21 Day Detox is Back!


Registration is closed for the September Detox. Stay tuned for November Registration

Are you due for an upgrade? I just received an email from Verizon trying to get me to upgrade to a new iPhone 6xyz or something or other – seems like I just get this one!

However I do admit my nutrition could use a little upgrade. Maybe you too are in need of a fresh challenge or hey let’s be honest- a kick in the butt after a short and “sweet” summer!

The exciting news is that this weekends Whole9 nutrition seminar is also going to include a “mini-detox seminar” or maybe better said an intro to your  21-Day Jump Start to Success.

If you have never done one of our 21-Day Detoxes before, you are in for a treat. Here is what some of our past participants have had to say when we asked the question “What did you learn from the 21-Day Detox?”:

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“If I fuel my body with healthy food, it’s so much happier with me than if I feed it junk! Amazing how simple it is!” – Paulette[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That I really don’t need or miss sugar!” – Mary[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That there is tremendous strength and endless possibility in a group effort!” – Mae Lynn[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“Don’t accept that quality food isn’t worth the time; that waking up w/occasional achiness is part of aging; asthma-type congestion is only resolved w/medication; Sugar or coffee are necessary afternoon pick-me-ups; that getting everything done requires more hours (as opposed to more natural energy)….” – Rayne[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I have learned that eating well is easier than I thought! I definitely can eat this way forever! I am stronger than I thought” – Debbie[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That the foods I was eating before was the major reason why I hurt so much… And I don’t have to accept that anymore!!! Change is good!” – Brooke[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I’ve learned that no matter where I go I can make great choices. Also that I don’t really “need” any of the things that we have taken out of the diet” – Cara[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I have learned two big things. Support means more than anything. And when I am hungry, a glass of water makes all the difference!” – Jodi[/mk_blockquote]

And those are just of a few things that Detox participants have shared with us!

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the 21-Day Detox Challenge:

Detox Meal Plan That Eliminates All The Guesswork

  • Discover the right way to detox
  • 3 levels for beginners, intermediate, and advanced detoxers
  • Get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan
  • Learn how to transition to a long-term plan and still enjoy the foods you love

21 Delicious Recipes That Your Family Members Will Love

Grocery Lists to Make Shopping Quick & Simple

21 Days in our Online Support Group to Ask Questions, Share Ideas, and Get Feedback – this was a favorite component of past detoxers!

21 Daily Tips and Accountability Messages to Keep You on Track to Your Goal – everybody loves these, too!

In a nutshell you get Accountability, Access To Expertise, and Association with a group of like minded people committed to success.

 ***By the way, you do NOT have to be a Get Fit NH client or even live in the area to register… Anyone, anywhere can participate!***


Starting Monday, September 28, 2015 we will be jump starting our nutrition! This jump start will go through October 18, 2015. Let’s take 21 days together to build strong habits and improve our nutrition skills.  These habits don’t form overnight- it takes time to master every skill! Who’s joining us?

21-Day Detox “Jump Start to Success” Challenge Dates:

Success Workshop: Saturday September 19 @ Get Fit NH Concord. 9:00am to 10:00am
Registration Cut-Off Date: September 25, 2015
Official Start of Challenge: September 28, 2015
Official End of Challenge: October 18, 2015



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **


What is a Detox Program and Why Should I Do One?

Do any of these things sound familiar?

– Sugar and carb cravings that are driving you nuts.
– A constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, or anxiety.
– Just feeling like total garbage (brain fog, inability to concentrate), especially when you go on a “diet”.

If you answered “YES!” to any (or all) of those questions, you aren’t alone. Nancy and I are right there with you. And truth be told there are literally millions of other Americans who suffer the same symptoms.


Too much sugar in our diets is certainly a big part of the problem. Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation are just 3 of the results of eating too much refined carbohydrate. But sugar isn’t the only enemy.

Each and every day of our lives we are exposed to other harmful toxins in our food and environment. Food additives, pollution, skin “care” products, soaps, dry cleaning and hundreds of other things we don’t even think about (plastic bottles anyone?)

