40 Days of Fitness. Did You Complete The Challenge?

If so I want to congratulate you on a job well done; that is a lot of X-Body Mountain Climbers and Get Ups!

A special thank-you to the (in) famous Richard Patterson of 4:15 fame, who is the official “Challenge-Meister” of Get Fit NH, for not only keeping us on our toes with some great challenge suggestions, but this time around he very generously contributed to the prize kitty.

In talking with Richard about a challenge award this time around, we thought it would be a good idea to come up with something different. Here’s what we decided:

If you completed the challenge you are entitled to your choice of post-recovery nutrition available in our coolers for the next training week (4 days). So for the next 4 days you come into train, pick up a Myoplex or your favorite flavor of Dale’s Raw Protein Bar to have on your way out the door. Please only take 1 days worth at a time so everyone gets a fair shot at trying something new. If we run out of something, please just pick something else – we will do our best to make you happy!

Great work everybody – Keep on Making It Happen!


Epsom Challenge Winners


Concord Challenge Winners

Bodyfat Rules

SizzlingSummer-S3-13LogoActually you can take the title of this post two ways:

1) Bodyfat Rules: The specific guidelines necessary to lose body fat.

2) Bodyfat RULES – as in, radical dude – losing body fat is the way to go!

It’s really the second I want to focus on in this particular article, because I want you to SEE what a dramatic difference losing body fat makes, and why we don’t just focus on what the scale tells us. (Hint – the scale is a liar)

Plus we will be going over specific strategies for losing bodyfat at our S3 Kickoff Meetings.

“Losing weight” is almost never the primary goal, unless maybe you are cutting for a wrestling match. If not, we need to focus on keeping all that calorie burning lean muscle tissue and getting rid of the excess fat.

As my friend Chris Mohr said “If it ain’t muscle, it’s just baggage.”

You can (and should) read all about that in an article I wrote awhile back called Lean, Toned or Muscle? to get the lowdown on how we keep the muscle and lose the fat. (We called it the “Madeline” plan – you’ll have to check out the article to find out why) 🙂

Helen from the 8:30 shot me an article with some pics that I think are very helpful because it shows us what different levels of bodyfat look like on the human body. You can be 130 pounds and have 18% bodyfat, and you can be 130 pounds and have 30% bodyfat, and you will look (and feel) very different.

Check out the article and accompanying pics here: Body Fat Percentage Pictures

Coach Perry has done an outstanding job of putting it all together, so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel here.

The cool thing about getting your bodyfat assessed regularly is that it gives us an “inside” view of what is really going on inside of you.

Am I losing fat or gaining fat?

Am I losing muscle or gaining muscle?

This is critical because it lets us make an outcome based decision. If what you are doing works we stick with it, if it is not, we come up with a plan to adjust.

We offer bodyfat testing to our clients as part of your training package, so if you haven’t taken advantage, you can setup an appointment here, and we will also be doing them as part of S3.

So check out that article above and set a target for where you want to be.





It’s ultimately up to you, but you have to MAKE It Happen.

 S3 is a great way to get started, so get on a team today!




Please Vote for Get Fit NH in the Concord Cappies

cappies_logo2013I know it seems like the voting for the “Best of …” Awards just stopped, but there is one more favor I am going to ask.

The last couple of years we have been honored to place in the Concord Cappies, published by the Concord Monitor, in fact we were voted 2nd place the last 2 years as “Best Fitness Center or Health Club”, behind the juggernaut that is PF.

One of these years little ole’ Get Fit NH is gonna reach that top spot, but we need your help. This voting is a little less daunting than the last, as there is no requirement for number of categories you need to vote for. There are a lot of great local businesses worthy of your vote, and we would be honored if you would vote for us once again as well.

Please vote for “Get Fit NH” here


Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown ’13 – Prepare To Win!

s3headerThe anticipation has been building and the time is almost here.

Are you ready for S3 2013? Well it’s time to get ready, because it’s coming, and it’s gonna be good!

We have had a TON of questions surrounding the details of this years transformation contest, and we have been working hard to get the pieces in place. As we do every year, we are changing things up a bit to keep you on your toes, have a ton of fun, and get some great results.

So here’s what you need to know now as we get closer.

