Generalized Statistics, BOOOOO!!!!!

When I say generalized statistics, Im talking about someone telling you that “50% of people will get ____________ in their lifetime”, everyone should eat 2000 calories a day, for everyone exercise is more important than diet.  We are the most diverse species of animal on the planet; there is no other animal that has such huge differences from one member of the species to another.  Yet we constantly hear generalizations based on groups of people.  “A group of 1000 people over the age of 35 were surveyed and 50% have experienced a heart attack”.  A study is put together and then those numbers are publicized or taken as gospel by people, medical profession or not, and what happens?  Everyone over the age of 35 thinks they have a 50/50 shot of getting a heart attack.  

Why do I bring this up?  For this reason, it is important to remember that anything with science is almost never applicable perfectly from one person to another.  50% of the people in said study had a heart attack, does that mean that if you are over 35 you are automatically 50/50? Of course not, group statistics show 50% but if you pull an individual out of that group their risk will either be higher or lower than 50%.  

I hate generalized statistics because they don’t tell the whole story.  They lead people on the wrong path or make them feel awful about themselves or their situation when that number MAY NOT APPLY TO THEM PERSONALLY AT ALL!!!! So the next time that someone tells you that your chances of success are 50%, your chances of doing this or that are only 50%, that you only need 2000 calories a day because that’s what is recommended for all people, remember that all of us are different. Things that work for some will not work for others.  Don’t let group generalizations cause you to feel you have failed or have no control over your life.  The fact remains that the only person who can decide that is you.

-Coach Adam

Figuring Out Food Labels


See where it says “Start Here”?

Don’t miss that, because if you are anything like me that is NOT the first thing you look at. My tendency is to look at how many grams of carbs and sugar, then I might take a look at the fat content.

Which is fine, unless I NEVER check the “Start Here” section. Because that is where the label tells me two key facts:

1) Serving Size. This is important because the number of grams of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the label below are PER SERVING.

2) Servings Per Container: This is what sneaks up and bites you sometimes. If you just look at the calories, you might think that number is the calories in the whole container. For instance you pick up that pint of decadent ice cream and look at the calories. “Only 300” you think to yourself, “That’s not so bad.” Until after you down the whole thing only to realize later there are FOUR serving per container and you just ate enough fat and sugar for a whole week.

Some foods are less obvious than others. We know if we pick up a carton of oatmeal or boxed cereal there are multiple servings per container. But things like the aforementioned pint of ice cream, or bottle of soda or sports drink usually contain multiple servings.

So always make sure you “Start Here”.

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching is Tackling How To Survive the Holidays


Our  Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is becoming a virtual way to start and stay on top of your nutrition goals. 

We know it can be a challenge for you to get out of the house one more day, so join us from the comfort of your own home. 

On Saturday, November 11th at 9:00am you will have the opportunity for some world class nutrition coaching from Coach Nancy Carlson, Pn2.

Our Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is a FREE introductory nutrition coaching seminar, and we encourage all our students to take it at least once. Once is just not enough, as you walk away with your goal for the next month already started. Besides that we'll spend time discovering ways to Survive the Holidays. 

If you are training with us, you have made the commitment to get healthier by getting your body moving well, getting stronger, and building cardiovascular endurance.

But the secret to FAT LOSS, to getting that lean, toned body is always going to be good eating habits.

Those same eating habits will help us to 'Survive the Holidays'.

Do you have these questions when it comes to all the conflicting info out there?

  • How much do I need to eat?
  • Carbs? Protein? Fat? How much is enough? Too much? Too little?
  • How do I find time to make it fit into my busy life?
  • How do I get my kids to eat healthy? Can they eat this way too?
  • Everything in moderation, right?
  • Will you do my cooking for me? (umm....sorry)
  • And How am I going to Survive the Holidays?

While we can't answer every question, we will take a solid hour, go through our Jumpstart Nutrition Manual (you'll get your very own .pdf copy after the seminar), and take time to answer your questions- even tackling How to Survive the Holidays.

The Jumpstart Nutrition Coaching Seminar is hosted by Coach Nancy Carlson, Pn2, who is truly a master at helping busy people fit healthy eating into their crazy busy lives.

IMPORTANT: We only have space for 20 students, and you must pre-register for this FREE coaching opportunity. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Video Conferencing link from Google Hangouts. SAVE THIS EMAIL PLEASE, as you will need it to join.

Don't delay, we want to see you (literally) at our Jumpstart Nutrition Seminar!

Do You Recognize The Pattern?

