30 Challenge Update – Days 8 thru 14

hOk guys, by the time you read this you should be three or four days into the 30 day challenge.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page here for daily updates and to tell us how you are doing.

By the way, how are you doing so far?

In order to prepare you for next week, check out the challenges for days 8 through 14, and prepare to win!

30 Challenges in 30 Days, 8 – 14

Day 8-    No artificial sweeteners in your drinks. What did you drink instead?

Day 9-    Eat healthy fats, fish oil, avocado etc.

Day 10-    Take A Multivitamin. We recommend a good whole vitamin like Prograde VGF 25+ (Click Here for Details) but start anywhere

Day 11-    Log your food for the day. Did you do it? Find it helpful?

Day 12-    No cheese of any kind today, just because! What did you eat instead?

Day 13-     Post a recipe to our Facebook page here: http://facebook.com/getfitnh, or in the comment section of this post if you are not on Facebook.

Day 14-    Plan one weeks menu. Tell us how this will help you eat better during week 3.

Make It Happen!


Are You in My Club?

programdesignI talk to many people on the phone, at public events, and one on one. Once they hear what my job is then I often hear: “OH, I can’t do that because…….. I don’t know how to make time for that I have to……. There is no way I will do that I need ……..  They are part of a club that I would rather not be in.

Can you fill in this blank?

My ______________keeps me from being better every day.

Most of us have busy lives and we have to work to get in our training. We could also fill in the blank because of financial reasons. Children might be your answer for the blank. There are so many reasons; not sure what to do first, I’m too out of shape, I like my pizza too much to give it up, I work in a donut shop, I’m almost 50, I have grandchildren. Believe me I’ve heard them all. So what fills in your blank? Do you really want to be in that club?

Now it bugs me that that first question is negative. I am a glass half full type of person. So lets look at the question in a different direction.

Can you fill in this blank?

Because of ____________________ I am getting better every day.

I have a long- winded answer to that blank.

“Because I want to run, not walk, not sit and watch but run with all my grandchildren (when I have some) I am getting better every day.

I could be blessed with grandchildren at any time. My oldest son is almost 27 and Dean and I have a son who is almost 26.  Grandchildren is a possibility in my mid forties. But wait, I also have a 10, 8, and 6 year old. Add 20 years to my ‘mid forties’ and now I am mid 60’s before grandchildren might come along. Will I be able to run at 65? What about at 75? And 80? That is my plan. I want to be that crazy grandma that makes her kids shake their head and say, “Yes, that is my mom who is 83 and playing soccer or baseball or skydiving.”

What blank was easier to fill in? If it was the first one lets look deep inside and find a way to overcome the negative. Lets find a way to Make It Happen every day.

To your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

A Personal Note from Coach Dean

smileyI guess it is ironic to say this note is personal since it is being broadcast to the world, and frankly I would rather share my heart with each of our clients in person, but it is just not possible, so this will have to do.

First and foremost let me say that I love coaching, it has been and remains my passion. The hours on the floor coaching you all are the highlights of my working day. In the beginning I could have never imagined a day when I wouldn’t be coaching every session. But as this adventure called Get Fit NH has grown that has not been possible.

At one time I coached every session in Epsom along with Nancy. When we expanded into Concord Nancy took over the morning in Epsom and I coached mornings in Concord. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, because it meant I didn’t get to spend time with all the fantastic clients that helped us get this thing off the ground. And then came the inevitable expansion into afternoons in Concord, which meant turning those sessions over to the more than capable hands of Coach Nancy as well. Another really hard step, but Nancy has not been 3-time “Best of the Best” coach in NH for no reason. She embodies what a coach should be.

As Concord grew we needed to add more coaches there as well. I am proud of our coaching team in Concord. Coaches Erin and Meagan are tremendous coaches who care deeply about our clients and strive to live the principles we embody here – getting better every day. As opportunities for Get Fit NH opened up into other arenas such as coaching our corporate clients at New Hampshire Motor Speedway it took me out of the afternoon classes a couple days a week as well. Which kind of brings us where we are now, and the reason for the note.

I have reluctantly come to accept that my role has and is changing. The afternoon sessions in Concord know that I am rarely on the floor anymore when I am there. That reflects a few things, not the least of which is that you have two world class coaches on the floor with you during that session, and I have the utmost confidence in them. One of my roles that has gotten larger and broader in scope is being a “coach of coaches”, both here and when I travel. Our coaching staff is a reflection of the many hours they put in and we put in to us all being better.

