Introducing the MYZONE Physical Activity Monitor- Mark Your Calendars!

myzone300x300MyZone Heart Rate Training Intro
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
When: Saturday February 28th, 2015
Time: 9:00am

Our clients in Epsom have been using the Polar Team system for quite a few months now, and Coach Nancy has done a phenomenal job of integrating heart rate training into the overall Get Fit NH training model. The Polar Team system is a very good system, however as we looked at bringing heart rate monitoring and training into Get Fit NH Concord, we discovered Polar was discontinuing the Team system and working on other offerings. We looked into the new systems a number of months ago, and just were not satisfied the technology and software platform was right for us. Our search for new platforms brought us to MYZONE and we will explain what MYZONE is in  a minute. First here is what Epsom student’s have to say about their success with the Polar system:

“I like to see exactly where I am at. Sometimes we are not always good at judging if we are working hard enough to get the heart rate up. I also like to see where others are at to see how I compare. As my fitness increases, I need to do more to get my heart rate in the red… so being able to see it helps to know for sure. I like seeing the report later to look for the peaks. I also like seeing that even when I work super hard I am able to recover faster, even than a few months back. This is part of my overall goal so I can do more outside of training with running, hiking etc.

“At first I was a bit skeptical about using the heart monitor while working out because it was new, but after wearing it for some time during training, I realized it was very helpful to me. It allowed me to check how fast my heart was responding to the amount of effort I was putting into the specific exercise I was doing, whether I needed to slow down or pick it up. I also like the visual of having a numbers on the projector so I could see if I was in the red, yellow, or green to help me when I need to adjust my workout pace. It has become important for me to use on a daily basis.
-Doreen Mathison”

“The heart rate monitor has been a great addition to my training. It has given me more awareness of how my heart is performing during training. I’m able to see how fast my heart rate climbs and then how quickly I’m can calm it back down between sets which has become a game in itself for me. Recently, I had to visit the doctor for some heart related concerns. I explained that I trained during the week but rather than leaving it at “I train” I came prepared with printouts of the training report I’m emailed and my doctor was able to see how my heart was performing during exercise. This was very valuable in helping my doctor understand what was going on and in turn provide proper treatment for me. – Amy R.”

“I love using the heart rate monitor. It confirms to me when I am working to my fullest potential. Without the heart rate monitor I thought I was giving it my all but this keeps me in check. Thanks – Lori P”

“Heart Monitors…really?? OK no problem nobody will see it but me. Boy was I wrong…. there it was up on the wall for all to see. Do I mind wearing the heart monitor, not really. Do I like seeing it up on the wall, not at all. Ok let’s get to the point. I have been an active person all my life and all my life my heart has raced when working out, playing sports etc. I had a stress test years ago and the Dr’s could not find anything wrong. No Dr ever saw what I was feeling. But thanks to the heart monitor and the fancy fancy graphs that are emailed to us I was able to print them out and take them to my Dr. After looking at my graphs and going through some tests I was finally diagnosed with SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardic). An electrical condition I was born with. My graphs can be emailed right to my Dr so I can be monitor by them. So to wrap this up the heart monitors are the reason why after many, many years of no answers the Dr’s were able to figure out what was going. Heart Monitors…really!! Yes really, it is a win win. – Kathy C.”

As you can see our Epsom student’s have not only had great success with their heart rate training, it has also helped their doctors with diagnosis and treatment. We are excited to role this out and get all of our student’s on board!

So What is MYZONE?

SONY DSCMYZONE is a tracking device that rewards EFFORT for all physical activity, both inside and outside of the gym. The MYZONE physical activity belt displays HEART RATE, EFFORT LEVEL and calories in real time, while automatically storing all exercise, goals and results in a personalized online profile.


We know that when you get positive feedback, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated. This feedback helps keep you on track, and staying on track delivers the RESULTS you want. It is one more way we can measure progress and make sure your training is effective.