These toxins we are exposed to every day have been shown to contribute to:

Constipation or Diarrhea (which is worse, I don’t know)
Canker Sores
Difficulty Concentrating
Excess Weight
Difficulty Losing Weight
Fluid Retention
Food Cravings
Joint Pain
Muscle Aches
Sinus Congestion
Skin Rashes
Sleep Problems

More serious conditions that may benefit from a proper detox program may include:

Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Food Allergies
Heart Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Menopausal Symptoms (mood swings, poor sleep, hot flashes)
Menstrual Problems (PMS, heavy bleeding, cramps)
Migraine Headaches

Now you guys know that I am a pretty down to earth guy, and I don’t want to seem like chicken little running around saying the sky is falling. But I am guessing if you could eliminate some of these toxins you would want to. It’s kinda crazy to think that the food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe can lead to health problems. Oh and those lovely prescription drugs – while I would never tell you to go off them without medical advice, you have to wonder about all those disclaimers at the end of the commercials while they play beautiful music with butterflies and people dancing through the field. 🙂

Nothing is magic guys. Pills, potions, lotions, drugs, diets or even doing a detox. I guess I am not much of a salesman, but it’s true. You have to put in the work long term to reach your health and weight management goals. I will tell you though that a couple of years ago Nancy and I tested out the an elimination style detox plan (like this one) and it was what set me on my course to get to the lowest bodyfat I had every been measure at, at 9.2%.

So who is with us for the challenge?



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **


Reasonable Expectations?


While weight loss tends to be a major focus for people, there were some other awesome benefits as well. Let me share just a few of the things that participants shared upon completion:

  • Better Sleep
  • Eliminated Hot Flashes
  • Got Off Medication
  • Decreased/Eliminated Chronic Pain
  • Better Digestion
  • Flatter Belly
  • Reduced Acne
  • Improved Relationships With Food (Less Cravings)
  • Enhanced My Relationship With My Spouse
  • Never Hungry
  • More Energy
  • Had Fun Trying New Recipes
  • Pants Fell Off
  • People Notice More Happiness
  • Kids Got Into It And Want To Eat Healthy Now!!!!!

How Can I Be SURE This is the Right Program For ME?

Well, the fact is, this program is SCIENTIFICALLY-BASED & PROVEN TO WORK for regular folks (meaning you don’t have to be some hard-core athlete or professional that works out all day) just like you and me. So far over 2000 people have successfully gone through the 21-day Detox program. Now It’s Your Turn!



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **




The Spotlight is Shining on…

Brenda Schmieder!


Brenda pictured on right

Brenda earned her way in to the spotlight, because she came to Get Fit NH and went all in! She took our coaching and she put it into action immediately. Brenda is faithful to training and she is serious about her nutrition. She eats like an adult! Because of her dedication and commitment to getting better she lost over 18 pounds during our S3 V.I.P challenge, she has lost over 30 pounds since joining the Get Fit NH family in late February, her pain has decreased significantly in her shoulders and knees and her overall movement patterns have improved tremendously. Brenda is an absolute pleasure to coach. I am proud of you for taking control of your future, Brenda! Here is what Brenda has to say:

My story began, as all of ours do, with my parents! But my decision to join Get Fit NH also began with my parents. Dad is 85 and Mom is 80….I am blessed to have them with me still; but advancing age has not come easily for them. I spent a good part of my fall and winter going to one doctor appointment after another, talking with doctors on the phone and managing medications. My parents live about 45 minutes away, so this made it even more challenging for me to balance their needs with those of my husband, our daughter and my two jobs…..notice I did not mention my own needs!

I used to be in relatively decent shape, but a series of injuries and surgeries put my activity levels on a back burner several years ago. Add to that some serious family health issues that occurred around the same time….suddenly I was not moving and putting on some pounds as I fed my stress with food. Eventually I stopped caring about  any of those good health habits that I once had and pretty much gave up on myself.

