Author Archives: gfnhoffice

The Blueprint for Lasting Success

This is how education works: you don’t sit down with a five-year-old and show them piles of books, assignments, and papers they are going to have to devour, finish, and deliver by the time they’re done. The five-year-old just ‘shows up’ and day by day the work gets done.” -Dan John

I read this quote and it is a great way of categorizing the “trying to do it all at once” idea which often doesn’t have real results. When we look at the quote above, it’s just another way to realize how much work may have to eventually be done, but that it doesn’t have to be done all at once.

Let’s fast forward this a few years and, for the sake of argument, say it’s your first year in college. You’re a freshman and you walk into your advisor’s office. Your advisor looks at you and says, “Good morning, welcome to the university” (it is your first day, after all, so pleasantries are being exchanged), after which she drops a booklet down on the counter. On the front, the booklet says “A Four-Year Degree in Two Semesters” with a picture of a group of smiling college students on the cover playing Frisbee out on the quad. You look at the booklet thinking “Wow, they look stoked, and I can get my degree in 2 semesters?!?! Sweeeeeeet”.

You open to the first page, and as you read you realize this isn’t some expedited curriculum, its four years of material that you are expected to finish in under a year. The first page lists all the books you would need to buy over your college career, but you need to pay for them all tomorrow since this is only one year. There’s a few thousand dollars right there. On the next page is a list of every assignment you will ever be assigned…let’s revise that, on the next 6 pages is a list of every assignment you will have. That’s followed by 4 pages of all the papers you will be assigned, then by another 3 pages of finals you have to take and senior research projects and papers you have to write. Its rounded out with 4 pages about what you have to do for graduation and oh by the way, the day after you graduate you begin a career in your field for the rest of your life. All while you have to find a way to squeeze out 100+ hours of internship. How many people are going to succeed on that system?

Now, let’s say that somehow you do finish in a year. Let’s say after burning four different candles at three ends for a year, you graduate. Do you think that the brain can really take in that much information in that short of a time period and be able to sort it and apply it rationally? Heck no.

Now apply that to your health. If you have bad joints, or you need to loose excess body fat, or you want to run a marathon, there is no “cheat code”. It is achieved by gradually learning how to change parts of your lifestyle that are not conducive to your goal, and amplifying the ones that are. Also, a progressing exercise regimen will help get you there. If you came in tomorrow and Coach Dean gave you every piece of information available to him or gave you 500 steps to be healthy the rest of your life, how successful do you think you would be? I know I wouldn’t be successful. That’s way too much information to apply at once.

Health and habits are something that have to be learned and applied over time. If you are 80 pounds overweight and you try to implement 25 habits or steps the first day, you probably aren’t going to be successful. It’s about building a habit, then once its ingrained, building another. Continually learning more and applying more over time. So don’t expect everything to click at once, don’t expect to be able to apply 15 life changes tomorrow. Just come in, exercise, work hard, and make those small incremental changes. That’s the blueprint for real long lasting success and health, not trying to lose 60 pounds in a week.

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam

Making Up For Lost Time

My family recently suffered a tragic loss. My grandfather died unexpectedly after complications of a car accident. He left behind his wife of 65 years, 7 children, 20+ grandchildren and 20+ great grandchildren. As I cried through his ceremony, I couldn’t help but think about the time I could have spent with him. The time I didn’t spend with him. All I could think about was lost time.

Time goes by fast. Life goes by fast. Are you living the way you want to live? Are you as active as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as happy as you want to be? Tomorrow is not promised, but time is not lost. You still have today. Today is the day you get back to training. Today is the day you plan your next meal and the next one and the one after that. Today is the day you start making up for lost time.

Today is not too late.

-Coach Meagan

You’re Not in Trouble, We Just Want You Back in Here

I have been thinking long and hard about this, and I just want to clear something up.

If you don’t come in the door for a long period of time, you may be thinking you are going to get berated when you come back in that first time. That is not the case at all. We contact you because we legitimately want you to come back. We want you to achieve what you set out to accomplish and we are here to make that happen. That is our purpose – to help you reach your goals.

However, here is the roadblock some may face… You don’t come to training for a while, you get out of a routine, and eventually you just feel like you have fallen too far. The prospect of returning and having to regain all that was lost seems daunting. So what often happens? You push it aside thinking “I have just slipped too far”, so you start filling your time up with other things. At that point, you start not looking at emails, not answering or returning phone calls and the like. Often it’s because you think you are going to get chewed out or get in trouble.

If you are anything like me, you feel embarrassed after missing those calls and not getting back. The more you ignore and the more you push it off, the more and more you cringe at the thought of picking up that phone or walking in the door. It’s hard to talk to or face someone who you have been trying not to see or talk to. So after a while it becomes more about the fear of seeing that person, than the actual training itself.

