The Big Question

The awesome Martha from 5:00am sent me this quote from Jim Rohn, and it really got me thinking. I want to make you think a little bit too, so here it is:

“You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

It has been said that your life will be a reflection of the 5 people you spend the most time with. And while that may be true, we can overcome that if we must.

We don’t always control the people we work with for instance. But we don’t have to let them define who we are. Rather we can choose to be the positive influence on them. It takes a little work, and you may even be criticized a little bit, but isn’t it better to focus on the positive instead of being sucked into the cesspool of negativity?

Here at Get Fit NH we get the privilege of seeing people radically change their lives. Sure, a lot of times it is about losing pounds and inches, but often that is just the icing on the cake. It is a place of overwhelming positive.

I can’t tell you how pumped I was on Saturday as I watched an incredible group of athletes work together and just get after it for 90 minutes – the energy in the room was incredible!

As I surveyed the room my heart was overwhelmed as I looked at all the faces who have made it their purpose to make themselves better.

And while I can’t possibly relate every story, each face reminded me that we are all in this together, and of the struggles and challenges, and the achievements and victories those faces represent.

I remember Donna W. running arms open at the end of the Renegade Playground Challenge, with the joy of the accomplishment.

I was reminded that one of the reasons Jill came to us is that she wanted to lose weight before having children, and this summer her and Karl bringing Erica into this world.

I see Mae Lynn, who trained hard for her half-marathon and has taken 4 1/2 minutes off her 5k time this year.

And Lori, who looks like a different person after shedding 40 pounds.

I see some who have never given up in spite of nagging injury, like Katy, and Christina and Sharon.

I see couples who have gotten off the couch and joined together to strengthen body and relationship.

I see cancer survivors, heart attack victims and people with arthritis, fighting to stay healthy and active.

But mostly when I look at the faces who walk through our doors I just see winners.

I see people who have decided not to live life by chance, but make the intentional choice to be better, and the hard choice to change.

And part of that means I get to hang out with some really cool people. I get to be influenced by scores of people who add joy to my life, who push me to be better as much as I could ever push them.

So think about it.

Who I am allowing to influence me? Where am I going? What am I thinking, and reading, and becoming?

And then ask yourself the big question.

Is That Ok?

Life does not get better by chance, it only gets better when we purpose to Make It Happen.

Live Life Intentionally.

Coach Dean



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