Putting the Fitness Puzzle Together

Now I don’t know if fitness is a puzzle, but it can be very puzzling to many people.

How much should I eat? How many days should I train? High carb, low fat, high fat no carbs? How much protein do I really need? If I am not losing fat I need more cardio, right?

Do you know there is one answer to every one of those questions? Here it is.

It Depends.

You are probably thinking, “Ok Coach, isn’t that a cop out? The guy on TV says I should do this, and Dr. Wizard says I should do that, and I read a study in the New Zimbabwe Times that said…”, and on and on it goes.

It’s no secret that there is a lot of information about health and fitness – on TV, the radio, the paper, but especially on the internet.

I just googled “Health and Fitness” and it returned 1,020,000,000 results – that is over One Billion results (and it took less than 1/2 a second)!

You don’t need more information. You need an action plan.

And that’s where coaching comes in to play.

3 peice puzzle-page-001I really like this illustration from our friends at MyZone, because it shows the synergy that is created when coach and student are committed to achieving a goal.

When both parties take action, great things happen!

It’s is our responsibility as coaches to provide you with the tools and direction you need to reach your specific goals. That’s why the “It Depends” answer is my go to. How much and what you eat and how much and how you train is not only dependent on your goals, but on a number of other factors. There is a big difference between a 25 year old single guy and a 42 year old mother of 3. They don’t live the same life, don’t experience the same stresses, and they are probably not going to eat and train the same. That’s why it is so important that our students take advantage of the resources we offer beyond the world class physical training, like nutrition seminars, bodyfat analysis, HRV monitoring, Polar Team Training (Epsom) and MyZone (Concord).

That’s the “Execution” part of the pyramid. All the education, tools and coaching in the world won’t be effective unless we DO something.

I have coaches too. From the very beginning of starting Get Fit NH I have had at least one business coach and a coach or coaching resource to help me be a better physical preparation coach. I spent time this morning studying. I have spent 10’s of thousands of dollars to get the help I needed.

And do you know when I struggle the most?

When I don’t take action on what my coaches tell me to do.

When do things start moving in the right direction?

When I get off the internet trying to figure some reason why I shouldn’t do what they say, and just start doing it. Look I have failed many times, but there is something to be said for “failing forward”. What the heck did I hire a coach for if I am just going to try to do it on my own anyway?

So let’s put this puzzle together.

Our Mission is to help our students Lose Fat, Get Lean, and Look and Feel Great.

Our Commitment is to give you the Tools and Direction to Make It Happen.

The Execution is up to you.

The Good News?

We are here to guide you every step of the way. You know, I find it can be very hard to accept coaching. I want to believe I already know what to do and how to do it. But if that were true, I probably would have done it already, huh? 🙂

So how are you going to take action next?

Schedule a body comp assessment?

Educate yourself on HRV monitoring and get setup?

Attend the next Whole9 nutrition seminar?

Purchase your MyZone belt?

About that last one. Friday March 27th will be the last day to purchase your MyZone belt at the introductory price of $55. After that the price will go up to $79. Still a super value, but why not save a few dollars and order yours today?

Let’s Make It Happen – Together

Coach Dean








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