Ten Years From Now You Will Wish You Started

Ten years from now you will wish you started TODAY

Ever heard that saying? I think it is so powerful. It is so easy to feel derailed and discouraged today. There are temptations everywhere and “quick fixes” offered left and right that sound so great and maybe work for a little while, until they don’t and they leave you worse off than before.

Here is my simple encouragement. There is no quick fix. Accept that. There are lifestyle choices. There are lifestyle changes. I am not saying it is easy to just pick up and make all of these changes, but you do have a slew of people and a team of coaches behind you who can help you. Don’t buy into the pills, lotions and potions and fads that say you can lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks, because while that may be true you need to realize what happens when you realize that is not a sustainable lifestyle change.

Start today. One habit at a time. Eat veggies with each meal. Cut out the added sugars daily.  Give yourself a day off, but stay on track the rest of the time. If you don’t know what it means to stay on track or how to get results then you will want to talk to be about the free (virtual) accountability group. Your health, your results, YOU matter and by biggest fear for you is that in ten years you look in the mirror and say, “I wish I started when I read Meagan’s blog!”

Let’s make it happen TOGETHER

Coach Meagan

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