A SkiErg “Friendly” with Concept2 and Sweden



Some of the boys came up with an idea for a friendly little SkiErg match with the gang up at Concept2, who managed to get a team from Sweden to join the fun.

So the Get Fit NH Dream Team of Frank, Adam, Brian and Scott got together for a 2000m relay, and man did they crank it! A time of 6:24.0 for 2000 meters is flying for sure.

Here’s the final results:

Team Sweden: 5:56.0 (average age unknown)  Video Here

Team Get Fit NH: 6:24.0 (average age 57) Video Here

Team C2 Josh: 6:30.8 (average age 52)

Team C2 Judy: 6:57.5 (average age 57)  Video Here

Next time we are looking for some ladies to join the fun, we do have the defending ladies champs train here after all.

If someone taps you on the shoulder be ready! 🙂




S3 Week 3 Results Are In – It’s A Tight Race!

SizzlingSummer13LogoOk guys, here’s the results from Week 3. A tight race and still anybodies game. If you are behind, don’t despair – Make It Happen this week!

Team Name Average Points
Katies Cuties 21
5am and you 20.8
The Buttercups 20.8
You don’t know Jack 20.6
The D’Reem Team 20.6
WJH 20.4
Flab-U-Loss 19.5
Make it Happen 19.2
Flip Flop 19
Team Beach Body 19
Porky’s Pigs 18.6
Bacon It Happen 18.6
Victorious Secret 18.25
Dean’s Minions 18
Determination 18
We Got This 17.67
Spring Fling off the fat bring on the muscles 17.6
Chiefs 17.6
BMS T2 17.5
5:30 Fanatics 17
Mighty Mice 17
Waist-ing Away 17
The “Fan”atics 16.8
BLL 16.67
S.W.A.T 16.6
Thin-Spiration 16.4
ACME Misfits 16.25
Naughty Niners 15.8
Surprise 15
Hodge Podge 14.4
Team Sparkles 13.5
Alfa 4 Squadron 12.2
We can do it 11.8
Fabulous Four 9
Rockin’ 8.8
Gut Busters 8.8
We <3 burpees 3.5

S3 Shepherd’s Pie from Dr. Oz – Sweet!

Meal Management to the Rescue was a blast last Saturday. One of my assignments was to find a Shepherd’s Pie recipe that would be PPW cphoto-21ompliant (yes, it is also S3  approved).

Steve Bottcher found this on the Dr Oz website. In Steve’s own words – “It was not very hard to make and it was very good.  The kids thought the cauliflower actually tasted like mashed potatoes.”

Dr. Oz Shepherd’s Pie

Serves 2

  • 10 cups cauliflower florets, steamed soft
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp unrefined virgin coconut oil, divided (more or less if needed)
  • 2 cups roughly chopped broccoli florets
  • 1 small bok choy, roughly chopped (about 2 cups)
  • 8 oz poached chicken, diced
  • Freshly ground pepper

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Purée the cauliflower, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil in a blender until very smooth. set aside. In a medium pan sauté the broccoli for 2 minutes in 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, until lightly browned and starting to soften a bit. Transfer to a bowl and cook the bok choy for 2 minutes, in the same pan, adding a little more of the coconut oil if necessary, until starting to brown. Transfer bok choy to the bowl with the broccoli. Add the diced chicken, 2 cups of cauliflower purée, 1/2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper and gently toss. Transfer mixture to a 4 cup baking dish, top with the remaining cauliflower purée and bake for 20 minutes until hot and bubble. If you like to brown the top a bit, broil for a few minutes after baking.

I have a few more assignments from the gang at Meal Management so until next time…

Enjoy great meals that you can cook,

Coach Nancy



Do You Know How To Taco?

TacosDoes the kitchen drive you crazy? Do you think that there is some gene you are missing that doesn’t allow you to make healthy and tasty meals – and do it fast?

I was there, and I am always learning.

I started out not ever having made a butternut squash until I was married. I didn’t even know what one looked like. I also had not made real potatoes until after I was married. As far as I knew they come out of a box.

So it’s probably no surprise it was one of those “AHA” moments when I realized I could make my own taco seasoning.

(I’m not the only one who now knows this. If you have “Making a Difference, Making It Happen Cookbook” then look on page 58. You’ll find this recipe for Taco Seasoning. It was passed along by Josh’s mom. The book is dedicated to Josh and all the proceeds go to him as well, so pick one up!)

Back to tacos. These are wonderful because of all the diverse veggies and even the healthy fats you can add to tacos (think olives and avocado). My family makes “Naked Tacos”, otherwise known as Taco Salads.

Instead of grabbing the little packages at the store that usually have added sugar, here’s how to make your own. And the best part is that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it’s comes to using all these great spices.

Taco Seasoning

  • 1 Tablespoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Blend together and enjoy. Better yet, make a large batch and store in an empty spice container for next time.

By the way, this too was another assignment from Meal Management.

