; it’s about losing the lifestyle and the mindset that got you there.” – Dr. Steve Marboli

Jenn from 5:00am Concord recently sent me that quote. If you know Jenn’s story, you know you should pay attention.

That quote sums up perfectly “21 Again – PPW for Life”.

“21 Again” is the next phase of the 21-Day Detox Challenge. On March 5th we will introduce this new program and help you understand more what food can do to help or hinder your health.

Not sure if “21 Again” is for you?

Ask yourself this:

  • Do I need help planning your menu, knowing what foods to add back into your day and when?
  • Do I need accountability, new recipes, a support group?
  • Do I need help on how to best shop for those foods, where to find them, and being cost effective?

Those key questions will all be addressed in “21 Again”.

And if you didn’t do the 21 Day Detox Challenge, can you still be “21 Again”?

Yep, you’ll be able to join in right where everyone else is.

Our main goal for March 5th is to have each person walk out of the room with a week’s meal plan all done by you. I’ll teach you how to easily make a plan, adjust it, and keep it moving forward to the next week.

This seminar if free and open to the public, so invite your friends, co-workers and family members.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

21 Again Intro Seminar
Date: Wednesday March 5th, 2014
Time: 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord



I Dare you to Discover and Share your Why

Why?What is your why?

Today I want to make you think a little bit. I want you to think about why you walked into Get Fit NH. Where did you find us? Who told you about us? What sparked you to finally put your foot down and register for that two week trial? How did you know Get Fit NH was the perfect fit for you? Why did you adopt Get Fit NH into your life?

Do you know the answers to those questions?

Maybe some of them, but I want you to dig deep here. Maybe you have grandchildren who you want to watch grow up and get married and maybe even have great grandchildren. Maybe you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on medications that can be cured with a little discipline in the kitchen and in the gym. Maybe you wanted a challenge…but why? Maybe you wanted to get stronger…but why?

If your why is big enough nothing will stand in your way.  This week I challenge you to declare your why and post it in a place where you will see it every day.

 Also share your “Why?” below – The power of team and accountability is huge!

I’ll go first: I train to be a strong which gives me my independence. I train to be lean which saves me money on Dr. visits. I train to feel confident and to feel self worth. I train to set the example for my family. I train to live.

-Coach Meagan

21-Day Detox Challenge – You Done Good!

21_day_coverWe can’t express adequately how excited we are to see, hear and read the amazing results from the 21-Day Detox Challenge. Pounds melting away, clothes fitting looser, and people just feeling great.

That was worth 21 days of effort, wouldn’t you say?

Before we announce the winners, I just wanted to give some highlights of what a few of you had to say about your experience eating the “21-Day Detox Way”. We are not claiming this is a miracle or the answer to all your nutrition and health problems, but based on these comments it sure made an impact for some people, and we are glad it did.

“My husband Paul and I participated in the 21 day detox and LOVED IT! I believe I already let you know how life-changing it’s been, We are still following it perfectly with no urges or cravings to reintroduce anything at this time. I received a call from my Lupus/rheumatoid doc and had to share the news with you. My inflammation markers in my labs, ALL of them, have not been this low since 2004!” – Mary C.

“Better sleep, clothes def fit better. Really enjoyed eating more veggies and just generally felt “cleaner” in eating…also, facial skin tone really improved and cellulite looks less…maybe my imagination, but it looks that way to me.  Hair also seems a little more healthy.” – Susan L.

“I became very mellow and experienced better sleep and more energy.  Workouts were better and clothes got a bit looser.  (I think I lost 10 pounds!)  The food was good and I even got my husband to eat dinners that I prepared.  I learned a lot about the foods I hadn’t eaten before – mostly the non-sugar condiments and the non-gluten flours, etc.  Although I’ve had celiac disease for several years, I wasn’t experimenting with the alternative flours and oils, so that was very helpful.” – Maura C.

“Lost 10 lbs. I see increased muscle definition. Slept well & had good energy. Found out I love green tea! 3-1/2 weeks later & don’t miss the coffee.” – Dennis M.

And these are just a few of dozens of great “Detox Reflections”. If you have not sent yours in yet we would love to hear it!

Hang in there and keep reading, the winners will be announced soon (no cheating by scrolling down).

I know we said weight loss on this plan was a happy side effect, but it was a pretty BIG side effect.

We had 149 people that weighed in at both the beginning and end of the challenge.

Those 149 amazing people lost 1083.6 pounds, for an average of 7.27 pounds each…that is over half a ton!

Not bad for 21 days work, eh? 🙂

To remind you we are awarding 2 prize packages.

