Shoveling is seriously strenuous!

Did you know that there are over 11,500 trips to the Emergency room every year from snow shoveling related injuries?

Here are three tips to keep you from being one of them:

1) Warmup – no really. Even just a little light stretching can help loosen you up.

2) Drink Plenty of Water – Shoveling is exhausting exercise. Tuck a small water bottle in your jacket and take breaks every ten minutes or so to get a drink.  The combination of cold weather and exercise can dehydrate you very quickly.

3) Use Good Form – Just like when training in the gym, sloppy form leads to injury. Bend your knees, life with your back, and avoid twisting and/or throwing over your shoulder.

Fun Fact to Know and Tell: a 150lb person will burn over 400 calories per hour shoveling snow!

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