TilesLive Feedback Inside The Gym

When you wear your MYZONE Physical Activity Belt at the gym, your information will be instantly streamed on the overhead in the form of color coded, easy-to-read tiles, showing you in real time the effort required to get the results you want.


WatchesLive Feedback Outside The Gym

With the option MZ-50 watch, you can take your training on the go, allowing you to get the most out of your activity outside the gym.


AppThe MYZONE Lite App

All your MYZONE activity in the palm of your hand. Using your smartphone, you can monitor your activity calendar, training graphs, and challenges. You can even upload before and afters and keep a picture food log. Through the web interface you can also set and track personalized goals, challenge your friends and share your progress through Facebook and Twitter.

Guys I am stoked about bringing MYZONE to Get Fit NH. I have used other systems, such as a FitBit and other heart rate monitors, but they never really jazzed me up that much. I could never really tell if I was doing what it takes to get the training effect I need from a particular session to get results. MYZONE solves that challenge.

Getting Started

We will be rolling out MYZONE at Get Fit NH Concord first, as Epsom is already enjoying their heart rate monitor training using Polar Team. We will get the system rolling smoothly, and then evaluate the Epsom timeline. Please join us Saturday February 28th at 9 AM to learn more about this system and how it will benefit you and your training. There will be live demonstrations at each training time starting next week!

Ok, so how much?

This is a super affordable solution as well. Most other devices on the market are upwards of $100 or more. During our initial rollout your MYZONE activity belt will only be an investment of $55.00, and if you want an MZ-50 watch we can order those for only $39.00 each. We will even cover the shipping!


MyZone Heart Rate Training Intro
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
When: Saturday February 28th, 2015
Time: 9:00am


The Spotlight is Shining On…..

Cynthia Proulx is a new family member at Get Fit NH but already her presence has made us all turn our heads. Cynthia let us know right away what she felt the first few days at Get Fit NH. “As a new member I’m sure I am not going to answer this as well as other family members. With that said, I like the idea of the family atmosphere, everyone is very friendly, and the nutrition class has really helped me. I have been exercising all my life, dancing, gymnastics, ballet, Gloria Stevens, skiing, running, basketball, gym memberships for the last 30 years. The difference that I feel now: the workouts are much more fun than all the other gyms I’ve been to. The coaching has been huge, I can finally do squats that don’t hurt my knees. I love competition and the workouts help me to be competitive within myself. They are hard for me, but I feel a lot of satisfaction when I complete something well”.

After going to the Whole 9 workshop Cynthia made drastic changes to her nutrition plan. She went – “Whole 9”. She experienced drastic results. This is thrilling to her coach and all the coaches at Get Fit NH. As you read what Cynthia wrote, think about yourself. If you can achieve similar results to Cynthia would it be worth your while to make some changes? Cynthia is discovering that the quality of food is changing how she feels. Her training is changing her physical being and as shaping her mental well – being.


“I would like you and Nancy to know that in a weeks time on the Whole 9 nutrition plan, I feel better than I have in months. I have been to nutritionists over the years and have been on MANY diet plans, We never talked about eliminating certain foods. Taking dairy, gluten, wheat, breads, etc. out of my diet has made a difference. Since last October I have felt sick most everyday, I knew I had an allergy to dairy, but continued to eat and drink some dairy products. I then began to question wheat and gluten.  I started the plan a week ago today, tomorrow will be one week of feeling good everyday and it’s not hard for me to follow. Food preparation takes time, but I have made many of the recipes in the book. The only vice is a little truvia, I’m working to get rid of that as well. I have much more energy than I did and can’t wait for that to increase even more.  I appreciate all Erin is doing as my coach to help me get the most out of my training without pain. She has been fantastic! Thank you for being part of my life, Cynthia


Cynthia has encouraged me, I know she will encourage you as well. I am looking forward to all that Cynthia is going to discover.

29 Personal Bests at Get Fit Games

What a great morning at Get Fit NH.

We had a big crew show up and participate in the “Get Fit Games”, where we come in, have some fun, and confirm we are getting better.

