Meagan Sbat
Author Archives: Meagan Sbat


You know what spirit week is, right? My teacher friends are probably super familiar with this and parents too! 

The kids always get all the fun of spirit week so let's share some of that fun as BIG kids. The week before recovery week, everyone's favorite week, we are getting in the CHRISTMAS spirit! You won't want to be the one who comes in with no spirit. Coach Dean is getting in on the fun and incorporating the spirit into training! It's going to be a week to remember, so don't miss out...

Merry Monday (December 19): Find your antlers, santa hats, elf ear, etc and put it on! We are looking to get our HEAD in the game on Monday! If it's festive and it goes on your head (or even if it isn't supposed to go on your head) WEAR IT!

Tacky Tuesday (December 20): Tacky T-Shirts! Find the crazy Christmas shirts and vests or make your own and make it tacky!

Triumphant Thursday (December 22): Christmas Pajamas! Train in you PJs. Morning crews can just roll out of bed and get in the car! Bring your bed head too- just make sure you brush your teeth before leaving the house! 

Fun, Festive, Friday (December 23): Fun socks AND jingle, jingle! Bells are a must! The more you jingle the EASIER the training will be! Jingle laces, jingle necklaces, jingle earrings...jingle, jingle!

Let's make the last training week of 2016 the BEST WEEK EVER!

Who's making it happen?

Coach Meagan

Shining the Light on a New Journey That’s Off to a Great Start

​Brenda Paradis started her journey with us just a few short months ago in September. The transition I have had the honor of seeing this woman make is out of this world. First off, let me just say that her positive and upbeat attitude is contagious. Her humor makes her a great fit at the 5:30 training hour and her work ethic is outstanding. I have had the pleasure of not only observing her body change, but also her confidence and her performance. I truly cannot say enough about how grateful I am to have Brenda as part of the Get Fit Family. I asked her to share her story, because she just started and her positive changes could change your life or someone you know. Just take that first step- listen to how it changed her for the better!

Brenda getting her "I Survived" tshirt on the far right!

1. What was your biggest challenge before starting Get Fit NH?

I had a gained a significant amount of weight over the last 5 years and I slowly became less active. I wasn't making positive health choices and as a result, began experiencing health issues. Fortunately, all of my cardiac and respiratory tests were negative but I continued to have inflammation and terrible joint pain that became self-limiting. One of my biggest challenges, in many ways, was me! I needed to be able to put myself first and make the commitment to make changes in my life recognizing that the weight gain was perpetuating my inactivity and vice versa had become a vicious cycle.

2. How did that challenge make you feel?

Honestly, I was scared! Scared for my health, unhappy and uncomfortable with the effects of my weight gain and deconditioning. I wanted to do something but it was difficult to take the first step. In late August, as I was preparing to send two kids off to college and was contemplating our somewhat 'empty nest' I saw the Get Fit post on Facebook. I looked into it and didn't really spend too much time contemplating - I just jumped in head first and started with the metabolic reboot on September 6th.

3. What changed after starting?

Initially, I thought, Oh my gosh what have you done ... you'll never keep up! Actually, I have really surprised myself and have found that in just 8-10 weeks that I am stronger, healthier and feel so much better! With every class, I gain a little more strength and confidence (all the baby steps are adding up) which is motivating and helps me continue on my journey to health and wellness! I've really not had a day where I didn't want to go to class. In many ways, it's the best part of my day because it's my time ... for me and it's ALOT of fun!

4. What specific results can you share?

First, the coaches have been so supportive and have helped push me in the direction I need to go. I've been able to set challenging goals and achieve them which has been very rewarding! I feel so much better in only a short period of time. I am excited to see the progress I can make in the coming year! I am looking forward to snowshoeing this winter which I used to really enjoy and may even get my skis out!

