Some Green(s) Recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

hWhile these recipes might not be your traditional St. Patrick’s Day fare, they are easy, tasty, and streaked with lots of beautiful green.

Start your own traditions!

Start Your Day Off Green Shake

  • 1 scoop of Raw protein powder (UMP or SFH also works great)
  • 1 cup kale leaves, center rib removed
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1 over ripe banana, frozen & cut into pieces
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 6-8 ounces of water

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Divide between glasses and serve immediately.

Green Egg Casserole

  • 8 large eggs – beaten
  • 1 cup chopped frozen spinach – thawed and drained well
  • 2 Tablespoons Jalapeno pepper, chopped
  • ½ green pepper, chopped
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare one large casserole dish or two eight-inch dishes with a light coating of oil. In a medium bowl combine all ingredients. Pour mixture into casserole dish and cook for 35 minutes or until eggs are fully set.

Crispy Green Beans With Pesto

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 3 cups fresh green beans, ends trimmed and chopped into 1″ pieces
  • 1/4 cup homemade pesto (store-bought is fine but just not as good and healthy as homemade!)
  • 1 Tablespoon toasted pine nuts

Heat olive oil in a non-stick skillet. Cook garlic on medium-high heat for about 30 seconds, remove from skillet and set aside. Add beans to the same skillet and sauté for about 6 minutes or until beans are cooked but still crispy. Return garlic to the skillet and cook an additional 30 seconds (just enough to quickly reheat garlic). Remove from skillet and cool down a bit. Toss with pesto, sprinkle with pine nuts and serve. This dish is also very good on a salad, in case you have leftovers!


  • 3 rounded cups fresh basil leaves (about 2 bunches)
  • 1/2 medium garlic clove
  • 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon toasted pine nuts
  • salt, to taste

In food processor (I use a blender, but be careful not to overdo or you’ll end up with green slime instead of pesto), combine basil leaves and pine nuts. Pulse a few seconds. Add garlic and pulse again. Slowly add olive oil while the food processor is on. Stop food processor and scrap down the sides with a rubber spatula. Add a pinch of salt if needed and serve.

Salsa Verda Chicken

A bright, refreshing and spicy green salsa recipe served over grilled chicken.

  • 1 cup basil leaves, packed
  • 1 cup cilantro, packed
  • ½ cup parsley, packed
  • ½ jalapeno pepper, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 small shallot ,chopped
  • zest of 1 lime
  • juice of ½ lime
  • 3 Tablespoons orange juice (fresh is best)
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 pound chicken breasts
  • extra virgin olive oil for grilling

Combine all ingredients except chicken in a blender. Blend until puréed. Combine chicken breasts with half the salsa mixture in a large bowl, toss to coat, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour, up to overnight. Heat a stove top grill pan (or outdoor grill if it’s not 8 degrees where you are) to medium heat. Grill chicken breasts for about 5-7 minutes per side or until chicken is cooked through. This will depend on how thick your chicken is. Once cooked through, remove from grill, spoon remaining salsa over the top of each chicken breast. Serve with a lime wedge and garnish with cilantro.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Get Fit Games Results

We had a great time at our latest edition of the Get Fit Games this morning! I want to congratulate everyone who participated for putting themselves out there and getting after it. As your coaches we love seeing the progress you are making as you get better and better. Every time out we see new Personal and Gym records.

The following chart shows everyone who moved up a ranking level or achieved one for the first time – love it!

levels03142014And this chart shows all the gym records as well as the new records that were achieved today, which are marked in blue. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Great to see those numbers continue to move up – keep up the great work!


Recovery Week Reminder

“Train the athlete as much as necessary, not as much as possible” – Henk Kraaijenof

Good morning Warriors!

What an incredible training cycle we are having. Records are being broken, personal bests are being achieved, and fat is being torched.  We saw over 1000 pounds lost in a 21-day period. You all are amazing!

Recovery CurveIn a couple weeks the next part of your training plan is being implemented. Yes that’s right, RECOVERY is a specific and integral part of getting better.

The week of March 24th is a full recovery week at Get Fit NH. Those who take this time to deload or unload are the ones who remain injury free and set themselves up for more progress. Those who go their own way tend to suffer – I see it over and over.

We have written extensively on the benefit of recovery over the years, so if you haven’t read them or need a reminder, invest some time to go over these articles – you will be glad you did!