By my count our athletes set 29 personal bests! Now that is what it is all about! Make sure you look out for the next time we host Get Fit Games. If you wanna get better, you gotta measure!

Here’s the highlights of this mornings games.

Proud of you all!

Doreen Mathison

Deadlift, Gold level achieved

Push-up, Personal Best

Chin-up, Personal Best, Bronze level achieved

Front Plank, Personal Best

1000m Ski Erg, Gold level achieved

Jayne Millerick

Deadlift, Personal Best

Chin-up, Personal Best, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Front Plank, Personal Best, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

1000, Ski Erg, Personal Best

Susan Moseley

Deadlift, Personal Best

Front Plank, Personal Best

Heidi Coen

Deadlift, Personal Best, Gold level achieved

Push-up, Personal Best, Bronze level achieved

Long Jump, Personal Best

Front Plank, Personal Best, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

1000m Ski Erg, Personal Best

Alice DonnaSelva

Deadlift, Personal Best

Push-up, Personal Best

Chin-up, Personal Best

Front Plank, Personal Best

10000m SKI Erg, Personal Best

Adam Rosenthal

Push-up, Personal Best

Front Plank, Personal Best, Bronze level achieved

1000m Ski Erg, Personal Best, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Adam Davidson

Deadlift, Personal Best, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Push-up, Personal Best, Bronze level achieved

Vertical Jump, Personal Best

Chin-up, Personal Best

1000m Ski Erg, Personal Best

Dick Boddie, Laura Starr-Houghton, Lori Preve, Jenn Stevens, Kim Boddie, Laurie Vallee, and Glenn Berwick were all first time participants and ROCKED IT! Can’t wait to see what you do next time around!

Encouraging you all to measure your greatness next time!

Make it Happen,

Coach Meagan

Training for a Cause is coming!

winterwonderland3 winterwonderland2 winterwonerland


A bunch of you have been asking when our next training for a cause will be and we have the answer right here!

On Saturday February 21st we are going to gather out in Epsom at 9 AM for our annual Winter Wonderland event.  Last year we had a total blast building ginormous snowballs, sledding, and of course pulling our Get Fit NH friends around in their sleds! We have plenty of snow to play with so  have no fear! Come join us and let us show you that we can have just as much fun outside as we can inside!

As mentioned this is our quarterly training for a cause event. Get Fit NH supports Operation Hat Trick (OHT) as our ongoing cause. For those of you who are not familiar with OHT please follow the link below to learn more about them. They are well worth our support. Your consistent generosity does not go unnoticed and we are forever grateful to have such a generous family at Get Fit NH.

We are asking for a $10 donation or the purchase of one our custom Operation Hat Trick baseball hats. The hats are $15 and they are snazzy! 100% of donations will go to OHT!

We look forward to seeing you there. Oh and just to clarify this is and outdoor event so please dress accordingly. Kids, family, and friends are all welcome and encouraged to come play!

See you there!

Coach Meagan

Click here to learn more about Operation Hat Trick- You won’t regret it!

When: Saturday February 21, 2015

When: 9 AM

Where: Get Fit NH Epsom

Spotlight Shines on Julia

10487422_748639205193746_2483867101346381821_nThis week’s student spotlight shines on Julia Barton, who trains at Get Fit NH Epsom. We are so excited to share Julia’s story with you! She returned to training with us last spring and has been doing better than fantastic. She works so hard and is very dedicated. Her motivation shows in all the progress she has made. We are so proud of her and hope that her story will encourage you to make it happen!

(We asked Julia a couple of questions about her experience at Get Fit NH and here is what she had to say.)

Why did you come to Get Fit NH?

