Nancy Carlson
Author Archives: Nancy Carlson

On My Way: How I Lost 50 Pounds in 7 Months

A few notes from Coach Nancy – Cara put this out on Facebook. She is daily putting herself out there. She is journaling in public. While some of you may not want to put it out for all to see, Cara’s been accountable to many because many people ‘see’ her posts and they will ‘see’ if it is making a difference. Did you notice the first line of what Cara wrote “A few of my friends”, I bet many more are watching Cara to see if she is going to make her goal.

Cara also uses another powerful tool to help her, she puts visuals around her house. Her before pictures are near or on her fridge and on her bathroom mirror are sticky notes with the number of pounds she has left until she reaches her goal. Cara has goals and like her journaling she is not the only one who knows her goals. She daily does what it takes to make her longer term goal a reality.

Since she posted this, she has peeled two more sticky notes off that mirror. Keep making it happen, Cara!


January 16, 2014 at 8:06am

A few friends have asked me to write about how I have had some success in losing weight:

My journey with weight loss began when I saw pictures of myself last spring, 2013. I no longer recognized myself. At my highest weight ever.  Who had I become? My big struggle set in after a medical crisis I had experienced 9 years ago. I survived , but was left no muscle and it turns out you kind of need muscle to burn fat. Add another problem. 4 years ago I took a job, involving 4 hours a day in the car, and very little time for exercise. I ate whatever, whenever, and my body paid the price. I gained 40 pounds in 3 years, on top of old weight, that crept on after having 3 children, etc. Add another stressor: becoming the sole guardian and repsonsible for the all the  care and decision making for a parent. Recipe for a health disaster.

Going back, as a child I was athletic, I swam, skiid, ran, rode horses, biked, hiked, you name it we were outside, and in the mountains almost every weekend. In my 20’s and 30’s I went to the gym quite a bit, and maintained, and was able to lose weight after having the first 2 kids. However, there pieces of habits that were not good. I never learned what a portion was growing up, it was a huge plate of food always. Dessert was a habit in my family. Body image issues were also in my family. I didn’t have all the tools I needed.

So in April 2013,  I knew I had to start something I could handle and build some stamina, so when I was ready for the next step I would have some strength. I started walking. It hurt. My feet, ankles and back hurt.

I did it anyway. I levelled out at walking about 3.5 miles a day, and did that at least 5 times a week. I felt a lot better. I lost about 15 pounds from April to July. I started to work on portion size in this time. I removed fast food, soda, and desserts ( with a few exeptions now and then). I focused each month, on taking one type of poor choice out. So things were going well, but I knew I really wanted a BIG change. I wanted to change my body for real.

I started searching around. I had tried a beautiful gym the year before, but I never connected to the programs there, and never got any help. It was a waste of money and too far away. And frankly their coaches sucked and should not be called coaches. They cancelled my first training session. I did spend some time in the pool their with my daughter. But I actually gained more weight in that time frame.

So then I stumbled on Get Fit NH, a bootcamp training program. It was about 15 minutes away and I read online a lot of positive things. I didn’t call, I just decided to show up and take  a look. I had seen the transformation pictures and was inspired. I went and it was different than anything I had seen or done before. No treadmills, no bikes, no tv’s , no mirrors. The program is a group training session with individual coaching as well. We do very short intervals of challenges exercises using weights, bands, and our own bodies to create resistance. It’s a mixture of cardio and weight training, that blasts fat off like no other program. The workout is different every single day. Your body never gets used to it so you are always challenged. I lose weight every single week. I work hard when I am there. I train 3 days a week, for 1 hour. I started with 2 days a week. I was so sore I couldn’t even move across the bed at first. the next week was better. And better. Then I moved up to 3 days a week, and now I do some of the Saturday events which puts me at 4 days a week, when I can.

My coaches are amazing. They have so much knowledge and I have learned so much. The program focuses on turning us into fat fighting machines through building muscle, and we all work at our own levels. Somedays I’m sure I am the weakest link in that room and it doesn’t even matter because I am doing it, moving and making progress and everyone cheers you on.

I move more, on the days I am not training. I am now jogging, hiking ( even in the snow) and doing other things at home on my non training days.

My next step was to dive into the nutrition. Clearly I had never really learned what to eat, how, when, or why to lose weight. This program focuses on having us eat Protein, Produce and water at each meal. They give us a shopping list, recipes, menus. and yes we eat that for breakfast too. My coach Nancy had me just focus on eating a PPW breakfast for 2 weeks in the beginning and I dropped 5 pounds.  If it is not protein, produce or water I don’t eat it. I allow myself 1 treat meal a week, but it has to be worth it and many times it isn’t.