Enjoy making meals at home,

Coach Nancy





Success Story: Katie Jordan


No we didn’t pay her for sharing her story. That’s $50 in referral rewards for telling someone else about Get Fit NH! (and the only picture of her I could find – oops)

Still don’t think you can do this “healthy lifestyle” thing? Take a minute to read what Katie has to say about the whole thing. Keep up the fantastic work Katie!

“Since joining Get Fit NH only 4 short months ago,  many things have changed. I’ve lost 34 lbs so far, and I’m stronger and have more energy than I’ve had in many years.

But even more important than the number on the scale going down is that I’m no longer worried about having Diabetes as I get older.  I experienced Gestational Diabetes with both of my pregnancies and did not like how it felt. The Doctor informed me that I was at a very high risk of type 2 as I got older!  

After having my daughter in July 2012 I knew I needed to make some changes. I needed to change the way I lived. I don’t want my children worrying about my health as they get older. For months I told myself to get up and do it, but made many excuses!

Nothing I had ever tried worked long term. I feel that being introduced to Boot Camp has been my life saver. I’ve done the “diets” and been to many gyms over the years, but I can honestly say for the first time…  I’m on the right track to a long life of health and fitness!  

I look forward to training when I’m not there. The coaches make it fun and encourage me to do things I never thought I could do!  BUT I CAN ! I will no longer sit on the couch watching my kids play and life pass me by!  I still have a ways to go but I’m going and I can’t thank you and everyone at Get Fit NH enough for helping me Make It Happen!!!”    – Katie Jordan

5 Years of Making it Happen!

dannoWednesday May 8th, 2013 marks the 5 year anniversary of Get Fit NH. As I sit here and write this I can hardly believe it, and yet it is indeed true.

“They” say that when a business hits the 5 year mark that is when you can be confident it is a solid company and here to stay. I am grown up enough to know that this life we are living is very fluid, and things change in a heartbeat…literally. Just today I stood and wept with a very dear lady who is part of the Get Fit NH family whose life has been turned upside down by job loss. We are grateful to be able to be a place where she can be where she knows that people care about her and are willing to help.

As many of you know my own “heartbeat” story started when my son Derek’s heartbeat stopped 10 1/2 years ago.  And while these things are not always the easiest to write or even read, I think it’s important that we never forget that without that in absence of that event none of what has followed, 3 more beautiful children for instance, and yes even this little experiment called Get Fit NH, may have ever happened.

Because at 35 years old, unhealthy and unhappy, I got a serious wake up call. That I was wasting God’s precious gifts – my health, my time, any small talents I may have – sitting on the couch watching TV and stuffing my face.

I am grateful for that wake up call.

And my gratitude doesn’t stop there. Pictured to your right is Dan Yeaton. That’s “Danno” to you. Dan was instrumental in helping Get Fit NH get off the ground. I was training his son Tyler, and had thrown the idea out there of getting some group training going. Danno didn’t let that one sit, and after a few times asking (that’s one word for it) I finally got off my butt and just did it. Danno has been with us ever since, and we are honored that he is the first to earn his 5 year shirt.

What started out in Nancy’s and my backyard at 5:00am on that cool May morning has grown a little since then. Danno helped design and build the training center in Epsom. His son Tyler earned his training credentials and was our first coach. It’s pretty cool to see the plans that God puts in your path and how things intertwine.

Nancy and I love what we do. It is work and the days are kinda long sometimes, but we are slowly figuring out how to make it all happen. She is the love of my life and nothing you see could have been done without her.

I am grateful for the coaches that we have the privilege of working with. Tyler and CJ have moved on (temporarily?) as they are continuing their education, and we wish them the best. Erin and Meagan are going strong, and while they are great coaches, what I am more grateful for is their heart for people and desire to see their clients reach their goals and get better.

I am grateful that we have crossed paths with Pat and his team over at Fitness Consulting Group, and now have the privilege to serve on the Leadership Council with that group of pros. They have been instrumental in helping us be the best coaches and business we can be.

I am grateful for our business coach Helen Dutton, who has patiently helped us navigate through the many challenges we face as a business, and particularly a family business.

And I am grateful for you.

Our clients, our readers, our friends.

None of it happens without you.

We take very seriously that you make a conscious choice to train at Get Fit NH. It is not taken for granted. Each client that walks through our doors is part of the family, and family matters.

You matter. Your hopes, your dreams, your plans and your goals. They matter to us, and we are grateful for being part of them, in some small way, by being a part of what you do.

So Thank-You.

Thank-you for giving us 5 years. My hope and prayer is we will be around for many more.

We will do our best,

To Make It Happen!

Coach Dean




Spring Seminar Resumes Tomorrow, May 7th 2013

wholehealthIt is no secret that balanced female hormones are essential for a happy, healthy life. Even in the healthiest of women, hormones change throughout our entire lives. Imbalanced hormones put us at higher risk for more PMS, infertility, mood swings and a more difficult transition through menopause.

In addition, imbalanced hormones increase our risk for estrogen sensitive cancers and chronic illness. This lecture will focus on the roles of each of the female hormones, the relationship that exists between them and the symptoms associated with various imbalances.

