Records were set and Greatness was proved at Get Fit Games

What a great morning at Get Fit NH.

We had a great crew show up and participate in the “Get Fit Games”, where we come in, have some fun, and confirm we are getting better.

By my count our athletes set 16 personal bests! Big shout outs to Ronald Weilnau, Vickie Carrier, Glenn Foley, and Tom Haubrich for coming out for their first Get Fit Games experience! Now that is what it is all about! Make sure you look out for the next time we host Get Fit Games. If you wanna get better, you gotta measure!

Here’s the highlights of this mornings games.

Proud of you all!

Adam Rosenthal 

Deadlift, Silver level achieved

Vertical Jump, Personal Best

Scott Lebrun

Deadlift, Personal Best

Vertical Jump, Personal Best

Long Jump, Personal Best

Jenn Stevens

Deadlift, Personal Best

Vertical Jump, Personal Best

Inverted Row, Personal Best and Silver level achieved

Front Plank, Personal Best and Bronze level achieved

Dick Boddie

Deadlift, Personal Best and Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Push up, Personal Best

Vertical Jump, Personal Best

Chin up, Personal Best

Long Jump, Personal Best

Front Plank, Personal Best

Adam Davidson

Push up, Personal Best

Long Jump, Personal Best and Gold level achieved

Ronald Weilnau

Deadlift, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Chin up, Silver level achieved

Front Plank, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Glenn Foley

Deadlift, Gold level achieved

Front Plank, Silver level achieved

Tom Haubrich

Deadlift, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Vertical Jump, Bronze level achieved

Chin up, Bronze level achieved

Long Jump, Gold level achieved

Front Plank, Gold level achieved

Ski Erg, Get Fit “Fit” level achieved

Vickie Carrier

Deadlift, Gold level achieved

Push up, Silver level achieved

Front Plank, Silver level achieved

Great job to all this morning! We are so proud of you for measuring your greatness, until next time…

Make it happen!

Coach Meagan



The Rock N’ Race is almost here – shirt pickup and meeting place details here!

New_Hampshire_State_House_5Don’t forget! This Thursday May 21, 2015 is the 13th annual Rock N’ Race 5K run/walk to benefit the Payson Cancer Center at Concord Hospital. You guys are amazing, as the “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team is 91 members strong and has raised $4005 so far – Wow!

Here’s the deal for T-shirt and bib pickup: Coach Adam will be picking them up Tuesday afternoon and bringing them to the Concord gym. We will separate them out and do our best to get ALL of Epsom’s out to the gym for pickup Wednesday afternoon.

Please Remember: We are open Wednesday in both locations for the afternoon classes only, and will be closed Thursday afternoon and evening so we can all participate.

For those who are not able to pick up Wednesday, not a problem. We will be in the Concord gym Thursday afternoon until approximately 3:00pm, so you can pick Concord shirts up then.  All remaining shirts will be brought with us to the race Thursday afternoon.

Meeting Place and Time: We will meet at the Capitol Building steps at 5:30pm to hand out remaining shirts and get a team photo.

If you have any questions drop us a line or give us a call.

I am proud of all you all and I know you will have a blast!

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean

Happy Anniversary To Get Fit NH!


Danno celebrates 7 years with the 6:15 Epsom Crew – Sweet!

It’s hard for me to believe, but on Friday May 8, 2015 (tomorrow as I am writing this) we are celebrating the 7th Anniversary of our very first training class. We have been so blessed and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible family. I just heard of another local trainer closing his business down after 7 years, and that makes me all the more grateful for all of you who choose to train with us.

When we started out under the halogen light attached to the basketball hoop in my backyard (true story) at 5:00am on that crisp May morning, I never even really dreamed big enough to think we would be where we are. So much has happened since then. Drew was 5 years old, and now he is going into junior high. KJ was 3 and Amy was 1 – and look at them now. We have 2 grandchildren for crying out loud! Nancy and I are working toward 3 decades of marriage – how does she do it?

During this S3 Transformation Challenge it as been so gratifying to see the relationship you have built with our coaching team. Erin, Meagan and Adam are not only great coaches, but even more importantly world class people.

I think back to the many students we have had the opportunity to serve, some from the very beginning. The hardest part of this business is seeing people move away from us, or just plain move on. Some of the faces of people I failed to reach still run through my mind and drive me to get better.

I was looking back through the training archives to see what we did for training on that very first “Fun Friday”. You don’t want to miss tomorrow, because we are going to be doing that very workout – one which has become one of our very favorites.