Here comes the “from the heart” part. At Get Fit NH we are a family. Training is what we do, and I know I am biased but we have proven in the marketplace we are among the best at training and coaching our clients. But I always wanted it to be deeper than that. I want Get Fit NH to be a place that is the best part of your day every time you walk through the door. I want it to be a place where you want to come to train, not “have to go to workout”. I want you to train hard, but laugh harder. I want you to feel joy, not drudgery. And for the most part I believe we are accomplishing that, which makes me very happy.

But these things don’t happen in a vacuum. The whole team puts in a lot of effort to make it happen. The time Nancy and I spend on the coaching floor is less than half the hours we put in on any given week, and I assure you we love it and are not complaining. We have many exciting things coming down the road, including our “Performance Project”, “My Lean University”, both home study and live versions and much more to help our clients reach their goals. It’s gonna be cool!

But the reality is that in developing these things it has taken a bit of a toll on my family and my kids. I was reminded this weekend once again how short life is as a bus crash in Indiana claimed the life of a three people, including a young man my son Jeff graduated from high school with and was friends with, his wife and unborn baby. Events like that tend to narrow one’s focus, don’t they?

We are currently looking for another coach to hire and develop, so we can continue to expand our offerings and shift some of the load when appropriate. When one of us steps out of a coaching session it doesn’t mean we don’t want to be there, it just means that someone else is equipped to do a better job than we can. It doesn’t do you any good to have a tired and burned out coach on the floor, now does it? 🙂

I just want you to know that I care very much about all our clients, even y’all out in Epsom who I don’t know well or sometimes don’t get to meet for awhile. In staff meeting we all sit around and gossip about every one of you. 🙂

Ok, not really, but we do talk about your progress, injury updates, how to get you back in here when life gets in your way – the important stuff that helps us help you.

I hope this makes sense. None of our staff is going anywhere (that I know of).  This note is just an attempt to let you know what is going on in our efforts to provide you with the tools you need to keep Making It Happen.

With Deepest Respect and Affection.

Coach Dean


New “Ninja” Summer Smoothie Recipes Are Here!


Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie Tastes GOOD!

For all those Ninja users, check out the recipes below, and if you don’t currently have a Ninja or a Vitamix – What are you waiting for? Read what Nadine of 8:30am fame has to say.

“I recently purchased a Kitchen Ninja! Awesome tool!

It is a food processor, juicer & blender all in one!! It also comes with 3 processor cups & travel lids (perfect for smoothies!!) Purchase price was around $80 but you could go through several cheaper versions & spend just as much or even more in the long run.

Would definitely gives this gadget a whirl!! No pun intended!!! Lol!” – Nadine J.

The recipes below are wonderful additions as a recovery drink post training. Nadine has wonderful tasting recipes and they also contain veggies alongside the protein. Thank you Nadine for these delicious recipes.

Most of my smoothie recipes are the same basic ingredients & then I change up the fruits with the season. Also you can add ice if you like your smoothie thicker (“frozen” like).

My daughters will sometimes use organic 0% fat plain Greek yogurt (that we’ve frozen in 1/2 cup portions) instead of the protein powder.

I try to keep my recipes simple so that the ingredients can be easily switched around & all the ingredients’ flavors can be tasted.”

The basics:

  • one cup of either unsweetened almond coconut milk, unsweetened vanilla or chocolate almond milk, or unsweetened coconut milk
  • one scoop of vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder (I am hooked on the SFH brand because it is from local, grass fed, free range animals; thanks for finding this brand!!!
  • a cup of frozen fruit of your choice (I always use what is in season, organic, & local; well except for pineapple, bananas & mango; can’t find local for those) 🙂
  • 2 handfuls of organic spinach or kale
  •  Then more almond/coconut milk if needed for thinness if desired.

My favorites:

 “That’s Just Peachy”

  • unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • vanilla whey protein
  • Dash of real organic vanilla extract
  • frozen peaches
  • Spinach

“Pineapple Colada “

  • Unsweetened coconut milk
  • Vanilla Whey protein powder
  • Frozen pineapple
  • Spinach
  • Throw in some unsweetened shredded coconut if you want a “pulpy” taste

“Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter”

  • Chocolate Almond milk
  • Chocolate Whey protein powder
  • 1 tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 frozen banana (if it was a large banana)
  • 1-2 tbsp of organic peanut butter
  • Spinach or kale

“Chocolate Almond Cherry”

  • Chocolate Almond milk
  • Chocolate Whey Protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp chocolate cocoa
  • Frozen cherries
  • Spinach or kale
  • Dash organic almond extract


I am currently trying to experiment with a “Cucumber Mojito” smoothie. I will send you that one when I “get it right”.

Hope you enjoy these!

