Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Signup Switcharoo (Did I Get That Right?)

We have heard your feedback regarding the S3 Signups, and what will give everybody the "fairerest" shot at getting their first choice for coach.

We are going to open the signups this Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 2:00pm EST. The page is already written and scheduled to be posted at that time, so as long as the interweb doesn't break, they will be available at that time. 

I am going to post a copy of this message on our Facebook pages, as well as send out an email. We do our best to please, and I think this is the best all around solution. I am really psyched you guys are so excited and ready to go - I am looking forward to this being the best S3 yet!

Let's Make It Happen!

- DC

Sizzling Summer Slimdown Signup Open

Sunday May 8, 2018 @ 2:00pm 

Be There! 🙂

These 2 Supplements are Brand New to Get Fit NH

Dean and I started Get Fit NH with the one desire: To help people in New Hampshire get healthier. We know that if they are healthier they will automagically become happier, and the world needs more happy. 

I would like to bring to your attention 2 supplements, while new to Get Fit NH, are not new to Dean and I. Beverly International, also the makers of UMP - the best protein anywhere, developed a product that combines Magnesium and Zinc; ZMA 2000. It's main benefit is to help you with recovery and sleep.  The second of these supplements is from Live Extension. Florassist Balance is a probiotic. Delivering healthy doses of good bacteria to your insides. 

Why you should take ZMA?

Magnesium is an important dietary mineral, and having a deficiency usually is associated with poor sleep quality. While some sleep aids leave you feeling sleepy and foggy, magnesium works to help relax your muscles so you can fall into deep sleep and stay there. Therefore, you don't need to worry about getting sleepy after taking a magnesium supplement. This year's "Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Success Guide" puts it this way: "Magnesium (ZMA): Another one of my go-to recommendations to help combat stress. It’s not only great for stress, but it’s an important mineral that’s required for more than 700 biochemical reactions in your body! It can help with sleep, your digestion, and aches and pains, too. This is great to take right before bed." 

I can't say it any better than Coach Dean did:  "Like all of the ones we recommend, I have been taking ZMA for years - What more do you need to know! :)"


 Florassist Balance Probiotic -“Bugs in my belly!” Yikes. 

You may think I am losing my mind. But rest assured, these tiny little creatures I am referring to are probiotics; the bacteria and yeast that live in your gut. While it might not be appealing to think about, these “good guys” are supposed to be there. They naturally populate our intestine and protect us from harmful bacteria and substances that lead to inflammation and infection. Not so bad after all. But what else do probiotics do? 

  • Boost Immune Health: Approximately 70% of our immune system exists within our digestive tract. As we are in the midst of flu season, keep your immune system strong through a healthy gut.
  • Manage Intestinal Distress: Used in treating irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, and gas.  
  • Potential Influencers of Chronic Disease: Innovative research studies are being completed on how our gut microbiome affects the development of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and mood disorders. So far, results have been promising in the potential role probiotics can play. Stay tuned as evidence-based recommendations develop.
  • Using Probiotics while taking an antibiotic treatment will help maintain the beneficial bacteria.

Why do I need more?

These ‘good’ bacteria actually fight off the ‘bad’ bacteria that can make us sick and that cause yeast or urinary tract infections. We also need a balance of these bacterias to keep our immune system healthy and promote good digestion.

Here is my take: Our American style of eating tends to feed the bad guys and leave the good guys hungry. I give the good guys an edge with this probiotic. 

While we are not saying you need to buy these from us, we've done lots of research and this is what we use at home. Dean and I want to pass that along to you. 

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy


Are You Hungry?

What does hunger feel like?
Everyone describes it a bit differently, how do you describe that feeling?

Some have described it as: "Well, when I am in a good, healthy eating pattern, hunger feels like a grumbly gnawing feeling, but bearable. When I have eaten too many carbs and sugars for a stretch, hunger feels like more of an empty, must shove food in now feeling, usually with some shakiness because my blood sugar has dropped. I can always tell the clear difference."

Others like this: "I'm not sure I know what hunger really feels like. When I'm being mindful, I usually need to stop and think, am I really hungry right now or is it something else? When it's hunger, there is an empty feeling. I often think I am hungry but in reality I am procrastinating on a job task that I don't want to do. Procrastination and then stress because I am not doing what I should be leads me to eating when I am not hungry.

What does hunger feels like to you?

Listening to our bodies is one of your biggest assets. Listening to how your body feels while you eat. Understanding the level at which you need to eat in order to remain comfortably full, not overstuffed, and yet ‘feel’ hunger before it is time to eat again sounds easy but is much more difficult to do.
Mastering this asset shows as we allow our body to talk to us knowing we will listen.

