Transformation Contest Results – 462 pounds lost in 5 weeks!

We just wrapped up this years version of Sizzling Summer Slimdown Transformation Contest. This year presented a lot of different obstacles that we hadn't faced quarantine! We had 64 people complete the challenge and face their relationship with food head on. We are so proud of the hard work, dedication and the results. 

We didn't know what to expect this year since there were a lot of underlying factors that affect weight stress! We also changed this years challenge to 5 weeks rather than 6 weeks and we feel this made for a more mentally acceptable challenge for our clients. 

The provided manual housed over 60 recipes and meal plan examples, templates and grocery list guidance was all provided. We also included appropriate portion control and even included a weekly free meal to teach clients that depriving yourself is never the answer to lifelong results. We focused hard on a sustainable way of eating for life since we all have many meals ahead of us!

So, with all that being said. This 5 week challenged ended with the following results...

  • 64 clients weighed in and weighed out
  • 462 pounds lost total
  • Average of 7.2 pounds lost per person (in 5 weeks)
  • Average of 1.4 pounds lost per person per week (sustainable weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week!)

Top 5 teams

5.) Evelyn and Heather 5.92% 19.6 pounds

4.) Sam and Eric 6.33% 25.2 pounds

3.) Emma and Erin 6.38% 19.8 pounds

2.) Melissa and Richard Goodwin 6.71% 33.4 pounds

1.) Jim and Jackie Figueira 9.58% 44.6 pounds

Top 5 individuals

5.) Jackie Figueira 7.67% of bodyweight lost

4.) Sarah Smith 7.88% of bodyweight lost

3.) Evelyn Gaynor 8% of bodyweight lost

2.) Melissa Goodwin 9.67 of bodyweight lost

1.) Jim Figueira 10.76% of bodyweight lost

Congratulations to Jim and Jackie for walking away with the pot of gold! I was thrilled to write them a check for $1320!

True or False

We have probably all heard the old adage “you’re not hungry you’re bored”.  Or maybe it was just me but I highly doubt it.  For many of us this can be very true, if our brains are not occupied they start to look for something to take up that space.  Since we often equate food with feelings our brains subconsciously look for that underlying need.  Even though our body doesn't ACTUALLY need the food.  Here are some quick ways to determine whether you are actually hungry or not.

  1. “True” or “False” I’m doing something mentally stimulating (not something I can do on autopilot or don't currently have anything to do)?

    1. If “True” you might actually be hungry.

    2. If “False” you’re probably not really hungry.

  2. “True” or “False” I'm trying to complete a complex problem but cannot concentrate because of my feelings of hunger?

    1. If “True” you are most likely really hungry.

    2. If “False” you most likely are not hungry. 

  3. “True” or “False” I have something to do that's going to take a lot of time that I’m procrastinating or feel like I’m dragging myself kicking and screaming to do.

    1. If “True” You’re probably not hungry, your brain is just looking for something it would rather be eating. 

    2. If “False” you might actually be hungry. 

  4. “True” or “False” you’ve been on point with your nutrition AND getting between 7-9 hours of sleep for at least 3 consecutive days, but you are feeling increasingly more lethargic and training is feeling harder and harder.  

    1. If “True” you may actually be hungry.

    2. If either of the first two parts are “False” it's probably not due to hunger. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's a good place to start!

Coach Adam


I think we can all agree the 2020 is a year to remember. So. Much. Change! So much stress. So much uncertainty. It has been a year to learn how to pivot quickly and accept the things that you cannot control. 

6 months into the year- where are you at with your 2020 goals? I am lightyears away from the goals I set. No one could have planned for this. The stay at home order affected us physically, emotionally, and financially. Not just you....everyone.

It has been easy to feel very alone through this. Everyone was faced with their own challenges and everyone had to figure it out. And we did. You did. I did. We did. I am not saying it was easy or ideal, but we did it. 

There is a lesson to be learned here. You can do it. You didn't want to make the changes you had to make...but you did it. You didn't want to be patient...but you did it. There are a lot of thing you wanted to do but didn't and  a lot of things you didn't want to do that you did do. 

You know what that tells me? You're capable. I am capable. We are capable. It is 100% our mind that holds us back. When we consider fat loss goals or fitness goals...what is holding you back from success or getting to where you are trying to go? You've already proved you can move mountains and get things done when there is no choice. You have already proved you can adapt and overcome.  

Whatever it is that you aren't dealing with that is keeping your from where you're trying to go whether that is

Training consistently

Drinking 64+ ounces of water daily

Cutting back the alcohol

Whatever it is. You can do it. You can change.

Let's make it happen

Coach Meagan

Recovery Week Plans

We usually take 4 recovery weeks each year. This is a time when we close the gym and give our bodies a much needed time to recover from a 12 week training phase. Recovery weeks tend tofall around holidays where many of you are away anyways. This year we decided to cut recovery week a little short since we are just getting back into the swing of things.

Recovery week was supposed to be Monday June 29 through Friday July 3rd. Instead, we will train Monday June 29, Tuesday June 30th and Wednesday July 1st. We will close on Thursday July 2 and Friday July 3rd to enjoy a long weekend with family. We will resume our regular training schedule on Monday, July 6th

Thank you for rolling with the change. Your support means everything to us.

