Working for the CF Cure on Labor Day

cfIf you have been around Get Fit NH for any length of time you know that we are a proud supporter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Many in our Get Fit family have been affected by CF in some way, and we are happy to support the efforts to find a cure for this disease.

That made it a real no brainer when my friend and fellow coach Dustin Williams from Precision Fitness in Bentonville AK asked us if we would help him with a fundraiser he is spearheading. It is amazing what can be done when we all work together!

Dustin sent me this note from a friend of his that really hits hard about living and fighting this debilitating disease.

“As an adult with cystic fibrosis, it does change your life. But if you stay vigilant, as healthy as can be, and check in with your doctors and pulmonologists on a regular basis, you can live a some-what normal life. I was diagnosed with “CF” when I was 3 years old. I have been taking 5-7 pills every single time I eat, since than. On average, I am hospitalized once per year due to a severe cold, pneumonia or some other kind of lung infection. Daily, I do nebulizer treatments, work out and eat A LOT. I am 25 years old now and still fighting this disease. Between my wife, who is a huge support system for me, my job and family… I plan on living as long as possible and over-coming this disease, thanks to everyone who donates their time in volunteering, to find a cure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sincerely, Austin L. Reed”

We are going to do our part to help Dustin and Austin on  by holding a “Working for CF Cure” fundraiser this Labor Day, September 2nd from 9:00am to 10:30am at Get Fit NH Concord. This will be the only training we do that day, so get on in here, get in a training session and help us support this worthy and important cause!

Working For The CF Cure

Date: Labor Day, September 2, 2013
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Suggested Donation: $10.00

Let’s all Make It Happen for CF!

Tell Your Friends!