2 new hips, 1 new knee and shoulder repair

Check out this note we got from one of our ten year clients! This guy is SUPER active. His extracurriculars include skiing, biking and adventuring with his two active dogs. 

This client is retired and has been for many years, but through many working years and now through retirement he has stayed consistent in his strength training. 

This client trained with us leading up to each one of these surgeries and strength training was an essential part of his post rehab recovery. 

This is a really important testimony for those of you out there watching and wondering if Get Fit NH could be the place for you. The beauty of working with professional coaches is that we can modify and progress training to work around YOUR needs. We are also happy to communicate with physicians to be sure we are all on the same page. 

If you’re looking to add to your health team, Get Fit NH could be your answer. Schedule your two week free trial below! 

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