Get Fit NH Closed Tuesday Afternoon, March 13, 2018

Another blizzardy day here in New Hampshire. We are hoping Mother Nature saves the rest of these storms (if any!) for Wednesday's and weekends. This evening we are closed for your safety and ours. We sincerely appreciate your understand and we will see you back Thrilling Thursday!

Stuck Inside? - Do This!

1) Spend some time on a foam roller, doing your correctives, and flexibility training. You have enough knowledge to make this time productive.

2) Do any additional nutrition planning and prep work for the week.

3) Jump on one of the training videos below. There are options for bodyweight only as well as band training.

4) Don't stress out! 🙂

Training Options Here! If you don't know what you are doing - don't do it.  🙂

40 Reasons And More!

The other day at our Get Fit NH team meeting we were discussing “The Get Fit NH” difference. Together we came up with 40 reasons how we are more than just a gym and we wanted to share those reasons with you. We want you to be proud you train with us. We want to make you proud. We want you to share “The Get Fit NH difference” with your friends and family too!

  1. Coaching.

  2. Periodized, progressive, planned training

  3. Functional Movement Screening

  4. Fit3D

  5. Heart Rate Monitoring

  6. Health History Review and Medical Releases

  7. Doctor’s notes and communication with outside health professionals

  8. Education

  9. Relationships and Referrals with outside health professionals

  10. Hands on approach

  11. All-in ability – meaning we can train anyone at any level under any circumstance

  12. Modifications, regressions and progressions

  13. Accountability

  14. Monthly goal setting

  15. FitRanx

  16. Welcoming Atmosphere from coaches and students alike

  17. We value our students – no one is just a number

  18. 2 week free trial

  19. 24/7 access to a coach via email, text and phone

  20. Emphasis on warm up, mobility, flexibility, strength and cardio health

  21. Career centered facility

  22. Newsletter/blog and rock’n website

  23. Technology- from timing apps, to music to projector to heart rates

  24. Disco Ball!

  25. We know your name

  26. Preparation

  27. No Machines

  28. Coach Catalyst

  29. Private Facebook Group

  30. Relationships

  31. We seek and act on feedback

  32. Consistent training in both locations and all training times

  33. Training time and location flexibility

  34. Clean facilities- yes, we have a professional cleaning company who comes twice a week!

  35. Nutrition education

  36. Air conditioning

  37. Emphasis on life skills and functional movement

  38. Workshops and seminars

  39. Student Appreciation Parties

  40. Anniversary Celebrations that start a one month and continue each year!

Get Fit NH Closed Thursday MORNING, March 8, 2018

The Mighty Quinn is roaring down on us, and rather than making you wait and have go get up early to figure out if we are closed for the morning or not, I have decided to make the call now. It's not only how hard it's snowing, but are the roads clear and can we clean up the parking lot and prepare to receive clients.

Right now we are playing it by ear regarding the afternoon. The snow is forecast to taper off and/or stop in the afternoon, but we will let you know by 3:00pm either way.

As always, please use your judgment. We want you first and foremost to be safe, and hopefully this will be the end of the need to cancel training for the rest of the season.

Don't Despair - We Got Options!

1) Get a little extra sleep, and then spend some time on a foam roller, doing your correctives, and flexibility training. You have enough knowledge to make this time productive.

2) Do any additional nutrition planning and prep work for the week.

3) Jump on one of the training videos below. There are options for bodyweight only as well as band training.

4) Don't stress out! 🙂

Training Options Here! If you don't know what you are doing - don't do it.  🙂

Coffee with Coach Nancy

Often times when I attend conferences, I wish there was a chance for me to get closer to those speaking. I know they have information and knowledge to share but I lack the opportunity to take advantage of it. 

While I don't want to be known for tooting my own horn, I am pretty good at what I do. I am one of the nutrition coaches for Get Fit NH and the The Grateful Plate. I love to talk food and how we can use food to help you get healthier. I know that if you get healthier, you automagically get happier and the world needs more happy. Food is one way we can change the health of ourselves, our family, our workplace, our community, our state, and beyond. 

I want you to help me create that change, by starting with you. On March 10, 17, and 24th, I'll be at Live Juice on Main St. in Concord to talk with you about that first step. The first step in changing the world is to change you through food. 

You bring the topic, the questions, the notebook ready to take notes and we'll get you started. You can come for one Saturday or all of them. The choice is yours. The cost is free. (unless of course you buy something at Live Juice) I'll be there starting at 9am and we'll be done promptly at 10am. 

