What S3 has done for Judy

S3 has taught me some incredible things!!!

I now have a plan that works for the times I’m tired, surprises that mess up metabolism, can’t sleep because I’m hungry, etc. so I don’t go crazy/binge. I’m thinking a lot more like the thin person I used to be. Even when it’s a cheat meal I don’t eat anywhere near as much as before. I also hear/feel the little signs that 2 1/2 – 3 hours have passed so that I don’t totally forget to eat/keep my metabolism in order.

So thank you thank you thank you!!! Because of you, I’m well on my way to being a healthy weight again only I’ll be much stronger too – an added bene! Today I could do the step-ups without having to hold onto the wall at all to help step-up; I could do the front raises with 10lb weights the whole time (the 5lb just-in-case DB’s just sat!).

Judy Swain – Get Fit NH Bootcamp Epsom 6:15am

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