Two Wheels on the Bike Go Round and Round

bikeThe weather has been outstanding. My kids have been outside for most of the day. They come in exhausted and hungry.

At our Breakfast Kitchen Seminar I was reminded of one of their favorite things to do; ride their bikes.

I was asked this question:

“I heard from ****** that I should put 80% of my effort into nutrition and only 20% of my effort into training. What is the percentage you, (that being Nancy) would put on each? “

To the right is a picture of my son Andrews bicycle. When this question was asked I thought about him zipping along on his bike as fast as he could.

You see when we taught him to ride we didn’t suggest he pull the front brake lever and pedal as hard as he could. That would be kind of mean. In fact he wouldn’t go much of anywhere. Both wheels need to move freely to make forward progress.

It’s the same thing with our training and eating.

If I put all my effort into making only the front wheel go (we will call this nutrition) and I didn’t let the back wheel move (no exercise), I would go places but it would be slow and tough going. The same applies if I put most of my effort into the back wheel (exercise) and only a little into spinning the front (my nutrition).

But what if I let both wheels go at 100% effort?

I go places.

You have to do both to be lean and healthy. Exercise. Supportive Nutrition.

2 Wheels. Same Bike.

Brakes Off. 100%.

Make it Happen.

Coach Nancy





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