Thank-you seems inadequate, but I offer it anyway. It is my goal to make sure that we add as much value to your life as you add to ours – every day!

Thank-you for choosing to train with Get Fit NH.

Coach Dean

2015 Summer Athlete Academy Starts July 6, 2015

coming-soonIt’s not too early to get on board for the 2015 Get Fit NH Summer Athlete Academy!

The goal of this training program, like all we do at Get Fit NH, is to give each athlete who walks through our doors the tools to do one thing – Get Better.

Sounds like a no brainer?

Maybe not.

Almost anyone can train a teenage athlete to get stronger, but that is only a small part of the picture.

  • How does that new found strength translate to the court, the field, the water, or the track?
  • Is the athlete remaining flexible and injury free?
  • What about agility, coordination, reflexes and reaction?
  • Leadership, focus and teamwork?

There is no magic here. No tricks to jumping higher and running faster. As an athlete you must walk in the doors with focus, determination and the willingness to work hard and then some.

Our athletes are required to sign and follow the GFNH Code of Expectations. Failure to live up to these expectations can lead to dismissal from the Academy, so please read carefully and be willing to follow. Download your copy here.

The GFNH Summer Athlete Academy is a 3 day a week program, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10:00 to 11:15am. First day of Academy is Monday July 6th and we will be going until Friday August 14th (6 weeks)

Upon submitting your registration you will be sent a health history and champion profile to be completed and returned, and we will also give you a call so we can schedule an initial athlete assessment and answer any questions.

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

GFNH Summer Athlete Academy (13+)

Assessment: To be completed by Friday June 26th
Dates: July 6, 2015 – August 14, 2015
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Time: 10:00am – 11:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Academy Investment: $269

Please fill out the registration form below to hold your spot, and we will contact you shortly to complete the registration process – Thanks! If you would like more information, please contact us here.

There’s One Small Catch to All This:

I’m only taking on 10 new qualified athletes per location for the summer training camp because I want to be sure that we can give each individual athlete plenty of attention.

So if your athlete wants to prevent injuries, run faster, jump higher, and become a complete student athlete…

And if they’re not afraid of a little hard work…

And if they can invest just 4 hours/week this summer … Register Now.

(Please note that clinics and academies are not eligible for the 2 week trial, however your champion can still experience our core offerings for 2 weeks free after attending a clinic/academy)


Memorial Day Training

Family training day coming up! On Memorial Day we will have an all group training at Get Fit NH Concord starting at 8:00 AM sharp! This will be our one and only training for that day, so don’t miss out! We always have a great time when we get the whole Get Fit NH family together under one roof. We guarantee fun and sweat for all!

See you there!

Memorial Day Training
Date: Monday May 25, 2015
Time: 8:00am to 9:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord

Get Fit Games are Coming Up

We’re springing into summer with our quarterly Get Fit Games! On Saturday May 16, 2015 we will host a series of competitive events at our Concord location. There are 7 different parts to this event and they include:


1.) 3 repetition maximum Deadlift

2.) Front Plank for time

3.) 4 minute Push Up challenge (from the floor or incline)

4.) Vertical Jump

5.) Long Jump

6.) Chin ups/inverted row

7.) 1000 M Ski Erg Sprint

If there is a piece of this puzzle that you are currently unable to participate in due to an injury then we would encourage you to STILL participate, but skip that part. This is a FANTASTIC event to measure progress. Everyone has a little competitiveness in their heart so come on out and show us what you’ve got!

If you have been to Get Fit Games before then you know it is time to get back in here and see where you have gotten better! If you have never been before then mark your calendar! You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to measure your greatness!

When: Saturday May 16, 2015

Where:  Get Fit NH Concord

When: 8 AM

Make it happen!!!

Coach Meagan

S3 V.I.P. What You Need To Know

S3 2015The excitement is building as S3 V.I.P. get closer – just 10 days to go. If you are not in yet, you are missing a lot!

Is it Diet and Exercise or Exercise and Diet? As Coach Nancy reminds us, good nutrition and regular intense exercise are like the wheels on your bicycle – You have to have both if you really want to make progress. The good news is when you train at Get Fit NH you already have the exercise portion, so as you have figured out by now, S3 V.I.P. is going to be focused on “the other wheel” – getting your nutrition in a place to supports health and fat loss.