Nadine J.

30 Challenges In 30 Days Starts Next Monday, July 29 – Sweet!

hAhh the dog days of summer!

What is it about we New Englanders anyways?

When the sun is out it’s too hot! And then we are surprised that it actually rains around here too – weird. 🙂

I say we get our minds off things we cannot control (like the weather) and focus on some things we can control – way more productive, wouldn’t you say?

30 Challenges in 30 Days

Every day starting Monday July 29th you will get a new challenge for the day. It will be posted on our Facebook page located here: https://www.facebook.com/getfitnh, so make sure you “like” us to get the daily update.  After you complete the challenge post that you completed the challenge and if required how you made it happen.

Since some of the challenges require you a little preparation or forethought, we will post the next few days ahead of time here on the blog to help you out. I assure you that every single one of these things is something you can do, and when you do them your body will thank you that you did!

We will also come up with a little something something for everybody who completes all 30 days, so don’t skip days!

Here’s the first 7 days so you can get prepared:

Day 1: Drink at least 64 ounces of water

Day 2: Don’t eat after dinner

Day 3: Eat 5 servings of Vegetables (http://www.getfitnhbootcamp.com/11841/s3-2013-habit-3-eat-vegetable-with-each-eating-opportunity/)

Day 4: Do not eat anything out of a bag, box or can

Day 5: Eat at least 20 grams of protein at 3 meals (http://www.getfitnhbootcamp.com/11759/s3-2013-habit-2-eat-lean-protein-dense-foods-with-each-meal/)

Day 6: Visit a CSA or local Farmers Market

Day 7: Prep your food today for tomorrow (cut veggies, pack lunch, etc.)

See? All those things are things you can do, so let’s Make It Happen!

Who’s In With Me?

Do Something That Scares You!

photo (2)For those of you who have already seen some of the photos of Nancy, Lori, Laurie, Glenn and me skydiving, you are well aware that we did something that scared us most of us – jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet!

For me the scariest part was on the plane on the way up and just before the jump.

It wasn’t fear of the height, or even the fall.

It was the fear of the unknown.

I had never done it before, I wasn’t in control, and I couldn’t be sure of the outcome.

But if you think about it aren’t those common denominators in most if not all our fears?

Could be skydiving, could be doing a 5K, could be starting (or committing fully) to a training program, or could be trying brussels sprouts for the first time.

What if…? We think of all the negative possibilities, while rarely focusing on the amazing outcomes that could, and many times does occur.

I’ve had the blessing of a number of first over the past few years.

  • I lost 100 pounds for the first (and last) time.
  • Did my first 5K.
  • Had my first (and second) daughter (Yes I know Nancy did the hard work)
  • Married off my first (and second) son.
  • Did my first Spartan Sprint, Warrior Dash, Renegade Playground Challenge, and Tough Mudder.
  • Jumped out of an airplane.
  • And many more I can’t think of right now.

Each of those things caused me unnecessary anxiety (isn’t all of it unproductive and unnecessary?)

  • What if I don’t reach my weight loss goal?
  • What if my time is too slow (for what?)
  • What if there are problems with the births?
  • What if the girls wise up and back out? 🙂
  • What if I break my neck? (That would apply to both the runs and the skydiving)

Wouldn’t it have been more productive, and wouldn’t I have enjoyed myself more if my mindset was totally focused on the positive?

  • I am going to look and feel so much better and be so much healthier when I reach my goal!
  • This will be my benchmark for improvement for next time!
  • I can’t believe I am going to have a daughter after four boys! How cool is that?
  • I am so proud of my boys for becoming fine young men marrying amazing women!
  • I am doing what most guys my age (or any age) wouldn’t dream of doing, with the woman I love. What a blessed life I have!

And while all those thoughts went through my mind as well, I am sorry I let some of the negative creep in there too, because none of the things I was worried about happened, and even if they had, worrying wouldn’t have stopped it.

I am not saying you shouldn’t plan, prepare and consider outcomes. But don’t live life being paralyzed by the fear of the unknown and “what if’s”. That’s no way to live. It will suck the joy out of everything you do, and we need all the joy we can get.

So what thing that you have been afraid of are you finally going to do?

What fear are you going to overcome?

What challenge are you going to tackle?

How are you going to Make It Happen?

Love to hear your thoughts!

Coach Dean

You Won!

girls with watermelonI am so proud of all those participating in S3 Sizzlin Summer Slimdown. I’ve seen and others are expressing what S3 has done for them.

On our Sizzlin Summer Slimdown Facebook page with 10 posts, there has been over 110 pounds reported lost in the 7 weeks of our challenge. That is the size of my two girls together with one of them holding a watermelon!