Anyone who knows me well would read this would surely think “is that Adam really writing this?”. I have a very bad habit of jumping to the first negative conclusion about myself, or when something happens in my life. The funny thing about it is that when it comes to others I am very much the opposite. So while some may not believe me when I say this, I can tell you it is true. A lot of good can come out of problems from the past. It’s all about learning to recognize patterns in your life. It is not a simple thing to take a step back and look at a problem from different angles at the time, but once you are further removed, a lot of great information can be gained.

For example, lets say you have trouble at night with eating foods that do not support your goals. You eat it, you feel upset about it and maybe even angry with yourself for indulging. You can learn a lot from those days believe it or not. What happened that day? Did you not eat all day then felt ravenous when you got home? Was it a particularly stressful day? Over time patterns emerge that when realized, can be broken.

I had a pretty bad back injury recently and am realizing just how much I learned from it. That knowledge is now helping me help others with somewhat similar problems. It is hard to see the good in a difficult or stressful situation while it is happening. However if you find yourself falling into the same cycle over and over, it may be time to take a look back and think “how can this happening before, keep me from making the same mistakes now?” or “what strategies did I try last time that worked, and which didn’t?” that may be the key to course correcting. The past is filled with useful information and patterns that can show you how to proceed, all it takes is the time to look.

-Coach Adam

Pampered Chef and 31 Party

Our FOURTH  annual Pampered Chef and 31 party is approaching! This party is a cool opportunity to get together, hang out and get some holiday shopping done!

Coach Meagan became a Pampered Chef consultant solely for this annual party. It is an opportunity to share some record time meal prep tricks using  the latest and greatest kitchen tools and meal prep supplies.

And of course, we make sure our prepared food travels in style throughout the holidays and even keep your lunch cold with the fun 31 styles. We have had great success with these parties over the last 3 years. The reason why we participate in these parties is because by hosting so that means we earn FREE stuff which we use as raffle prizes for our annual Christmas party (clever, huh?)

We typically earn about $300 worth of free stuff which we turn around and give away to you guys!

On November 4th at 10AM we’ll gather at our Concord location for some brunch, some laughs and some holiday shopping! Get some Christmas shopping done all while enjoying a free meal and good company

We hope to see you there. If you can’t make it – don’t worry! You can still shop using the links below. Let us know if you need a catalog!

Pampered Chef Party

Date: November 4, 2017

Time: 10:00am

Place: Get Fit NH Concord

287 South Main Street Concord, NH 03301

Coach Meagan

Here is the Pampered Chef shopping link

Here is the 31 shopping link

Don Harty is Shining

Don celebrating completing the 48 New Hampshire 4000 footers on Mt. Isolation with his kids as well as Stella. A long 13-1/2 mile hike that ended with 2 hours of night hiking by flashlight. This is his second time completing the 48 peaks, the first being 45 years ago in 1972.

Did you catch that? Don has done the 48 4,000 footers twice. There is no doubt that once Don puts his mind to something, there isn’t much that will hold him back. 

He has a sense of humor that tends to sneak up on you. I emailed him the day he climbed Mt. Isolation. This is what he wrote me back: “Thanks for the note and your concerns. I am OK, just schedule challenged. Yesterday I spent 14 hours climbing my last 4000 footer which made me miss class (I was going to wear my Tu Tu on the hike but my backpack got in the way)”.

As his coach, I didn’t need to learn about his climbing 48 different peaks twice in his life so far to know that though. He has tackled getting to his goals in the last year. When he first came to Get Fit NH he wanted to a.) lose some weight and b.) increase his ability to be active at a higher level. 

In less than a year he has done just that. In his first six months he lost the weight he had desired. HIs goal for the summer was to maintain his weight while he had a bit more of a relaxed mindset and traveled. He did just that. 

Don has also accomplished gaining more energy to do more - hello, 48 peaks! 

I want to take this time to say congratulations to Don. Being a member of the 48 Footer club takes dedication, time, energy, and grit. 

The 5am crew asked Don if they could go hiking with him on his next hike. He said; “Sure, I’m going Saturday.” 

Keep Making It Happen!

Honored to be his coach,

I’m Inviting You to Have Coffee With Me

Wanna have coffee with me? (you'll have to make your own, though, because we are on a teleconference) 🙂

We can talk about anything. Well maybe not anything, but if it has to do with training or nutrition it's all fair game. 

  • Maybe you have a question you've always wanted to ask about "why do we do that?"
  • Maybe you're stuck on a plateau and wondering what could be next
  • It could be that you are just starting this thing of better health and just needed to be pointed in the right direction. 
  • Or you might just not get enough of me through the week and want to hang out (that's what I am guessing anyways)

The cool thing is we are going to do it all online. Thats right, you can have coffee with me while you are in the comfort of your favorite cozy chair and I'm in my kitchen. In the past we have had a great crew show up, great conversation, and a lot of fun. Show up early, because only the first 25 can get in!