Recovery, Deload, and Getting Better

“I HATE Recovery Weeks!”

Minimum Effective Dose

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

Hold Yourself Accountable

pattiThink about the first time you walked through the doors of Get Fit NH. When you came to us maybe you came with a goal to lose weight, feel better, look better, manage stress, or get strong. I want you to think about a few things:

  • When is the last time you have assessed your goals?
  • Have you set specific outcome goals for yourself?
  • And if so, have you determined your behavior goals?

If you never write down your goals and develop a plan to make them happen you will not see results.  I may have a goal to lose 4 pounds in 4 weeks, but how am I going to get there? Can I just train 4 times per week then eat McDonalds on the way home from the gym? No.

  • Outcome goal: I want to lose 4 pounds in 4 weeks.
  • Behavior goals:
    • Train 4X per week for 4 weeks
    • Train as hard as I am able. Do each progression that I am able to do.
    • Turn in a weekly meal plan to my coach
    • Turn in a weekly food log to my coach
    • Email/Text pictures of my meals to my coach
    • Follow P.P.W.

Making your goals public is motivation to get it done. That’s why success sessions are so important. Your coaches know your ability and can push you when you need it on the training floor. If you have not had a success session with your coach, it’s time to set one up.

Just ask Patti Johnson from Concord 5 AM.

  • Patti’s outcome goal: 6 Jumping pull ups in a row
  • Behavior goals:
    • Do chirpees overhand grip whenever the opportunity arises.
    • Negative pull ups
    • Band assisted pull ups
    • Avoid underhand grip (chin ups)

Patti declared her goals and I held her accountable. Every time I went over the chin bar Patti had that overhand grip and powered through every second. That grip is a lot harder and she knew it, but because we both knew that she had set a goal for herself she followed through.

And guess what? Patti can easily do 6+ jumping chins and 3 in a row from a dead hang.

Talk to your coach today about setting up your success session. Don’t wait to make your goals public knowledge.

Be accountable.

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

It’s Time To Sign Up for the 2014 Rock N’ Race

rocknraceApril 1st is the deadline to sign up for the Rock N’ Race if you want a snazzy COLOR team t-shirt, and why wouldn’t you? 🙂

The Rock N’ Race has raised over $3 million for the Payson Center for Cancer Care, with those monies directed toward support programs and services, and financial assistance for cancer patients in need.

Nearly all of us have been touched by cancer, and this year has special meaning for our family as one of our daughters-in-law just lost her mom to cancer. You guys have always come out and supported this great cause, and we expect this year to be no exception! Our goal is to have 75 members and raise $3500 for this worthy and important cause.

For those of you who have never run a 5K, this is the one for you. Tons of energy and loads of fun. This year we have resident running expert and endurance athlete Coach Sarah as our team captain, and rumor has it she is going to be holding a running clinic really soon for all y’all who want to get better. Sweet!

I know May seems like a long ways away, but it will be here before you know it. So head on over and get signed up right now and check it off your list. You don’t really just want a plain white “t” when the rest of the team is getting their color on, do you?

Register Here Now

2104 Merrimack County Savings Rock N’ Race
Thursday May 15th, 2104
State House Plaza, Concord NH


Thank-You Esther, Welcome Tiffany

photoThere is a lot to making Get Fit NH run smoothly and make sure we give our Get Fit Family the service and experience you deserve.

One of the people who has made the world go round for us is Esther Phillips, our office admin. She has helped us work through our systems and continue to improve, and she has taken a big load in that regard off Nancy and my plate.

Esther has decided to pursue another course with her life, as one of her burdens has always been helping foster and at-risk families and children. We wish her well, and are grateful for the time and work she has put in.

We are pleased to announce that we have hired Tiffany Hebert as our new admin. When you receive correspondence from the office, that will be Tiffany. She will be taking care of billing, contracts, receipts that you may need – all that kind of “stuff”. 🙂 Esther was kind enough to spend a couple weeks helping us get Tiffany on board with our systems, for which we are also grateful.

So please join me in welcoming Tiffany to the team. You may not see her as much, but I assure you her work is crucial to what you do see going on at Get Fit NH!

You can reach Tiffany at this email: office(at)

As always, thank-you for choosing to train with us, it is never taken for granted!

