Working for the CF Cure on Labor Day

cfIf you have been around Get Fit NH for any length of time you know that we are a proud supporter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Many in our Get Fit family have been affected by CF in some way, and we are happy to support the efforts to find a cure for this disease.

That made it a real no brainer when my friend and fellow coach Dustin Williams from Precision Fitness in Bentonville AK asked us if we would help him with a fundraiser he is spearheading. It is amazing what can be done when we all work together!

Dustin sent me this note from a friend of his that really hits hard about living and fighting this debilitating disease.

“As an adult with cystic fibrosis, it does change your life. But if you stay vigilant, as healthy as can be, and check in with your doctors and pulmonologists on a regular basis, you can live a some-what normal life. I was diagnosed with “CF” when I was 3 years old. I have been taking 5-7 pills every single time I eat, since than. On average, I am hospitalized once per year due to a severe cold, pneumonia or some other kind of lung infection. Daily, I do nebulizer treatments, work out and eat A LOT. I am 25 years old now and still fighting this disease. Between my wife, who is a huge support system for me, my job and family… I plan on living as long as possible and over-coming this disease, thanks to everyone who donates their time in volunteering, to find a cure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sincerely, Austin L. Reed”

We are going to do our part to help Dustin and Austin on  by holding a “Working for CF Cure” fundraiser this Labor Day, September 2nd from 9:00am to 10:30am at Get Fit NH Concord. This will be the only training we do that day, so get on in here, get in a training session and help us support this worthy and important cause!

Working For The CF Cure

Date: Labor Day, September 2, 2013
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Suggested Donation: $10.00

Let’s all Make It Happen for CF!

Don’t Pick The Scab

hYou ever hear that from mom when you were a kid?

“Stop picking at it Dean, it will never get better!”

It’s not only that it’s kinda gross, but my mom cared that whatever cut, slice or scrape I happened to have at that moment got better.

So what does that have to do with training?

Well actually it has everything to do with the next recovery week we have coming up in a couple weeks, the week of August 26th.

As we have explained before (Minimum Effective Dose, Recovery Is Where The Magic Happen, I Hate Recovery Weeks) it is not the training that gets you better, it is training + recovery that causes us to lose fat, build muscle and look and feel better.

And that’s where the scab analogy comes in.

Recovery = Healing.

Just like you wouldn’t keep picking at a scab and expect quick healing, you can’t keep training a tired body and expect it to get better either.

You must let it heal.

There are a lot of things that help our body heal better from training.

  • Post-training nutrition
  • Good nutrition in general (lean protein, lot’s of veggies and fresh water, less sugar)
  • Proper sleep (8 hours is a great target)
  • Massage, ART, Chiro when necessary
  • Other soft tissue work such as foam rolling and stretching
  • And other methods such as icing, contrast showers, etc.

Evidence and experience tells us that complete recovery weeks are a huge part of recovery, healing, and just plain getting better!

In fact the hardest part of most recovery weeks is between your ears. You will not “de-train”, get fat, lose muscle and turn into a couch potato in a week, so just stop picking the scab!

Recovery Week Schedule and Upcoming Dates to Remember

Recovery Week:  August 26th – September 1st.

Labor Day, September 2nd:  Working for the Cure for Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser at Get Fit NH Concord





30 Day Challenge Update – Days 15 thru 21

hIt has been really cool to see how fantastic all of you are doing on this challenge. Some days are easier than others, but all of them are going to contribute in your efforts to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel great!

Don’t Skip Any!

Here is an additional challenge. Don’t think of these things as a one time shot, keep doing them, over and over, until they become habit.

I was reading a book by one of my mentors, Martin Rooney, called “Training to Win”. In it Coach Rooney was expounding on the power of habit. He wrote that studies show that 90% of what we do on a daily basis is done out of habit.


Now that could be a good thing and could be a bad thing.

For instance 15 years ago it was my habit to:

  • Not exercise
  • Watch hours of TV every night
  • Eat loads of garbage foods. Soda, cookies, bread, pasta, pizza, french fries and fast food.

You know back then I thought it was normal for me to be drinking Pepto-Bismol every day. I am NOT kidding, you can ask Nancy.

These things were my “go to”. I did them every day because, well, that’s what I did. It was pure habit.

And what did that habit get me?

  • At least 80 pounds overweight (I have been as low as 100 pounds under my all time high)
  • High blood pressure
  • Pre-diabetic with my blood glucose climbing higher and higher
  • Unexplained spells of passing out
  • Winded getting off the couch.

The good news is that I didn’t have to be stuck with those habits for the rest of my life, and Neither Do You!

Be A Creator!

But I want you to stop thinking that you have to “break bad habits”.

Instead I want you to think about creating new ones.

You see when we focus on what we “shouldn’t” be doing we dig in, we get stubborn, we go negative and we set ourselves up for failure.

This is one of the reasons the 30 Day Challenge has mostly “Do’s” and very few “Do Not’s”.

Human beings were created to be creative. So start creating new habits.