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

“I Just Did That!”

What you just watched was our 4:15 superstar, Ruth Littlefield, deadlift 165 pounds. I'll never forget the day Ruth started with us. Her biggest concerns were getting up and down off of the floor, kneeling, being in pain and just sick of feeling icky! Ruth has been training with us for almost a year (it will be a year in June!) during that time she has gained SO much to include knowledge, strength and confidence. It has been a coach's DREAM to watch this woman transform herself from the inside out. I am so proud of this woman right here and I am absolutely delighted to share her story...

In the fall of 2016 I started Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).  Through that work, I focused on mindfulness and awareness.  My therapist took me through a process to help me identifying what I value in life. The values that were calling out to me where self-care, connection, courage/bravery, humor, creativity, curiosity and contribution.  In order to move towards the things I valued, my therapist had me identify what I could do that would help me move towards those things and to be aware of what was moving me away from them. I was extremely sedentary, overweight, with high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, asthma and other ailments.  Engaging in physical activity, especially movement that built my strength, flexibility and cardio would allow me to move towards all of my values. The challenge though was that I had never liked exercise, I had a pocket full of excuses, I was uncomfortable in gyms, and I didn't know what I needed to do to be successful.  But my therapist encouraged me to be brave, so I checked out a variety of places and programs hoping I could find a place that was a good fit.  I tried a Vinyasa yoga class that was not customized and way too advanced for me.  I looked for a personal trainer but had no idea what to look for or how to approach it. Finally, two of my co-workers told me about Get Fit NH. One has been coming here since it started.  The other friend was newer to it and had lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of strength. So I decided to check it out.  It took a while for a class slot that worked for me to open up and I was SO nervous the first time I came to a session in June of 2017. Everyone here, from the coaches to the trainees are so friendly, encouraging and non-judgmental.  

When I started, I didn't know squat about exercising and I had no confidence in my abilities. I have learned that through my commitment to the work and the right supports (thank you coaches and all my co-trainees), I have the capacity to change.  It takes effort, patience, and a willingness to celebrate small changes while not being discouraged by set backs.  

The biggest surprise since beginning training is that I actually love working out now!  That is a bonus I never expected.  My favorite saying when I'm in session is "I just DID that!". At first, getting up and down off the floor was almost impossible.  Now I do it relatively quickly and without my knees screaming, although I am still not terrible graceful.  I just got to the place where I can bench press 40 pounds and dead lift 165 pounds (check out the video of me being "strong like bull!!!").  I feel so much better in so many ways.  Simple things, like being able to reach my shoes laces and walk places are so improved.  My Cardiologist says my cardiomyopathy is significantly better and that is life changing.  When I think back to those values I identified, Get Fit NH is definitely making it happen!!!

No, Ruth...YOU are definitely making it happen. Thank you for choosing to train with us and thank you for being a valued piece of the Get Fit NH family

Coach Meagan

Concord Cappies Voting Is Back Again!

First we would like to take a second to thank everyone that voted for us during the Hippo Press voting. We say it all the time that we believe we have the best students in the entire world!

Now April is here and along with it is the Concord Cappies Voting! Again, thanks to all of you amazing people we have won the past two years and are going for a three-peat! 

So in order to win we need your help!

Here's what to do:

  • Go to
  • Enter your Email Address
  • Vote for all your favorites
  • Especially #30 Best Fitness Center  - Get Fit NH Concord and Epsom
  • Check your email for the confirmation link and click to confirm your vote

This survey is a breeze! There is no need to vote for 15 categories to qualify!

We appreciate your help SO much!

The Get Fit NH Team!

Winner, Winner Taco Dinner?

The results of the March Madness Sled Push Challenge are in!!! It was a close match between the training hours, but there can only be ONE winner from each location...

Drum roll please....

In Epsom with an average of 186.8 pushes PER PERSON!! And a HUGE shout out to Dan Yeaton for pushing the sled 750 times! Please join me in congratulating EPSOM 6:15AM! 

In Concord with an average of 16 pushes PER PERSON!! Please join me in congratulating Concord 6:45PM!

6:15 AM Epsom has earned themselves a Taco Tuesday breakfast party and 6:45 PM Concord has earned themselves a Taco Tuesday dinner party on TUESDAY APRIL 3RD! We look forward to partying with you soon!

Special shout outs to...

Cristy Bresson, Deb Kaitz, Ted Diers, Kim Lapomardo, Sonia Cormier, Dan Yeaton, Kathy Cole, Glenn Foley, Jodi Mattice- Collins, Tom Barker, Scott Decker, Wayne Preve, Laurie Vallee, Teresa Fortin-Madore! They all earned their FitRanx helping hand sticker and Team Leader stickers will be a surprise next week! 