5. What would you say to someone on the fence about starting?

Don't Think About It ... Be About It! Taking the first step can be scary and difficult but you'll never be alone! What a wonderful group of people and coaches at Get Fit! I would have never imagined such a wonderful experience the first time I walked into their gym! A huge thank you to my Coach Meagan, and Cari, Kristen, and Adam! You guys rock!

And a huge thank you to you, Brenda, for showing up, working hard and making us proud!

Keep making it happen,
Coach Meagan

Clean out your closets and your cabinets!

Is it too early for spring cleaning? 

I always welcome an excuse to raid my cabinets, clean out my drawers and go through my closet. I might be a little bit of an organization freak- but hey! You can be too and for a good cause! 

This holiday season we are welcoming all kinds of opportunities to give back. With Toys for Tots in full spring, Friends of Forgotten Children food drive and now Friends of Forgotten Children shoe box drive we thought why not accept Sarra's invitation to clean up the house and donate some stuff! 

Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Best Buddies is pairing up with a program called Savers. Savers is an organization who retrieve donated items and in turn they fund the organization collecting items (in this case Best Buddies) This is referred to as a FUNDrive. 

The FUNDrive accepts the following items:

  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Bedding/Towels
  • Accessories
  • CDs, DVDs, Books
  • Electrical Items
  • Toys and games
  • Kitchen items
  • Knick Knacks
  • Sporting goods

If you are ready to get cleaned up and organized before Christmas hits then this is your opportunity to make it happen! We will accept donations starting Monday December 5th and we will continue to accept through Thursday December 8th. Savers will be coming to pick up donations on December 9th so we will not be accepting items once they pick up. 

As always, we appreciate your support and willingness to get behind yet another fantastic organization

Coach Meagan​

Friends of Forgotten Children Shoe Box Drive

We are very excited to get behind another fantastic opportunity to GIVE!  It is such a special time of year where generosity and positive energy is in full swing. We want to help make Concord a happier place and we know you want to be part of it too! 

For the past few years at the Christmas party we have done a yankee swap. This year we want to trade that for a the shoe box drive. While the yankee swap give us laughs and joy the shoe box drive will fill your heart and also somebody else's. 

What is the shoe box drive?

Friends of Forgotten Children in Concord does a toy and clothing drive for children during the holiday season. They take in toys and all kinds of clothing items and then separate it so that each child gets 2 toys and 2 clothing items. This year our Christmas party falls on Saturday, December 17th. That is cutting it awfully close to Christmas, so instead of having the volunteers of Friends of Forgotten Children separate the items, we thought we would take care of that for them. So here is what we are looking for:

1 Shoe box for a little boy or a little girl (or unisex)

2 small toys

2 clothing items (hats, gloves, scarves are best!)

There are example boxes at both gyms so you can check out what we're looking for (you don't have to be fancy and wrap the boxes like Coach Meagan did!) 

If you are coming to the Christmas party you can bring it with you at that time and you will earn one extra raffle ticket! If you are unable to come to the Christmas party, but would like to give then we are asking those be brought in by Friday, December 16th.

This is different than the Toys for Tots drive we have going on. That ends on December 11th. There are a lot of families in need and we want everyone to be smiling this year!

Thank you for your undeniable generosity and fantastic attitudes!

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

How does the holiday season sneak up so quickly each year?

I absolutely love the season of friends, family and giving!

Coming up on Saturday December 17th we will enjoy our annual Christmas Party, and we want you there!

 We take great joy in these parties, because we get to come together as one big family. This is an opportunity to bring along your family and share with your loved ones where you have been "Making It Happen."

An opportunity to come together in “regular people” clothes and share a meal and also an opportunity to GIVE.

In place of the "Yankee Swap" we have had the last couple years, we are going to change things up a bit. This year we would like to get behind a local organization called, "Friends of Forgotten Children." One of our own, Tom Rochette, is involved with the organization so we asked him if we could do a toy/clothing drive for local children in need.  Totally optional, but instead of a yankee swap gift, would you bring a shoe box with 2 toys and 2 clothing items. Clothing items could be hats, gloves, scarves, etc. During the holiday season we love to share the spirit and make Concord a happier place. 