It was the end of February when I had my “final straw” moment! That moment led me to pick up the phone and call GFNH. It suddenly cemented in my head that I wanted to age better than my parents have. The years pass so quickly and I want to go into my “golden years” feeling strong and fit. Perhaps, most importantly, I want my daughter to know that her mom took care of herself as best she could. I don’t want her time, or my time, to be spent at doctor’s appointments when I am in my 70‘s and 80’s and 90’s and even 100‘s! I want to be able to climb mountains with my husband again! I decided it was time to put myself back to the top of the list and to invest in me!

I met with Coach Meagan on February 24th and have not looked back! I love the motivation and accountability that I get from all the coaches….emails, phone calls, notes in the mail, encouragement while training…it all adds up. I told Coach Dean one day that GFNH is the only part of my life where I actually like to be told what to do! I need someone looking over my shoulder and helping me to believe in myself. I have never worked so hard at fitness…but I have also never felt stronger or more motivated to keep going.

I quickly learned that we all have to start our journeys somewhere, but that we don’t need to go it alone. From day one I have been coached and motivated by the staff and my classmates. I have learned that there is nothing I cannot do, but that I may need to modify it for my level. I have also learned that it’s “all about the food” and that what we put into our bodies is going to have a direct affect on what we get out of our bodies! Cooking and nutrition are a passion of mine, it’s been great learning about how to make the food I eat work for me!

Since joining GFNH I have lost weight and gained muscle. A scientist by training, I love the measurements and data showing my changing body composition; I find it motivating and actually look forward to getting on the scale each month! Get Fit NH is the perfect gym for me. I have chosen to invest in myself…and investment comes with a price. I have friends that choose the local $10 option and are amazed at what I pay; but I know that good health comes at a cost and I am worth it. If I don’t make the investment now, then I will be paying doctors later! I am determined to Make It Happen!!

Thank you for choosing to invest in yourself and train with Get Fit NH, Brenda! Keep making it happen!

Brenda is such a great example of what you can do with the right support, motivation, and coaching.

Join Brenda Today – Click Here to Start your 2-Week Free trial!

Coach Meagan



21-Day Detox Challenge – You Done Good!

21_day_coverWe can’t express adequately how excited we are to see, hear and read the amazing results from the 21-Day Detox Challenge. Pounds melting away, clothes fitting looser, and people just feeling great.

That was worth 21 days of effort, wouldn’t you say?

Before we announce the winners, I just wanted to give some highlights of what a few of you had to say about your experience eating the “21-Day Detox Way”. We are not claiming this is a miracle or the answer to all your nutrition and health problems, but based on these comments it sure made an impact for some people, and we are glad it did.

“My husband Paul and I participated in the 21 day detox and LOVED IT! I believe I already let you know how life-changing it’s been, We are still following it perfectly with no urges or cravings to reintroduce anything at this time. I received a call from my Lupus/rheumatoid doc and had to share the news with you. My inflammation markers in my labs, ALL of them, have not been this low since 2004!” – Mary C.

“Better sleep, clothes def fit better. Really enjoyed eating more veggies and just generally felt “cleaner” in eating…also, facial skin tone really improved and cellulite looks less…maybe my imagination, but it looks that way to me.  Hair also seems a little more healthy.” – Susan L.

“I became very mellow and experienced better sleep and more energy.  Workouts were better and clothes got a bit looser.  (I think I lost 10 pounds!)  The food was good and I even got my husband to eat dinners that I prepared.  I learned a lot about the foods I hadn’t eaten before – mostly the non-sugar condiments and the non-gluten flours, etc.  Although I’ve had celiac disease for several years, I wasn’t experimenting with the alternative flours and oils, so that was very helpful.” – Maura C.

“Lost 10 lbs. I see increased muscle definition. Slept well & had good energy. Found out I love green tea! 3-1/2 weeks later & don’t miss the coffee.” – Dennis M.

And these are just a few of dozens of great “Detox Reflections”. If you have not sent yours in yet we would love to hear it!

