Raking, Shoveling and Weeding – Oh My!

Today I spent the day getting my yard cleaned up. It is amazing how exhausting this chore can be! My husband made fun of my as I volunteered to rake, because it was better exercise than leaf blowing. Something must be wrong with me! 

As the wind blew and stirred up more leaves where I had just raked I was reminded of how important it is to be engaged in what you are doing...even when it is chores!  I didn't do any kind of warm up and I was thinking about how that was kinda numb, because my shoulders were totally burning. 

Raking will soon be over with and winter will approach quickly so let's think about shoveling. Every year we have so many students come in with a sore back or hurt shoulder from shoveling. There is twisting and bending and tossing involved here. I double dog dare you to wear your Myzone this winter when your are shoveling- it is a serious workout, but do we warm up before shoveling? Doubtful. I know I don't.

How about weeding? Every spring we talk about how much our back hurts after spending hours in the garden. We hold this horrid position for hours- of course it hurts! But dang, our gardens look pretty!! We have to pay attention. We have to be engaged in what we are doing.

This is my reminder to be mindful when you are doing your chores. These are the activities that we train for, right? Breathe, brace, warm up and rest!  Be mindful of your form. We are all on a time crunch, but an extra 5 minutes can save you hours, days, weeks of pain and soreness.

Coach Meagan

Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop is Returning!

Our crock pot freezer meal workshop was so popular in the spring that we’ve decided to bring it back again! This time we're offering it on a Saturday morning in Epsom.

You cannot delay on this because spots fill up FAST!

"I love cooking, but there are times when I don’t have the opportunity to cook each night."

"Oh no, I forgot to pick up ________ at the store when I went."

These meals are another way to make dinner quickly and easily AND a different way to plan and prep your meals for the week or the month.

You could:

  • Find 5 recipes using only ingredients that can be frozen
  • Write out your grocery list (don’t forget the freezer bags, herbs, spices, oil, and vinegar)
  • Go shopping
  • Chop, cut, prep the ingredients and add them to freezer bags
  • Freeze
  • Thaw slightly and put in a crock pot to cook while you are busy with other things

But wouldn't it be better to avoid steps 1 through 3?

I thought so!

Sign up for the Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop on December 2nd and we will do the hard lifting for you.

Here are some of the comments from students who participated in our last crockpot workshop:

"I loved the crockpot seminar. It was fun and has been feeding my family for the past several weeks. We loved the cashew chicken and beef stew the best! I liked how we were able to leave with the meal completed and participate. Thank you for putting this on!"

"THANK YOU so much for sending these. I just loved the workshop and look forward to the next one. What a great way to prepare healthy meals quickly."

"I LOVED the Saturday class on crockpot freezer cooking. My husband and I had the balsamic chicken last night and it was great."

"I thought the class ran smoothly. I liked the set up, and it was fun to work with people I had never met. I really had fun."

Just to remind you, here are the 5 meals we will be making together and you will be taking home:

  1. Cashew Chicken
  2. Thai-Ish Chicken Wings
  3. Balsamic Chicken
  4. Coach Nancy's Italian Sausage
  5. Savory Beef Stew

Each meal feeds 4 to 6 people, and they are yum-mee!

Space is limited to the first 15 that register, so get in on the Crock Pot Freezer Workshop by clicking the “Register Now” button below.

Crock Pot Freezer Meal Workshop
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017
Time: 9:00am to 10:00am
Location: Get Fit NH Epsom
Cost: $90 (that's just $18 for each meal that feeds 4-6 people!)

​Workshop Full. Thank-You!

Thanksgiving Schedule PLUS Pies off Thighs!

Can you believe it is already November? I can’t believe it. The brisk weather is here and snow is not too far behind, BUT hopefully before the snow comes we can enjoy Thanksgiving. I don’t know about you, but I could do without the 2014 Thanksgiving blizzard!