Ladies you don’t want to miss out on this one, and bring your friends!

Female Hormones and Women’s Health with Dr. Laura Jones
Tuesday May 7th, 2013
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Get Fit NH Concord


S3 Habit 5: Eat Healthy Fats Daily

SizzlingSummer13LogoI suppose the words “Healthy” and “Fats” are not used together all that often, because we have been led to believe that FAT is a four letter word.

But you can’t fool me, I can count better than that! 🙂

There are actually 4 primary types of fat.

3 healthy, 1 seriously unhealthy.

I will remind you again of what our friend Ryan Andrews over at Precision Nutrition has to say about fat.

Why are healthy fats so important?

Fats exert powerful effects within the body and healthy fats have been shown to offer the following benefits.

Strong evidence
Cardiovascular protection (though there is less evidence for protecting against heart failure)
Improve body composition
Alleviate depression

Average evidence
Prevent cancers
Preserve memory
Preserve eye health
Reduce incidence of aggressive behaviour
Reduce ADHD and ADD symptoms

When it comes to healthy fat, intake amount is important. People are often concerned about excess dietary fat, but not getting enough fat may also cause health problems.

We need adequate fat to support metabolism, cell signaling, the health of various body tissues, immunity, hormone production, and the absorption of many nutrients (such as vitamins A and D). Having enough fat will also help keep you feeling full between meals.

In other words, you NEED healthy fats if you want to be, well, healthy!

(Read Ryan’s Complete Article – “All About Healthy Fats”)

The first kind of fat is saturated fat, and if you eat animal protein, you usually have no problem getting that one in, maybe even a bit too much.

The other two are unsaturated fats – poly and mono. These include the Omega-3s which are found in fish such as salmon, as well as nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Far from being unhealthy, all of these types of fats are crucial for optimal health.

It is also important to balance out the ratio of the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The reason Omega-3 supplements are necessary for most people is that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has been dumped on it’s head by the way our food is raised and processed. What used to be a 1:1 ratio of 6 to 3 is now more like 16:1, and this does not allow proper cell functioning and integrity. That’s why we recommend a good Omega-3 supplement for everybody. 3-6 grams of EPA/DHA per day is the recommendation. Find more about Super Omega-3 here: Fish Oil and Why You Are Getting Ripped Off

Want to know for sure if you are getting enough Omega-3? Do what Nancy and I had done and get your blood tested. We just sent our Index Assay kit in and we will let you know the results when we get them. You can find out more about that here (we can get you the kits at a better price): http://www.sfh.com/products/omega_3-oil/omega-3_index_assay

So let’s get the bottom line

Starting next week we want you to consciously add healthy fats to your diet. Mix it up by eating nuts, seeds, fish, grass fed animals/eggs, olives, avocado, and coconut.

Supplement with 3-6 grams of quality fish oil a day.

That sound pretty good, eh? 🙂

Caution: If you are taking blood thinners, have heart issues, or have a bleeding disorder you absolutely need to check with your physician before supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids (Fish/Algae Oils).  Just do it!

S3 Habit 5: Eat Healthy Fats Daily

To earn your daily point starting Monday May 13th:

  1. Eat 4-5 meals daily
  2. Eat complete lean protein every time you eat
  3. Eat veggies every time you eat
  4. Eat “other carbs” only immediately after training
  5. Eat healty fats daily

Questions? Let’s here them!

P.S. – Who can tell me what kind of fats we should avoid at all costs? Share your answer below.

S3 Week 2 Results Are In!

SizzlingSummer13LogoWe are staying really strong this week, so keep it up! If your team isn’t where you want it to be, don’t get down, let’s just get after it next week.

Need some help? That’s what we are here for, so don’t be shy.

On a side note I am pretty sure we did not get everybody’s points this week, so let’s do some catching up and get things squared away. A reminder that we are looking to have all the cards in and the captains total up the points by Tuesday – Thanks!

Keep Making It Happen!

Team Name Average Points
5am and you 14
Katies Cuties 14
The D’Reem Team 14
WJH 14
You don’t know Jack 14
Team Beach Body 13.75
We Got This 13.33
Flip Flop 13.25
NHMS 13.25
Flab-U-Loss 13
S.W.A.T 13
Bacon It Happen 12.6
Make it Happen 12.6
Porky’s Pigs 12.6
The Buttercups 12.6
BMS T2 12.25
Dean’s Minions 12.25
5:30 Fanatics 12.2
ACME Misfits 12
Surprise 12
Thin-Spiration 11.8
Chiefs 11.6
The “Fan”atics 11.6
Victorious Secret 11.6
Waist-ing Away 11.6
BLL 11.33
Determination 11
Naughty Niners 10.8
Spring Fling off the fat bring on the muscles 10.8
Team Sparkles 9.75
Hodge Podge 9.4
Mighty Mice 9.25
Alfa 4 Squadron 8.8
We can do it 8.4
Gut Busters 6.6
Rockin’ 6.6
Fabulous Four 6.5
We <3 burpees 2.5