Hang in there and keep reading, the winners will be announced soon (no cheating by scrolling down).

I know we said weight loss on this plan was a happy side effect, but it was a pretty BIG side effect.

We had 149 people that weighed in at both the beginning and end of the challenge.

Those 149 amazing people lost 1083.6 pounds, for an average of 7.27 pounds each…that is over half a ton!

Not bad for 21 days work, eh? 🙂

To remind you we are awarding 2 prize packages.

  • Total Pounds Lost
  • Highest Percentage of Weigh Lost

Once again we want to thank our sponsors:

  • Diane Bottcher from Ahhscentials: All natural body and skin care selections.
  • Christen Scanlon from Peace & Balance Body Therapies: 60 minute massage, Signature facial and scalp treatment
  • Sonia Cormier from Thirty-One: One Thermal Tote and One Deluxe Duffel

So with no further adieu…

The winners are…

With a Total Pounds lost of  19.6 – Sue Brouillet

and with a Total Percentage lost of 8.19% – Peggy Crisman

Just an incredible job by these two ladies! Please congratulate them when you see them.

And here’s something else to think about.

Over the last 21 Days.

  • Did you learn something?
  • Did you try something new?
  • Did you discover something about yourself?
  • Did you start to believe that looking and feeling great is possible?

If any of those things are true, and I am confident they are, then you need to be congratulated on a win too. It’s about getting a little better, every day, and that’s what you did.

We appreciate you all for working so hard to make yourself better. At Get Fit NH we are committed to helping you keep the momentum going, so stay tuned – there is more coming!

Keep Making It Happen.

The Get Fit NH Health Team



Eat Your Way Right Habit 8: Avoid Reading Food Labels

Nutrition Label by Get Fit NHOk, I guess that is more the result of Habit 8 than the actual habit itself, but still, it is a big time saver!

In my article on Nutrition Labels (click here to read) we deciphered a label section by section and gave some guidelines as far as what we should be looking for when we are choosing what we are going to eat.

But what if we could avoid all that nightmare altogether and eat tasty and healthy foods all at the same time?

That is where Habit 8 comes into play.

EYWR Habit 8: Eat Mostly 1-Ingredient Foods

You see 1-ingredient foods don’t need a label. Another term you could use to describe them is whole foods.

Take a look at the shopping lists from ThePPWKitchen.com

PPW Kitchen Shopping List 1

PPW Kitchen Shopping List 2

What did you notice?

That’s right. These are lists of almost all 1-ingredient foods.

You may also have noticed that most of these are fresh foods. If they are not refrigerated, frozen or eaten within a few days they will spoil.

Those are the nutritious, nutrient packed, and yes, tasty foods you want to fuel your body with.

When you eat Whole Foods – 1 Ingredient foods, you are avoiding a lot of the nasty stuff you just shouldn’t be putting in your gut.

  • Added sugars
  • Added sodium
  • Preservatives
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Food dyes
  • Chemicals

and who knows what else!

When you start with whole foods YOU are in control. You get to decide what spices, and herbs or garnishes you add. You don’t have to worry about what’s “in there” except what you choose to add.

And no, eating 1-ingredient foods does not have to be boring.

Because you can still combine 1-ingredient foods into a delicious meal. In fact you can get pretty fancy using all 1-ingredient foods. For instance this Beef Fajita recipe from Coach Nancy is super easy to make and uses all 1-ingredient foods (unless you top with salsa):

Beef Fajitas

  • 1 ½ pound beef flank steak, cut into 6 even portions
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 large green pepper, cut into ½ pieces
  • 2 Tablespoon jalapeno peppers, can used canned
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped cilantro
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 14 ounce can stewed tomatoes, do not drain
  • Shredded cheddar cheese optional
  • Salsa, optional

Combine steak, onion, pepper, jalapeno, cilantro, garlic, chili powder, and coriander in slow cooker. Stir in tomatoes.

Cover and cook on low heat for 8-10 hours or on high 4-5. Using a slotted spoon, place on a bed of lettuce and sprinkle with cheese and salsa, if desired.