Of course this years party will include food as always, student superlatives (so make sure you R.S.V.P so we know who we are choosing from!) and lots of laughter and joy!

We do not take for granted that YOU choose to train with US. So, grab your ugly sweater (because oh yeah, that’s a new added feature!) and sign up below!

When: Saturday December 17, 2016

Time: 10:00am until the Party is Over!

Where: Get Fit NH Concord

See You There!

Holding down the spotlight after back surgery!

Cristina Kearns is hanging out in the spotlight this week and let me tell you it is WELL DESERVED. The dedication and determination this woman has is out of this world. Her positive attitude is contagious and her outbursts make the entire room smile. I am so thankful to have Cristina train with us. She busts her butt and accepts challenges with open arms. I asked Cristina to share her story, because she has recovered from not one but two back surgeries and I swear you wouldn't even know it. She gets here and frequently sees her name on the perfect attendance poster. She trains like she means it each and every day. Here is what she has to say...

Get Fit has made me STRONGER over the past four years! When I first started at Getfit I was obsessed with the number on the scale; it was not about being healthy it was about being skinny. Today, strong is the new skinny. Getfit has helped me change the way I think and I am so grateful. The amazing coaches at Getfit have also helped me through chronic back pain and recent back injuries.

I have had chronic back problems over fifteen years. I had my first back surgery 12 years ago. During that time in my life I was not exercising, I was making poor food choices and solely concentrating on what my two daughters and husband needed. I was putting my own health on the back burner and I only had myself to blame for that. By not taking care of me, my back problems continued- I was not maintaining a healthy weight, my core was weak and my flexibility was declining.

Fast forward to 2014. I was training for my first full marathon and also training at Getfit. My coaches were continuing to help me work on my core and I was learning the importance of breathing. Coach Meagan was encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone and I was lifting more I ever thought I could! In September, I started having sciatic nerve pain and lower back pain and I knew I was headed to very familiar territory. My training runs were getting longer and my pain was increasing. I was back and forth to the doctor and was being prescribed steroids. I was also reaching out to Coach Dean and Coach Meagan, desperate for their advice. Despite these setbacks, I made it to the finish line of the Chicago marathon in October!

However; the pain continued and after physical therapy, chiropractor visits and cortisone shots, in February, my surgeon decided that we needed to take the next step and decompress the nerve that was aggravating my back. The surgery was successful and the recovery was a long road, but Coach Meagan would check in frequently, letting me know she was thinking of me and rooting for me along the way. I took the summer off and returned to Getfit in August 2015. I had my FMS screening and returned with a wrist full of colorful bands; I modified everything! I knew I was in a place where I would get stronger and better; I was watched carefully and I was grateful for their watchful eyes. Thank you Getfit for your continued support, professionalism and encouragement. I look forward to getting up every day to attend my 5 am class; I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!

Thank you for brightening my day every morning! You are a true rockstar!
-Coach Meagan

Don’t Miss the Final Weigh In, Jumpstart Friends!

The jumpstart is in full blast. By this point you have survived the headaches and the exhaustion and you are headed toward feeling better with more energy - congratulations! Keep going! It will be worth it. Not only will it be worth FEELING better, but think about the possible prize sitting on the other side for you!

Speaking of prizes...there are some rules, right? You did your initial weigh in, but let us not forget about the FINAL weigh in. We need those weigh ins done by Monday November 21st. We will be compiling the results Tuesday so that we can give the prize away on our Wednesday training day. You can weigh in anytime the week before - just get it done! 

Keep making it happen, Coach Meagan

Thanksgiving Schedule

Can you believe it is already November? I can’t believe it. The brisk weather is here and snow is not too far behind, BUT hopefully before the snow comes we can enjoy Thanksgiving. I don’t know about you, but I could do without the 2014 Thanksgiving blizzard!