Help me change the world! 

Coach Nancy

See you at Live Juice from 9-10am on March 10, 17 and 24th.

A Spotlight We Can See Even From Up High!

This spotlight is a longer one, but it details an amazing accomplishment that I think you will really enjoy reading about, plus some amazing pictures from Howard.  Howard

Howard Roever has been coming to GetFitNH for over three years. This past November he decided to take an adventure outside of Concord and New Hampshire when he traveled to Tanzania to explore the country and also climb to the roof of Africa, up the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The idea was born via a group text among childhood friends. One of these friends knew of a small Florida based non-profit called Project Change that had organized a charity climb to raise money for the organization. Howard was immediately drawn to the idea and even after all of his friends decided not to go, he still had the bug. Although an avid hiker throughout New England, he had never climbed higher than Mount Washington. In contrast, the entry gates to the Machame Trail leading up to the summit of Kilimanjaro was just shy of six thousand feet.


To train for his effort Howard climbed throughout 2017. As the calendar pages turned Howard and his yellow lab, Phin, logged many miles while bagging peaks across New Hampshire and Vermont. They also did quite a bit of trail walking on Concord’s trail network. Oftentimes Howard would hike with a thirty pound plate in his backpack to get used to carrying weight on and up trails. He was also at GetFitNH nearly every day possible. “When I decided that I was going to do Kilimanjaro last spring, my workouts took on added importance. I tried to keep up a solid effort each morning and limit slacking. Slacking wasn’t going to help me get to 19,341 feet. My workouts at GetFit definitely helped keep me at a good fitness level. Then I just had to put in the time on the trails.”


According to Howard, early November and his time to fly over to Tanzania came around fast. “When I first committed around Easter, it felt like I had nothing but time on my hands. The next thing I knew October was here.” On November 3, 2017 Howard flew from JFK in New York to Doha and then on to Kilimanjaro.  At the same time he began his regimen of malaria and altitude sickness prevention. While Howard felt that he was ready for the climb itself, the one wild card was the altitude and what effect it would have on his body. The last thing he wanted was to have to turn back due to acute altitude sickness. Arriving on a Saturday afternoon, Howard had a day to acclimate to the area before beginning the climb on Monday. He met his fellow climbers who were all from Florida and explored the town of Moshi with them. While in Moshi for dinner early Sunday evening, Howard got his first glimpse of the mountain which had previously been shrouded in the clouds. He was impressed but its prominence on the landscape and still couldn’t believe that the next day he would begin the long trek to the summit. After dinner the group met with two of their guides back at the hotel. There they went over the route they would take and what challenge each day would bring. There was truly nervous anticipation among the group of six climbers.


Monday morning they took a small bus to the Machame Gate where they met with their team of porters. There were twenty porters to carry the camp essentials up the mountain; the various tents and food stuffs and other materials needed for a successful climb. This group of men were mainly in their twenties and thirties and would strap on a backpack full of gear in addition to balancing another parcel on their shoulders or head. Howard said that he marveled at not only the ability of the porters to carry this gear up the trails, but also their pleasant demeanor throughout. A cheerful “Jambo” (hello) would constantly be heard on the trail with porters passing on their way up or down the mountain. Due to a computer glitch at the  gate the first day began later than planned which caused the first day to go into the night, and the rain. The trek through the rain forest was supposed to begin in the late morning and end at around 5 pm. However the group was hours behind the scheduled start and as a result the last few hours of the day were headlamp assisted and wet from the rain. Howard recalls getting to the first camp and thinking, ‘what have I gotten myself into?’  “That first day took a  lot out of me. I was happy when we finally got to camp and was hoping that a night of sleep would ready me for what Day 2 would bring.” The group was at approximately ten thousand feet elevation after Day 1.


Howard did wake up refreshed (“I slept like a rock!”) and sipping his fresh cup of instant coffee (“that’s what the locals drink – and it’s quite good!”), he got a great view of Kilimanjaro in the distance. They had not been able to see it the night before due to darkness. But from the campsite clearing he took it all in. “I began to look at the mountain each morning as my Moby Dick. There it would be with its glacier and snow-topped summit each morning. And I wondered if we would ever get there.” But with each passing day the group did get closer. As they made their way they would pass through changing terrains and climates. From the rain forest, to the plateau, and the alpine desert, before finally the summit. On Day 2 it rained nearly the entire time. At least six of the eight hour trek were wet. And it was a cold rain. After several thousand feet of elevation gain they were finally at the second campsite. Howard remembers it being a rugged day. “The rain was killer. Not only wet, but cold. It zaps the strength right out of you.” One of the other climbers quit after this day saying that it was too much for her and she was escorted down the mountain.