We are in the home stretch with Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays 2013, and I am proud of all of you who are taking steps, some small, some bigger, to reach your health and fitness goals and make 2014 your best year ever!

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Eat Your Way Right Habit 7: Control Your Calories w/ Zero Sugar Beverages

sugarHard to believe that we are 3/4 of the way through our end of year challenge!

Are you feeling good?

Are you learning some things about your habits and your body?

Are you starting to see that good choices lead to good outcomes?

Keep it up!

This week we are going to focus on keeping the “sneaky” calories that really add up out our nutrition plan.

Did you know that the typical large coffee has 35 grams of sugar in it? Just one a day is an extra 140 calories. Have one of those every day and that is an extra 980 calories a week, or 50,960 a year.

That’s enough calories to add 15 pounds a year – just from one cup of coffee a day!

Ever taken a look at the nutrition info from a double mocha peppermint latte? Ouch!

And even if you are not a coffee drinker there are plenty of other places where those calories are hiding. Soda, fruit juices, the wide variety of “sports performance drinks” that are supposed to be good for you. All these can add extra pounds and we don’t even think about.

Another downside to sugar in our beverages (even fruit juice) is how quickly it metabolizes and can cause blood sugar swings, which causes us to reach for more food, which adds up to even more calories.

So this week it is time to focus on those labels and see if there any sugar in there. But don’t be fooled by those sneaks, because they don’t all use the word “sugar”. Here’s some other names for sugar you might just see.

Barley malt
Cane juice crystals
Diastatic malt
Ethyl Maltol
Fruit juice
Golden syrup
Malt Syrup
Maple Syrup
Refiners syrup
Rice syrup


I would encourage you to start now to wean yourself off all calorie containing beverages, but start with the sugar. The simplest way to achieve this is to get used to drinking water, green tea, and sticking with black coffee. If you need a little cream that’s fine, but the less calories you drink the more your body will thank-you!

Make It Happen!

Eat Your Way Right Habit 7: Drink only zero sugar beverages

Fun Friday Challenge To Help End Hunger

youcanhelpWould you believe us if we told you we discovered a way to make Fun Friday’s even MORE fun?

I know, hard to believe, but it is true! Great thanks to Maria Gilbert, one of our 8:30 ladies, for planting the seed for this marvelous idea. As we know, we are approaching the holiday season very quickly and we live in state surrounded by poverty and hunger. It is the sad truth that sometimes we turn a blind eye to, but it is the season of giving. I am confident that Get Fit NH has more than enough helping hands to gather A LOT of non-perishable food items to make somebody’s holiday season a little merrier, what do you say? Are you up for the challenge?

Here’s how it works, come up with a challenge to complete before or after a training session on any Fun Friday during December. It could be anything, a dead lift challenge, ski erg, push up, pull up, anything! Declare your challenge on the sign- up sheet that will be located on the counter and then find a sponsor. Your sponsor will donate non-perishable food items based on your success. If you want to be REALLY brave, you can let your sponsor choose your challenge.

After you have completed your challenge, make sure your sponsor knows how you did so they can go shopping! 🙂 We will collect your food items here, and then donate them to our local food banks. I can’t think of a better way to remind us that we can make a difference!

For example:

Participant Challenge Sponsor
Coach Meagan Dead lift 1.5 X body weight For every repetition completed Coach Dean will donate 1 canned food item
Coach Dean Ski Erg 5 minutes For every 50 meters completed Coach Meagan will donate 1 non-perishable food item


These are just examples, be creative and challenge yourself. If you need an idea (or a push) your coaches are always there to guide you. Just remember that you are challenging yourself to help someone is going through challenging time.

There are only 3 Fun Friday’s in December so let’s make it happen!

Coach Meagan

P.S. According to our resources, the most needed items are:

  • Canned Chicken
  • Canned Tuna
  • Canned Salmon
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Mac n Cheese
  • Canned Soup/Stew/Chili
  • Canned/Dried Beans
  • Canned Nuts
  • Rice and Rice Mixes
  • Pasta
  • Noodle Mixes

Eat Your Way Right Habit 6: Start Your Recovery

smoothieHere is the bottom line.

