Samantha Shines While Taking Responsibility for Her Health

I love how Sam has included in her spotlight how she took responsibility for her actions. She knew she had to make time, she knew she had to change what she was doing and what she was eating. Get Fit NH is part of who Sam is. She makes us part of her scheduled day. By making herself a priority, she is changing herself and helping those around her change too. Get Fit NH wants to make the world a happier place. It automagically happens when we get healthier. Take it from Sam- it’s working.

What was your absolute biggest challenge prior to joining Get Fit NH?

My biggest challenge prior to returning to Get Fit was making time for training. My work schedule could be pretty unpredictable. I had convinced myself that I never had time to work out.

How did that challenge make you feel?

I admit it, claiming I had no time to exercise was a cop out!

What changed after becoming a member of the Get Fit NH family?

After becoming a member of the Epsom 6pm class, I committed myself to at least 2 days of training a week as well as participating in 5k races. I also utilized time during my work day to take walks with co-workers and compete in minor challenges, like the squat challenge. But, the physical aspect was really just one piece. Committing to learning healthy eating habits has improved results.

What specific results can you share?

"Results" can be measured in different ways! I can say I've lost 17 lbs since February (which I have) but the more meaningful results are changing the bad habits that were ultimately holding me back from doing the things I wanted to do. I see no issue in drinking water all day or not eating bread (ok, the bread thing is pretty difficult). What I love the most is how easy it is to get friends and family on board with healthy habits! Some people will help you get moving and some will commit to clean eating. I've utilized my entire network in some way.

What would you say to somebody on the fence about joining?

Results lie in your hands. Get Fit can help you achieve your fitness goals, whatever they may be, but it starts with you. If you need help with healthy eating, they can do that. If you need modifications due to prior injuries, they will work with you. If you want to find a network of goal minded individuals, they've got that. You will feel sore! But you may even like it! (It means it's working!)

Anything else to add?

Have I said "thank you" yet?! πŸ™‚

Keep the great work and attitude going, Sam!
Coach Nancy

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