“When I first came to Get Fit NH in 2012, it was because I needed to find a “gym” that I would feel comfortable at and actually want to go to. I wanted to be able to do those things that I used to do 10 years ago and I wanted to be as healthy as I could be to start trying for a baby. I started going to training 4 days a week from January to May of 2012. I felt great and could keep up with my husband when hiking or walking without being out of breath. Then, during my pregnancy, I was sick for the first 5 months and was on anti-nausea meds so that I could get to work and function. The only thing that seemed to go down and make my stomach better was Eggo Waffles – yup, waffles. I usually stay away from breads, so all the carbs made me gain weight – 60 pounds – during my pregnancy. I welcomed Caleb on May 18, 2013 and lost 40 pounds within 2 weeks of birth as a lot of it was water weight gain. Almost a year later, I had gained 20 pounds back and was not happy or comfortable with my weight. So, I signed back up in March of 2014 and made the time to come in 2 times a week. It was a bit rough to get back into it and it was difficult for me to do a lot of the exercises. I chugged on and had done well with the commitment of going twice a week, but I needed to do more about losing the weight. In August, I joined another weight loss group at work and started to eat better and lose weight. I didn’t follow their plan, but the peer support and weekly weigh-ins helped me stay on track. I started sending everything I ate to Coach Nancy as a recommendation from her since it was hard for me to log everything. I have lost at least 26 pounds since late August!!”

What did you learn after you first 2 weeks with Get Fit NH?

“I learned that Get Fit NH was the place for me. I loved how it was like having your own trainer even though you’re in a group with others. And, I loved that you didn’t have to think about what exercises you were going to do. It was very easy for me – not the workout part, but the part about going to training.”

How do you feel after training with Get Fit NH for this long?

“I feel so fortunate that I am able to do this for myself. It’s a bit more expensive than a regular “gym”, but it is totally worth it. You can’t put a dollar value on your health. I had hit a point where I was ready to make a big change; I gave it my all and didn’t give up just because it was hard. I see such a change in myself. I am able to keep up with my 20 month old, I can do more things in training that I couldn’t do when I started, and mostly, I feel good about myself! I still want to lose another 20 pounds but I feel good about where I am now because I did it the right way, I had to work really hard, and it feels really good to see the results. I have found that most good things don’t come easy; you have to work really hard for them. But in the end, after all the hard work, it makes it so much better. It gives you more respect for whatever it is that you just worked for. I have found that life is too short to be unhappy, whether it be with your weight, your job, or something else. I am the only one that can make those changes for myself, and I did.”

What has your overall experience at Get Fit NH been like?

“I have had the greatest experience at Get Fit NH. Coach Nancy is the greatest!! She pushes me when I need it and helps me when I need a little more attention, like if my back is out, which felt like most of my training in 2012. Most people would give up and think they couldn’t do it, but Nancy always gave me stretches and variations to work on so I could still come and get the most out of training. I love how there is a mix of all sorts of people who go, it’s makes it a more comfortable environment to be in. No one judges you and everyone has their own goals, which is great. I recommend Get Fit NH to everyone!!

I love coming and hope to make it a lifelong goal. I just can’t thank you enough for all of your support. I really don’t know how you are able to do that for everyone you work with and still make it feel genuine and meaningful. Thank you.”

Julia has made great strides in her health over the past year, and she’s committed to doing even more. This last week Julia and I did a Get Fit NH Kitchen Makeover. Now Julia’s kitchen supports her goal. It also goes along with her hard work in training. We are super proud of Julia’s success and we can’t wait to see it continue!

Thank you for training with us, Julia!

Coach Nancy




“BEST OF” Award Voting Is Here – We Need You!

hippo_vote_bestof2015Hi Get Fit NH Family! It’s hard to believe, but the Annual Hippo Press “Best Of” Awards are here again, and we need your help.

For the last 5 Years in a row, Get Fit NH has been honored as a “Best Of” in the Best Gym category, with the last 2 years as “Best of the Best” in the region.

Last year Coach Nancy took top honors as the “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor for the 3rd year in a row, and we are grateful and humble that the Get Fit Family continues to support us.

These are truly team awards, and would not be possible without our coaching team – Erin, Meagan and Adam, as well as the pro who makes it all run in the background, our office admin Stephanie.

I know y’all have a favorite coach, but it hurts more than helps if we split the vote, so we are asking that you spread the word and vote in the following categories:

#8 Best Gym: Get Fit NH Concord

# 95 Best Fitness Instructor: Nancy Carlson Get Fit NH

Please Click Here to Vote, and thank-you for being part of the Get Fit NH family!