Coach Dean

Better Body Workshop: High Performance Hips

hI have a few questions for you:

  • Do you enjoy running?
  • Do you sit a lot during the day?
  • Have you ever had knee issues?
  • Have you ever had low back pain?
  • Have you ever had hip issues?
  • Do you know someone who does?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you (and that someone) need to make an appointment to be at our Healthy Hips Clinic on Wednesday, March 19th.

Your hip is an amazing joint. It (they) is designed to move freely and in just about every direction.

But what if they aren’t all that mobile and “loose”?

The human body is great at compensating, and it going to find a way to move. If the hips are locked up, your body will get the mobility from the joint above (low back) or below (knees) the hips.  This can lead to injury, and that could be the reason your back and knees are aching.

How do you increase hip flexibility?  Just stretch, right?  It is not that simple!  There are actually 9 flexibility factors that we need to address when looking to achieve optimal hip flexibility.  In our Healthy Hips Clinic we will review those factors and work with you on exercises to increase hip flexibility and decrease pain that may have resulted from tight hips. You will want to wear training clothes and be prepared to move.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Coach Erin

Take Action Bonus: Register and submit payment by Wed. March 12th and take $10 off..

High Performance Hips
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Wednesday March 19th
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Investment: $25 ($35 after March 12th)

This workshop is open to the public.

Get Fit Games Are Coming

plankGet Fit Games are back again!

It’s time to set some new records and see what we can do!

We promised that we would do this once a quarter and we are staying true to our word so come out on March 15th and let’s see what you can do.

This is a fabulous way to track your progress.

  • If you participated in previous Get Fit Games we highly encourage you to come back and break your personal record.
  • If you have never participated, we encourage you to get in on the fun and set your personal record.

Make sure you check out the record boards in both gyms and see what you are shooting for – we hope to see your name up there soon.

Don’t worry if you aren’t currently able to compete in the overall, just come do the events you can.

We do ask that you please do not sign up if you aren’t 100% sure you can be there, as space is limited to 25 (and it only costs 2 hours of your time!)

Looking forward to it!

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday March 15th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!

Do you want to be 21 again?

31_Again-3D_Cover“The healthy life:  It’s not just about losing the weight; it’s about losing the lifestyle and the mindset that got you there.” – Dr. Steve Marboli

Jenn from 5:00am Concord recently sent me that quote. If you know Jenn’s story, you know you should pay attention.

That quote sums up perfectly “21 Again – PPW for Life”.

“21 Again” is the next phase of the 21-Day Detox Challenge. On March 5th we will introduce this new program and help you understand more what food can do to help or hinder your health.

Not sure if “21 Again” is for you?

Ask yourself this:

  • Do I need help planning your menu, knowing what foods to add back into your day and when?
  • Do I need accountability, new recipes, a support group?
  • Do I need help on how to best shop for those foods, where to find them, and being cost effective?

Those key questions will all be addressed in “21 Again”.

And if you didn’t do the 21 Day Detox Challenge, can you still be “21 Again”?

Yep, you’ll be able to join in right where everyone else is.

Our main goal for March 5th is to have each person walk out of the room with a week’s meal plan all done by you. I’ll teach you how to easily make a plan, adjust it, and keep it moving forward to the next week.

This seminar if free and open to the public, so invite your friends, co-workers and family members.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

21 Again Intro Seminar
Date: Wednesday March 5th, 2014
Time: 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord



I Dare you to Discover and Share your Why

Why?What is your why?

Today I want to make you think a little bit. I want you to think about why you walked into Get Fit NH. Where did you find us? Who told you about us? What sparked you to finally put your foot down and register for that two week trial? How did you know Get Fit NH was the perfect fit for you? Why did you adopt Get Fit NH into your life?

Do you know the answers to those questions?

Maybe some of them, but I want you to dig deep here. Maybe you have grandchildren who you want to watch grow up and get married and maybe even have great grandchildren. Maybe you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on medications that can be cured with a little discipline in the kitchen and in the gym. Maybe you wanted a challenge…but why? Maybe you wanted to get stronger…but why?

If your why is big enough nothing will stand in your way.  This week I challenge you to declare your why and post it in a place where you will see it every day.

 Also share your “Why?” below – The power of team and accountability is huge!

I’ll go first: I train to be a strong which gives me my independence. I train to be lean which saves me money on Dr. visits. I train to feel confident and to feel self worth. I train to set the example for my family. I train to live.

-Coach Meagan