From Day 3 on, the group made their way through the alpine desert. Howard recalls it being a landscape so very foreign to him. “There were all of these exotic looking trees and shrubs in some areas and then just nothing but rock. Piles and piles of volcanic rock. He also recalls the pace of the climb oftentimes being excruciatingly slow. The locals have a term they use; “Pole, Pole.” Translated to English it simply means “Slowly, slowly.”  Howard will tell you that (even for an old guy) he is not the most patient hiker on the mountain and will often keep a brisk pace while hiking in the White Mountains. He said that the “pole, pole” thing drove him crazy during the first few days of the climb and he had to be reminded more than once by the guides to be patient. “You will need this pace above 15,000 feet” he was told.  Howard discovered that they were right.


The group first hit 15,000 feet on Day 3 and then after going down in elevation for a day, camped at above 15,000 feet on Day 5. This would be their base camp. During these days Howard did notice the elevation taking its toll on his breathing. Doing the pole, pole pace he was just fine. But on occasions where he would stop to take in a view and a photo, he would notice that the not so pole, pole walk to get to the back of the still moving line would leave him breathing as if he had just sprinted forty yards and would take about a minute or more before his breathing was again normalized. By Day 6, summit day, Howard was happy for Pole, Pole.


Wakeup call was 2 am on Day 6 morning. Howard didn’t need a wakeup call however as he was up with anticipation of what lie ahead. “We had gone to our tent and had light’s out by about 8pm. I fell asleep pretty quickly but recall being woken up by the wind and snow on the outside of the tent at about 1 in the morning. I just lay there after that thinking about finally getting a close up view of Kili.” After breakfast (“the hot porridge hit the spot!”), backpacks and headlamps were readied and the group was off into the snowy shadows. It was windy and cold, requiring all of the layers Howard had packed. Howard recalled that he was glad he was from New Hampshire as his Floridian climbing partners complained about the temperature, wind and snow. Meanwhile he thought, just another winter day in New Hampshire. The wind would leave it’s mark however as he suffered from a pretty severe wind burn for days after the climb.


Howard recalls the seemingly endless switchbacks as they made their way toward Stella Point and finally Uruhu Peak. How many more he wondered? A hundred? More? Definitely more. “Your mind has lots of time to just go places during a climb like this. Or go nowhere at all. I did think about a lot of different things. It was actually very therapeutic in many ways.” Not wearing a watch and having no other way to tell how long they were climbing, Howard remembers thinking that he would know when it was around six in the morning (or so) when the sun would come up above the clouds behind him. The stars in the southern hemisphere are magnificent and on clear nights there was quite a show. Thousands and thousands of stars twinkling above. This night (morning) was one of those times. In a darkest before the dawn moment Howard recalls one of the guides at the back of the line pointing out the “Southern Cross” constellation as he looked back in awe.  Then the moment finally came; the light of the sun coming up somewhere over the Indian Ocean appeared to the East. Then the sun itself appeared above the clouds. Morning had broken, somewhere around 17,000 feet (Howard thought). Simply glorious, he thought at the time.


The climb continued but the altitude began to take hold of the small group. Two of the remaining climbers, a woman and a man, had to rest as the exertion in the thin air became more demanding. The head guide, Alex, had planned for this contingency by having seven guides with the climbers on this day, rather than the usual three. Four of the guides stayed behind with the two overwhelmed climbers and the group of now three continued on. “At this point it was a hard trek. I just tried to focus on other things rather than how much further we had to go. It was hard to leave our two friends behind. We had all become very close. I remember the rocks having faces and looking like famous people and seeing what I thought looked like hieroglyphics on the rocky landscape. All the while putting one foot in front of the other.”


Switchback after switchback the journey continued. As they got closer to the top things became clearer; like the size of part of the glacier that can be seen from miles away. At about 10 am (or so) the group made it to Stella Point. This was the first piece of the summit of Kilimanjaro. Here there was a minor celebration but as Howard looked to his right he was anytyhing but celebratory. He could see the rocky terrain where they still needed to go to get to the top of Kilimanjaro, Uruhu Peak. It was about an hour of so trek away. It may as well have been ten hours. “Everything became so difficult at that point. We were right about 19,000 feet and even the flat areas took effort. Inclines no matter how slight, even more so.” One of the three remaining climbers was wiped at this point and began saying she couldn’t go any further. Having already seemingly lost two of our partners this day Howard recalls not wanting to hear any of this talk. “From the back of the line I let out a loud ‘Woooooooo!’ which scared the crap out of her. I’m not sure where it came from, but I’d like to think it got her attention and helped her press on.”


