Rethinking Failure

“You will falter, fumble, and fail in life, but failing at something does not make you a failure.  Failure is not final – unless you choose to not get back up.  The key to growing from failure is refusing to quit.”

That quote was in my reading of a book by Christine Caine and I absolutely loved it!  I believe that many of us have a fear of failure. I also believe that the fear can often hold us back from making changes in our lives because we are afraid of the outcome.  

“What if I fail? What if I don’t lose the weight this time around or I just gain it all back? What if I hurt myself by trying a new exercise or lifting something heavier?”

As a result, we react to our fears by staying in a comfort zone.  I will be honest I was scared, when Meagan asked me to come back to Get Fit NH. After our meeting when I accepted the position, I went home and tried to do a Squat Thrust. I thought my hands were going to break due to the Fibromyalgia pain.  My mind started racing, “How am I going to coach when I can barely do a Squat Thrust or get up and down from the ground without significant pain?”

 I reminded myself that Meagan would not have asked me to come back if she did not believe in me.  It was going to be a long road and a lot of hard work, but I knew deep down this was what I wanted to do. I could not let the fear of failure hold me back. These past six months have not been easy, I have fumbled, and I have fallen. However, with the support of Meagan, Adam and Brian, the rest of the Get Fit NH Family and my personal family, I have made progress.  I want more than anything to see you succeed. We are here to support you along your journey. When you falter, you can count on your Get Fit NH Family to be there for you! We are in this together!

-Coach Erin

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