Get Fit NH Scan Day

We are about to put our Stkyu body scanner to WORK! Effective immediately we are implementing a Get Fit NH scan day one Saturday per month. We really want to be more consistent in offering you guys data, results and beyond the gym coaching. It can feel rushed when scanning between classes so we are working to solve the problem by offering a day that is typically more flexible for people.

We expect this to be pretty popular so we are going to ask that you sign up (and show up.) We will have one coach scanning clients and then we will give you your numbers and the opportunity to chat with a second coach about your success strategy while the scan coach keeps running clients through the scanner. 

This will also serve as an opportunity to hit the scanner on a monthly and consistent basis, while ensuring our newer clients have the opportunity to get their initial scans in. 

Our first scan day is Saturday, October 16th from 8 am - 10 am. You do NOT need to pick a specific time, but we do want to know who to expect.

Please sign up here

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