Good post-training nutrition improves your body composition, performance and total recovery. Ignore it and those three will suffer. If we want to maximize our time in the gym, a proper focus on nutrition after training is key.

Nutrition Coach Ryan Andrews highlights the 3 primary reasons for having a solid post-training nutrition strategy:

Athletes/Exercisers want to:

  • Replenish their energy stores
  • increase muscle size and/or quality
  • repair any damage caused by the workout

And why do we want to do those three things?

“In doing so they want to increase performance, improve their appearance, and enable their bodies to remain injury free.”

and lastly from Dr. Andrews

“Proposed benefits of good post-workout nutrition include:

  • Improved recovery
  • Less muscle soreness
  • Increased ability to build muscle
  • Improved immune function
  • Improved bone mass
  • Improved ability to utilize body fat”

(You can read Dr. Andrews entire article on the Precision Nutrition site by clicking here)

Guys these are all good things, in case there is any doubt. Ignoring post-training nutrition as part of our overall nutrition strategy is not a good decision. You don’t want to be sore all the time, with suppressed immune function and your body holding onto fat like a 2 year old holds onto his favorite blanket, do you?

So what does good post-training nutrition look like?

There are really 2 parts to that answer.

  1. Consume a drink consisting of a protein/carb blend during and/or immediately after training
  2. Eat a whole food meal within 2 hours after training

I am going to go with the premise that most people reading this are looking to lose body fat. That being said a protein/carbohydrate ratio of about 1:1 seems to work pretty well, although going as high as 1:2 usually is just fine. You don’t have to go crazy with the amount of protein, ~15-25 grams is fine, with the corresponding ratio of carbohydrate.

Some good choices for Step #1:

  • Very Blueberry Smoothie (recipe here) has 27 grams of protein and 35 grams carbohydrates
  • Myoplex Nutrition Shake has 25 grams of protein and 23 grams of carbohydrate
  • If you want to go with something more solid, a Dale’s bar has 22 grams of protein and ~33 grams of carbohydrates depending on the flavor.

Step #2 corresponds with our previous habits. You want to have a meal that includes protein, vegetables, and this is also when you want to eat your “other” carbs, for all the reasons we outlined in previous weeks.

Many of our clients (the 8:30am ladies in Concord are very good at this) have their protein shake pre-mixed and waiting in the car for the ride home. This is ideal. As soon as you shout “Make It Happen” you should start sipping that drink or chewing that Dale’s bar. If you do that, you have Habit 6 covered!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does Habit 6 specify protein and not carbohydrate?

A: To remind us that a “sports performance drink” such as Gatorade(r) or Powerade(r) is not adequate, because it does not have enough protein to start the protein synthesis recovery process. We want carbs, but we need the protein first and foremost

Q: Why just after resistance exercise? What about after cardio?

A: When we specify resistance exercise we are talking about weight and/or interval training such as here as Get Fit NH, as opposed to endurance exercise. Resistance and metabolic resistance training is designed to break down the muscle in order to build it back up and make it stronger, which is why protein is needed for repair, and the carbohydrate assists recovery in that process. Endurance training generally does not elicit the same physiological requirements, unless it is continuous work for 45+ minutes.

Q: Do I have to eat the solid meal within 2 hours afterward, or can I just skip it so I can lose weight faster?

A: Skipping this meal is a real good way to get “skinny fat”. In other words you may drop total net pounds for a little while, but what is going to be left behind is less muscle and more saggy. Not cool. You want a foundation of lean muscle, yes, even you ladies. The appropriate amount of body fat on this foundation of lean is what gives you the “toned” look with curves in the right places. Guys, just stick to the muscle part, ok?

Eat Your Way Right Habit 6: Eat/Drink your recovery nutrition including lean protein within 1 hour after resistance training.


