5 Years of Making it Happen!

dannoWednesday May 8th, 2013 marks the 5 year anniversary of Get Fit NH. As I sit here and write this I can hardly believe it, and yet it is indeed true.

“They” say that when a business hits the 5 year mark that is when you can be confident it is a solid company and here to stay. I am grown up enough to know that this life we are living is very fluid, and things change in a heartbeat…literally. Just today I stood and wept with a very dear lady who is part of the Get Fit NH family whose life has been turned upside down by job loss. We are grateful to be able to be a place where she can be where she knows that people care about her and are willing to help.

As many of you know my own “heartbeat” story started when my son Derek’s heartbeat stopped 10 1/2 years ago.  And while these things are not always the easiest to write or even read, I think it’s important that we never forget that without that in absence of that event none of what has followed, 3 more beautiful children for instance, and yes even this little experiment called Get Fit NH, may have ever happened.

Because at 35 years old, unhealthy and unhappy, I got a serious wake up call. That I was wasting God’s precious gifts – my health, my time, any small talents I may have – sitting on the couch watching TV and stuffing my face.

I am grateful for that wake up call.

And my gratitude doesn’t stop there. Pictured to your right is Dan Yeaton. That’s “Danno” to you. Dan was instrumental in helping Get Fit NH get off the ground. I was training his son Tyler, and had thrown the idea out there of getting some group training going. Danno didn’t let that one sit, and after a few times asking (that’s one word for it) I finally got off my butt and just did it. Danno has been with us ever since, and we are honored that he is the first to earn his 5 year shirt.

What started out in Nancy’s and my backyard at 5:00am on that cool May morning has grown a little since then. Danno helped design and build the training center in Epsom. His son Tyler earned his training credentials and was our first coach. It’s pretty cool to see the plans that God puts in your path and how things intertwine.

Nancy and I love what we do. It is work and the days are kinda long sometimes, but we are slowly figuring out how to make it all happen. She is the love of my life and nothing you see could have been done without her.

I am grateful for the coaches that we have the privilege of working with. Tyler and CJ have moved on (temporarily?) as they are continuing their education, and we wish them the best. Erin and Meagan are going strong, and while they are great coaches, what I am more grateful for is their heart for people and desire to see their clients reach their goals and get better.

I am grateful that we have crossed paths with Pat and his team over at Fitness Consulting Group, and now have the privilege to serve on the Leadership Council with that group of pros. They have been instrumental in helping us be the best coaches and business we can be.

I am grateful for our business coach Helen Dutton, who has patiently helped us navigate through the many challenges we face as a business, and particularly a family business.

And I am grateful for you.

Our clients, our readers, our friends.

None of it happens without you.

We take very seriously that you make a conscious choice to train at Get Fit NH. It is not taken for granted. Each client that walks through our doors is part of the family, and family matters.

You matter. Your hopes, your dreams, your plans and your goals. They matter to us, and we are grateful for being part of them, in some small way, by being a part of what you do.

So Thank-You.

Thank-you for giving us 5 years. My hope and prayer is we will be around for many more.

We will do our best,

To Make It Happen!

Coach Dean




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