I drink water, 100 ounces a day. Sometimes black tea, or green tea, and yes I do drink coffee but that is on it’s way out too. This is not easy but I have eliminated: pasta, all processed foods, potaotoes, candy, ice cream, desserts, and anything fried.  I was addicted to sugar, and carbs, period. Those foods, for me, do not allow weight loss.  I am not perfect, and my trainers help work with us during the holidays, etc with a plan. I lost 10 pounds during the holiday time frame.

Another note that may help some of you. And I’m here to bash other programs or those that folllow them. But here it is. I tried Weight Watchers 3 times. First time with success. The next 2 I actually gained weight. And here is why. Those programs have you counting and saving points and somehow making you think you have saved enough to eat that sundae. But in the end, that food doesn’t serve me and doesn’t allow my body weight loss. It kept me trapped in the sugar cycle. I needed to get off that wheel, which always led me back to eating the wrong foods. Here is the second reason that program did not work. I was always always STARVING.

Now off from sugar, carbs, etc….I am FULL when I eat PPW and NOT hungry, and have almost no cravings.

Excuses? I was the queen of all of them. Time? At times I have the job of 2 people in my work. I still travel. We have 2 girls who dance 5 times a week. I have high demands at my work, and at home.

Money? I know, I may step on some toes here. But I wish someone had stepped on mine years ago.  I am going to ask you now, what you spend on drive through, soda, beer, fast food, pizza, take out, cigarettes, and your copays for medications for high blood pressure, diabeters,  or high cholesterol. What does that add up to? Imagine the health and the money you will have when you save on all of those. You can afford to go to the gym. Time? How much time to we all watch tv, or are we on facebook? The time is there.

Visuals: I keep sticky notes on my mirror that cheer myself on, and that state my short term goals of what, by when and why. Know your why and never let go of it, it is powerful and you are worth it. I have pictures up that insprire me.

My next goal is to lose another 14 pounds by mid March. Then on to another 20 off by the end of May.

My why’s : to be a great example to myself, my children and husband, so I can live a full, complete, long life and enjoy it all. I don’t want to be limited by my mind or body.

Forgive yourself for the past and pick yourself up and move today. Do something. Then do more tomorow. Get help. You are worth it!


Ten Things You Might or Might Not Know About Coach Nancy

(in no particular order of importance or significance)

  1. nancy2I have three brothers and one older sister. My brothers are to blame for any competitiveness you see in me. They are also the reason for me being on the winning team of anything I play. My siblings and their families all live in or near Indiana, which is where my parents still live. I of course had to make sure I won the “moved farthest from home award”.
  2. I stalked Dean for about three weeks before he noticed me. Yes, I was a secret admirer. I wrote him notes and left them around where I knew he would find them. Eventually I fessed up and we’ve been together ever since. And of course, I won the award for “meeting my spouse in the most unusual way”
  3. Dean and I will soon celebrate our 28th anniversary. While I didn’t win the award for being married first in my family. I did win the award for having the most children. Tim, 27, Jeff, 26, Derek, Drew, 10, Karalynn, 9, and Amy, 7. My youngest brother has since tied me with six children but I did it first!
  4. While I have worked in many different jobs, the longest was owning my own day care. I had this day care in two different states in three different locations. I operated the day care for almost 17 years. Again, I am the only sibling to own her own business.  I win that category as well
  5. nancy2When I met Dean my name was Nancy Carlson. Think about that for a minute…… My married name is actually Nancy Carlson Carlson. I just happened to fall in love and coaxed a man with my same last name to marry me. This makes for a very difficult situation when we tried to explain to our kids going to grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. They were almost all Carlson’s. So now I am winning and making unique impressions on more than just my side of the family. I have yet to meet another person who has done the same thing.
  6. In high school I played football. Yes, my brothers are responsible for the competitive edge. In fact I am so competitive, in my high school yearbook each senior picture had a list of accomplishments during their school years. I wanted my list to be long so I joined as many different clubs and teams as I could. If being well rounded was an event back then, I would have won. Some of the crazy things I did was be a Pom Pom girl, cross country, swim, French club, football, several plays, and other things that I can’t even remember.
  7. I was raised to love my God, my country, and my family. I remember so clearly the celebration of loyalty when our country turned 200 years old. I am still in love with this great nation. I am a patriot through and through. Sure I wish some things were different. There is not a perfect place on this earth.  I have so much joy in traveling around seeing all the great monuments and natural occurrences in the USA. I wish I could say I’ve been to all 50 states but I have not. In fact I have only been west of the Mississippi to travel to Texas, where Dean was stationed and our first son was born. If I could give out an award it would go to the best country ever.
  8.  Nancy skydivingI am a swimmer through and through. I swam competitively from 6 years old to high school. I love being in the water or near it. My parents have a small cabin in Wisconsin. We would stay there all summer as kids. My dad was a firm believer in making sure his two daughters could do everything his sons could do. (maybe that is where I get my competitiveness from). If I went fishing I found all the worms I would need, put the worm on the hook, as well as cleaned the fish too. I enjoy fishing to this day. By the way, I can drive a standard car and change oil because my dad made sure I could if needed.
  9. I would follow Dean to the end of the earth. There are quotes from the movie: Show Me the Money, “You had me at Hello” and “You complete Me”. That sums up Dean and I. He has always wanted to own his own gym. It was a no brainer when he suggested Get Fit NH. I was in. I would do whatever I could to make his dream come true. In doing so I have found my love of coaching. I was a shy kid. It would shock most people to know I talk in front of people. The Get Fit NH family has made me break out of my comfort zone in more than just this one way.
  10. God is a very important part of my life. I have gone through too much, seen too much in life not to think it was organized and put together by someone greater than myself. All that is good in me, is from God. I trust you see it.

