S3 Habit 6: Yeah, I Know – You Hate Me

SizzlingSummer13LogoAnd I can live with that.


Because I am guessing that you will get over it. 🙂

Plus I know from experience that both the physical and psychological benefits of Habit 6 are worth it.

S3 Habit 6: Don’t Drink Beverages with more than Zero calories.

This is the one that I have heard the most about even before the contest began.

“No cream in my coffee?”

“What about wine, that’s healthy for you!”

Well when it comes right down to it cream in a cup of coffee or the occasional glass of wine is probably not the deal breaker when it comes to your weight management. There are usually bigger fish to fry.

But that doesn’t mean the calories are irrelevant. A couple tablespoons of half and half in a couple cups of coffee a day adds up to almost 600 calories a week, or 30,000 a year.

That’s enough to put on an extra 8 or 9 pounds a year!

And alcohol isn’t exactly calorie free either. A 6oz glass of red wine has 150 calories. Add on top of the fact that you aren’t burning any fat while alcohol is in your system and you have something to think about.

But besides the extra calories that your sodas, juices, latte’s and brewski’s add to your overall calorie count, there is another factor to consider.

The absolute power that food and drink has in so many of our lives.

Think about it.

We are seeking after our healthiest selves, aren’t we?

Mind, body and soul.

Emotional, physical and spiritual.

I would submit to you that being controlled by food and drink is not healthy.

Now I am not condemning, because for years food controlled my life, and it was not healthy in any of the 3 areas I mentioned.

I mean do you really want to HAVE to have any particular food or drink to be happy?

Do you want to be controlled by a powerful stimulant drug like caffeine or a powerful sedative like alcohol?

I am not judging, condemning or otherwise criticizing. I just want you to think about it.

The S3 Habit 6 Five Day Challenge

All I am asking you to do is commit to zero calorie beverages for 5 daysMonday May 20th to Friday May 25th.

After that all bets are off. You can have whatever you want for the rest of the S3 contest and for the rest of your life if you so choose.

Who Is With Me For Five Days?




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