And that’s just from 10 of y’all, so we want to hear how you did too. Visit here to chime in!

With that said, weight loss was not our only goal. Healthy eating toward healthier living was and is even more important.

I asked those at Get Fit NH Epsom to write up some of the things they have gained in knowledge in order to encourage each other.

Here is what they said.

  • Pants fit better
  • Eating carrots
  • Zero calorie drinks
  • Most of the time, I tracked the food I was eating
  • Awareness
  • Eating Healthier causes me to eat slower
  • 2 Belt Holes
  • Eating more often
  • Fewer carbs/ breads
  • Getting my family to all eat PPW3
  • Less carbs = flatter stomach
  • Eating more veggies and drinking more water
  • Weight loss and Awareness
  • Creativity in eating veggies

Love it!



I told you you won, and you did.


If you are eating better than seven weeks ago – you won!

If you are healthier than seven weeks ago – you won!

If your family is reaping the benefits – you won!

If you continue with these seven habits – you will continue to win!

Make It Happen,

Coach Nancy




So Now What Do I Do?

SizzlingSummer-S3-13LogoYikes S3 is over and now I don’t know what to do.

“I’m going to continue on with all the S3 habits”

“I really like the progress I have made so far.”

“It was easy for me to complete habit 3 but habit 6 was a lot harder”

“Wow, I am more aware of what goes in my mouth for nutrition now.”

I have heard these comments with the final weigh in. The goal of S3 is not a contest as much as a teaching tool to help you slowly build healthy habits into your nutrition.

Now ask yourself.

Can you keep those habits?

How will you stay accountable?

After talking with many at Get Fit NH we’ve realized that some of you want more personal attention and accountability to help you reach your goals faster.

So with that in mind, we’ve decided to re-open our private accountability group to personally work with you to help you reach your goals.

The Fat Loss Accountability Group (F.L.A.G.) is specifically designed to make you more accountable, give you plenty of opportunity to work more closely with us to troubleshoot your lifestyle to accelerate your progress and ultimately help you lose fat faster than you are now.

This group is for those clients who have had challenges sticking with a nutrition plan beyond a few weeks in the past, and need regular accountability and group support to make sure their plan is being followed consistently.

As a member of the Fat Loss Accountability Group you will receive:

Members Only Coaching and Support Group: Having a healthy support system in place is crucial to staying on track. This is the place to share your challenges, get your questions answered, and find out what’s working for others.

Weekly Food Log Review & Coaching: According to a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, keeping a food journal can actually result in doubling your weight loss – it’s that important! Each week your coach will review a minimum of 3 days of your food log and provide coaching feedback.

Weekly Accountability Check-In: In addition to your food log, you will be responsible to tell us about your successes and challenges for the week, and outline your plan for next week.

The Fat Loss Accountability Group is the perfect complement to your current trainging at Get Fit NH and will keep you armed with all the knowledge and support you’ll ever need to reach your fitness and fat loss goals faster than ever before.

Please fill out the contact form indicating you are ready to enroll, and we will give you a call to get your account set up.

I look forward to having you take part in FLAG – Fat Loss Accountability Group.

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

What others are saying about FLAG

Jayne says:

“Train hard and expect the weight should just drop off, right? Wrong.  After attending boot camp for four days a week for over a year, I was finally able to admit that my eating habits were keeping my weight up and my energy level down.   That is when I joined FLAG.  The program provides guidance, accountability and education to support a more healthier high protein way of eating that results in weightless and increased energy.  One of the great things about the program is that it does not involve calorie counting, so it isn’t like going on a ‘diet” but rather changing bad eating habits for the long haul. 
I did not join FLAG feeling entirely ready for it, I wanted the results but knew it would hard work getting them.  As I learned more and had a chance to meet and share struggles with others who were feeling the same way, little by little I evolved and the results followed.  I wouldn’t have imagined it before, but for the first time ever I feel good about my weight and have said goodbye to the daily mid-afternoon energy crash.  For me, FLAG was the additional tool I needed to get the results I’ve wanted since joining Get Fit NH a year and a half ago.” – Jayne Millerick

And here’s a word from Donna

“FLAG has taught me that nothing happens overnight.   Whether it is weight drop or the desire to eat properly.  It is teaching me patience.   It is teaching me that you can still eat out and make wise choices in what you eat. 

In the beginning it was rough.  The weight was not moving.  I didn’t think that I was ever going to drop a pound.  But then it started to go down.   It’s not going down quickly but it’s staying off and that is the whole idea.  I’m learning that it’s OK to splurge once in awhile as long as you get back on track.  This can’t be thought of as a “diet” but a “life style change”.  Life is full of ups and downs you just can’t let the downs keep you down.

