What Does Losing 1 to 2 Pounds A Week Look Like?

One pound of fat loss a week.

When we are coaching our weight loss clients and ask them to set an outcome goal, usually it breaks down to losing 1-2 pounds per week, which is a realistic and achievable goal.

But with that goal comes a challenge, an objection really – and it goes like this:

“One pound a week doesn’t seem like very much”.

“I mean really, that’s only 4 pounds a month, shouldn’t I set my goal at something like 10 pounds a month?”

A couple thoughts come to mind when I hear something like that said:

  1. If it doesn’t seem like much why aren’t you doing it already?
  2. Have you thought about the change you would make in a year by losing “just a pound a week”?

I mean would losing 52 pounds a year hold any significance for you?

I thought so.

Well the other half of “Team Edelmann” did just that this year.

Jill averaged just about 1.25 pounds per week of weight loss over the course of 2010 – 63 pounds total to date.

The transformation is nothing less than stunning.

Jill March 2010

Jill December 2010 - Wow!

What do you think about losing a pound a week now – Not Too Shabby, eh?

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