See you next week!

Coach Meagan

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This Is One Strong Spotlight!

The spotlight shines on Robin today. I could write a novel about Robin, because that’s how awesome she is. One of the best parts of being a coach is not only watching someone physically change, but watching them change mentally and emotionally. Robin has changed in all of these ways. When I first met with Robin 7 months ago she was so nervous. It’s common to feel nervous and self-conscious about starting a new training plan and doing something you’ve never done before alongside people you’ve never met before. Talk about intimidating. Robin embraced it and dove in anyways. The Robin I know today is SO far from the Robin I met 7 months ago. Robin today is confident, she is strong, she is outgoing and funny and as you’ll learn in her remarks she is proud of herself

I knew that I was at the point in my life where just eating right wasn't enough.  In the past I could just stop eating junk and cut out sugar and that, by itself, was enough to drop some pounds and I'd be happy with that.  However, once I reached my 40's , I realized that wasn't enough and that I was starting to lose muscle at a rapid pace and  that simple tasks were becoming more difficult.  Walking up flights of stairs was becoming challenging (and working on the 3rd floor of city hall, the elevator was becoming a normal part of my trek and I felt guilty every time) and even getting up off the couch was becoming a challenge.  As I was approaching 50, I knew I needed to change something.  I saw the post on Facebook about a 28-day Metabolic Reboot and decided to give it a shot.  I figured I could handle 4 weeks.  Those 4 weeks went by in a flash and I knew, I KNEW, that I had to continue.  

 I've learned that I'm stronger than I give myself credit for and I can also tolerate more than I give myself credit for.  And, most importantly (for me anyway), I CAN do an exercise program regularly and not die (although, sometimes it feels like I am going to...ha ha ha), that it can be part of my life and yet not RULE my life.  I always thought only the "crazy fitness people" exercised regularly and I was certainly not one of "them".   I have learned that I actually LIKE (*gasp*) to exercise.  Still don't like to run...not sure anyone can ever make me like that.  But I look forward to my 5:30 class and I NEVER dread going.  In the past when I had signed up for another gym, I would always look for excuses why I couldn't go and would justify it with, "well, it's only $10 a month so it's not a big deal".  And then after a while when I realized that all I was doing was adding to their profit margin and not getting any benefit out of it, I would cancel.  That cycle continued on for years.  Now THAT'S crazy.


One of the most important things I've learned - I love the coaches here!  I remember when I was talking to Nancy on the phone the day I called to ask about what I had seen on Facebook and I was thinking  "I don't want to be in a class with boys...I don't want them to see my failure."  Sad, isn't it?  That I hadn't even started yet and I was already thinking I was going to fail.  That was my past experiences programming my brain to automatically think that.  So Nancy registered me for the 8:30am "ladies only" class.  I remember that I was nervous as heck thinking that all the coaches would be drill instructors (like Biggest Loser) screaming at people and humiliating them.   After meeting with Meagan for the first time, I walked out  of there thinking, "I like her and I don't think she'll yell at me".   I got in my car feeling excited to start and thought to myself "I got this!"  From day one, I have been very happy with the training and the people.  I have never seen a more encouraging group of engaged coaches and I feel like I'm so lucky to have started my training there.  I tell people all the time about it.  When people see me leaving work with my gym bag and ask where I'm going - I'm sure they immediately regret it because I then go on a long-winded sales pitch for GetFit NH.  When people say to me "you look great" - I take that opportunity to tell them about GetFit NH.  I wish you guys had GetFit NH buttons, I would wear it proudly every day to promote you all!!!!!


Since I started my training almost 7 months ago, I have lost 15 pounds and 8.4 inches total.  I'm still a far distance from my goal and I'm moving along at a turtle's pace, but I'm very happy with the progress I've made physically in those months.  

Now the part you don't actually see.  I am FEELING so much better.  I can walk up all 5 flights of stairs at work and I don't save all my trips to only do once (like I used to do because I just was not comfortable moving my body), I find that I don't mind going up and down those stairs several times a day.  I park farther away and don't mind walking.  When I run errands, I don't mind getting in and out of the car several times.  

The other part is how proud my family is of me and they tell me all the time how proud they are that I am taking measures to take care of myself.  My husband said that he is not worried anymore that I won't be around to see our children get married and have children.  He said that previously, he worried about that every day.  How sad is that?  I am forever grateful to all of you for giving me my life back and for helping me to see that I can succeed, however long that takes.  I love you guys!!!!  ; )

We are so proud of Robin. Thank you for sharing your story! Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

Coffee with the ProCoach ‘Coach’

Everyone knows I like to talk. I can keep the conversation going. I especially love to talk about Food, and Nutrition, and meal planning, and quick tips in the kitchen, and how to lose weight, and what foods to eat more of...... see what I mean. I love to talk anything relating to food. 

