Can you believe 2014 is coming to an end?

newlifeIt is hard to believe another year has come and gone.

Have you sat and reflected on your year?

  • What goals did you meet?
  • What were some of your accomplishments?
  • What goals didn’t you meet? And is it still a priority?

I am not a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I am a big fan of creating goal to stay accountable. Each year I come up with 3-5 goals that I want to accomplish that year. Here were some of mine for 2014:

  • Find a school to begin my small business management degree
  • Get my shoulder surgery and recover
  • Broaden my horizons in the kitchen

I spent some time reflecting this weekend and realized I kind of let my goals slip. I let life get in the way of some of the things that are important to being the best me I can be. Yes I got my shoulder surgery, yes I am on the mend, and thanks to this detox I have experimented much more in the kitchen than ever before. This week, after reflecting and realizing I let one of the most important goals slip, I applied to SNHU and start in January. So yes, I would say I met most of my goals, but I did procrastinate and here is why…

I had no plan. I knew that those were the three things I wanted to get done in 2014, but that was it. And now here I am half way through November and I am just “getting to my goals.” Which means for 11 months I put what I wanted for myself on that back burner…

So why am I sharing this with you? To remind you that you are in control. No one was going to apply to school for me, I needed to make that happen. Your coaches can email, call, text you until the cows come home, but if you don’t get in your car and drive here then we can’t help you take control of your goals. Stop putting your goals on the back burner. If you’re human, you have done that for long enough and it’s time to buckle down. No more excuses. Set goals, make a plan, and make moves

Make It Happen!

Coach Meagan

Coach Dean’s “Peppermint Mocha UMP-uccino”

coffee-300x225.jpgI have to admit I am sucker this time of year for the “Peppermint Mocha” and “Salted Caramel” cappuccino down at the ole’ coffee house. But even the “skinny” ones have too many calories for my liking, little to no nutritional value, and at $4 or $5 bucks a pop they are hard on the wallet too.

But all is not lost. Not only is the version below a lot less expensive, it is super-low in sugar and has about 20 grams of protein in there. Ultimate Muscle Protein makes a difference in this recipe, but you can try other proteins as well!


Peppermint Mocha UMP-uccino

1 Scoop Chocolate UMP
4 ounces of water
1 cup strong hot coffee
1 tbsp Sugar Free peppermint coffee syrup (I use Archer Farms brand)
1 tbsp heavy cream

Mix the water and scoop of chocolate UMP in your blender. This mixture should be thick. Add the hot coffee and sugar free peppermint syrup and gradually increase speed to high. After a few seconds the mixture should be creamy and frothy. Pour into your favorite (big) mug and drizzle with heavy cream. If you don’t like peppermint just leave it out, no problem. After it comes out of the blender I like to heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so until it is piping hot. Try it and I bet you don’t pay $5.00 down at the coffee shop anymore!

Coach Dean

P.S. Click Here to download Beverly International’s “12 Mugs Before Christmas”, and enjoy more great drink recipes with a protein packed punch!

Your December Calendar – Don’t Miss Out!

dec25.jpgThe Holidays can be a busy time of year, believe me I get it!

But we can’t shut down for a whole month and put our progress on hold (or even worse go in reverse) so we have some fantastic seminars, workshops and events planned to keep you moving forward and starting off the New Year right.

The fun starts this Wednesday December 3rd at 6:00pm at Get Fit NH Epsom with our monthly “Whole9” nutrition seminar. This is a great follow-up to the 21-Day Detox, and all first time attendees will receive a customized copy of the Whole9 Nutrition Guide. This is the ONLY way you can get your hands on a copy for the rest of the year, so don’t miss it.

Next Wednesday December 10th at 6:30pm we have the privilege of having Dr. Laura Jones of Whole Health Concord coming down to Get Fit NH Concord and talking about “The Missing Pieces to Weight Loss – Stress Reduction and Sleep”. We are thrilled that “Dr. Laura” is taking time out of her busy schedule this time of year to help us get better. Please invite your friends, family and co-workers and let’s tackle this important subject together.

Also this Wednesday is the DEADLINE to RSVP for our Christmas Brunch and Holiday Bash, which is Saturday December 13th at 10:00am at Get Fit NH Concord. Please Click Here for details and to RSVP.

Finally after the longest training phase of the year our next Recovery Week is December 22 to December 26, and we will be back at it on Monday the 29th.

Let’s Make It Happen all December long!

Event Calendar

Whole9 Nutrition Seminar
Get Fit NH Epsom
Wednesday December 3, 2014
6:00pm to 7:00pm

Dr. Laura Jones
The Missing Pieces to Weight Loss – Stress Reduction and Sleep
Get Fit NH Concord
Wednesday December 10, 2014
6:30pm to 8:00pm

Christmas Brunch and Holiday Bash
Get Fit NH Concord
Saturday December 13, 2014
10:00am to ????? 🙂

Recovery Week
December 22 to 26
Back on Monday the 29th

Give Thanks and Say Thanks!

thanksgiving-300x200.jpgI love Thanksgiving. From a relaxation standpoint I find it just about perfect. Now some of you think I am crazy, but I love cooking and preparing the meal for the day, so to me it IS relaxing. I used to let myself get pretty uptight about the “perfect meal”, but a little planning and prep tends to take the pressure off a bit – hint, hint!

