Performance Project Signup Is Here – Space Is Limited

winnerAs promised the signup for the “Performance Project” is here, but I need you to do me a big favor.

ONLY signup for this go around if you are 100% sure you can be there ready to rock. Our plan is to make this a regular event, and I assure you we will get you in on it. Please don’t signup and then not show, as that steals a spot one of your team could have taken.

I also promise you will not go into this blind, but have the opportunity to review the specific assessments and performance standards ahead of time.

Don’t wait until the last minute to sign, because we absolutely are cutting off at 40 of the Get Fit NH team.

Make It Happen!

Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday August 17th
Time: 8:00am to 10:00am
Agenda: Pure Awesomeness!

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