Well, I am here to tell you that no one is going to look down on you for coming back in. For picking up the phone when you get called or for returning the email. You will never get a snide or rude email back. We want you here. Ultimately, that is why we send those messages and make those calls, for that exact reason. You aren’t in trouble and you are not going to get berated when you come back in. We want you here and we want to help you. Avoiding us and avoiding training doesn’t help anyone. Don’t be embarrassed, don’t be scared, don’t avoid… just get in here and accomplish everything you can imagine.

Make it happen!
-Coach Adam


If you train at Get Fit NH, then you know we don’t accept mediocracy. We don’t accept it for ourselves and we don’t accept it from our students. We like to think that is part of what separates us from the rest.

As the great coach Martin Rooney says, “There is a big difference between compliance and self-accountability. Most people just comply with what they have to do and as a result, they accept mediocrity. Some people, however, take things upon themselves and do their best in all situations. They go the “little extra”.  These are the daring souls that eventually rise above the rest and enjoy high levels of success in their lives.”

Coach Rooney has a theory about mediocracy that resonates so much with me and I think it will sit well with you too. He uses the acronym “M.T.E.” In mediocre people, M.T.E stands for “Meets the Expectation”. If we relate this to training, that might mean you show up to training 2, 3, 4 times per week as prescribed and you exercise or you complete the 21 day detox and then go right back to old habits.

In successful, results-oriented people, M.T.E stands for “More Than Expected”. Meaning you get in here, you train hard, you load heavy, eat well, accept coaching, and continue to get 1% better every single day. There is a HUGE difference in those acronyms. Imagine what you could get done if you gave more than expected in every aspect of your life. For today, make it a point to do a little more than expected. Before I let you go, here are some examples:

1.    Say “Thank You” as many times a day as possible…and mean it!
2.    Find people doing positive things and compliment them for it.
3.    Write a hand written letter to someone that has helped you with something.
4.    Stay organized and take on projects that you are both interested in and can do well.
5.    Prepare your meals
6.    Pick up a weight that intimidates you!

Make it happen,
Coach Meagan

Are You in Pain? Make an Appointment

“It’s not witchcraft, it’s not made up, it takes no super special equipment or radical amount of time or money. So if you are in pain, don’t make excuses, make an appointment.” –Coach Adam

As you may have guessed, I just thought that quote up as a lead in to this blog. How many times have I talked about being hurt? How many times have you been hurt? Whether it is from something you did outside the gym, something that you have always had, or something that has just sort of creeped up on you. Guess what, we have someone in this facility who can help.

That person is CJ, and if he can’t help, he can point you to someone who can. What do you really have to lose? I can promise you it is not going to make matters any worse, it can only make things better. I have been hearing a lot of people self-diagnosing recently and not getting the issue looked at to pinpoint what is actually going on. When I bring up CJ, they look at me like I just told them to rub snake oil on it and do a rain dance. The things that CJ does to help isn’t hokum, it wasn’t spelled out on an Ouija board (although some of you that do it often might think it’s demonic). Its actively working on the muscle groups to figure out what is causing the pain you are experiencing.

It’s $10 for 10 minutes of your time. Do some research and see how much you can get out of 10 minutes of your PCP’s time. I’m sure it’s also a heck of a lot more expensive than $10. Most of the time from your PCP, you get sent somewhere else for imaging which they schedule a month from now. A majority of the time you get through your MRI just to discover it showed nothing. So what’s next after that? You pay more money for PT, which you have to wait another week to get in to.

Here is your other option: you pay $10 to see CJ and he has a look. If it’s not something he himself or someone at Performance Health can help with, they will refer you to someone else for the next steps. This isn’t some marketing, snake oil salesman scheme by bringing CJ in. If we didn’t think having him in here could help out our students, he wouldn’t be here. So stop overthinking it and thinking it’s some sort of gimmick and make an appointment to see him.

Make it Happen
-Coach Adam

Getting Back On Track

A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a student who had said she was frustrated with some pain she was experiencing and because of that she threw herself a little “pity party” and indulged in ways she normally would not. When she told me this, I gave her a little flick to the arm and told her to get over it and get back on track in my loving coach voice. The reason I am sharing this is because the student who shared this with me admitted to falling off track, but by confessing, she committed to getting back on track.

We are all going to fall off track at some point. We are human and temptation surrounds us. The part to pay close attention to is how far we let ourselves fall off track. More often than not, we get into our own head and dwell on that piece of cheesecake and continue down a path of destruction. If you had an unplanned piece of pie, then congratulations, you are a human. Now move on from it. Don’t make a commitment to tomorrow or Monday. Make a commitment to your next meal. Your next meal is going to be great and the one after that is going to be on track. An unplanned splurge doesn’t wreck the day. Dwelling is dangerous.