  • Total Pounds Lost
  • Highest Percentage of Weigh Lost

Once again we want to thank our sponsors:

  • Diane Bottcher from Ahhscentials: All natural body and skin care selections.
  • Christen Scanlon from Peace & Balance Body Therapies: 60 minute massage, Signature facial and scalp treatment
  • Sonia Cormier from Thirty-One: One Thermal Tote and One Deluxe Duffel

So with no further adieu…

The winners are…

With a Total Pounds lost of  19.6 – Sue Brouillet

and with a Total Percentage lost of 8.19% – Peggy Crisman

Just an incredible job by these two ladies! Please congratulate them when you see them.

And here’s something else to think about.

Over the last 21 Days.

  • Did you learn something?
  • Did you try something new?
  • Did you discover something about yourself?
  • Did you start to believe that looking and feeling great is possible?

If any of those things are true, and I am confident they are, then you need to be congratulated on a win too. It’s about getting a little better, every day, and that’s what you did.

We appreciate you all for working so hard to make yourself better. At Get Fit NH we are committed to helping you keep the momentum going, so stay tuned – there is more coming!

Keep Making It Happen.

The Get Fit NH Health Team



Reach the Beach is back!

1237226_10153202519165507_645597593_oThe planning for Reach the Beach 2014 has begun!

Reach the Beach (RTB) Running Relay Race is one of the longest distance running relay races in the United States. The race will start on Cannon Mountain and finish on the sand at Hampton Beach. The relay will consist of a 12 person team that will rotate through 36 transition areas as they cover approximately 200 miles. This means that each relay team member will run 3 legs of varying lengths and difficulty and will cover an average total distance of ~16.6 miles.

Now that I have explained to you the craziness of RTB I am looking for all you crazy runners! We are in search of 5 more runners from the Get Fit NH family to complete our 12 person team. If you have heart, soul and desire to complete 200 miles in under 36 hours talk to me today about joining the chaos!

-Coach Meagan

Get Fit NH Closed Tuesday Afternoon, But Check Your Email!

www2011-051Once again we are making the difficult decision to close our facilities for the afternoon/evening. When I make these decisions the best interests of you and our team are at heart.

I also take a look at the National Weather Service, which currently has the following posted:


The final decision comes down to the “Nancy test. Would I want my wife driving on these either now or after dark in these conditions? And the answer to that is no.

But All Is Not Lost!

If you are an email subscriber (and why wouldn’t you be) 🙂 you have been sent a “Blizzard Burner” workout to help tide you over until your next scheduled training.

Not only that…

Don’t forget this Saturday at 10:00am is our “Winter Wonderland Workout” to benefit Rise Again Outreach – Be There!

Make It Happen!


Does Your Today Count?

logoI was reminded once again of the brevity of life over the past couple of weeks, and once it again it causes me to take pause and evaluate.

Am I really making today count?

You see my daughter-in-law Kimberly’s mother passed away of cancer last week. My heart hurts for her. It is very strange to think someone my children’s age has lost her mother. I am fortunate to still have both my mom and dad still here. And while we know that death is an inevitable part of our journey, when life is cut short by accident, war or disease it should cause us to reflect.

Am I really making today count?

I am not talking in big “save the world” terms here, although if that is your vision I say go for it. What I would encourage you to do is make it all count.

You see I am a big believer that the way you do one thing in your life is the way you do every thing.

Don’t give yourself permission to be less than you can be, all the time.

You might think that picking up 5 more pounds, or kicking up those knees a little higher, or going to bed a half an hour earlier, or eating that broccoli doesn’t really matter that much.

But if you went to bed half an hour earlier over the period of a year that would be over 180 hours of extra sleep.

Don’t think that would make a difference to your health?

I see it way too often. We stop just short of the goal. Could be only going 27 seconds in a 30 second set. Could be stopping 2 yards short on a 40 yard sprint. Could be staying on the 21-Day Detox only 20 days, because “that’s close enough.”

Am I really making today count?

I assure you those last 3 seconds, 2 yards and 1 day count for a lot.

Because every time you finish something you start you are breeding a habit of success. If you can lift 5 more pounds why not 10? If you can eat clean for 21-days why not 35? If you can be just a little bit better today, why would you choose to be any less?

Make today count.

Coach Dean

P.S. – In honor of Jan Thompson (Kimberly’s mom) Team Get Fit NH will be running the 12 Annual Rock N’ Race to benefit the Payson Center for Cancer Care. We want YOU on our team! It is not too late to start signing up and raising funds for this worthy cause!

Sign up for Team “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” Here