Thanksgiving week is going to be a little bit different. Family time for you and us is important stuff so make sure you jot down the whacky schedule so you don’t miss out on the bonus training (and so you don’t show up when we’re not here!)

Monday November 20th- Regular Training Schedule

Tuesday November 21st- Regular Training schedule

WEDNESDAY November 22nd- Regular Training Schedule BOTH locations

Thursday November 23rd- No Training

​Friday November 24th- No training

Saturday November 25th World Famous Pie's Off Thighs ALL family training in Concord at 8AM

We hope you enjoy this holiday season with your family. Thank you for choosing to train with us!
Get Fit NH Coaches

FitRanx Badges! Read All About It!!

Many of you have heard in some form or another about the new FitRanx program we have started rolling out here at Get Fit NH.  For those of you that have not, ask one of your coaches to talk with you about it.  I bet you didn’t know that there is a whole other fun piece to the FitRanx puzzle!   

That comes in the form of Fitranx Badges! These badges can be earned for doing a variety of different things inside and outside of the gym.  I wont lie I’m actually pretty excited about them, it will give myself as well as all of you some other goals to shoot for.  Maybe you haven’t done a Fitranx level yet, maybe you aren’t currently able to, maybe you just want to have some other stuff to shoot for outside of just the levels themselves.  Well then this is for you!  

Each badge has a certain milestone attached to it that you need to reach in order to get that badge.  After you have earned that badge, your coach will present it to you and you will be able to display it proudly on your very own Fitranx nameplate!

Here's the first six releases:

Into Thin Air: Earned by climbing 100 flights of stairs in a month (1 flight= at least 12 steps)

300 lb club: Earned by having a combine Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift of at least 300 lbs

Checkpoint: 100% Compliance on a monthly goal (must be tracked)

Triple Shot: Finishing levels 1, 2, and 3 back to back on the same day.  

Water Buffalo: Consume half your bodyweight in ounces of water daily for a month.

500 lb club: Earned by having a combined bench press, squat, and deadlift of at least 500 lbs

Let's Make It Happen!

- Coach Adam

LAST CALL! Online Jumpstart Nutrition November 11th

We wanted to make sure you didn't forget about your next chance to take your nutrition (and by extension your HEALTH) up a notch!

Our next Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar will be held Saturday, November 11th from 9:00am to 10:00am. We had a great turnout for the last seminar, so let’s keep that momentum going! We highly encourage you to have your “support system” with you, whether it’s your family, a friend or even a co-worker. The more they know, the more they can help you! Great thing is this will be a Virtual Seminar. You can access it from your computer while at home. 

There is no reason not to be there, so register (it's FREE) right now!

Smiling and Sharing the Spotlight

This week the spotlight is special as a pair of GREAT friends are sharing the light. I remember when Heather and Shelly started with Get Fit NH a year ago. I remember how unsure they were and so nervous about getting hurt. I can barely remember the uncertain ladies who sat with me a year ago, because today they are totally different people. The confidence and excitement they have when the walk into the gym each night is contagious. These ladies have helped make 6:45 who they are. The 6:45 group is such an excellent group of people and I truly believe these ladies played a giant role in that. 

As a celebration of a year with Get Fit NH, I asked them each to share their story so far and here is what they had to say...


What made you decide to check out Get Fit NH?  My friend Shelly asked if I wanted to join her for a 28 transformation that she saw on Facebook. After hemming and hawing...I decide to try it with her.

What are you most proud of after a year of training with us? I am proud of the things that are easier for me to do then they were a year ago.  It is not very often that a workout routine is the same at Get Fit. We did one this summer and then again about a month ago and it was night and day for me.

What progress have you made? When I started Get Fit I needed all but 2 of the bands. I am now down to 2.  That shows me how much my body is changing - changes that are internal that I cannot physically see. 

What were you most nervous about before joining? I had never really been into exercise. The most I did was some aerobic classes for a few weeks at a time and a treadmill. I was really afraid I wouldn't be able to do any of the exercises and look silly.

