Your January Jumpstart Challenge: GETTING ON TRACK

Starting on January 22, the Get Fit NH family together starts to bolster your own nutrition while encouraging others to do the same.  The Challenge can be summed in in the three statements below.

Forget diet plans. counting calories, and pills and potions. Simplification is the key to getting focused - the less we have to think about it, the better. You'll learn how to setup your kitchen for success, shop only for the foods you need, and a step-by-step plan for getting the results that will keep you motivated.

Sometimes you don't know how bad you feel until you feel better. There are 3 common food categories that affect us more than we realize, and you'll discover which ones might be making you feel less than your best.

Expert Coaching, Daily Check-Ins, and our Online "Inspire" group is where the magic really happens. When you get stuck, we got your back.

Just in case you missed all the information we've sent your way, check oall the details for your 21+ Day Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge here.

I'll see you on January 13th for your Jumpstart Goal setting Workshop- plus all the ins and outs of this challenge.

Don't forget to sign up today!

Meal Management to the Rescue

There's no doubt that prepping and planning your meals is not only crucial to achieving your best body, but also extremely challenging! Today's hectic lifestyles make "grab and go" a lot more likely than "sit and relax".

Who's got the time to plan out meals?

In this seminar Coach Nancy (who is a mom of six, homeschools her kids and is a full-time fitness professional) will guide you every step of the way.

Have you ever stood in front of the fridge 20 minutes before dinner is supposed to be on the table and wonder what you will serve? 

Do you need just a few tips to help you plan meals easier?

Nancy says "Achieving your best body AND eating great food can coexist. The key lies in your ability to PRE-PLAN and PREPARE. You must reorganize the way you eat.  At “Meal Management To the Rescue” you’ll learn how to easily pull mealtime together for your family. You’ll walk away with a week’s worth of dinner meal plans plus the ability to expand that to a whole month, a cheat sheet for meal preparation, and 14 ways to make breakfast easy."

Date: Wednesday January 24, 2018

Place: Get Fit NH Epsom

Time: 6:00am - 7:30am

Put this date on your calendar now, Meal Management to the Rescue

Try to Catch Stacy in the Spotlight

Tutu Tuesday started years ago at 6:15 in Epsom. Santa visiting every year is now a tradition. These are just two of the inspirations Stacy has given back to Get Fit NH. 

But Stacy is following in the footsteps of others when it comes to her attendance at training. You see Stacy didn't miss one training time all year. She made it happen. There were days she had to get up earlier in order to train. She had to rearrange her schedule other days so it would fit in. It was that important to her that she Made It Happen- no matter what. 

In 2017 Stacy didn't miss one training. She is following in the footsteps of others in her training time. They've made it such a way of life that if they aren't there, it is STRANGE. 

Here is my challenge to you; who is going to follow in Stacy's footsteps? Who is going to be known for consistency and determination? Who will have perfect attendance in 2018?

Are you Ready? Are you Set? Let’s Go!

This is your chance to make the final preparations. 

On January 13th at 9am in Concord, your team of coaches is going to get you ready for change. The January Jumpstart Nutrition workshop will be an hour of getting you ready, helping you be set and then letting you go!

We'll take the 21+ Day Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge guide and break it down so you have your goals laid out before the challenge begins. We want to make this challenge easier for you. We'll teach you how to listen to the signals your body has been telling you for years. Plus I want to show you how to access the accountability and support you need. 

                                            Be ready mentally

Get set physically

                                                          All so you can go!

What if you're not sure you're going to do the 21+ Day Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge? Come on in. We'll be focusing on setting the goals you need to be the best you. If you're undecided now, check out the information because there is a bonus for signing up early. Shhhhh...... its the nutrition guide printed out for you. 

You don't have to be doing the 21+ Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge to benefit from this workshop. We'll set some well defined personal goals and then make those goals ones that inspire you to succeed.

Let me help you be Ready, Be Set, and then you can, Go!

Mark the date:

Jumpstart Nutrition Workshop

                                                 January 13th at 9:00am 

                                               Location:  Get Fit NH Concord

Winners of Show up, Step up, Stick it up!

Thank you for your patience as it took us longer than usual to get the winners announced. There is definitely excitement building. Show UP, Step UP, and Stick Em UP is a three month challenge. Consistency and determination were built up by all. While I wish I could have all of you over for dinner, my house just won't fit you all. 🙂

Here's who Won

Three random winners were drawn from all the completed cards.