Now in my most loving coach voice, I am telling you to make the next thing that goes into your mouth support your goal!

Coach Meagan

It’s All About Hard Work

“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist; we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that’s that. I’m not talented, I am obsessed.” –Conor McGregor

I have to admit, I did not like Conor McGregor when I first started hearing bits and pieces of audio from him. For any of you who do not know, Conor McGregor is a professional UFC fighter. While I may not know a ton about UFC, I have never been able to take the loud mouth cocky shtick that comes along with him. However, after reading this quote, I may be coming around.

I’m a sucker for this stuff. I have said on multiple occasions that I will take the person who works the hardest over the person with the most raw talent any day of the week. Of course, this quote just speaks to talent in general…if you’re 5’11” no matter how hard you work you will never be 6’ 6”. Talent, though, is created from hard work, coaching, and overall mental ability.

Do you think that some of the best players, fighters, and the like got that way by just waking up one morning and saying “whelp, I think I’m going to play professional baseball today”? No, of course not. They worked their butts off, found the right coaches, maybe had a lucky break here or there, but for the most part, worked harder than the guys who didn’t make it.

This is no different for any of you. You could be anyone if you put in the time and the hard work. You all may come from different backgrounds and be at different points in your lives. However, there is no reason you can’t build up to the point where you can do 2 minutes straight of burpees without stopping or finish the 12 pains of Christmas two times through. Depending on where you are, it may take a little more time or a little more effort, but it certainly doesn’t have to do with any predetermined factor.

You want it? You want to be healthy? You want to lose weight? You want to be super fit? You want to fit into a certain piece of clothing? Well guess what, that takes hard work almost to the point of obsession. So don’t think this person is just lucky or that person is not, it’s all about how hard you work and how bad you want it.

Make it happen!
– Coach Adam

Imagine a World Where You Had All the Answers…

To these “How to” questions:

•    How to be successful
•    How to raise successful and happy children
•    How to live comfortably
•    How to have a happy marriage

I wish I had those direct answers for you, but I don’t! Here is what I do have though – the answers to health! The answers to helping YOU create the best version of YOU. When you’re healthier, you’re happier. When you feel better, you act better. A leaner you is a more confident you. A stronger you is a more independent you. When you challenge yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, you are fearless and unstoppable.

What is one thing you keep telling yourself you’ll focus on next week? Next week never comes, tomorrow never comes, Monday never comes – focus on it NOW. You know what needs to change and, if not, here is a list of some things that could be holding you back from that next mark:

•    Nutrition – whether that means what you are eating, when you are eating, or how many times you are eating. Need some answers? Have you been to a Grateful Plate seminar? Have you tried the 21-day detox? The how to is right in front of you on this subject. It is just a matter of learning and taking action!
•    Training – are you training consistently? Once a week ain’t gonna cut it. Sporadically showing up ain’t gonna cut it. If you are going to do it – DO IT! Challenge yourself. If you are getting in here, then heck, step 2 is making every second from warm up to cool down count!
•    Recovery – Unless you are an elite athlete or someone who makes a living off of training, then quit training six or seven times a week. Guess what you are doing – nothing. Your body does its best work when you are recovering and if you never allow that to happen, then you are spinning your wheels and getting really frustrated when you don’t see a change.
•    Speaking of recovery – sleep! Are you sleeping? Are you shutting off the TV or closing the computer and trying to get at least 7 hours in? If the answer is no, then yeah – you’d be surprised how negatively this can affect where you are trying to go. Guess what happens to patience and discipline and mindset when you are tired? It goes down the drain!
•    Alcohol – so you are eating well, but drinking every night. “Just one glass a wine” does not do the body well. It does not help recovery. It does not help fat burning. Stop fooling yourself. I am not saying the occasional drink is detrimental to results, but I am saying that the nightly cocktail IS.
•    Stress Management – got a stressful job? A lot of us do. Being in control of the things above helps tremendously. If those things are out of control, then you are just adding to the pile.

If you are not going to focus on you, then no one else will. It is up to you to make the changes and focus on getting better. We’ve got a handle on the “How to” for health. The question is: are you just reading or are you taking action?

Make it Happen!
Coach Meagan

Are you taking enough time for yourself?

Today, I want to tell you how grateful I am that each of you chooses to train at Get Fit NH. As many of you know, my world was recently turned upside down with the birth of my son, Elijah. His arrival was a giant, unexpected surprise and my time away from the gym has allowed me the opportunity to reflect.

Prior to motherhood, I was a fast-paced and somewhat impatient individual. Some may consider me a bit of a control freak. I like to think of myself more as organized and well-prepared. For those of you who are parents, you are probably laughing at me right now as you understand the change I have been slapped with. I am now on someone else’s time which has caused me to slow way down. I am now responsible for someone else’s life which has caused me to put myself second.

