S3 2013 – Let’s Get In The Habit

SizzlingSummer-S3-13LogoWe are gearing up for Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2013 and we are wicked excited about seeing all the great things you are going to do.

If you have been training at Get Fit NH or a reader of our “stuff”, you know that we are all about building nutrition habits that will enable us to achieve and maintain a lean, high performance body – for a lifetime.

We base a large part of our work on Dr. John Berardi and his team over at Precision Nutrition. There are two (at least) reasons we do that. The first is that these are the same exact principles that allowed me (Coach Dean) to lose over 80 pounds and keep it off for many years. The second is because of my success and the success I saw in others using the system that I sought what is recognized within the industry as the best (and I might add hardest to earn) Nutrition Coaching credential for fitness professionals. I believe it is the best, and the PN team is always on the cutting edge of nutritional science and getting better.

So let’s get started!

Habit 1 is very straightforward.

Eat 4-5 meals per day.

At this point it doesn’t matter what, when, how or why.

Every time you eat, mark an “X” on your success checklist. If at the end of the day you have eaten at least 4 times, give yourself a point.

Pretty simple, eh?

You see we know how busy life is, and we know that it can be a real struggle to eat consistently. Skipping meals on a consistent rate is not cool for many reasons. You don’t get enough nutrients, your blood sugar can go wild, your metabolic rate is thought to slow down – all sorts of things that make achieving and maintaining a lean and healthy body nigh near impossible.

Look I have absolutely no objections if you want to start implementing some or all of the other habits too.

But don’t complicate things.

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Recovery Drink

That’s four feeding opportunities – check!


Just eat.

Here’s an example

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