Coach Dean


Get Fit NH Closing Tuesday January 27, 2015

If there WERE any training program in the world risking your life for, it would be Get Fit NH. However since there is NOT, we are closing Tuesday January 27, 2015. (Liz – don’t start!!!)

Governor Hassan has already declared a state of emergency and urged motorists to stay off the roads. Y’all know how much I despise shutting down, and it doesn’t happen often, but I am making the call.

Don’t you worry though, because we got you covered (and not with a foot of snow!)

You will still want to get that body moving, so here are some training videos starring Coach Nancy, with a little help from me and Sven.

Option 1
Active Warmup #1 (5 minutes)
Basic Training 1 or Basic Training 2 (20 minutes each)
2010 Core Finisher (4m)

Option 2
Active Warmup #1 (5m)
2010 Core Warmup (4m)
4020 Band (10m)
2040 Metcon (10m)

Option 3
Active Warmup #1 (5 minutes)
2010 Core Warmup (4m)
Basic Training 1 or Basic Training 2 (20 minutes each)
2040 Metcon (10m)

Make It Happen!
Coach Dean

High Performance Hips 6-Week Seminar Series – Starts February 4th had a great response to our High Performance Hips seminar and as promised we are offering an extended workshop starting February 4th.

This 6-week hip health and mobility workshop will take you through the 9 flexibility factors that were introduced at HPH, but even if you weren’t there we want to see you at this one.

If you have ever experienced hip, knee or low back pain then you need to invest in yourself and experience what a difference healthy hips can make.  Even if you have never had pain before but you sit all day or you enjoy running then you will also greatly benefit from these 6 weeks.

We will explore how the body compensates for poor movement patterns – ones you might not know even exist.  By allowing the body to function properly and not have to compensate you can decrease your risk of injury and reduce pain.

This is a limited enrollment workshop series, so please don’t delay signing up!

Coach Erin



High Performance Hips 6-Week Seminar Series
Date: Starts Wednesday February 4, 2015
Time: 6:00p to 7:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Seminar Tuition: $127.00


Holiday Hold Em’ Results are in!


Congratulations to all of our Holiday Hold Em contestants.  We are so proud of everyone who took on the challenge and held their weight through the holidays. Maintaining your weight through the holiday season is without a doubt a big challenge. We even had a bunch of you lose weight! Now that is impressive. Great job to all who participated, you are all winners!

We did hand out prizes to three of those winners. These winners won the luck of the draw. We promised that anyone who maintained or lost weight over the holidays would be entered in to win some great local prizes so congratulations to:

Kelly Gauthier: Congratulations to her and we hope she enjoys her gift card to Things are Cooking (donated by the fabulous owner and Get Fit NH’s own, Diane Beauregard)

Rebecca Baccotti: Great job and we just know she will enjoy her massage from Chichester Massage.  (Donated by Get Fit NH’s own, The Great, Amy Troy)

Jennifer Kretovic: Congratulations Jennifer! We are sure that you will enjoy your gift card to the Co-Op!

Keep up the great work! We are so proud of your accountability and dedication to yourself!


You really did make it happen!

Coach Meagan

Special Guest Coming to Epsom!


Do any of these apply to you?

  • You have questions or concerns about back pain or spine health
  • You have experienced back pain in the past
  • You want to know how to maintain your healthy spine

If you answered yes then we have great news for you! We have invited Epsom’s own, Dr. Chelsea Doughty from Archeus Chiropractic and Wellness, to come answer your questions! Dr. Chelsea will be talking to you about how to keep your spine healthy. She is excited about leaving plenty of time to answer your questions and concerns.  In fact she is highly encouraging anyone and everyone to come out and throw some questions her way.

We hope to see you in there!

When: Wednesday February 11, 2015

Where: Get Fit NH Epsom

Time: 6:00 pm sharp

Let’s Make It Happen!

Coach Meagan