Barbell Hip Thrusts

Barbell hip thrusts are a more challenging variation of a glute bridge/2 leg hip thigh. It targets the gluteal muscles better than many lower-body movements. This exercise improves hip extension by engaging both the hamstrings and glutes. 

How to get set up:

  1. Start seated on the floor, knees bent, feet slightly wider than hips. Shoulder blades resting against the edge of the bench.
  2. Barbell across the hip bones, both hands on the barbell for support throughout the movement.
  3. Squeeze glutes, exhale, drive through your heels and press the bar straight up until your hips are in line with knees and shoulders. SQUEEZE glutes hard. Keep your core tight and chin tucked.
  4. Inhale, slowly lower the bar back down, keeping chin tucked until hips are inches from the floor. Squeeze glutes, exhale and repeat movement. 

Check out the video below for a visual on proper set up!

Common mistakes found:

  • Shoulder blades are off the bench
  • Chin is not tucked
  • Feet are too far out in front of knees or too close (knees out over toes)
  • Feet are too close together

Modifications for a barbell hip thrust can be simply removing the bench. Doing the movement from the floor. If the barbell is too much, then we can use a sandbag or even go bodyweight. There are many ways to execute this exercise for any level of fitness!

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