Family, Food and Football – It doesn’t get much better than that. 🙂

I had the opportunity to meet author Jeffrey Gitomer in Charlotte back in August. Seriously cool (and funny) guy, and full of wisdom. In his Thanksgiving greeting he reminded us not to just be thankful, but to actually thank. As in thank people. Be thankful for someone, not just something, and tell them.

It got me to thinking, do we really pay attention to the people in our lives, and show and express gratitude for what they do, or we do we have more of a “they owe me” or “they get paid for it anyway” attitude?

I mean I know it’s the FedEx or UPS drivers job to deliver those packages, but I make it a habit of saying “thanks” anyway. A little decency goes a long way to a guy who gets at my house at 5:30pm after driving and delivering all day. Are we really so cynical that we don’t express gratitude just because he gets paid? You never know – you could be the best part of the cashier’s, or postal worker or even the lady at the DMV counter’s day. You can’t put a price on that.

There are so many people that we can thank, and what better time than now?

So Thank-You.

If you are reading this you are in some way, shape or form part of the Get Fit NH family. Thank-you.

To all the amazing students who train with us every day. Thank-you.

To the amazing team of coaches and staff we have at Get Fit NH; Nancy, Erin, Meagan, Stephanie, Noelani, and Adam. Thank-you.

To all our vendors who help equip and supply us. Thank-you.

To our mentors and coaches who help us get better every day. Thank-you.

For friends who have stuck by us in spite of crazy schedules and the tendency to lose touch. Thank-you.

To family, both here and extended. We put the “fun” in dysfunctional together. 🙂 Thank-you.

To the Creator, from whom all blessings truly flow, and by whose grace we exist and subsist. Thank-you.

When you gather around the table this Thanksgiving, will you join me in expressing gratefulness and gratitude for all that surround you? We don’t use the words “love” and “appreciate” enough, do we? As Jeffrey Gitomer says “Thanking other people for something makes them feel great – but it makes you feel better than great.”

Thanksgiving may be a date on the calendar, but it’s not a holiday. It’s an attitude, a discipline, a state of being. Life is just better with gratitude. When I get too into myself and think I have it bad, remembering gratitude is the best way to get me out of that funk.

So once again Thank-You for all you do and are.

I am grateful to be a part of your life.

Get Fit NH CLOSED this Afternoon, But Don’t Despair!

Current View Out Our Back Door

Current View Out Our Back Door

Not gonna lie guys, I despise making the decision to close our facilities, but please know when I make “the call”, the best interests of you and our team are at heart. If the snow stops, the sun starts shining, the bird start singing and the unicorns start dancing – count your blessings and enjoy your afternoon. 🙂

Here’s the latest from the National Weather Service:


I know it’s New Hampshire and it’s “only snow”, but coupled with the holiday traffic, the darkness, and the fact that it is not supposed to let up until late evening prompts my action. The final decision comes down to the “Nancy test.Would I want my wife driving on these either now or after dark in these conditions? And the answer to that is no.

But All Is Not Lost!

Click Here for a 20/10 Tabata track to download and use this afternoon with the MetCon below, so don’t say I left you hanging! 🙂 If you are a client you know the warmups, so don’t be skipping them. If you are not currently a training client, it’s time to find out what all the excitement is about (and you still need to warmup)!

Warning – Use this training program at your own risk only.

Mobility Warmup

Supine Breathing 3/6 x 5
Open Book 3/6 breathing x 5 each side
Adductor Mobes x 10 each side
Squat to Stand x 10
2 leg RDL x 10
Calf Raises x 10
High Knee Marches x 10 each side

Metcon/Core Training

The track is 4 minutes long, 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off, 8 rounds total. Complete the following supersets (pairs of exercise) for 4 rounds each, take a one minute break, and then move on to the next pair. Total training time is 20 minutes.

Superset 1
BW Squats or Jump Squats
Pushup or Pushup Hold (Hi, Medium, Low)

Superset 2
Foot Fire
Front Plank

Superset 3
2-Leg Hip/Thigh
Knee Grab Abs or In & Outs

Superset 4
Squat Thrust or Total Body Extension
Side Plank (Alternate ND/D)

Make It Happen, and we will see you Saturday for Pies Off Thighs!

Coach Dean


Student Spotlight: 5AM Laura!

lauraIt is my pleasure to announce this weeks edition of our Student Spotlight. I have had the opportunity to watch this woman transform herself over the past six months. Laura has changed her life style and for that I am so proud of her. She gets in here and she trains hard then she goes home and she takes care of “The Other 165”. She understands that nutrition plays a major role in results and she has proved that she is making it happen!

