Round of Applause for YOU

I have to take a few minutes to tell you how PROUD I am of each of you. This phase we have been working on a lot of similar movement patterns from week to week. If you have not noticed then allow me to catch you up a bit . You have seen heavy farmers, kettlebell swings, lateral lunges, squat patterns, deadlift patterns, ladders, medicine ball work, chins, Turkish get ups, etc pretty regularly and that is just to name a few :-)!  

The purpose of the repetitive patterns is to build the skill and build strength in that skill. I have never in my six years with Get Fit NH seen such consistent progress week to week. That is a huge testament to your commitment to be the best version of you and Coach Adam's programming.

Variety is good, but skill acquisition builds confidence and strength and I think all of you can agree that this phase you have all gotten a whole lot stronger. Keep at it. Consistency is the key to results and you all impress me every single day.

Make it happen

Coach Meagan

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