Get Fit Games Are Coming

plankGet Fit Games are back again!

It’s time to set some new records and see what we can do!

We promised that we would do this once a quarter and we are staying true to our word so come out on March 15th and let’s see what you can do.

This is a fabulous way to track your progress.

  • If you participated in previous Get Fit Games we highly encourage you to come back and break your personal record.
  • If you have never participated, we encourage you to get in on the fun and set your personal record.

Make sure you check out the record boards in both gyms and see what you are shooting for – we hope to see your name up there soon.

Don’t worry if you aren’t currently able to compete in the overall, just come do the events you can.

We do ask that you please do not sign up if you aren’t 100% sure you can be there, as space is limited to 25 (and it only costs 2 hours of your time!)

Looking forward to it!

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday March 15th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!

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