Here is what Laura has to say:

“Alienated. That is how I felt six months ago before I started coming to Get Fit. My body just did not respond. I had aches and pains here and there. My heels hurt and I wondered, is it plantar fasciitis? My back was in pain, did I hurt it?  I had constant headaches, is my cancer back, but now in my brain? That is how I felt before I started Get Fit NH. I did not know where to start. I timidly decided to try the two weeks, keeping it a secret. I did not even tell the closest people in my life. I feared their support would feel like pressure. In those first few days it felt like I couldn’t do anything! But everyone was supportive and I started feeling better right away. I started to have more energy and my mood improved, I wasn’t chasing the evil illness behind every sore muscle!

It’s been almost six months since I started at Get Fit and I feel better than I have in years. I would like to say I’ve lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but I lose my keys, I lose my head a lot, but the weight I am evicting I never thought I would feel better while working to get better, I thought I would have to wait until I lost those pounds to feel like myself again. Now my face is starting to peek out again and I am more myself than I have been in a long time. And it’s all thanks to the people here, all the smiling people at the break of dawn. Who knew there were so many people outside their beds at that time?! All the ones that nudge me every morning to keep pushing. They are the backbone of my improvement, from coaches to all the “hellos” and “good jobs” and of course Marie, who loves to scold me when I miss a day, or two. Thanks to all of you Get Fit crowd for making all these necessary things happen.”
We are so proud to have Laura with us at 5 AM! Laura has lost 45 pounds in 6 months- hard work, dedication, and discipline! Great job, Laura!
-Coach Meagan


Pies Off The Thighs – Start Time Clarification!!!

lazyturkey.jpgHey guys, there has been some confusion (because of a typo) about the start time of our World Famous “Pies off the Thighs” post-Thanksgiving training.

We are starting at 8:00am and will be done by 9:30am.

Repeat after me…

8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am

Ok, you get the point! 🙂

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Pies off the Thighs
Date: Saturday November 29, 2014
Time: 8:00am to 9:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord



Why Personal Training?

signup2-150x150.jpgDid you know that Get Fit NH offers Personal Training?

It’s true, and I want to share why we are working hard to expand the days and times we offer this service. Our renovations of earlier this year and the additions to our coaching team have been leading us closer to achieving this goal.

Our Award Winning Smart Group Training is all many of our students want and need to Lose Fat, Get Lean, and Look and Feel Great. However there are times when a smaller group setting (2-4 students) may be more appropriate.

  • Post-rehabilitation training.
  • Sports specific training.
  • Students just getting back into fitness or starting their new healthy lifestyle.
  • Students who would enjoy training in smaller groups.
  • Just to name a few.

We are committed to having the best large group training programs available, and that fact is not going to change. But for those of you who want a personalized training program (updated just for you every 4-6 weeks) in a more intimate setting, we have a couple spots available on Monday and Fridays at noon, with more coming as we head into the new year.

For more information please contact us here



Let’s Play “Holiday Hold’Em” this idea from our friends over at Results Fitness in Santa Clara, California (wouldn’t ya like to be THERE right about now?) and thought it was the perfect segue from our 21-Day “Healthy for the Holidays” Detox Challenge!

Now I am no poker player, but we want to help YOU beat the odds and keep off those holiday pounds with Get Fit NH’s version of “Holiday Hold ‘Em”

Here’s how to win:

1) “Buy in” by doing your post-detox weigh-in OR if (for some crazy reason) you skipped detox this time around, get a weigh-in done by Wednesday, November 26th.

2) WIN!

When you finish the holiday season at the same weight you begin (or less) you will be entered to win our “Holiday Hold “Em” Jackpot drawing, which will consist of fantastic local prizes from our favorite business in the Greater Concord Area.

You must do the final weigh-in by Friday, January 9th to be eligible for prizes, and we will announce the winner(s) by the following week.

It’s not a gamble – you can Make It Happen!

The Get Fit NH Team


Please RSVP to the GFNH Christmas Party and Awards

reindeerredAre we really talking about Christmas already?

We can’t believe it either, but we do have some very exciting news so get your calendars ready! On Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 10 AM Get Fit NH is hosting a Christmas brunch for you and your family! We are bringing in some of Concord’s most delicious catering from Baked, owned by Peter and Nadine Jennings! We are looking forward to spending some quality family time together at our Concord location.

Here are some of the reindeer games you can expect:

  • Delicious food (of course)
  • Yankee Swap- if you wish to participate please bring something 🙂
  • Raffle- remember the Pampered Chef and 31 party we had? Yes- we are raffling off the awesome things we earned for free!
  • Games for the kids
  • Superlative awards for our students
  • And a jolly ole time

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Can’t Wait To See You There!