Thanksgiving week is going to be a little bit different. Family time for you and us is important stuff so make sure you jot down the whacky schedule so you don’t miss out on the bonus training (and so you don’t show up when we’re not here!)

Monday November 21 – Regular Training Schedulemcl5rrkca
Tuesday November 22- Regular Training Schedule
WEDNESDAY November 23- Regular Training Schedule BOTH locations
Thursday November 24- No Training
Friday November 25- No Training
SATURDAY November 26- World Famous Pie’s Off Thighs ALL family training in Concord at 8 AM

We hope you enjoy this holiday season with your family. Thank you for choosing to train with us!
Get Fit NH Coaches

We all love Jayne, don’t we?

I just had to put Jayne Millerick in the spotlight. If you train with Get fit NH then you have probably met Jayne, seen Jayne or heard of Jayne. She is insanely humble and more of an inspiration than she will ever understand. I remember when I first started coaching with Get Fit 4 years ago and thinking WOW! This woman is STRONG and she is the sweetest person ever. I feel so lucky to know Jayne, coach her and have her in this Get Fit NH family. When I grow up- I want to be like her and if you have ever trained next to her then you probably feel the same! I asked her to share her background, because even I would never believe her training history. Here is what she has to say..

How long have you trained at Get Fit NH?13962613_10154471913388410_4688648274892979837_n
6 years

Why did you seek out a coaching facility?
Before joining Get Fit, I was an expert at finding excuses not to exercise regularly. Something would inevitably come up every day and it wouldn’t get done. When a friend asked me to join her for the 5am class in Concord, I did it because coming up with a conflict at 5am was hard, even for me. 🙂

Why have you stayed for 6 years?
There are many, many reasons why I have stayed for 6 years. First and foremost, I love the people and the training program. Importantly though, there is peace of mind in knowing that you guys are always on top of what is best in nutrition and training. Following your guidance takes the time and guesswork out of both areas, which is huge for me.

What did you do for training before Get Fit?
Prior to training at Get Fit, I ran short distances a few times a week. As mentioned earlier though, I was very good at coming up with excuses not to train.

What has helped you be successful over the past 6 years?
Still a work in progress, but two things come to mind. First, its the coaches and fellow “Get Fitters”. You all make training a fun and positive experience every day. Second, its the nutrition. Following Get Fit’s nutrition guidance has not only significantly changed my body composition over the years but has eliminated daily mid-afternoon exhaustion.

What advice would you like to give someone who is just starting their journey?
Something that I have learned to do over the years is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Early on, I spent way too much time being afraid to fail. I used to think that showing up for class was important, not necessarily how hard I worked. I would watch people do pull ups and be too intimidated to even get up on the bar. Not unsurprisingly, I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. So, my advice to those starting out would be don’t waste time like I did! Listen for a challenge(s) at the start of each class, then do something that is hard even when you don’t want to and/or don’t feel ready. You may not always be successful and it may not be pretty, but I found the results I wanted followed once I started giving 100% for 60 minutes.

Take her advice. She is a perfect example of someone who MADE their body change. It doesn’t just happen (wouldn’t it be nice if it did?), you have to make it happen!
-Coach Meagan



Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Is it you?

Okay so not maybe not a CHICKEN dinner, but maybe a salad for dinner!? I promised PRIZES for perfect attendance students when I became a Pampered Chef consultant so I am keeping my word! We put all 42 names into a hat and drew 2 lucky winners so here we go….

HUGE congrats to Kelly Gauthier and Michelle Thomas! These ladies are our October perfect attendance prize winners. They are both getting this excellent book on Fresh and Fast salad recipes!

Congrats to ALL of our perfect attendance students- we appreciate you penciling us in every day and making it happen!

Thank you!
Coach Meagan and the crew

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