I love my Get Fit NH family. I am so thankful you choose to train with us. The stories you’ve created because of stepping out of your comfort zone inspire me and your Get Fit NH family. Continue to Make It Happen.

Coach Nancy


Two New Year’s Challenges for YOU!

wolfe family sm

Most of the Wolfe Pack (sorry Colby)

Paulette W.  (famously known as part of the Wolfe Pack) is not going to let the start of the New Year go by without a bang, and has come up with this challenge just for you!

You Got It. 100 days of Knee Grab abs. Got to do them right. Start in the supine guard position, wrap the knees, stomp the feet – so simple. 🙂

Here’s how it’s going to work.

Day one is January 1, 2014 – Do 1 Knee Grab Ab

Day two is January 2, 2014 – Do 2 Knee Grab Abs

Day three…well, you get it.

Every day add 1 repetition until Day 100.

One important rule (don’t mess with the Wolfe Pack!) – You can only start breaking down the number of repetitions into smaller sets after Day 30.

So on April 10th you will complete 100 Knee Grab Abs for a total of 5,050 in 100 Days. You will have successfully completed the challenge.

Paulette has graciously provided a tracking chart you can download by clicking here

Would you prefer a different challenge? Do you love jumping rope?

Starting on January 1 and ending January 31 you are challenged to do 10,000 jumps using the jump rope. That is a mere 323 each day. I guarantee you will be better at jumping rope by the end of 10,000 jumps.

This is doable! Are YOU in?

Make this your goal – if you start it, finish it. You will be thankful you did. It is a tremendous sense of accomplishment to set a goal and reach it, and your body will thank-you for it.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

Favorites Fall Foods w/ Coach Nancy


KJ showing us some world class pouting!

“I’m pouting…… I can’t eat what I want too.”

“Everything is bound to taste like cardboard.”

“I’m going to get bored.”

“Its Fall, and I can’t have my favorite foods”.

Stop your whining already…… Eat Your Way RIGHT through the Holidays doesn’t mean you can’t Eat Your Way RIGHT Through the Holidays without delicious looking and  great tasting foods!

Explore with Coach Nancy how wonderful Fall foods can be and still be RIGHT for you! Recipes will be given to everyone who makes it out. In fact please bring your support staff. Support staff includes anyone who eats with you or near you, or even watches you eat.

Eat Your Way RIGHT (with fantastic FALL foods) through the holidays.

Favorite Fall Foods w/ Coach Nancy

Date: Tuesday November 12, 2013
Time: 6:45pm to 8:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord





scenticalsI’ve heard it so many times, “After training I need to put lotion on my hands because of the pull-ups.” Or maybe  it’s after deadlifting or heavy farmers walks.

Well Diane B. from the 8:30 ladies in Concord has heard your cries for help, and she has just what you need.

Diane is the creator of Ahh…Scentials soaps, lotions and lip balms. Think some Lemongrass Sage, or maybe Midnight Pomegranate might be just what those hands need?

I’m all about knowing what is in the products I use. I’m even more in when I can say “I know who makes this and I trust her.”  That is how I feel about Ahh…Scentials. Diane makes all her products by hand, and in small batches so they are the purest and freshest they can be.

They not only smell great, but even more important are the ingredients in the products. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, you need to take care of it.

Once you read how passionate Diane is about her products I know you will want to give them a try – Coach Nancy


“I’ve  I started Ahh…Scentials because I love using high quality bath and beauty products. A few years ago I would have never have guessed that I would ever be the one making them. Back then, I purchased soaps and lotions based on how they felt, smelled, looked or by the brand name. I was unaware about the ingredients and how they can affect your body.

