You Decide If You’re The Victim

Some of you may have seen my Why Wednesday a couple weeks ago about this topic, but I wanted to go back into it because I do think it's so important.  In reading a book to help myself out recently I realized how much I was allowing myself to become a victim of my circumstances. Or more accurately allowing myself the excuse because of things that were happening to me.  I think one of the biggest examples of this is my relationship with food. That is the main reason I am writing this blog and using this example. When something bad happened or I had a rough day the first thing I would do is use food.  So what I was saying is “I’m a victim of my day so I can have this”.

Another example that many of you might be able to understand as well is the “If it's in the house I’m going to eat it”. I remember getting legitimately angry at people for bringing things home that I could have because I would eat them.  Again what am I saying? “You are victimizing me by bringing that stuff here” which gives me the excuse to mow down on it. Coming to that realization has helped me immensely because if there is one thing I never want to be considered it is a “victim”.

Don’t misunderstand me, you do not have control over everything that happens in your life.  You’re going to have to deal with crabby people, difficult work associates or customers. No one has complete control over the things that happen in their life.  What you DO have 100% control over is how you respond to those scenarios, are you going to allow yourself to be a victim of your circumstance? Or are you going to decide to still fight, be positive, stay strong.  To realize that you can choose whether or not you allow yourself to be a victim, or not allow yourself to be puts you in control.

-Coach Adam

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