S3 will be 7 weeks long, introducing and focusing (or re-focusing for many of you) on 1 habit per week.

We will be competing in teams of 3-5, with the goal being every team having 4 members. We have already had some great feedback on this, and we are looking forward to seeing y’all come together as a team, support each other and keep each other accountable. You can put together your own team, and we will also be helping get you on a team if you need our assistance getting one together. Be thinking about that team name!

Each team will have a team captain who is responsible for collecting success checklists, tracking weekly success checklists and submitting points on a weekly basis. Should only take 5-10 minutes a week.

Each team member will have their beginning and ending body composition percentage taken and recorded. It’s a simple 1-point ultrasound on your bicep that takes about 2 minutes – cheesy easy! There are two primary reasons that we are doing body comps in this years contest. First, we want you to see what focusing on good nutrition habits on a consistent basis will do for you. Secondly, and perhaps more important is that if you are consistently keeping good nutrition habits and we are not seeing any body composition changes in the right direction, we need to find out why. That may require medical intervention and testing, and I am sure you want to know that too, right?

Each subsequent week another habit will be introduced, and you will then be responsible for that habit and all previous habits. If that sounds like last year, that is because the principles of good nutrition have not changed in the last year, and because we know that building good habits is the key to successfully losing body fat and keeping it off, S3 2013 once is again is based on building good habits.

Once again we will be providing you the tools, resources and education you need to be successful. It is up to you to put it into action, and that’s where we know your team will pick you up and keep you moving in the right direction.

Resource Toolbox

http://ThePPWKitchen.com is where you will find tasty recipes that will keep your taste buds happy and keep you on the right track.

The S3 2013 Private Facebook group is where you can ask your questions, talk a little trash, and post your favorite PPW meal pics. You can also download our shopping list and copies of the success checklist and Captain’s scoresheet. Click here for an invite.

We will also be holding two kickoff meetings where you can get your questions answered and your initial body comp taken care of.

So What’s Next?

On April 1st there will be signup sheets in the gyms. You can start putting together your team now and start filling out the roster on that date. No worries if you don’t have a team, we’ll make that happen!

We are really looking forward to seeing you guys crank the awesome results! As always if you have any questions please ask them in the comment box below. No doubt someone else has the same question, so help ’em out!

Dates to remember:

S3 2013 Signup Starts
Monday April 1, 2013

S3 2013 Kickoff Meeting Concord
Tuesday April 9th, 7:00pm
Q&A, Body Composition Clinic

S3 2013 Kickoff Meeting Epsom
Wednesday April 10, 6:00pm
Q&A, Body Composition Clinic

S3 2013 Signup Deadline
Friday April 12, 2013
All initial body comps due

S3 2013 Begins
Monday April 15, 2013

S3 2013 Finale
Friday May 31, 2013
All final body comps and points due


Get Fit NH Thanks You – Best Gym 4 Years In A Row!

best2013_logoNancy and I cannot thank-you enough for your support of this project we call Get Fit NH. Any awards we ever win are only because of the great clients and great team we are blessed with.  Our coaches, Erin, Meagan and CJ, as well as our office admin Esther are so important to making this thing go and helping us constantly get better.

Individual awards are the same way. We are honored as the “faces” of Get Fit NH to earn accolades, but as far as I am concerned every coach on our team is deserving.

So thank-you for once again for getting the word out and taking your time to vote!

It’s really cool that we were just honored as “Best of The Best” gym by readers of the Hippo Press, which makes 4 years in a row we have earned “Best of” in that category.

Coach Nancy took top honors as “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor for the 3rd straight year (I know, I’ve been hearing for years I am second best), and Coach Dean was selected “Best of Concord” for the 3rd time in 4 years.

Thank-you for being such a big part of our lives, we are truly blessed.

Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean




Spring Seminar Series starts Next Tuesday

wholehealthDr. Laura Jones will be at Get Fit NH Concord next Tuesday, March 26th at 7:00pm for the first part of our Spring Seminar Series.

Here’s a synopsis of Part 1:

Thyroid Health

The thyroid is one of the major conductors of the endocrine system orchestra. This precious gland plays a key role in metabolism, weight, body composition, energy, and mood.

