Bodyfat Rules

SizzlingSummer-S3-13LogoActually you can take the title of this post two ways:

1) Bodyfat Rules: The specific guidelines necessary to lose body fat.

2) Bodyfat RULES – as in, radical dude – losing body fat is the way to go!

It’s really the second I want to focus on in this particular article, because I want you to SEE what a dramatic difference losing body fat makes, and why we don’t just focus on what the scale tells us. (Hint – the scale is a liar)

Plus we will be going over specific strategies for losing bodyfat at our S3 Kickoff Meetings.

“Losing weight” is almost never the primary goal, unless maybe you are cutting for a wrestling match. If not, we need to focus on keeping all that calorie burning lean muscle tissue and getting rid of the excess fat.

As my friend Chris Mohr said “If it ain’t muscle, it’s just baggage.”

You can (and should) read all about that in an article I wrote awhile back called Lean, Toned or Muscle? to get the lowdown on how we keep the muscle and lose the fat. (We called it the “Madeline” plan – you’ll have to check out the article to find out why) 🙂

Helen from the 8:30 shot me an article with some pics that I think are very helpful because it shows us what different levels of bodyfat look like on the human body. You can be 130 pounds and have 18% bodyfat, and you can be 130 pounds and have 30% bodyfat, and you will look (and feel) very different.

Check out the article and accompanying pics here: Body Fat Percentage Pictures

Coach Perry has done an outstanding job of putting it all together, so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel here.

The cool thing about getting your bodyfat assessed regularly is that it gives us an “inside” view of what is really going on inside of you.

Am I losing fat or gaining fat?

Am I losing muscle or gaining muscle?

This is critical because it lets us make an outcome based decision. If what you are doing works we stick with it, if it is not, we come up with a plan to adjust.

We offer bodyfat testing to our clients as part of your training package, so if you haven’t taken advantage, you can setup an appointment here, and we will also be doing them as part of S3.

So check out that article above and set a target for where you want to be.





It’s ultimately up to you, but you have to MAKE It Happen.

 S3 is a great way to get started, so get on a team today!




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