 Over time I decided to learn how to make something more natural, better for my family and myself. That is why I started to make my own bath and body products.

 I have four types of soaps; Three Butter (triple action of Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Mango Butter), Goat Milk,  and Oatmeal and Honey, all of which are beneficial to your skin.

 My lotions are handcrafted with an amazing combination of Aloe Vera and moisturizing Shea Butter. Shea Butter is thought to aid dry skin and Aloe has long been considered to be a premier product for moisturizing and healing the skin.

 My lip balms are made of skin loving butters, oils and beeswax along with other natural ingredients. You may choose to have it natural or flavored with lip safe ingredients.

 All of my products are available unscented or you can choose a skin safe fragrance, essential oil, or a blend such as coconut and lime.

 All of my products are PARABEN-FREE.  Parabens are synthetic preservatives suspected to cause problems such as skin aging and certain types of cancer.

 Samples are available at both the Concord and Epsom Get Fit NH locations.

 Pamper Yourself!!” – Diane Bottcher


You can get all the details from Diane or pick up the brochures. Check it out for yourself. Sample the lotions. You know you want to after doing pull-ups!

This is Not a Dress Rehearsal


Derek Andrew Carlson
Born 11/07/2001 : Died 10/14/2002

Life is short. I am reminded of this today. It is October 14th. It is Columbus Day. It is a day I reflect more so than other days that life is short.

We do not get a Do – Over. I know at times, I wished we did. We have assurance of this moment and no other. On a day like today, I want to make sure I let you know, I am proud of you. I am proud of you for taking steps to be better each day. If our lives cross paths momentarily or for a very long time, I am thankful. I am thankful for you being in my life, for touching my life with yours.

AS you train today and everyday, Train as if this is not a dress rehearsal. It isn’t.

AS you work today and everyday, work as if this is not a dress rehearsal. It isn’t.

AS you eat today and everyday, eat as if what you eat today affects everyday. It does.

AS you hang out with friends and co- workers, give them a high five. You are affecting them. It is your choice to affect them positively or not.

AS you spend time with family, let them know you love them. Tell them. Look them straight in the eye and let them know they are not something taken for granted. They are important pieces of you.

You are not practicing to live. You are living.


live a little bigger.

hug a whole lot more.

tell others you love them a more often and in different ways.

take care of myself better each day.

attack each day with vigor.

This is not a dress rehearsal.

Make Every Day Count

Coach Nancy


Yes, There Were a Few Skeptics!

photo 4Skeptics? Yes.  But everyone walked away a fan of at least one Quinoa recipe.

Quinoa? Never heard of it!

Quinoa is a versatile grain (well technically it is a seed) that can be eaten hot or cold, served as a side dish or part of the main course. The crew at 6PM wasn’t sure what they had asked for when they wanted to know if quinoa was good. We had a taste testing after training to let them decide.

Quinoa Chili

  • 2 cup uncooked Quinoa, rinsed
  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 Tablespoon of peanut oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 Tablespoon of chili powder
  • 2 Tablespoon of cumin
  • 3 (28 ounce) can of crushed tomatoes
  • 3 (15.5 ounce) can of black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 3 jalapeno peppers, diced
  • 3 zucchini, chopped
  • 2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 cup frozen corn
  • 4 links of precooked chicken sausage- your favorite flavor

Rinsing the quinoa is key to this dish. If you do not take the time to rinse this grain until the water runs clear, it will taste extremely bitter. Once rinsed, bring the quinoa and water to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to  medium, simmer until tender about 20 minutes. Set aside.

While the quinoa is cooking, heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Saute the onion until it is translucent. Add the garlic, chili powder, and cumin. Stir in the tomatoes, black beans, peppers, zucchini, oregano, and chicken sausage. Bring to a simmer, reduce heat to low and simmer 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, stir in the quinoa and corn. Cook to reheat. Garnish with cilantro.

“Thank you Coach Sarah for pointing me to this delicious recipe. Everyone loved it!”

Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Quinoa

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups nonfat milk
  • 3 Tablespoons of honey
  • ½ lemon, zested
  • 1 cup blueberries

Rinse the quinoa in a sieve until the water runs clear. Make sure you do not skip this step. You will not be able to eat this if you do not rinse this grain.

Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat until warm. Stir quinoa into the milk. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes until much of the liquid has been absorbed. Stir in the honey and lemon zest. Gently fold in the blueberries. Top with flax seed for added nutrients.

“This is a great dish for right after training.”

