Why Do We Do This?!? because…

“And the 2010 Award for Best Butt goes too….” drum roll please…. every Bootcamper that attended todays workout (or all week for that matter!).

thanks200900014Ok, so it was really ’20/10 best butt’ … aka: Tabata butt finisher 20 seconds 1 leg hip/thigh, 10 sec holding the 2 leg hip/thigh bridge – tight! It was KILLER! Especially after the 50/10 workout complete with 5 squats – hold the squat for 5 seconds, repeat; front lunges with a reach; the abs cruncher in and outs; chin ups (or pulldowns); to the small scapula airplane movement = massive rubbery limbs.

Did I mention… I went skiing yesterday and found that even with all the squats, lunges, etc. my legs still burn on the mountainside? The girls heard it several times today as tears roll down my face. Today’s workout just added to my already screaming thighs. I found myself in quite a pickle on a few lunges … ‘help! I’ve lunged and can’t get up’, a very bizarre feeling let me tell you.

Why do we do it? Other than being sadistic?! It’s fun!! An hour out of your busy day that is just for YOU! Longevity and living strong!! Not to mention before you know it, the warm weather comes and the clothes get shed… it’s bad enough to expose the pastey skin that glows, but, flabby, cottage cheese cellulite is a definite fashion faux pas don’t ya think? Surgical enhancements are always available but who wants to spend that kind of money, take those kind of risks, not to mention scarring…just to look good? Not us!! We’ll do it the healthy, old fashioned way with hard work and healthy choices… to BOOTCAMP we go!!!

So KUDOS to you all for putting YOU first (‘It’s all about ME’ attitude). I’m proud of you all!!!
J-Lo and Raphael Nadal have nothing on us… we are 2010’s Best Butts!

(side note: I did a little research… they actually have a list of best famous booties… Raphael is a tennis player and J-Lo came in 4th because she’s… flabby(heeheehee) the winner was Vida Guerra for being rock hard – who knew?!)

blog you later!

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