Last Minute Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas and Tips from Coach Nancy

top5Coach Nancy wrote an article a couple years ago that I wanted to share, because it fits in so well with the “Eat Your Way Right” theme. Take a couple minutes and discover “Coach Nancy’s Top 5 Way To Avoid Couch Coma”

And if for some reason you don’t quite have your meal plans for this week settled, I thought I’d pass on some great recipes from our friend Dr. Cassandra Forsythe. “Cass” know her nutrition, and she knows tasty foods, and this list she compiled is fantastic!


Green Beans with Lemon and Pine Nuts

Apple Cider-Braised Kabocha Squash with Golden Raisins and Onion
(Kabocha squash is also called Buttercup Squash) 

Acorn Squash Soup with Roasted Kale Chips and Pine Nuts

Parsnip Pancakes

Easy Roasted Seasonal Vegetables

Spicy Potatoes, Cabbage and Carrots 

Easy Grilled Beets

Quinoa-Stuffed Acorn Squash

Jicama Coleslaw

Cranberry Slaw 

Roasted Brussel Sprouts in Balsamic Glaze 

Spinach, Orange and Red Cabbage Salad 


Cranberry, Pear Wild-Rice Stuffing

Corn Bread and Sage Stuffing

Easy Corn Bread Stuffing Mix


Wheat Free Apple Crisp

Pumpkin Custard (for crustless pumpkin pie) 

Apple Crisp with Oatmeal Topping 


Eat Your Way Right Bonus: Splurge Survival Calendar

Christmas CalendarIt’s no secret that the holidays bring some real challenges when it comes to eating. That is reason #1 why we are doing our “Eating Your Way Right Through The Holidays” challenge!

Well we want to put another tool in your hands to help you take your survival strategy up one more notch. Our colleagues over at Results Fitness in California are having a challenge similar to ours, which they are calling “Holiday Hold ‘Em”. I am guessing they have a few poker players over there. 🙂 They sent me an email with what I thought was a really great strategy involving a calendar and a few minutes of your time.

Like Get Fit NH, Results Fitness emphasizes 90% nutrition compliance, not perfection. What they suggested was pulling out a calendar, calculating how many splurge meals you could have between now and the end of the holiday season, and marking an “x” on all the days and mealtimes you were planning your splurge. A great idea that goes right along with the planning you have already been doing.

We took it one step further and created a calendar for you that covers between today (Monday November 25th) through the end of the year.

Here is what mine looks like:


My strategy was simple and realistic.

I am currently eating 3 meals per day. This allows me 12 splurge meals between now and January 4th, which is the end of the final holiday week.

I knew I would be in the kitchen on Wednesday starting some cooking, and anytime that starts I am probably going to do some sampling, so I planned a splurge there. On Thursday I figured my breakfast will be normal, but the other two meals of the day I better plan on being non-compliant. Add one meal in on Friday for some leftovers, and we are good to go. I used the same strategy for the week of Christmas. That takes up 8 out of the 12 allotted. Figure on a party on New Years Eve and that still leaves me with 3. My strategy then was to use one on each Saturday night of the “non-holiday” weeks, and that gives me 12 total.

This calendar helps me for a couple reasons. I have to have a plan or I will justify sneaking things here or there and not counting them. I like the visual aid. It helps me see that  I can still have some days where compliance does not have to be perfect but I am still on track.

One important caveat: You can still lose fat and stay on track over the holidays, but you HAVE to stick to your plan and you have to keep training. Don’t skip training sessions and think it won’t matter. It is the consistency of the training, keeping that metabolism in high gear, plus eating correctly the rest of the time that leads to success. I believe in you, now you gotta Make It Happen!

Download Your Splurge Survival Calendar Here

Eat Your Way Right Habit 5: FAT is Not a 4-Letter Word

fatYou are a Fathead.

Yes, you are, and no, I am not insulting you.