At this point they were close. Nearly eight hours into their summit day, they were almost to the sign that marks the highest point in Africa. As they approached ever closer, they got a view of just how massive the glacier was; (at least) several hundred yards long and what looked like hundreds of feet thick. Howard recalls it being awe inspiring. The snow from earlier in the morning had all but melted as the sun heated up. The layers of clothes that kept him warm earlier were now causing Howard to sweat. Finally coming around a bend they saw it – the sign. They were there. Just another hundred yards of so to go. They had made it! At the sign there were celebrations and hugs, and lots of photos. They got to look down into the massive crater from which  Kilimanjaro was born and view the other glaciers along the rim and into the crater itself. It was a crystal clear sunny day which allowed them to linger and enjoy the moment before heading back down to base camp and beyond. Oftentimes this is not the case and the weather sends climbers hurriedly back down. They were able to bask in their achievement and Howard recalls sheading a few tears in a quiet moment alone. About forty-five minutes after their summiting they were overjoyed when one of their lost partners labored up the trail towards them. He was walking ‘pole, pole’ with a guide on each side of him. They were told later that he refused to quit. “That was a pretty inspirational moment even after our own summit. Nick showed such a strong will.”


After about twenty minutes more the guides gathered the group together and prepared for their decent. After already putting in over eight hours to get to Uhuru they now had about five plus hours of down-mountain trekking to do. Howard’s quads would soon ache like never before in his life. “When we finally got to camp for our last night, I don’t think I have ever been so tired in my life. Emotionally and physically. Just eating our last supper was a chore. After dinner I slept from 8 pm straight through until 6 the next morning.” Remarkably, upon awakening the next morning Howard found that his body had recovered quite well (some thanks to Alleve).  After breakfast the group of remaining climbers gathered with the guides and porters for some photos with Kilimanjaro as a distant backdrop. With Moby Dick now in the rearview mirror the photo op turned into a spontaneous Swahili singing and dance session with the porters. “Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata.”  Rough translation – “No worries, there are no problems here.”

Congratulations Howard, I can only imagine after reading this how much of an awe-inspiring moment it must have been at the top.  

-Coach Adam

Training And Mom Guilt.

This is a topic on my mind. I struggle with it and I am seeing many new mom’s and dad’s struggle with it too. If you are a new parent or parent to be or thinking about being a parent some day or know someone who is a new parent then read away!

I am a mom of 2. I am a wife. I work full time. I work weird hours. I have a husband who works full time. He also works weird hours. We are still a family and yes, it is HARD! Most days I see my husband for approximately 45 minutes. That is no joke. When he comes home from work we high five and I go to work. We almost never have family time during the week. Weekends are for us. I almost never work weekends, because of this. Most weekdays I feel guilty to leave my kids for over an hour to go train, especially if I just work a full day and I know when I come home they will probably be in bed or ready for bed. Mom guilt kicks in more than I am proud of. It is a fantastic week if I get in three training sessions. Life is busy. 

I am luckier than most new mom’s, because I reminded daily why it is so important to be consistent in training. So many of the people I work with day in and day out have kids that are grown and are now starting a training program, because they finally have time for themselves. Many of them have not taken care of themselves for years, because they were so busy taking care of everyone else. Many of them have regrets of not finding the time when they were younger. I don’t want regrets. I am lucky to be reminded of this. Other new parents are not reminded of this day in and day out.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage you. Don’t get hung up on training 4 days a week. If you have little kids that is HARD especially if you work full time and don’t see them all day. Dedicate yourself to at least 2 days and any other day you make is a bonus. Cut yourself some slack and be proud of yourself for getting in. I have yet to meet someone who leaves the gym wishing they did not go. 

They say this time goes by in the blink of an eye. Do yourself a favor and keep your eyes open. Don’t wake up and be 20 years older and 20+ pounds overweight not knowing where to begin. We are here for you.

Mom guilt (dad guilt) it’s totally a thing, but don’t be a victim of the risks that come with being an out of shape mom or dad!

Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

Coach Nancy Invites you to Coffee

Have you ever wanted to sit down with one of your coaches and pick their brain? Do you have questions you've wondered about? Or maybe I am just the coolest and you want to hang out with me? 

Here is your chance to chill out on a Saturday morning and chat with me. I will be at Live Juice on Main Street Concord from 9-10am. It'll be a relaxed atmosphere we can hang out and talk. If you train in Epsom you KNOW I can talk. There won't be any of that awkward silence. 🙂

 Here's the deal, I'm in Concord waiting for Drew as he trains in Athlete Academy. (if you have a teen they can train while you get some time chilling with others from Get Fit NH). I'll get to Live Juice as the doors swing open at 9am. We can chat while we order our coffee or a Funky Monkey or whatever else Live Juice can whip up. Then we can chat more in their cafe' atmosphere. I'll have to leave at 10 so don't wait until 9:47 to arrive. 

This will start on March 3rd. This to be a trial run, if this works well for many of you, show up. If not we'll find a different venue and time. I'll be there March 3, 10, 17, and 24th, and I'd love it if you'd join me! 

See you March 3rd at Live Juice!

Please Help: Blood Drive at Get Fit NH March 28th!

We are honored to be holding our annual blood drive on Wednesday, March 28th from 12:00pm to 6:00pm at our Concord facility. 

We have worked for the past few years with Cecil and Carol Hawkins, and they do an incredible job getting people to come out, so if you want a spot, sign up early! 🙂

Carol send me a flyer to help spread the word, which is the image you see below. It is a fully printable copy, so you can download it and post it  - thanks!

The easiest way to sign up is to click this link and type in sponsor code: CECIL

That will bring you right to the signup for this drive.

If you have a great place to put a flyer please print one and and put it up, but even if you don't please read it and see why this is so near and dear to Carol and Cecil's heart. It truly is life-saving!

Thank-you for all you do!

Coach Dean

A Spotlight for Sarah Smith!

This spotlight is an important one, especially for those of you who, like myself, struggle with back pain and are frustrated at not making progress or constant pain.  It is a longer spotlight but it is 100% worth the read, find the time to sit down.  I’m extremely proud of Sarah and how far she has come, read her story here:

“Pain sucks.  No one wants to physically be in pain and that’s been me for the past three years.  I am not a person who wants modifications or to bother someone to ask what I should be doing since the workout provided causes me pain.  I want to be that person who walks into the gym for the first time and just grabs 75 lbs. to do a goblet squat without a second thought because why not but unfortunately that is not where I am at these days.  I started working out at Get Fit NH two months before I got pregnant in 2014.  I was overweight and willing and ready to make a life style change to fix that and get healthy.  I worked out all throughout my pregnancy which threw the healthy journey I started on a little curve ball when all the normal pregnancy quirks set in like food aversions, nausea for days, back pain, etc.  But I continued to show up every morning at 6:15am and chalked up the severe discomfort and pain I started to feel in my back in my second trimester from moving a certain way, sitting, riding in a car or really anything to what I thought was normal back pain that would go away once I gave birth.  Birth.  Well that’s a story for a different day but it was not good.  48 hours of labor that ended in a not great C-section.  So…there I was, baby out and in way more pain than when I was pregnant. 

I found new challenges in life I had never thought about after birth; walking in general but also while carrying anything in my hands, sitting or getting up out of chairs, stairs, lying down in bed or getting myself up from bed.  All these things I had always taken for granted I now needed help to do and caused me considerable pain.  Maybe it would have consumed me if I didn’t have a sweet little baby girl to show for it or maybe that made it even harder because I really didn’t feel like I should care for myself and try and recover.  I went back to working out eventually, though it was not 6 weeks out as planned as I was not recovered enough then.  It took at least a few months to even feel like I could move semi-comfortably. Once I did go back I remember my husband telling me to “cool it” and me thinking what did he know -  I wasn’t pregnant anymore I could do anything!  I was SO excited to be able to do a squat thrust again after not having that huge belly that I tried and fell flat on my face – I had a C-section, I had no abs, what was I thinking?  Idiot.  However, things that I should have been able to do without pain still gave me pain.  For instance, just being able to get up off the floor didn’t happen without back pain.  I finally came to the realization that something was not right and sought out a physical therapist that specializes in woman’s post-partum back, neck and pelvis pain and was given the answers to my questions.  My hip and pelvis on my right side were considerably out of alignment and rotated as compared to my hip/pelvis on my left side.  There were some definite complications during my C-section on my right side so it made sense they were not in alignment – quick fix I thought.  After quite some time of physical therapy, and these parts not staying in place as they should, it was determined that this had been an underlying issue that was just exasperated by pregnancy weight gain and the eventful birth of my daughter but it was not caused alone by childbirth.  It now made sense why I was in pain so early on in my pregnancy.  This was not going to be a quick fix.  I was not going to be able to go into the gym and just do all the trainings without modifications.  Modifications where going to be my life for a while.  

