You Spoke, We Listened!

File this under “You asked for it, you got it”!

Our Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Contest is in full swing, with only a few more weeks to go.

You are doing a great job with the contest:

Your pants are getting looser…

The class competition is getting tighter…

and you are throwing more trash talk my way than ever!

In spite of the fact that you are doing your best to hurt my feelings, due to overwhelming demand we have decided to extend the S3 contest…

One More Week!


Two primary reasons:

First it’s April vacation next week, and many of you are going away. We wanted you to have a couple weeks after vacation to tighten it up, get back on track, and make your final push. If you are not going away – even better – you have one more week to Make It a Happen!

Second, the first week of May is a short week. Don’t miss this! We will be meeting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only the week of May 3rd.

Because of these two facts, we are going to end the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown on Friday, May 14th. Your final weigh-in will be the last day you train during that week, and you must weigh-in no later than Friday.

I am really looking forward to seeing you take advantage of the extra week and make even better progress!

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Tell Your Friends!