Since starting FLAG I have lost almost 10 pounds.  That doesn’t seem like much but I have been able to go down two sizes in pants and that makes me really happy.  Still working on building up the muscle though.  Everything takes time.

What would I say to someone that wants to join.  The biggest thing would be to not expect instant change.  Have patience.  Listen to all the encouragement from others.  We have all been there and are still there.  This is a learning process.  Knowledge takes time.  Use the tools that are given to you.  And most importantly, keep a positive attitude.  If you slip up and have a bad day, bad week it will pass.   But you have to have the mind set to really want it.” – Donna Weilnau

As promised, there is no hard sell, these ladies tell it like it is. Consistency, patience, accountability, attitude. Best fat burner out there! 🙂

Stay tuned for enrollment information coming in a few days. If you are ready, now is the time!


Two Wheels on the Bike Go Round and Round

bikeThe weather has been outstanding. My kids have been outside for most of the day. They come in exhausted and hungry.

At our Breakfast Kitchen Seminar I was reminded of one of their favorite things to do; ride their bikes.

I was asked this question:

“I heard from ****** that I should put 80% of my effort into nutrition and only 20% of my effort into training. What is the percentage you, (that being Nancy) would put on each? “

To the right is a picture of my son Andrews bicycle. When this question was asked I thought about him zipping along on his bike as fast as he could.

You see when we taught him to ride we didn’t suggest he pull the front brake lever and pedal as hard as he could. That would be kind of mean. In fact he wouldn’t go much of anywhere. Both wheels need to move freely to make forward progress.

It’s the same thing with our training and eating.

If I put all my effort into making only the front wheel go (we will call this nutrition) and I didn’t let the back wheel move (no exercise), I would go places but it would be slow and tough going. The same applies if I put most of my effort into the back wheel (exercise) and only a little into spinning the front (my nutrition).

But what if I let both wheels go at 100% effort?

I go places.

You have to do both to be lean and healthy. Exercise. Supportive Nutrition.

2 Wheels. Same Bike.

Brakes Off. 100%.

Make it Happen.

Coach Nancy





For 2013 It’s Not An Option

hI was reminded by birthday girl Muriel Hall (60 is the new 40 – woohoo!) of something that was in the book “Younger Next Year” that we reviewed a few weeks ago.

Training is your new job. (You need to read the book to get the total context, so get a copy, it’s well worth it.)

Now I know the word “job” doesn’t always bring up the most pleasant images to all of our minds, but in this case it is completely apropos.

Because you need to take your training every bit as seriously as you take your vocation, if not more so.

Most of us hold more than one job in our lifetime. Some of us work for different companies or even change our profession once or more over the course of our careers.

But while you can do many things in and with your life, you only get one life to do them in.

And your quality of life is almost totally dependent on how you choose to live it.

You see most people do not die of old age. They die of disease, and in most cases largely preventable disease.

Heart disease, diabetes, many cancers – in the vast majority of people these are entirely preventable. There are reams of evidence that support this in this book and hundreds of other sources.

And it doesn’t take a 40 or 50 hour work week to gain the tremendous health benefits that exercise offers.

A 4-hour workweek (thanks Tim Ferris) will go a long way to keeping disease at bay and your quality of life high.

But you can’t expect payback if you don’t do the work.

I mean you can’t saunter in the office 2 out of 5 days a week, go through the motions without getting any real work done, and then expect a full paycheck.

Most of us spend much time, effort and money to get good at our jobs. We invest in an education so we can be good at what we do. We invest time to study, we give up sleep so we can make the grade.

And there is nothing wrong with that, it is an honorable thing to work hard and derive satisfaction from your work.

If you want to live a healthy life, you have to work just as hard.

A new year is upon us.

And while I am not a big fan of resolutions, I am a fan of getting honest.

What do you really want for yourself in 2013?

I have thought long and hard about this over the last week or so, and I need to make some changes in my own life.

Because I don’t always live my life in congruity with what I say I want.

My priorities are not always where they should be, and that’s not who I want to be.

So I’ll work on getting better.

I’ll work on making what I say my priorities are and my actions be one and the same.

What about you?

What does 2013 have in store for you?

If 2012 was not all you wanted it to be, do something about it.

If you want change, you have to be the change.

It’s not enough to say it.

You have to live it.

Think about it – Life IS your full-time job.

Be the best at it that you possibly can.

In 2013 Don’t Make Excuses, Make It Happen!











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