For instance when you start eating 20-30 grams of lean protein at each meal and adding healthy fats into your diet, you are creating an environment where:

  • Your blood sugar stabilizes.
  • Your body has what it needs to repair itself from training and maintain hormone balance.
  • You feel fuller longer because protein and fat take longer to metabolize.
  • Among many other amazing benefits.

When you do this all the time, when it becomes habit, you will most likely find that:

  • Your cravings for high sugar foods will be reduced or eliminated.
  • Your energy levels and mood will be enhanced.
  • You are eating less overall.
  • You start dropping bodyfat and inches.

And all this happened pretty much “automagically” because you were a creator and replaced habits. It largely takes the ever elusive “willpower” out of the equation because now this new habit is something that is as part of your nature as turning off the TV and going to bed early enough to get enough sleep. (You are doing that, right) 🙂

More than anything else this is the “secret” to my successfully losing bodyfat and keeping it off for years. I have no more willpower than the average bear. But I do have some pretty good habits.

So let’s get back to the challenge.

Don’t forget to keep checking in on our Facebook Page to let us know how you are doing. Be encouraged by all the people who are creating new habits, one by one, day by day.

Make it Happen!

30 Challenges in 30 Days 15-21

Day 15.    No alcohol today.

Day 16.    Eat fish for a main dish.

Day 17.    No bread or baked goods today.

Day 18.    Try a veggie you never had before. Artichoke, Kale, Brussel Sprouts? Just go for it!

Day 19.    Replace any fruit/fruit juice with a veggie.

Day 20.    Eat 5 colors at one meal. No Jonathan Kovar, Skittles do not count.

Day 21.    Stop eating at 7:30 or two hours before bed.









36kRelentless is a baby crying in the middle of the night in need of a pacifier that is lost in her crib.

Relentless is a toddler asking “WHY?” over and over and over and over again.

Relentless is a 6 year old wanting to know if it is time to open Christmas presents yet.

Relentless is an elementary age boy holding his basketball in hopes of getting in a quick game of HORSE with his Dad.

Relentless is a teen age girl on the phone.

Relentless is a couple about to be married and counting down the days, hours, and minutes until they tie the knot.

Relentless is a ‘mom to be’ that is overdue by 12 days… I’ve been there.

Relentless is a Dad who pushes and pushes his son to be ‘the best that he can be’ until his son pushes back. He has become that man.

Relentless is a friend who wants to lose weight and sees it as a matter of life or death.

Relentless is a Grandmother who won’t settle for getting by. She wants to crawl, run, and play with her young grandchildren.

Definition of RELENTLESS: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace.

Do you know relentlessness?

Do you have it – the relentlessness – that it takes to reach your goals no matter what?

If not, are you willing to ask for help in order to learn the power of the relentless?

Let me introduce you to Claudia. She is relentless!

Get Fit NH Concord Now Carrying Gourmet Coffee and Tea

bakedNadine Jennings was kind enough to offer us with a huge supply of amazing tea from her and husband Peter’s Cafe’ – “Baked” – during this years Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown. Her background in all things tea was eye-opening! My favorite is Cucumber Mojito, but she has literally dozens of varieties.

Since so many of you had the chance to try them, and enjoy them, we have decided to stock some of their most popular flavors as well as their incredible gourmet coffee at Get Fit Concord. Epsom-ites please don’t feel left out, because I will be glad to deliver your order straight to Epsom anytime you need me to.

I love me a good cup of coffee and tea, and I know many of you do as well. We will be stocking 12oz. bags of coffee, as well as Tea Tins and singles.


Tea Tins: 20 Bags – $10

  • Dragon’s Well
  • Earl Grey Cream
  • Cucumber Mojito
  • English Breakfast
  • Very Berry
  • Mango Rose
  • Pomegranate Pear
  • Ceylon OP
  • Rasberry Litchi

Tea Singles: $0.75 each

  • Pomegranate Pear
  • Mango Rose
  • Toffee Chocolate Hazelnut
  • Classic Ceylon OP
  • English Breakfast
  • Coconut Truffle
  • Dragon’s Well
  • Chamomile Vanilla Bean
  • Earl Grey Cream
  • Very Berry
  • Raspberry Lichti

Gourmet Coffee: 12oz. – $10

  • Decaf Cafe’ Blend
  • Cafe’ Blend
  • Hazelnut
  • Sumatra
  • Jamaican Me Crazy
  • French Roast
  • Black & Tan
  • French Vanilla


Performance Project Signup Is Here – Space Is Limited

winnerAs promised the signup for the “Performance Project” is here, but I need you to do me a big favor.

ONLY signup for this go around if you are 100% sure you can be there ready to rock. Our plan is to make this a regular event, and I assure you we will get you in on it. Please don’t signup and then not show, as that steals a spot one of your team could have taken.

I also promise you will not go into this blind, but have the opportunity to review the specific assessments and performance standards ahead of time.

Don’t wait until the last minute to sign, because we absolutely are cutting off at 40 of the Get Fit NH team.

Make It Happen!

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday August 17th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!