When: Saturday, October 21

What time: 9:00am for an hour or so

Where: Meet me here virtually through this link.

Coach Meagan’s Weekly Review Challenge

Every Friday the Get Fit NH team does what is called a weekly review. This is a tool Coach Dean introduced a number of months ago to help us (coaches) to pat ourselves on the back for what we did well this week and set our week up for the following week. This tool was implemented to help us “turn work off” on the weekends.

This tool has proven to help my productivity tremendously and I believe everyone could benefit from this tool. If not for work, then just for self-reflection. Here is my challenge to you…

Each Friday, write down:

  • 3-5 things you did REALLY well this week/something you are proud of (i.e.: training, meal prep, meal plan, made a good choice at a company outing, could even be meeting a work deadline, etc.)
  • What threw you off track and how you could have dealt with that better/what you can do instead next
  • ONE thing you want to work on and totally rock next week

This simple exercise is a great way to get your head clear going into the weekend and getting your week set up for success.

Who is up for the challenge?
Coach Meagan

Pumpkins and Costumes

Halloween is quickly approaching which means it is time to put the kettlebells and dumbbells away and have some fun with PUMPKINS! Squats, deadlifts, press-outs, pumpkin toss, push ups...these are just a handful of things we can do with pumpkins...we will show you just how much fun you can have on the Friday before Halloween! 

Fun Friday, October 27th ALL DAY LONG we are playing with pumpkins (B.Y.O.P) and doing it in style! That's right, test out your costumes early with us. There is no judgement here (unless you don't wear a costume, of course!) We have seen it all- From Richard Simmons all the way to majestic unicorns! 

We can guarentee smiles and laughs on this Fun Friday. So start scouting out your costume and the pumpkin you will bring - the bigger the better, of course! 

Whatever pumpkin you bring must go home with you! We don't need any left overs 😉 

Looking forward to the fun!

Coach Meagan

Eight Years of Shining

The one and only Deb Kaitz! I asked Deb to be in the spotlight because for 8 years she has been consistent, she works her butt off, she is competitive, she is strong, she is supportive and she keeps us on our toes! I would say Deb is one of the top 10 most competitive people in the gym. We love that about her! Her story is fun, because we weren't all here when she started to see how far she has really come. This woman never turns down a challenge and she rocks her goals. I am so proud of her and she is a true joy to coach! Here is what she has to say...

​"I had actually read about Get Fit when it first opened. I was hesitant to do it because I knew I needed to commit and for me the timing just wasn’t right. When they opened in Concord I thought I would give it a try. They had the two week free trial but I also made sure I was going to commit to giving it a good trial so I prepaid for the following month. 8 years later I am still going strong. In my 8 years I have never missed a day of class just because I didn’t feel like going. For me this is the first training/exercise program that I love. I never get bored as it is ever-changing. Unlike when I was at my other gym. I would go walk on the treadmill and maybe lift weights but never saw any differences in my strength or endurance. 

When I started at Get Fit I had really no upper body strength to speak of. I remember when we used to do testing in class. When we did the pushup test I got 0. I couldn’t do a pushup and in my life I had never been able to do one. Determined to get one I worked on this. And by the second testing day 3 months later I could do more than one pushup. When we moved into the “new gym” that had a pull up bar - again I couldn’t do pull ups but again I set a goal that I would get one pull up by the end of the year and I did. I have always been strong willed and if I set a goal I don’t like to fail. I feel like I set reasonable goals for myself and have been able to hit them.
In the most recent movement challenge I set myself a goal of 50 movements during the month. I looked at what we had to do, did the math and knew exactly what I needed to do to reach that goal. The results for me can’t be measured by my weight because I think I weigh exactly what I did when I started. My results are measured in my strength. I play golf and had to relearn all my distances since joining as each club hits so much further. I am excited to say my Iron’s go about 40 yards further than previously. The other benefits for me would be my skiing improved dramatically and I can climb hills on my bike so much better than before training. If you are going to try it, commit - buy a month. 2 weeks free trial will make you sore from muscles you haven’t used, but too short to see results. COMMIT!

8 years strong! Can you remember what you were doing 8 years ago? She is one of many who have been here for over 8 years and we are SO lucky to have these people train with us. Thank you, Deb for you incredible commitment and fantastic competitive "can-do" attitude. You are a rockstar!

-Coach Meagan

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