Step 1: It starts with our Custom Nutrition Guide, created especially for Get Fit NH by our friends over at Whole9. Read about why we chose Whole9 for our introductory nutrition coaching by clicking here. The only way to get your hands on one of these is to attend a Whole9 seminar, and we have added one just for S3 V.I.P. next Saturday, May 2 at Get Fit NH Concord. Be sure to talk to your coach about getting there.

Step 2: It’s not enough to know what to eat. In fact I bet you probably have a really good idea of that right now. The important thing isn’t just knowing what to do, it’s actually doing it. And that’s where the Success Checklist comes into play. While it’s up to your coach how they choose to have you track, we are all going to be tracking at least the things on this card. There are hard copies in the gym, and you can also download the checklist in either .pdf or Excel format.

If these habits look familiar, that’s because they should! Principles of good nutrition do not change. Not everybody is going to (or has to) eat the same foods, in the same amounts at the same time. However there are principles of good nutrition that apply to everyone. Eating for health and leanness is a skill, and developing skill takes practice. The Success Checklist is where you measure how practice is going.

S3 V.I.P. 7 Habits

  1. Did I plan and/or prepare every meal I ate today?
  2. Did I eat vegetables every time I ate today?
  3. Did I eat lean, complete protein every time I ate today?
  4. Did I eat healthy fats every time I ate today?
  5. Did I drink only zero sugar beverages today? (Exception: post-training)
  6. Did I avoid all added sugars when I ate today?
  7. Did I eat/drink complete lean protein within 1 hour after resistance training today? (n/a = not training day)

Now you may be looking at that and thinking “I don’t even know where to begin! What’s a healthy fat? Lean, complete protein? Vegetables? Never heard of them! :)”

GOOD NEWS!  That is where the Whole9 Nutrition Guide and your Team Coach comes in to play. Those two incredible resources will help you get and stay on track.

Speaking of on track, here’s a handy calendar to help you remember important dates and checkpoints. Let’s get ready to roll!

Coach Dean



The 3 Smith’s Hit the Spotlight

Mike and Sarah Smith have been a part of the 6:15 Get Fit NH family for almost a year. I remember sitting down with them right after their trial and they were asking about what happens with training if they got pregnant. I am so happy for them as they reach their final days of pregnancy and prepare to open up the doors to parenthood! Sarah has inspired and amazed so many of her peers, because she has remained dedicated to her training throughout her pregnancy. Their positive energy and great attitude is contagious. We are so lucky to have them and I look forward to sharing their story with you! Here is what Mike and Sarah have to say! smith

“We came to Get Fit  NH because we both agreed it was time to turn the page and start a healthier lifestyle, so the first step was become more active. We had heard great things about Get Fit NH, so we decided to check it out. It didn’t take us long to determine that Get Fit NH was where we wanted to start our journey. We were impressed with the facility and their knowledgeable staff, but what was even more impressive was how they took the time to understand our goals and physical challenges to better help us succeed. Their dedication and motivation to help us achieve our goals has been incredible since day 1. 

Since training at Get Fit NH we both are feeling more confident, stronger, and just overall healthier since we started at Get Fit NH. Mike’s lingering sport injuries from high school and college are improving, and he’s feeling better and better each week. Sarah experienced a HUGE change since well…she’s PREGNANT!!! We are expecting our first child in early May and we couldn’t be more excited. The Get Fit Team has been incredible throughout her pregnancy. They educated us on the proper nutrition, guided her with the appropriate exercise, and customized her work-outs each day which has really helped her manage the physical difficulties of being pregnant. In fact, Sarah continues to attend classes and plans to continue up until the final days! 

We’ve learned a lot since we started at Get Fit NH. One of the most important things we’ve learned is the importance of nutrition. The Get Fit Team does a great job of educating you on proper nutrition and the importance of eating the right foods to achieve the best results, which was something we lacked prior to starting at Get Fit NH. We still have a long way to go, especially when dealing with the challenges of food dislikes and cravings while being pregnant, but we’re on the right path with the help of the Get Fit NH Team. 