Several factors can influence the thyroid including genetics, diet, sleep, and stress. Often a thorough thyroid panel along with some handy detective work is necessary to unlock the secrets to one’s thyroid health and as a result sub-optimal thyroid health can go undetected for years.

Come learn more about the thyroid, the precious role it plays in our health, some of the signs and symptoms indicating that it may need some attention as well as some common naturopathic recommendations to support healthy thyroid function.

Invite your friends and family!


Calendar of Events Revamp

calendarGood morning all, hope you are having a wonderful day on this first day of spring!

Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that we updated the “Calendar of Events” page so it is a little easier to see what events we have coming down the pike. You can click on each event link for details, and if there is a sign up involved you can get a direct link to that page as well.

Let us know what you think!

Check it out here…

Color Vibe 5K @ NHMS!

colorpackHey guys, Coach Meagan has set up a team for us for the Color Vibe 5K, being held a hop, skip and jump from here at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.

This looks like it is going to be a blast, so if you want to take a couple minutes to see what you are getting yourself into visit their site here, we know you are gonna want to do it!

Color Vibe 5K
May 25, 2013
New Hampshire Motor Speedway

Join Team “Get Fit NH” Here!


What If I Told You

goldbarThat I have discovered a way to predict your potential for injury? That we could pinpoint where the injury was likely to happen? Furthermore what if I told you once we discovered that information we had a strategy for avoiding the injury altogether?

Sounds pretty good, right?

I mean that is training gold!

That is what the FMS and Smart Group Training is all about.

It’s not about finding your weaknesses, it’s about finding your potential for injury and mitigating it the best way possible.

Years of research show that if a client scores greater than 14 the potential for injury is low. We also know that scores under 14 indicate that, if not corrected, there is not just a potential for, but a likelihood of, injury down the road. We don’t know when, we just know that odd are it will happen.

Let me put it this way.

Your mechanic tells you to change your oil every 3,000 miles. This is preventative maintenance. We change the oil now because we know if we don’t that engine will wear much faster and blow up at some point.

Same thing goes for your body. When we discover movement patterns that are likely to cause you to “blow up” sometime in the future we can spend a little time in preventative maintenance now to try to avoid it.

I know that I would rather spend 10 minutes getting screened than 10 month in rehab.

Schedule your FMS now and save yourself a world of hurt later.

Make It Happen!


Local Concord Area Fitness Professional Earns Prestigious Certification

bg-logoConcord, NH based physical preparation coach Dean Carlson becomes the first person in New Hampshire to achieve the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification.

Get Fit NH  is pleased to announce that co-owner and coach Dean Carlson has successfully completed the rigorous requirements for the successful completion of the industry’s premier nutrition designation.

Dr. John Berardi, founder of Precision Nutrition says “The goal is simple: to teach elite fitness professionals how to become elite nutrition coaches.” He further explains “Once you can consistently influence your client’s nutrition, your ability to deliver results increases 3-fold, at least.”

As co-owner of Get Fit NH, a 3-time “Best Gym” winner, and a trainer who has helped hundreds of members look and feel great, Coach Carlson knew he could deliver even better results, and be a better coach, by continuing his education. “I am proud of earning my Level 1 certification with Precision Nutrition” he said. “Dr. Berardi’s work was instrumental when I was 80+ pounds overweight, and I knew that further study into cellular biology, digestion and metabolism would help me better understand how to help our clients get even quicker results.”

While thoroughly covering the science of nutrition, the Precision Nutrition Certification ensures its graduates can do something even more important: Teach people at all levels practical and realistic nutrition that gets results.

“All the knowledge in the world is useless unless it can be communicated easily to our members and then implemented” Carlson explains.

To learn more about how Coach Dean can help you get control of your eating and build a lean, healthy body, please email him at getfitnh@gmail.com or give him a call at 603.344.2651. For a free 2-week trial to his Epsom/Concord training facilities, please visit http://www.GetFitNH.com

To learn more about Precision Nutrition, visit http://PrecisionNutrition.com

Dean Carlson is the co-owner of Cr8 Health & Fitness, LLC. Dean is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, Certified Youth Fitness Specialist Level 2, and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified. As a “former fat boy”, he understands what it takes to achieve a level of fitness he thought was long gone. Dean  is a physical preparation and performance coach and is the training director of Get Fit NH, with locations in Concord and Epsom, NH.