What makes you stay? The coaches make me stay. But also my classmates. Everyone encourages everyone. The 6:45 class has a real fun vibe to it. It is challenging to come to a 6:45 class after working all day and life in general, but that class makes it worth it. 


What made you decide to check out Get Fit NH? I have tried exercise classes and  exercise DVDs in the past and have not had big changes.  I knew I needed to strength train to build muscle, burn more calories and to better myself, inside and out.  After seeing myself in my son's wedding pictures I knew it was time.  I saw a post on Face Book for Get Fit NH offering  a 28 day reboot and I knew I needed to try it.

What are you most proud of since starting training 1 year ago? Very proud that I have stuck with an exercise routine for a year, way longer than any Denise Austin video!  I thought 5 pounds weights were heavy back then but now I can do a bench row with 30/35 pounds.

What keeps you  coming back? There have been times when I would like to just come home after work and tell myself I will walk my dogs, clean, or something, but it never goes that way.  I would just sit, go on the computer, and be non productive, have a few beers and eat unhealthy food.  Get Fit made me realize I don't want to do that anymore, I need to try to better myself, get healthy and strong.  After experiencing my first recovery week, I did not know what to do with myself.  I love my peeps at the 6:45 pm class.  We have fun, support one another, laugh and make sweat angels together.  The coaches are awesome, they remember everyone's names ( we did quiz Brian last week) and some how remember our weakness's and are more than happy to help with a modification.  The nutritional education is very helpful also.  This is where I struggle and will be my next challenge.  I also helps knowing my BFF is there as well.  

What would you want to share with someone on the fence about starting? If you truly want to push yourself, be supported, get your heart rate up and make a change, you have found the right place.  In the year I have been a member of the Get Fit family, I have lost 15 pounds and the 3D scan shows improvement in my fat mass and lean mass.  Get Fit offers 2 weeks free trial, or 28 day reboot, so what do you have to lose...besides weight, or in my case, unhealthy habits?

From the bottom of my heart ladies, thank you! Keep making it happen. I am so proud of you guys.

Coach Meagan

Generalized Statistics, BOOOOO!!!!!

When I say generalized statistics, Im talking about someone telling you that “50% of people will get ____________ in their lifetime”, everyone should eat 2000 calories a day, for everyone exercise is more important than diet.  We are the most diverse species of animal on the planet; there is no other animal that has such huge differences from one member of the species to another.  Yet we constantly hear generalizations based on groups of people.  “A group of 1000 people over the age of 35 were surveyed and 50% have experienced a heart attack”.  A study is put together and then those numbers are publicized or taken as gospel by people, medical profession or not, and what happens?  Everyone over the age of 35 thinks they have a 50/50 shot of getting a heart attack.  

Why do I bring this up?  For this reason, it is important to remember that anything with science is almost never applicable perfectly from one person to another.  50% of the people in said study had a heart attack, does that mean that if you are over 35 you are automatically 50/50? Of course not, group statistics show 50% but if you pull an individual out of that group their risk will either be higher or lower than 50%.  

I hate generalized statistics because they don’t tell the whole story.  They lead people on the wrong path or make them feel awful about themselves or their situation when that number MAY NOT APPLY TO THEM PERSONALLY AT ALL!!!! So the next time that someone tells you that your chances of success are 50%, your chances of doing this or that are only 50%, that you only need 2000 calories a day because that’s what is recommended for all people, remember that all of us are different. Things that work for some will not work for others.  Don’t let group generalizations cause you to feel you have failed or have no control over your life.  The fact remains that the only person who can decide that is you.

-Coach Adam

Figuring Out Food Labels


See where it says “Start Here”?

Don’t miss that, because if you are anything like me that is NOT the first thing you look at. My tendency is to look at how many grams of carbs and sugar, then I might take a look at the fat content.

Which is fine, unless I NEVER check the “Start Here” section. Because that is where the label tells me two key facts:

1) Serving Size. This is important because the number of grams of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the label below are PER SERVING.