The last two years I’ve spent seeing my PT weekly but I am in communication with her multiple times a week; we’re best friends at this point!  I was waking each morning doing my PT exercises and ending each night before bed with exercises. You might have heard me and my friend Stacey, who has similar struggles, joking about making sure to “tuck” our hips/pelvis to hold ourselves in the right position to protect our lower backs and sharing stories of all of our PT exercises and how to hold our positioning. It wasn’t until recently that I didn’t need to do those PT exercises anymore to stay in relative alignment.  This spring I was starting to feel better, my abs where strengthening and I was doing a better job about keeping myself in alignment.  It made sense to start working towards doing the exercises I had been staying away from for years so that I could progress.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if that’s where the pain story ended?  It was at this time that I digressed and anything I tried to do at the gym caused me pain.  Adding in even the smallest unilateral movement blew up my back and made even the exercises that I used to do without pain, very painful.  My PT and I talked about me taking a short break from working out as I was losing my mind.  The pain just kept getting worse, especially after experiencing a time when I had started to get better to go backwards was just heartbreaking.  In a mere month, I went from downgrading my PT visits to twice a month to upping them to twice a week just to correct my alignment so I could try and function properly with some relief.  I was getting so frustrated that I wasn’t getting better and it just seemed like I was getting worse every time I tried to do something to progress back to the point where I used to be.  Coach Adam noticed this and pulled me aside to ask if I could have my physical therapist write him an email explaining to him, from the beginning what was going on with me.  He wanted more than what I could give him which was “I can’t do anything unilateral” or “I know I’m out of alignment and that hurts my back; I need a modification”.  He wanted to know in more technical terms what was going on so he could try and help me progress without pain. I think he thought if I could progress it would help to keep me more positive about continue to recover and in turn more accountable about coming to class.

So, for the last four months, my PT and the Coaches at Get Fit have been in communication about my progress, what has set me back and what I need to avoid for now or what I can slowly add in again to build up my tolerance.  Coach Adam has been drafting up training modifications for me (if you all have seen me with a white piece of paper in hand!) and has also had me do exercises at the gym to keep my positioning in check, using a DS band to get my glutes to fire as they should and taught me breathing exercises to additionally learn to tuck my ribcage.  I remember the day not long ago that I felt my abs fire while doing a regular body weight squat and I got so excited.  That meant I had finally found the right positon to be in and my abs had finally come far enough along to support and hold me in that correct position so that my back wasn’t in pain.  I totally downplayed my excitement but I made sure to tell Coach Adam because I wouldn’t have got to that point had he not worked on the breathing exercises with me that enforced tucking my ribcage to engage my abs.  Breathing, we all do it - seems silly to teach or talk about, right?  Well it taught me how to hold myself properly and move without pain.  Not silly to me now.  

Now to the point.  My pain journey has been all about stepping stones.  I progress, push myself a little too much and I digress and re-asses with a lot of help.  I think the hardest part about all of this for me, besides the pain, is that I couldn’t be doing what everyone else was doing and I have learned I have to be ok with that.  I needed to hone in on certain parts of my body and build them up so that I could support myself properly and I just needed to show up to training because people were there to support me.  I needed to essentially re-train my body and the coaches have been so great at making it happen (had to throw that one in – right?).

These days you can find me at 6:15am (or sometimes 8:30am class) happily ‘trying’ to do all the things I could once try without a second thought.  I won’t be “making poor life decisions” (like that Coach Meagan?) by pushing my body too much but I will be trying to progress to get back to a new normal.   I still will have pain some days as I retrain my body how to do certain exercises that will allow me to progress and get healthier.  I have to be ok with that fact and keep at it to work through it the best I can. Through the help of several amazing Coaches and an amazing PT (my very own dream team!) I’m progressing and starting to feel better.  It’s seemed like such a long road for this perpetually impatient person but I’m showing up and I’m feeling better than I have been in several years.”

-Coach Adam

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