At Get Fit NH our goal is to make you healthier because when you are healthier, you automagically become happier and the world needs more happy.

With that in mind, do you ever feel like you need a helping hand in your battle with nutrition? Not just a helping hand at times but walking along with you each day for the long haul. I'd like to invite you to come hang out with those currently using or have used the ProCoach system and me as the ProCoach Coach. 

Join us on April 7th from 9-10 am at Live Juice in Concord. We have people from all areas on the timeline of ProCoach. Some are just getting ready to graduate out on their own, others are just starting and others have finished awhile back. Join us as a ProCoach Wanna Be. Let me know you'll be there by sending me a quick email at

Coach Nancy

Think Two Steps Ahead.

In life we are not always able to plan and control outcomes.  As many of you may know even the best-laid plans are not always something that will work.  You have your whole day planned out, you have your food prepared based on your current information.  What happens if it changes? What happens if you plan to have your lunch at 12, and you’ll be home in time for dinner so you’re good.  Now what happens when you get stuck at work longer than expected, you’re super hungry and you decide to make a unsupportive decision with what you eat.  Planning is great but the true secret lies in developing the skill to think two steps ahead.  

What do I mean by that?  I mean working through the different possible outcomes in your head so that you are prepared if any of them happen.  This takes time, practice, and experience to do.  You can’t always predict what may happen until you have seen a bunch of different possible outcomes. Lets take the example above, you plan it out, but what is one step further?  One step further is “well what is my plan going to be if that doesn’t work out”?  What is your plan “B”, what if you are wrong and you will be stuck at work?  Do you have another meal with you just in case? Is there a place you know you can find healthy food near your work?  If you know there isn’t a place near you that you can find something healthy, do you know that and did you use that information to prepare yourself?  Start working on trying to think two steps ahead, it takes time but it can be a valuable tool to add to your toolbox. 

-Coach Adam

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2018 “TBT Challenge” Is Coming!

S3 2018 "TBT Coach's Challenge" Is Coming!


UPDATE: Registration Opens April 8, 2018 @ 2pm EST

Fast Action Bonus! You get to choose your own coach by being one of the FIRST 20 to sign up for her/his team!

What is the S3 (Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown) 2018 "TBT Coach's Challenge"?

TBT stands for "Total Body Transformation", and we are going to take 6-weeks, right before summer starts, to get some work done toward that goal! And this year we are adding a twist: Our 5 coaches are going to be "Team Leaders" and use their own special voodoo, magic, and ninja tactics to help you get better than ever. 

When we were thinking about how to split up the teams, we figured we would let each participant choose their own coach, but then Dean pointed out he probably wouldn't have anybody on his team, so we felt bad and decided to try to even it out a little.

After registration, you will be sent a survey asking you for your Top 3 choices for coach.

You can choose from:

  • Team Adam
  • Team Brian
  • Team Dean
  • Team Meagan
  • Team Nancy
  • Team Blake - wait never mind, wrong show...

As a fast action bonus, the first 20 to ask for a particular coach are guaranteed to get their top choice - so if you really, really, really want to have a specific coach, have your fast fingers ready on April 9th! 🙂

Here's What You Get

Before I go any further I want to whet your appetite, so here's a rundown of what you get when you signup:

A New "TBT Challenge" Success Manual, as well as an All-New Recipe Guide!

Exclusive Downloadable Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Worksheets (.pdf), which include:

  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Goal Worksheet
  • Weekly Meal Plans (A new one each week)
  • Grocery Lists for your Weekly Meal Plans
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Recipes
  • Eating Out Guide

6 weeks of nutrition accountability, education and coaching using Coach Catalyst

6+ weeks of Private Facebook support

How Much For All This Awesomeness You Ask?​

Only $39 for Get Fit NH Clients!​

Not a current Get Fit NH Client?

We got you covered!

Choose from our two options for non-clients to play - sweet!

Option #2: Friends and Family $77

You get all the same great support, accountability and tools that our clients are using, plus you get to experience all that Get Fit NH Awsomeness for a crazy low price!

Option #3: 6-Weeks Training  for $367

We are opening up training times, subject to availability, so you can experience Get Fit NH's award winning Smart Group Training during the contest! You will receive all the care and attention our training clients receive, as well as all the great S3 tools.

S3 + Training = Awesome Results!