Cindy Demalio

Deb Kaitz

Rebecca Lovell 

Plus One winner successfully completed the 1/2 way Challenge

Gail Peterie

Congratulations to all!

Each of these have won a private dinner for each "plus 1", hosted and prepared by Coaches Dean and Nancy, in their home. While dinner is being cooked by Coach Dean, Coach Nancy will be treating the winners to her famous "Crock Pot Freezer Workshop", and everyone will go home with 5 Ready-To-Cook Freezer Meals. Over dinner we will have a special "ask the coach" Q&A, where you can grill Dean and Nancy for all their fitness and nutrition secrets. 🙂 What a great way to set yourself up for success in the New Year!

Dinner is being served on January 31st at 6pm in Epsom.

I'll see all the winners there, but if you know one of the winners you also might enjoy the meal as their Plus One - just saying.

Keep Making It Happen!

Hard Times Lead To Growth

It is hard to think about in the moment, it really is, and I understand that more than most.  When things happen and times get hard how can you look around and say “well this stinks but at least I learned something as a result!”.  You wont see it until the dust settles, until things clear.

I have realized this more and more recently.  Many of you know at this point I injured my back months ago, and I am still having trouble and working on recovering from that injury.  It has been a long, extremely frustrating several months.

However the one solace I take in it is this, in my attempt to figure out what is going on with my own body, my coaching has taken a massive step forward.  The amount of new techniques I have learned to help myself, which I am then taking and applying to others with issues that there seem to be no answer for.  It has flipped the way I often look at things on its head and as a result I am finding that I am able to help more of you more effectively.  

I know it is hard to see in the moment, but when things get tough, that’s when you need to look to learn as much as you can.  Its unbelievable the amount of help it will give you or those you care for later on.  Just remember that!

-Coach Adam

Get Fit NH CLOSED this Afternoon January 4, 2018

Good afternoon ladies and gents,

I am just getting in from one of the scariest drives I have had in a while. The snow is coming down fast and the visibility is terrible. We strongly dislike closing for a good ole' New England snow storm, but we have to keep YOU and our coaching team safe and sound!  We appreciate you understanding!

As of now morning training is still on for tomorrow! We will post on our blog and Facebook and send out an email by 4 AM so be on the look out for that! If you don't see anything then we will be there!

Be safe and happy shoveling! Share your MYZONE reports or send pictures from your snow clean up! Or stay inside and do some training with Coach Dean and Coach Nancy!

 Click here to train with your coaches from home

Be safe! 

Coach Meagan

Coach Dean’s January Jumpstart Rant

CAUTION: ALERT: WARNING - Coach Dean rant ahead.

One of the question we are getting regarding the January Jumpstart (and really almost any challenge we do) is: "Is it the same as last year?"

And Coach Dean's blood pressure goes up 50 points.

The answer to your question is twofold.

1) No. It is different in the fact there is a new set of recipes included and for the first 100 to enroll receive a hardcopy of the manual, which was one of the biggest requests from last year.

2) YES YES YES. It is the same. Boring you say? I already know that stuff you say? I already have that manual you say?

Then why the heck are you even thinking about doing it at all? If you already know everything, you must be at your goal weight, off all your meds, sleeping like a baby, no digestion or skin problems - perfectly healthy, right?

The bottom line is that the nutrition principles we teach are not going to change. What does need to change is US. We have to stop chasing after the latest and greatest, thinking that there is an easy way out. If you actually DO what we teach, ALL THE TIME, you wouldn't ever need to do another challenge. But you don't. So two or three times a year we provide 4 to 6 weeks of focus to get you (and me) back on track. It's not what's in the manual that counts, as beautiful as it is. It's not about the recipes. It really isn't.

It all comes back to the extra level of ACCOUNTABILITY and COACHING that the January Jumpstart is going to give you.

Look at it this way. When you come to train with us, we focus on basic human movements. Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, Loaded Carries, and "Floor" Work (thank you Coach Dan John).

Sure we can change some variables, such as load, reps, sets, etc., but a squat is a squat, a hinge is a hinge. They are not going to change. Yet you keep walking back into the gym to squat and hinge. Why? Because you are being held accountable to be there and you are being coached so you perform the movements correctly, safely, and appropriately. Not to mention you get to hang out with me sometimes! 