Quinoa, Apple, Walnut Salad

  • ½ cup quinoa, rinsed
  • 1 cup waterphoto 3
  • 1 pound of turkey kielbasa
  • 2 apples, sliced
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • 6 cups of fresh spinach

Don’t forget to rinse the quinoa. You’ll be an unhappy camper if you spend time fixing a meal that you can’t eat. Quinoa has a coating that is easily rinsed off right before cooking that taste bitter. Rinse until the water runs clear before going to the stovetop.

Bring water and quinoa to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 12 minutes. Set aside. Cook kielbasa on a grill over medium heat. Set aside to cool. Then slice into ½ moon shapes. Combine all the ingredients in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with your favorite dressing.

“If you have leftover quinoa from another meal, use that in this salad and save yourself the cooking time.”

Everyone at 6pm Epsom now knows what quinoa is, and that they like it! You will never know until you try it.



Hey Epsom Clients, Here’s A Turkey Trot for YOU!

turkeytrotOur own Heather Heigis of 9:00am Epsom wants YOU to come out and support the Northwood Recreation Department by lacing up the Nike’s (right Heather?) 🙂 and coming out to the Northwood Turkey Trot 5k.

Register now and put it on your calendar. You’ll enjoy the morning of Thanksgiving outside, while helping do good for the community. Can’t get better than that!

And if you train in Concord, it’s still worth the drive! 🙂

Make It Happen!

Start: Thursday, November 28, 2013

Northwood Meadows State Park
755 1st NH Turnpike
Northwood , NH 03261

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Make Heather Happy and Register Today!

And The Results Are IN

got betterGet Fit NH has been using the FMS (Functional Movement Screen) and Smart Group Training with our clients for a little over 9 months, and it has had a huge impact in our training outcomes. The purpose of this system is to see how each client moves to find the areas that have a potential for injury. While no one can predict the future, we know certain movements done incorrectly over a long period of time can and usually will cause injury.

The same holds true of your car. Your auto mechanic might warn you that your tires are wearing. He’d probably say something like, “If you do not rotate your tires this can lead to permanent tire damage” (think all those pieces of tire you often see scattered on the highway) so we have the tires rotated. Your dentist will also let you know, “If you don’t brush  and floss your teeth daily, this could lead to tooth decay.” So we take time daily to brush and floss (you do that, right?)

Get Fit NH’s coaches want you to be safe, so together we do all we can to keep you safe while still training hard. That is where the FMS helps. After your screening your coach will give you a band to wear if necessary. Wear your band as you train so that you and your coaches know if you have movement patterns that currently need to be worked on so you can get, yes you know it – better.

Recently in Epsom we re-screened everyone. It was exciting to hear the hoots and hollers as bands were tossed into the “GOT BETTER” jar. They had listened to the warning, taken the time to do what it takes in training and outside of training, and seen incredible improvement. It was thrilling as a coach to see not just one band but sometimes two slip off a wrist and get tossed into the jar.

To channel a little Jerry McGuire “Help us help you.”

Because when you move better you can train better which help you get the results you want – faster.

And that’s what we all want!

Keep Getting Better!

training smarterWalk in Get Fit NH with a purpose to train hard, but to train smart. Wear your band. This helps you, it helps your coach.


trained smarterWalk out of Get Fit NH knowing you did all you could to train hard – Smarter!


A Spook- tacular Show

cast1Isn’t it amazing that you think you know someone and then they go and surprise you by revealing they are even more talented than you thought?
Paula from 9am Epsom surprised me when she shouted out that she is a director of a dinner show.
Who knew? 🙂
But this is not just any show, this show is an annual event. This dinner show is bound to be craziness in costume. Yes I said dinner show, and the menu is spectacular. (If you give them a call they will let you in on the secret.)
I’m planning on being there, and I hope to see you too.
The Annual Lakeside Players Halloween Dinner Show 2013
Friday, November 1 & Saturday, November 2 at 7 pm
Matinee Sunday, November 3 at 2 pm
The Bow Lake Grange Hall
569 Province Rd.
Strafford, NH 03884
written by Tim Kelly
directed by Paula L. King
assistant director Paul Lefvre
Baroness Frankenstein has opened her castle to a bunch of misfit monsters that can’t cope with the outside world, including her “assistant” Igor, a descendant of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a Medusa with snakes in her hair, a vampire, a Mummy, a Phantom Bride and the Invisible Man. See what happens when the real castle owner shows up and the odd ball residents must pose as the staff that Mrs.Hoople believes she is paying to keep up the castle.
Catered by: Dining by Design with Chef Randy Brisson
All tickets $25
Reservations required. Call Sherry at 664-2487


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