Here's How It Works (Please read and follow carefully)

We are stoked about this years "TBT Coach's Challenge", and we want you to get the full picture, so please read.

After you register you will receive an email with a link to the "Choose Your Coach" form. Just type in your top 3 choices for your coach, and we will do everything in our power to make sure you don't get stuck with Dean. (Don't tell him I said that). 🙂

This contest is all about teamwork, lifting each other up and helping each other out. Your team doesn't need you to be perfect, just give it your best. We got your back!

This Years Contest Tools

Manual and Guides

You will receive the TBT Success Manual, all new Recipe Guide, Goal Worksheets, and a Dining Out guide. But that's not all! Every week you will also get a brand new Menu Plan AND the Grocery List to go with that weeks plan. It will tell you just what you need to make each and every delicious recipe.

Coach Catalyst

CoachCatalyst is our nutrition education and accountability tool. Every day you will receive an email asking you this one question "Would your coach have made the same food choices you did yesterday?" along with a lesson to help you do just that. Around 50% of the scoring for the contest will depend on you checking in daily and get the habits done. You can go back and read the lessons at any time, to help you stay on track.

The other cool thing we can do is setup teams right in Coach Catalyst. That way each coach can communicate with your team without sharing their secrets with all the other teams. Secrets are allowed! 🙂


Fit3D is an innovative 3D body scanner that captures a 3D, 360° image of the human body and extracts the most commonly used measurements tracked for fitness progress, all with just a 40 second scan. You will be using Fit3D three times during the contest to measure your waist and hips; once before the contest, once at the mid-point, and at the end. The more you lose off your waist and hips, the more points you score!

Private Team Groups

Each coach will also invite you into their personal and private Facebook group - for your team only! If you are not a Facebook groupie no worries - it's optional - but there is gonna be a lot of cool stuff going on in there, so you might wanna make an exception!

How Does My Team Win?

Scoring Habit Points

You earn points for your team based on your percentage of daily habit tracking compliance using Coach Catalyst. Each team members score will be calculated, and those will be totaled for the team. Here's the scale:

  • 90% or greater compliance = 100 points
  • 80 - 89% = 80 points
  • ​70 - 79% = 70 points
  • ​60 - 69% = 60 points
  • 50 - 59% = 50 points
  • <50% = 0 points

Here's an example:

Thelma achieves a compliance score of 92%  = 100 points
Louise achieves a compliance score of 78% = 70 points
The team would score the average = 85 points​

Scoring Results Points

This one is really simple. You earn 10 points for each % average that you lose off your waist and hips. Each team members score will be calculated and added to the team total.

Here's an example:

Bruce loses 4% off his waist and Wayne loses 6%. The average is 5%, so the team earns 50 points.

Bruce loses 3.5% off his hips and Wayne loses 1%, so the average would be 2.25%, or 22.5 points.

The team total "Results Points" would be 77.5 - easy peasy!​

Bonus Points

Your team can earn up to an additional 20 points if everyone completes the mid-contest Fit3D scan by May 26th. We will give 20 to everyone on the team who does the scan and take the average. Those 20 points could be huge, so don't miss them!

So what would team "In It All The Way" Final Score be? 85 habit points + 77.5 results points + 20 bonus points (they were really on top of things) = 182.5 total points. Can you beat that? 🙂

And yes, there will be CASH prizes!

This year we are going to have a GRAND PRIZE winner, and a TEAM WINNER

Like last year, we are going to split the entry fees, with the winners getting 50% of the entry fees, and the remaining going toward expenses for running the contest and the HUGE party we will have at the end!

Here's the breakdown:

  • The Grand Prize Winner Will Receive 25% of the Pool (Last year that would have been over $2000!!!)
  • The Team Winners Receive Prizes Worth 25% of the Pool
  • The Coach of the Winning Team Receives a $500 bonus!

How's THAT for some sweet swag?  CHA-CHING!

Key Dates To Remember:

  • Sunday April 8th:    Sign up opens
  • Wednesday May 2nd:   Sign up cutoff
  • Saturday May 5th @ 10:00 AM:  Kickoff meeting, First scan due, and Meals Made Easy workshop at Get Fit NH Concord
  • Monday May 7th:   S3 "TBT Coach's Challenge" Stars
  • Saturday May 26th:   Halfway scans due. We will be open 8-10 AM. You can also do them during regular hours anytime that week. Count for 10 points per teammate.
  • Saturday June 16th:   S3 ends and we are open 8-10 AM to get final scans done
  • Tuesday June 19th:   Last scan due by 7:45 PM
  • Saturday June 23rd:   Reveal Party @ 10:00 AM in Concord

Registration Opens April 9th!

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