2) Servings Per Container: This is what sneaks up and bites you sometimes. If you just look at the calories, you might think that number is the calories in the whole container. For instance you pick up that pint of decadent ice cream and look at the calories. “Only 300” you think to yourself, “That’s not so bad.” Until after you down the whole thing only to realize later there are FOUR serving per container and you just ate enough fat and sugar for a whole week.

Some foods are less obvious than others. We know if we pick up a carton of oatmeal or boxed cereal there are multiple servings per container. But things like the aforementioned pint of ice cream, or bottle of soda or sports drink usually contain multiple servings.

So always make sure you “Start Here”.

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching is Tackling How To Survive the Holidays


Our  Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is becoming a virtual way to start and stay on top of your nutrition goals. 

We know it can be a challenge for you to get out of the house one more day, so join us from the comfort of your own home. 

On Saturday, November 11th at 9:00am you will have the opportunity for some world class nutrition coaching from Coach Nancy Carlson, Pn2.

Our Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is a FREE introductory nutrition coaching seminar, and we encourage all our students to take it at least once. Once is just not enough, as you walk away with your goal for the next month already started. Besides that we'll spend time discovering ways to Survive the Holidays. 

If you are training with us, you have made the commitment to get healthier by getting your body moving well, getting stronger, and building cardiovascular endurance.

But the secret to FAT LOSS, to getting that lean, toned body is always going to be good eating habits.

Those same eating habits will help us to 'Survive the Holidays'.

Do you have these questions when it comes to all the conflicting info out there?

  • How much do I need to eat?
  • Carbs? Protein? Fat? How much is enough? Too much? Too little?
  • How do I find time to make it fit into my busy life?
  • How do I get my kids to eat healthy? Can they eat this way too?
  • Everything in moderation, right?
  • Will you do my cooking for me? (umm....sorry)
  • And How am I going to Survive the Holidays?

While we can't answer every question, we will take a solid hour, go through our Jumpstart Nutrition Manual (you'll get your very own .pdf copy after the seminar), and take time to answer your questions- even tackling How to Survive the Holidays.

The Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is hosted by Coach Nancy Carlson, Pn2, who is truly a master at helping busy people fit healthy eating into their crazy busy lives.

IMPORTANT: We only have space for 20 students, and you must pre-register for this FREE coaching opportunity. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Video Conferencing link from Google Hangouts. SAVE THIS EMAIL PLEASE, as you will need it to join.

Don't delay, we want to see you (literally) at our Jumpstart Nutrition Seminar!

Do You Recognize The Pattern?

Anyone who knows me well would read this would surely think “is that Adam really writing this?”. I have a very bad habit of jumping to the first negative conclusion about myself, or when something happens in my life. The funny thing about it is that when it comes to others I am very much the opposite. So while some may not believe me when I say this, I can tell you it is true. A lot of good can come out of problems from the past. It’s all about learning to recognize patterns in your life. It is not a simple thing to take a step back and look at a problem from different angles at the time, but once you are further removed, a lot of great information can be gained.

For example, lets say you have trouble at night with eating foods that do not support your goals. You eat it, you feel upset about it and maybe even angry with yourself for indulging. You can learn a lot from those days believe it or not. What happened that day? Did you not eat all day then felt ravenous when you got home? Was it a particularly stressful day? Over time patterns emerge that when realized, can be broken.

I had a pretty bad back injury recently and am realizing just how much I learned from it. That knowledge is now helping me help others with somewhat similar problems. It is hard to see the good in a difficult or stressful situation while it is happening. However if you find yourself falling into the same cycle over and over, it may be time to take a look back and think “how can this happening before, keep me from making the same mistakes now?” or “what strategies did I try last time that worked, and which didn’t?” that may be the key to course correcting. The past is filled with useful information and patterns that can show you how to proceed, all it takes is the time to look.

-Coach Adam

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