Coach Meagan

Power of Positivity

It is important to know that you have control over your thoughts. Controlling your thoughts is not easy and it takes practice. Just like developing all good habits, it takes time for the habit/action to become part of your personality. Success and setbacks go together when trying to make changes. When stress is elevated it is easy to let your mind wander to all the negative.

When your normal routine is interrupted, you might focus more on your thoughts. If the “new normal” is uncomfortable, it will be easier to get discouraged and think negatively. If I tell you to just stop thinking so negatively, chances are you might not be that successful. When you are trying to remove negative thinking, you need to replace it with something else. If you don’t, the unwanted thoughts creep right back in. Below I have listed some positive thoughts and affirmations from the book “You Can Do All Things”. Pick one that you like. Let one of these thoughts or another one you find, fill your thoughts. When your mind is focused and practicing positive thoughts, there is less room for negativity.

“Whatever happens today, you will make it through”

“No matter how unsure you feel, every step forward matters”

“Progress is still progress, no matter how small”

“With every challenge you meet you gain experience; every day you’re leveling up”

“Just one day at a time”

“You can get through this”

“You are stronger than you feel”

“Don’t give up”

“Be kind to yourself today”

We are all coming through huge changes in our actions and thoughts to deal with COVID-19. Much of the news is negative. But at the same time, we can focus on the “truly good” and “find the good” in our day to day responses. There’s a very good reason why social media has been loaded with funny memes and feel good stories. These help to replace the negative thoughts of the crisis with positive thoughts, laughter and hope.

We got this,

Coach Erin

All the new expectations and signing up for classes

We are so excited to get back to some form of normal - even if that means a new  (temporary) normal! 

Effective June 1st, we will be open for indoor and outdoor training Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We will have indoor and outdoor classes you can sign up for online. We have a lot of restrictions we have to adhere to so that we don't get ourselves in any trouble, so please bear with us through the temporary changes.

Here is the class schedule:

  • 5 am indoor and outdoor
  • 6 am outdoor only (due to requirement of having gym closed for one hour between classes for ventilation)
  • 7 am indoor and outdoor 
  • 8 am outdoor
  • 9 am indoor
  • 4:30 pm outdoor 
  • 5:30 indoor and outdoor 
  • 6:30 outdoor

Outdoor classes will be rain or shine! We will make adjustments if the weather is too hot and or too rainy as we are allowed to. 

What to expect:

These rules have been put on fitness centers by the state and they are not up for debate. You must wear a mask inside the gym while you are not exercising. You do not need to wear a mask while exercising.The coaches will be wearing a mask inside for the entire class. You do not need to wear a mask while outside.

If you have any symptoms (that are not allergies!) then please do not come to training. If you have been exposed then we ask you wait 2 weeks before returning. We will have that posted up as required by the state.

You may not come into the gym if there is a training in session. When you pull in for your training session please wait in your car until their training is released. If you are training inside then please park in the spaces in front of the building with signs labeled 1-10 . We will call you in when it is clear to enter and for fluidity will ask you to go to the same gym space number that you parked in. 

Please show up to training on time! Classes will be 45 minutes. If you book a time and find that you are unable to make it then please go back in to cancel! Due to limited spots you could be taking it from someone else!  Be a team player and don't no show once you book!

How to sign up

Please bookmark this link

While we are able to reserve you a class...we cannot have 200+ people emailing us throughout the day to do it for them so please read the instructions below and save them to help you get signed up and guarantee your spot


1.) The link will take you to a strange looking website called MindBody

2.) If it does not automatically take you to the Get Fit NH MindBody then type "Get Fit NH" into the search bar

3.) It will take you to a login page. Click "not a staff member" at the bottom

4.)  A schedule will come up. Scroll to the day or the week you are trying to book a training

5.) Click "Sign up now" for the class that works for your schedule

6.) If you do not have an account then click "create account"
* note if it says you already have an account, just do a forgot password using your email 🙂 I also attached this screen cast which shows you exactly how to book the class


If you train with your spouse or someone who lives in your household you only need to sign up ONE of you, because you can train in the same section! If you and your spouse were already signed up at the same time please know I deleted one of you so that we could accommodate more friends in one hour. 

Virtual Training

  • We will continue to offer TrueCoach through the summer for those of you who are not ready to resume in person training
  • We will continue to livestream at 5 am and send out the recording by 7 am
  • We will keep an open zoom room for all indoor training times so you can feel like you are part of the crowd 
  • The recorded version will look a little different. The coach will not be doing the exercises with you in front of the screen, but we will be wearing a head set so you can hear us while coaching the class that you will be able to see. This will be another form of new for us! We will not be using Facebook live. Only zoom so save this link

And Finally

If you fit this description please let us know​​

  • Only using recorded videos 
  • Going to resume in person training 

Then please let us know so we can remove you from TrueCoach. 

These guidelines are going to continue to update and we are going to continue to keep you in the loop! As you know, we are short staffed and will be working hard together to be consistent and powerful in our delivery.  Thank you for your continued support and patience. We appreciate you.

Now let's make it happen!

Coach Meagan

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