Your brain is comprised of approximately 60% lipids (aka fat), and our cell membranes are fat based as well. According to Dr. Ryan Andrews the fat we eat literally becomes part of our cells, and has a huge impact on if our nervous system communicates properly. I was amazed to learn that a properly balanced fat intake can affect how my entire body functions, from our brain power on down. You really are what you eat!

Here is what else Dr. Andrews has to say about the importance of healthy fats in our “diet”:

Why are healthy fats so important?

Fats exert powerful effects within the body and healthy fats have been shown to offer the following benefits.

Strong evidence

Cardiovascular protection (though there is less evidence for protecting against heart failure)
Improve body composition
Alleviate depression

Average evidence

Prevent cancers
Preserve memory
Preserve eye health
Reduce incidence of aggressive behaviour
Reduce ADHD and ADD symptoms

When it comes to healthy fat, intake amount is important. People are often concerned about excess dietary fat, but not getting enough fat may also cause health problems.

We need adequate fat to support metabolism, cell signaling, the health of various body tissues, immunity, hormone production, and the absorption of many nutrients (such as vitamins A and D). Having enough fat will also help keep you feeling full between meals.

(Read Ryan’s Complete Article – “All About Healthy Fats”)

So what the good doctor is saying is that we need healthy fats – to be healthy!

The first kind of fat is saturated fat, and if you eat animal protein, you usually have no problem getting that one in, maybe even a bit too much.

The other two are unsaturated fats – poly and mono. These include the Omega-3s which are found in fish such as salmon, as well as nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Far from being unhealthy, all of these types of fats are crucial for optimal health.

It is also important to balance out the ratio of the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The reason Omega-3 supplements are necessary for most people is that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has been dumped on it’s head by the way our food is raised and processed. What used to be a 1:1 ratio of 6 to 3 is now more like 16:1, and this does not allow proper cell functioning and integrity. That’s why we recommend a good Omega-3 supplement for everybody. 3-6 grams of EPA/DHA per day is the recommendation. Super Omega-3 is what we carry in the gym because you are getting over 3 grams of the good stuff in one teaspoon, which is outstanding. You can read more about Super Omega-3 in this article: Fish Oil and Why You Are Getting Ripped Off

You have been lied to

Low fat diets stink. You aren’t getting the health benefits outlined above, but that is not all. Healthy fats cause satiety, or the feeling of being full longer, more than protein and certainly more than carbohydrates. You know it’s true. You can blast through 2 or 3 donuts and be hungry an hour later. Try eating a couple eggs and an avocado and see what happens – I can guarantee you will be fuller longer. Part of the reason is that it takes fat a lot longer to digest than carbohydrate, so it doesn’t empty from your stomach and travel through the digestive system as fast.

But won’t all that fat go right to my waistline?

Au’ contraire, mon ami!

Eating fat does not “make you fat”. Eating excess of anything will cause it to be stored as excess energy (fat). And an argument can (and is) being made because it is easier to overeat carbohydrate than it is fat or protein, increasing your fat intake is a good nutrition strategy when looking for overall calorie reduction. It helps keep you full longer and also avoid the huge blood sugar crashes that can accompany carbohydrate intake, particularly from simple carbs.

EYWR Habit 5: Eat Recommended Healthy Fats Daily.

If you track your calories, 30-35% of daily caloric intake is a good place to start. If you eat meat, particularly red meat, you are getting plenty of saturated fat, believe me, so we need to concentrate on the others, the poly and monounsaturated.

Here’s a partial list of things that are easy to add into our plan.

  • Avocado
  • Fatty Fish (salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, mackerel)
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Flax seed Oil
  • Fish Oil
  • Omega-3 eggs

Don’t go crazy. As you may remember 1 gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories, while 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, so portion control needs to be paid attention to. Too much of something good is not good, and we all know how easy it is to overeat things like almonds and macadamia nuts (love those things!)

Caution: If you are taking blood thinners, have heart issues, or have a bleeding disorder you absolutely need to check with your physician before supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids (Fish/Algae Oils).  Just do it!

Healthy Fats. Every Day. No Excuses.

Make It Happen!




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