It was 3pm the other day when I realized I hadn’t eaten. I hadn’t showered. I hadn’t brushed my teeth. I stopped and I thought about all of you. All of the moms and dads of Get Fit NH. All of you who make it happen every single day often with multiple children, their practices, their games, school, and more. I thought about how a few weeks ago it was so easy for me to say, “take time for yourself”, and here I am not taking care of myself and not even realizing it.

Here is my confession along with my commitment to take care of me – my beautiful baby boy deserves a healthy mom and I can and will take care of me so that together we can be healthy, happy and strong! Don’t let yourself go now because it is going to be harder to catch up later. Life will always be busy and things will continue to pop up. Are you ready to tackle the obstacles? You deserve better and you best believe your kids deserve better.

I am so grateful for all of you for keeping me honest,
Coach Meagan

Bonus Spotlight for the End of the Year

Hello, ladies and gentlemen of Get Fit NH. It’s finally time for me to throw my hat into the ring and shine the spotlight on a deserving student. I decided to write my first spotlight on Kristin Wolfe. Before I talk about why she has earned this honor, I’ll let you read about Kristin’s experience with us in her own words:

“I chose GFNH because I wanted and needed to exercise differently; something other than going to a big box gym. That was just not motivating enough and I wasn’t getting the results I wanted by relying on myself to get me there and challenge myself each and every time. When I first started at GFNH, those first few months were difficult. I was overweight and sluggish, I was sore all of the time, I wondered if I would ever be able to go up and down stairs normally again or put on my jacket without wincing. I worried about not being able to execute the exercises correctly and effectively, I felt very uncoordinated and uncomfortable being there. But as I became a little stronger and with the unwavering support and guidance from Dean, within 6 months I could notice a big kristin wolfe spotlightdifference in how I carried myself both in and outside of GFNH. The constant soreness subsided and I looked forward to going to training rather than dreading it. I have lost and kept off 20 lbs.
          I have definitely become physically stronger over the years (yes, I am approaching my 6-year mark!) but I have also gained a considerable amount of self-confidence. Now I feel as though I could take on almost any challenge (BRING IT!), whether it be physical or mental. I try not to let the exercise beat me, don’t let it win, complete the challenge and be ready to face the next one. I dig deep for the “bring it on!” attitude and try to push through anything you guys throw at me. It’s a 180-degree attitude from when I first started. I came to training without the confidence to look the challenge in the eye, even shied away from it; now I come ready to face the challenge head on and hopefully kick its butt! I entered my first 5k road race a year and half after starting at GFNH and was so proud of myself to be able to run the entire thing in less than 30 minutes. That was quite a feat for me! I enter at least 1 per year now. I could barely do 1 push-up from my knees when I started and now I can crank out 34 in 3 minutes!
          We have horses and I don’t have to worry about being able to hoist 50lb grain bags or hay bales or awkward bales of shavings. I know I am strong enough to do it without a problem. I have a 10 year old daughter who enjoys being active and I am able to keep up and even surpass her activity level now. Over the next few years my family and I plan on hiking all of the 4,000 footers in NH and I am confident I can do it. I am still chasing that pre-pregnancy weight number on the scale, despite how unreasonable it may seem and in the back of my mind I know it is just a number and truly means nothing. I’d just like to see it one more time! Sometimes it’s not easy to take care of myself. Juggling the responsibilities of working full-time and being a mom can make it hard to manage time for myself (ie: getting to training) and ultimately I will sacrifice myself (ie: not getting to training) to be there for them.
          I still struggle with my willpower at times, carbs are the devil and I am so much better off without them. The nutritional guidance we get at GFNH is priceless. I have learned an immeasurable amount from Dean and Nancy through their seminars and constant preaching. I have learned how to eat better (no, I am not perfect by any means) and cleaner and how to actually read an ingredient label! The way I cook and even grocery shop is forever changed. While I have made considerable progress since my enrollment at GFNH, I never stop pushing myself. I want to do better, I want to do more. I want to lift more weight, get in more reps and advance to the next resistance band. I beat myself up when I don’t or can’t accomplish what I set out to do but that just makes me stronger and makes me attack it even harder next time. My time at GFNH has had such positive impacts on many aspects of my life, how do I thank someone enough for that? I can’t.”

I am at somewhat of a disadvantage here because I have only been here for the last year. I wasn’t able to see the beginning of Kristin’s journey. What I can tell you is that since day one I have been impressed with her effort day in and day out. I have always said I would take heart over talent in any situation. In my opinion, it’s the person who works the hardest day in and day out that deserves the praise and the accolades. Ironically, it is often those who work the hardest and have the most heart that achieve what they set out to. When it comes to heart, I don’t look much further than her, because she has it in spades. Keep up the hard work, Kristin!!

-Coach Adam