I’m not sure why anyone would choose not to train at Get Fit (seriously, this is not a sell).  We tried so many different ways to get a workout routine going but nothing stuck.  How boring to hop on an elliptical in front of a TV or pop in a workout DVD when you can have certified personal trainers putting together workout plans for you, showing you how to do the movements so you don’t get injured, modifying the movements to build up your strength to progress to the next benchmark, and someone to motivate you to succeed even if you are having a challenging week.  In two months we will have been training at Get Fit for a year together and have no plans to stop.  I feel like Get Fit is a family that trains together, motivates and supports each-other, celebrates accomplishments and promotes a much healthier state of life than we were living before we joined.  Previous workout routine attempts were short lived

**special question** How has training pregnant affected you and your pregnancy?

The plan was to get in great shape before I got pregnant, since I was overweight, so my pregnancy would be easier on my body.  However, since I had just started my journey at Get Fit 2 months prior to getting pregnant, I didn’t fully get enough time to accomplish that goal.  I will say it’s been challenging, to say the least, training through 18 weeks of all day sickness, weird pregnancy ailments / necessary training modifications and sleepless nights but I have done my best to make it in.  After a while I started to see a pattern; the days I didn’t make it in, I felt worse.  Everything hurt more, I was more tired and just all around lacking in energy.  So I made a decision to come to training no matter what.  I am 38 weeks in my third trimester, large with baby belly, and attending more classes than I did in my first and second trimesters and it’s been great!  Granted I cannot do as much and must carefully pay attention to my heart rate monitor so I don’t train too hard for baby or I, all things considered, training throughout my pregnancy has been the best decision I have made.  I am really excited to come back to training after I have the baby and continue my mission to get into great shape.  I can’t wait to train with baby number 2, hopefully in much better shape than the first time around and see how much easier of a time I might have with my body starting off in a much healthier state.”

As you can see there are no excuses here! Their mind is in the right place and they’re already focused on getting back into their training routine after Baby Smith comes. We can’t wait to learn if Baby Smith is a boy or a girl! Just over a week before baby is scheduled to make an appearance! Oh and Mike made the brilliant choice of choosing Team Meagan for our S3 V.I.P challenge so there is no doubt they will continue to do great things!

Keep making it happen,

Coach Meagan

Popular gym voted Best of the Best in New Hampshire for the third year running

“Get Fit NH” proves once again that their name is a good fitsheildlogo.

PRLog  April 22, 2015  CONCORD, N.H.  This spring, Get Fit NH, which has locations in both Concord and Epsom, continued its award winning streak by once again being voted “Best of the Best” gym in all of New Hampshire. This makes three “Best of the Best” nods in a row for the popular gym, known for its unique high quality group training format.

For the last 6 Years, Hippo Press voters have honored Get Fit NH as a “Best Of” in the Best Gym category. By going through a rigorous process, recently the facility became one of only two gyms in the country to have earned Smart Group Training (SGT) certification. The hallmark of SGT is the Functional Movement Screen which allows personalization of each routine within a group setting to maximize clients’ results. Get Fit NH offers their clients the latest state of the art fitness technology such as BioForce HRV heart rate variability testing, which monitors readiness for exercise, ultrasound body fat assessment, Whole 9 nutrition coaching, and their latest addition, MyZone technology, which allows coaches and clients to monitor clients’ degree of effort while training. Get Fit NH asks each new student to come in for a 2 week free trial before joining. These two weeks allow them the best chance to see for themselves what a difference the coaching, the camaraderie, and the physical training will make for them.

Get Fit NH Coach Nancy Carlson also continued her award winning ways, bringing home the “Best of the Best” Fitness Instructor honors for the fourth time since 2010. “The trainers at Get Fit NH work hard and take great pride in what we do for our clients. We never stop learning and finding new ways to get better every day. We feel we offer the smartest and best training available so this award is especially gratifying to us,” said Nancy.

The success of Get Fit NH is due to their continuous drive to do what it takes to make their clients better. To this end they offer professional group fitness training, nutrition coaching, and seminars at two locations in Concord and Epsom. See their website, or call 344-2651 today to make it happen for you.

We Have a Family Member in Need!

cj2Who remembers Coach CJ? He was one of the Get Fit NH originals and then moved on to further his career with Dr. Brett Coapland at Performance Health. For those of you who have been coached by him you know that this guys knows his stuff! He is super smart and incredibly athletic, which is why his recent medical condition has taken us back quite a bit. To read more on CJ’s current condition or donate please click here

We want to do everything we can to help CJ and his family so here’s the challenge! We are picking only exercises the start the letters C or J (Chins, Chripees,Cross-Countries, Jumping Jacks, Jumping Chins, Jump rope…you get it! We are setting out the challenge board where you can challenge anyone in any training time to an exercise for a given amount of time and if they do it you will donate X amount of dollars. Once they complete their challenge they will cross it off the board and you can add your donation to our envelope. You can also challenge coaches too! I hear Coach Adam loves a challenge to do chirpees for  5 minutes.,,,he told me!

Are we ready to raise some money for our buddy, CJ? We’ll run this challenge through May 8th!