Nutrition principles are not going to change either. Eat your veggies, get enough protein, healthy fats, appropriate carbs. Limit the sugar and booze, you know the drill.

But KNOWING isn't enough. You actually need to DO. And the January Jumpstart is one way we provide the swift kick in the pants you just might need to DO what you already KNOW. The most important knowledge you just might gain is to get to know yourself better - some of the most valuable knowledge of all.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - consistently doing the same right things over and over and over and over again is going to get you the results you want. There is absolutely NO POINT in producing a completely new manual every time we come into a season of focus. DO what's in this one, stay engaged with the community and the coaches, track your progress, and you WILL find success. 

- DC

Lets Get Ready to Rumble!

Don't waste any more time. You need to be ready. In January, its easy to not do anything, not change anything, not make any resolutions. But if you train at Get Fit NH, you are not known for taking the easy way out. 

On January 13th at 9am in Concord, your team of coaches is going to get you ready for change. The January Jumpstart Nutrition workshop will be an hour of getting you ready, helping you be set and then letting you go!

We'll take the 21+ Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge guide and break it down so you have your goals laid out before the challenge begins. We want to make this challenge easier for you. We'll teach you how to listen to the signals your body has been telling you for years. Plus I want to show you how to access the accountability and support you need. 

                                            Be ready mentally

Get set physically

                                                          All so you can go!

What if you're not sure you're going to do the 21+ Day Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge? Come on in. We'll be focusing on setting the goals you need to be the best you. If you're undecided now, check out the information because there is a bonus for signing up early. Shhhhh...... its the nutrition guide printed out for you. 

I'm not going to sell you on the 21+ Jumpstart Nutrition Challenge here, I want to help those who have decided to set some goals make those goals ones that inspire them to succeed.

Let me help you be Ready, Be Set, and then you can, Go!

Mark the date:

Jumpstart Nutrition Workshop

                                                 January 13th at 9:00am 

                                               Location:  Get Fit NH Concord

The Spotlight is Shining Bright and Early

At Get Fit NH we have many different training times during the day. They range from bright and early to hit training on the way home from work.  The people you see at Get Fit NH are as different as different can be as well. From almost 20 and just starting college to Grandpas and Grandmas who retired after a full career.

But there is a group at Get Fit NH that is often referred to others as “one of those people”.

‘Those People’ are the ones that wake up bright and early and get into Get Fit NH for a 5am training. Petra is one of ‘those people’. Petra is one of ‘those people’ 4 days a week.

Yet, I know we would have a consensus that Petra makes it just a bit easier to roll out of bed on a cold day to get to Get Fit NH. She is cheerful, chipper, and sometimes just giddy at that hour. She reminds me of the energizer bunny.

In November Petra competed in the Ski Erg World Sprints. She was thrilled she finished the challenge. It is now a spark inside of her to compete next year. In fact she is training now for it. She has a goal in mind. Here is her plan, she comes in a bit earlier- imagine that- to ski 1000 meters.

I asked Petra to give us some background into what drives her to be one of ‘those people’.

Hey Petra, why did you start coming to Get Fit NH?

“My doctor instructed me to lose 20 pounds and I knew I could not do this on my own and would need all the help I could get.”

 After your first 2 weeks, how did you feel?

“That I am totally out of shape and that the only way to change it is to stick with it and thanks to the support I am.”

How do you feel now?

“Due to all the travel for work during the first half of the year I was not as successful in coming every day; BUT--since July I am. Now it's December and my body feels great. I can feel and see the subtle changes and I can feel the strength in my arms and legs when doing yard work. Feeling great has taken away the emphasis on losing the weight. Watching not only what I eat but more so how much I eat and continuing training at Get Fit NH will help me achieve the goal of losing the weight.”

Overall how would you describe your experience at Get Fit NH?

“Get Fit NH and the 5am group makes exercising fun and I look forward to going. I thoroughly enjoy the group and the dynamics. Some days I do better with the exercises; some days I do not. What is important is: going and being there. To think how happy we can be at 5 in the morning! (Granted, it takes a cup of coffee and about an hour before for me to wake up … but, after the 5 am class and after catching my breath … I have energy like the energizer bunny!”

Honest and true ‘those people’ love Petra at 5am and so do I. Thank you Petra for being part of the Get Fit NH family.

Coach Nancy

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