30 Challenge Update – Days 8 thru 14

hOk guys, by the time you read this you should be three or four days into the 30 day challenge.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page here for daily updates and to tell us how you are doing.

By the way, how are you doing so far?

In order to prepare you for next week, check out the challenges for days 8 through 14, and prepare to win!

30 Challenges in 30 Days, 8 – 14

Day 8-    No artificial sweeteners in your drinks. What did you drink instead?

Day 9-    Eat healthy fats, fish oil, avocado etc.

Day 10-    Take A Multivitamin. We recommend a good whole vitamin like Prograde VGF 25+ (Click Here for Details) but start anywhere

Day 11-    Log your food for the day. Did you do it? Find it helpful?

Day 12-    No cheese of any kind today, just because! What did you eat instead?

Day 13-     Post a recipe to our Facebook page here:, or in the comment section of this post if you are not on Facebook.

Day 14-    Plan one weeks menu. Tell us how this will help you eat better during week 3.

Make It Happen!


Pumped for the Performance Project

winnerWe have been working on this project for awhile, and we are ready to get the show on the road!

For those of you who are looking for a competitive outlet this is right up your alley. For those of you who want to better keep track of what you are achieving, this is for you too!

There are many different ways of measuring the results that we are getting with our training program. We do FMS screens, weight, measurements, body composition, we have done before and after pictures, and we have always done some variation of strength and performance testing protocol.

But we are also never are satisfied with the status quo, so we are cranking it up one more notch.


On Saturday August 17th from 8:00am to 10:00am we will be introducing the Get Fit NH Performance Project. This is a variation on a protocol developed by my friends and fellow coaches Ryan Ketchum and Wil Fleming at Force Fitness in Bloomington Indiana.

The Performance Project consists of seven assessments that cover everything from absolute strength to metabolic and aerobic capacity.

The fun part is the scoring is scaled much in the way that the decathlon is, and is broken down by individual events and overall score. Not going to reveal too many details here, but you are going to have a blast.

One of the other key points is that you do not have to do all 7 events, and in some cases you won’t be allowed to. You must screen clear in the FMS to be able to do all seven, but that’s ok. Just like with any training we do we train the clear patterns hard and correct the others.

So mark down the date and clear your calendar. For this first run through we are going to cut it off at 40 athletes, so be looking for the sign up coming your way soon.

Are You Psyched or What?

The Get Fit NH Performance Project

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday August 17th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!



Asparagus Salad

hI love asparagus, but you have to be gentle and cook it right. Too many of us tried the waterlogged soggy and just plain nasty version and said “never again”.  But when done right asparagus is really, really good, so I urge you to give it another try.

Dawn sent in this recipe that hits the mark – thanks Dawn!

  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/8 cup lemon juice
  • 12 fresh asparagus spears
  • 6 cups fresh spinach leaves
  • 1/8 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon seasoned slivered almonds

Preheat a grill for low heat. Combine the lemon juice and olive oil on a plate. Place asparagus on the plate, and roll around to coat.

Grill asparagus for about 5 minutes, turning at least once, and brushing with the olive oil mixture. Remove from the grill, and place back onto the plate with the oil.

In a large bowl, combine the spinach, Parmesan cheese, and slivered almonds. Cut asparagus into bite size pieces, and add to the salad along with the lemon juice and oil from the plate. Toss to blend, then serve.


Are You in My Club?

programdesignI talk to many people on the phone, at public events, and one on one. Once they hear what my job is then I often hear: “OH, I can’t do that because…….. I don’t know how to make time for that I have to……. There is no way I will do that I need ……..  They are part of a club that I would rather not be in.

Can you fill in this blank?

My ______________keeps me from being better every day.

Most of us have busy lives and we have to work to get in our training. We could also fill in the blank because of financial reasons. Children might be your answer for the blank. There are so many reasons; not sure what to do first, I’m too out of shape, I like my pizza too much to give it up, I work in a donut shop, I’m almost 50, I have grandchildren. Believe me I’ve heard them all. So what fills in your blank? Do you really want to be in that club?

Now it bugs me that that first question is negative. I am a glass half full type of person. So lets look at the question in a different direction.

Can you fill in this blank?

Because of ____________________ I am getting better every day.

I have a long- winded answer to that blank.

“Because I want to run, not walk, not sit and watch but run with all my grandchildren (when I have some) I am getting better every day.

I could be blessed with grandchildren at any time. My oldest son is almost 27 and Dean and I have a son who is almost 26.  Grandchildren is a possibility in my mid forties. But wait, I also have a 10, 8, and 6 year old. Add 20 years to my ‘mid forties’ and now I am mid 60’s before grandchildren might come along. Will I be able to run at 65? What about at 75? And 80? That is my plan. I want to be that crazy grandma that makes her kids shake their head and say, “Yes, that is my mom who is 83 and playing soccer or baseball or skydiving.”

What blank was easier to fill in? If it was the first one lets look deep inside and find a way to overcome the negative. Lets find a way to Make It Happen every day.

To your Best Health,

Coach Nancy