CJ Best is Back!

phlogoblackYeah, I thought that would get your attention! I am really excited to finally reveal a top secret project that we have been working on in collaboration with Performance Health Spine & Sports Therapy. Many of you have benefited greatly from working with Dr. Coapland, CJ, and now Dr. King, as they have helped keep your body working in tip top shape.

I greatly value our relationship with Performance Health. Because they speak the “language” of the Function Movement Screen (FMS), and because they are so good at what they do, we can more quickly get to the root of what may be causing movement pattern restriction or pain, and then work together to make sure you are getting the best care both in and out of the gym.

We are about to crank that up another notch!

I am pleased to announce that CJ Best will be available for Onsite ART/Body Work at the Concord location starting next Thursday, July 30, 2015. This service is being offered exclusively to Get Fit NH clients from both locations.

Here is CJ: “I want to bring manual therapy into a training environment for many reasons. It can improve joint mobility in a very short amount of time. It can also act as a neuromuscular reset so the soft tissue is primed for the best use in a subsequent training session. Manual therapy post training can aid in recovery as well. The biggest reason to pair ART with strength training, in my opinion, is performance enhancement. Soft tissue that is stiff and tight can’t help generate force. Therefore, if the tissue is released, strength goes up, simple as that. When very specific manual therapy addresses mobility restrictions it allows the person to get into challenging positions with more ease, and this helps increase stability.”

In other words – CJ is going to help fulfill the mission of Get Fit NH. When you move better you can exercise harder, and that in turn helps you Lose Fat, Get Lean, and Look and Feel Great!

For those of you who already are patients of Performance Health, you know the benefits of this kind of work. Because CJ knows you and your history, he can quickly get down to work and help you get ready for the training session to come or facilitate recovery post-training. For new clients, CJ will act as liaison to the doctors at Performance Health by looking at your FMS and making the appropriate decision as to the next step in your care.

The really unbelievable thing is how affordable this is for you. Appointments will be in 10 minute blocks for the incredibly low fee of $10/block. Take THAT ridiculous co-pays! 🙂 Please note all billing will be done through CJ and Performance Health.

Scheduling an appointment is also super easy. Just go to Get Fit NH’s blog page here (if you are reading this you are probably already there) and follow these steps:

  • On the right sidebar their is a widget that reads “Schedule Now”.
  • Click “Schedule” and a calendar will appear.
  • Click on the Thursday you want to make an appointment.
  • From the drop down list choose an available time and click “Select”
  • Fill in the info and click “Reserve”

Appointments are available Thursdays from 5:30am to 10:30am, as well as 4:00pm to 6:45pm.

I cannot emphasize enough how excited we as a team are to have CJ back in the house. I know our clients appreciate high level service and top level care, and this is just one more way we can serve you better. I expect to see that schedule fill up fast, so don’t delay in making an appointment. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Make It Happen! – Dean

cjCJ Best

CJ graduated from the University of Southern Maine with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, where, during a senior independent study, he developed and helped implement a strength and conditioning curriculum. After graduation, CJ accepted a position as an intern Strength and Conditioning Coach at North Carolina State, where he coached various teams from baseball and basketball, to wrestling, track sprinters, and jumpers, to swimmers and more.

CJ then dove into the world of triathlons as an Operations Manager for Endorfun Sports, who produced 5 large races per year. In 2010, he formed his own company, Best Strength and Conditioning, LLC, where he coaches athletes and active individuals to this day. To add to his repertoire, CJ engaged in the world of endurance sports, taking up cycling and running, culminating in a 50-mile ultramarathon.

In 2014, CJ’s desire to help his clients went one step further when he earned his Massage Therapy License, and two certifications in Active Release Techniques ®. His passion for learning fuels his desire to teach the people with whom he loves to work. He learned from some of the most progressive minds in the fields of strength and conditioning, manual therapy, and human movement, attending seminars featuring Charlie Weingroff, DPT, CSCS, Stuart McGill, DC, and Mike Leahy, DC. He also attended the Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group in both 2013 and 2014.

At Performance Health Spine & Sport Therapy, CJ utilizes his expertise in exercise science and manual therapy to educate his clients, assist in recovery, alleviate pain, and enhance performance.


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